A/N- So I was looking around the Hp/pjato crossovers on this site, and I ran across a story with this idea. I liked it so much I decided to make my own spin off of it. enjoy!

"An explosion, a tidal wave, a whirlwind of power simultaneously catching me up and blasting me downward into the lava. Fire and water collided, superheated steam, and I shot upward from the heart of the volcano in a huge explosion, just one piece of flotsam thrown free by a million pounds of pressure. The last thing I remembered before losing consciousness was flying, flying so high Zeus would never have forgiven me, and then beginning to fall, smoke and fire and water streaming from me. I was a comet hurtling toward the earth." (Battle of the Labyrinth pgs., 1038-1040)

It was a rare, sunny, Saturday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. Most students were outside enjoying the sun flying on their broomsticks, picnicking by the lake, or reading under a tree. Harry Potter and his best friends Ron and Hermione were stretched out on the lawn enjoying a picnic lunch.

Harry was laughing at a joke Ron made about a certain potions professor when he noticed a dark figure in the sky. He frowned and sat up straight.

"What is that?" He asked pointing towards the sky. Ron raised an eyebrow and turned in the direction his friend was indicating. He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sun his eyes narrowing.

"I don't know mate, but it looks like its falling." He gulped nervously his eyes never leaving the sight. Hermione looked up from her book to see what the boys were blathering about. What she saw confused her, at first she thought it was a meteor with fire and smoke streaming off, but as the object came closer it only became clearer.

"I-I think it's a person!" She exclaimed frantically jumping to her feet and running towards it. Harry and Ron exchanged a nervous glance before running to catch up with her. Other students saw the figure and started gathering towards the lake where the object would surely crash into. Students were muttering among themselves pointing, eyes wide with fear and confusion. Harry squinted and realized Hermione was right it was a person!

The figure hurtled toward the water at breakneck speed. He could only watch in horror as the person crashed into the water. The lack of a splash confused him as he stood there stunned, before his instincts kicked in. Before he knew it he was running towards the lake kicking off his shoes, and shrugging off his robes as he rushed to save the stranger from drowning. He heard people calling his name in alarm but he just ignored it as he ripped his glasses off and shoved them in his pocket before diving into the murky depths.

The cold shocked Harry into reality, and suddenly he began second guessing his rash heroic behavior. Harry might as well have been blind as he tried to see underwater. Thankfully he was able to distinguish a blob, he assumed was the human meteor sinking below him. Harry dove towards it, and grabbed the person by the shirt before kicking furiously back up to the surface.

He broke through the surface gasping for breath, as he pulled the stranger up. Harry pulled their arm around his shoulders, as he awkwardly side-swam to shore. Ron and some other boys helped pull the pair out of the water. Harry sat on the shore shivering, and breathing hard as the adrenaline wore off.

"Is he dead?" A hufflepuff girl asked fearfully. Harry crawled over to the fallen boy's side as several other students crowded around.

"He's still breathing! He must not have been under water long enough to inhale water." A ravenclaw boy said sounding surprised as he removed his fingers from the unconscious kids neck. Harry studied the boy he saved, and his stomach twisted. The boy was breathing but his breaths were short like he'd run a marathon. His skin was red, covered in burns, and bleeding from several wounds. The clothes he wore were in tatters, and his face was contorted in pain.

"Someone fetch Madame Pomfrey now!" Harry shouted urgently.

"We already have." Ron's grave voice sounded beside him. Harry could feel the adrenaline kicking back in at the urgency of the situation. Harry searched the boy looking for the most serious of wounds when his eye caught something unusual. Maybe he was just imagining it, but one of the burns appeared to be healing itself! He watched in amazement as the redness slowly faded. He was about to point this out when someone pushed him back.

"Shoo shoo out of the way let him breath!" a woman's voice said urgently. Harry scrambled out of the way as Madame Pomfrey brought her wand out and levitated the boy on to stretcher before grabbing Harry and hurrying back into the castle towards the hospital wing.

When they got there, Madame Pomfrey wasted no time as she levitated the boy to one of the beds and began casting spells on him. Harry ducked as bandages, and bottled potions magically flew towards the nightstand where the nurse was working. Harry watched with uneasy fascination as the room flashed with spells and Madame Pomfrey cursing under her breath as she worked furiously.

"W-will he be a-alright?" Harry asked shivering with cold as he was still soaking wet. Madame Pomfrey said nothing as she absentmindedly zapped Harry with a spell. Harry gave out an involuntary yelp as he suddenly felt himself go completely dry. After what felt like forever the nurse stepped back with a sigh and put her wand away as she reached for one of the potions.

"His life is no longer in immediate danger, but it'll be weeks before he's on his feet again." She said grimly as she dribbled some of the potion into the boy's mouth.

"Are you alright? Do you need any attention?" She asked turning towards Harry.

"Oh I'm fine I was just wet from diving in to save him." Harry said gesturing toward the mysterious stranger behind them.

"Yes, who is he? He isn't wearing his uniform. Tell me what happened." She ordered snappily. Harry explained the unusual situation, and she just got more confused.

"That's quite a story. His wounds suggest he was burned and banged up pretty badly. However if he fell from the sky into the water from the height you're indicating he should have been killed on impact, not to mention that he was breathing when you pulled him out of the water." She said turning back towards her patient skeptically. Harry frowned and watched as the nurse began bandaging the boys badly burned arm.

Harry got his first good look at the boy he saved. The boy looked around Harry's age, athletic, and messy black hair like Harry. He wore tattered muggle clothes, and a frayed leather necklace with two beads blackened with soot. Suddenly, the boy's eyes fluttered. Madame Pomfrey laid his arm down gently as dazed green eyes slowly opened.

"W-who are you?" The boy rasped as he started shifting trying to get up.

"Shh don't get up you are safe now young one just rest." The nurse said as she forced a spoon of medicine in her patient's mouth. The boy was soon asleep again.

"Why did you do that? We could have found out what his name was, and what happened!" Harry exclaimed annoyed. The nurse just shook her head impatiently as she continued to patch her patient.

"I couldn't risk the child going into shock, it would only further injure him." The nurse informed. Harry gritted his teeth, of course that made sense but he had to know who this boy was and what happened.

"How is our visitor?" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the infirmary as he rushed to their bedside. Harry shifted to give the headmaster a better view, as Madame Pomfrey began listing off her patients many injuries. The old wizard nodded gravely watching the sleeping boys face with keen interest.

"Hmm I see. Please inform me when he wakes thank you Madame." Dumbledore said with a grim look. The headmaster turned his attention to Harry, and his expression softened.

"Ah Harry come let's give these two some space, and maybe you can tell me what happened from your perspective." He said with a wink as he led Harry out of the room.

Harry retold the story again, but he left out the part about the boy's wounds healing themselves. Harry wasn't sure what to make of that, or if he only imagined it in his adrenaline induced haste. As he went over the events again a scary thought came to mind

"Professor." Harry began uncertainly. "Do you think that Voldemort could have been behind this? Could this be a sort of warning, like filches cat?" Harry asked timidly. Dumbledore's expression was unreadable, as new lines formed on his face.

"It is unlike the dark lord to leave his victims alive, however there is no way to know for sure until our guest awakes." The wizard said hopefully. Dumbledore looked down upon his student with a small twinkle in his eye.

"Are you sure you didn't notice anything else unusual during your daring rescue?" Dumbledore asked knowingly. Harry looked down his face heating up in embarrassment. He grudgingly told the headmaster his suspicions that the human meteor healed himself. Dumbledore nodded smiling as if he already suspected this strange phenomena.

"How is that possible sir? I mean how could he heal himself without saying a spell? I don't understand." Harry rambled in disbelief. Dumbledore's smile only widened, and the usual twinkle in his eye was back.

"Magic often works in ways that are beyond our comprehension, and control. You of all people should know that Harry." Dumbledore said pointedly. Harry was confused for a moment before understanding dawned on him. He felt his scar burn with the memory. The old wizard put a hand on the boys shoulder.

"Go run along now and enjoy the rest of your Saturday. We'll talk more when our mysterious guest awakes." The headmaster said kindly. Harry nodded absentmindedly.

"Yes, professor." He answered before leaving to find his friends. Ready to inform them of all he learned however little it was.

A/N- Yeah I know that HP is set in the 90's, and BOTL was in the summer not during school, but lets just forget all that. I mean this is fanfiction after all. thanks for the R&R