A/N: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the internet! Take a seat, get comfortable, and enjoy! To fully understand this story you must have read HPE24's The Minecraft Chronicles: The Beginning. If you haven't read that yet, go read it NOW! Disclaimer: I do not own minecraft, or mojang, and Alpha, Delta, Omega, Xi, Omicron, Iota, and the original idea are all HPE24's, not mine. With that out of the way, let us begin: The Minecraft Chronicles: The Tale of Epsilon!

Epsilon's POV

It was just another regular day: get up, get dressed, hit the mess, and figure out duties for the day, then head over to the bridge. As I entered the bridge, I was greeted by the familiar call of "Captain on the Bridge!"

"At ease," I responded, "Lambda, whatcha got for me?" I ask, addressing my female first mate.

"Nothing much, Captain," she responded.

"Well, no news is good news," I shrug, taking a seat in the captain's chair, "Now, Eta you're the navigator what you got for me?" I ask my navigator.

"Sir, we have a problem, all of my instruments just malfunctioned. I don't know what happened!" came the distressing reply.

"Well that's just brilliant, freaking brilliant," I exclaim, "Now what do we do?!"

"Don't worry Captain, I'm sure we will be able to fix it, after all, we are Areoterrians!" Lambada says, attempting to calm me down.

"Well, maybe, I hope you're right, Lambda." I say, somewhat calmer.

Suddenly a sentry burst onto the Bridge. "Sir, we be have sighted another airship!"

"Get communications, now! Hail them!" I shout.

The reply was less then satisfactory: "Negative, Captain, they aren't responding!"

A/N: So, how was that for a first chapter? Did you love it? Hate it? Somewhere in between? I'm always open for suggestions on how to improve. So... Ummm... Well... MAGIC! *turns into a POTAYTOE*