Hey guys! Yes, it's me again! Okay; I'll just say it. I'm sorry for not updating faster, but these long breaks are going to be a rather regular thing now. Again, sorry!

This story won, and I'm not going to bother will the results of this one. It was purely for me ;) If you do, however, want to know the votes, then just go ahead and read the reviews!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Behind Closed Doors

Chapter 12

Jealousy Issues

Annabeth POV – Two Weeks Later

Luke is getting along nicely with the gang – at least, after I explained the 'Percy' situation. He sat with us at lunch every day, and when he was in a class with me, we would sit together. He was far smarter than he let on.

"Annie, Annie, Annie, Annie!" I hear behind me, and turn to see a squealing Silena. (Hah! I got the name right! *Happy dance*)

"What do you want now?" I mutter, and trudge over to her. I'm really not in the mood for Silena today.

"There's a Halloween dance this Friday! We have to go!"

"Gods, why me!" I groan, looking at the ceiling. "Can't. You need a date; and I am not going with a random guy." I state, reading then flyer she handed me.

"Why not go with Luke? You're friends, and he's hot. Go with it!" She smirks evilly. I swear, that girl gets more Thalia every day.

"No! It'd be awkward."

"Yes! And it totally wouldn't!"




"Annabeth. You're going." She warns, stepping closer and narrowing her eyes. She was wearing platforms, but I was still slightly taller than her.

"Silena. I'm not going." My eyes turn into slits, and I scowl at her.

"Annabeth! Please! For me?" She pouts, and knows I can't say no to her puppy-dog eyes. Her and Thalia are terrible for doing this to me. I really hate them for it.

"Fine!" I exclaim, dragging out the 'i'. "I'll ask him."

"Yay! I have to go find you guys cute, matching outfits!" Silena gushed, and strutted off down the hall to Beckendorfs' locker as fast as her four inch heels would let her.

"Let's get this over with…" I mutter, and walk into homeroom.

Luke spots me immediately. He waves, and motions to the seat next to him. Just then, RED sits in it. RED is Rachael Elizabeth Dare, and she is one of the 'Drew's of the school. On the cheer squad, wears skanky clothes, and has a face caked in make-up. Her red hair is always loose, and her hands usually have paint staining them. Out of school, and away from Drew, she was an okay person. In fact, she was from New York too.

"Oh, uhm, I'm just gonna go sit beside Annabeth…" He murmurs, and sits down at an empty desk, pulling me into the seat beside him.

"Hey." I smile, and think through my next workds. Luckily, turns out I didn't have to.

"Hi. Did you hear about the Halloween dance?" I nod, and pull out the fly Silena gave me.

"Yeah, she really wants me to go." I laugh, and place the flyer on the desk.

"Do you?"

"Do I what?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What does he mean, 'Do you?' Do I what?

"Do you want to go?" Oh… That makes sense… you idiot, Annabeth! I eep my eyes fixed on the desk as I answer.

"Well, I just don't want her to pair me up with some random guy. I'd rather go with one of my friends." I sneak a glance up at him, before twirling a strand of my curly hair around my finger; a bad habit I do when I'm nervous. This is kind of awkward…

"Would you now…" He murmurs, and looks like he wants to say more, but Mr Brunner walks in.

"Good morning, class! I have a few announcements this morning…" He drones on about trying out for the cheerleading squad, and the pupil council. To be honest, I'm not really going to join any clubs in this school. At least, not yet.

I zoned back in when the class erupted in cheers.

"Yes, yes… So anyway. The Halloween Dance will be this Friday, and it is a COSTUME PARTY. If you show up not wearing a costume, then we WILL turn you away. Admission fee is £3." Another round of cheers. "Also, there will be try-outs for the swimming team, and the captain. Try-outs will be straight after school, in the pool." He glanced at the clock at the back of the classroom. "Have a good day." He said just before the bell rang.

Thank gods that was over.

"So… To math?" Luke asks, falling into step beside me as we walk down the hall.

"Yup." I say, popping the 'p'. I yawn, and put the back of my hand to my mouth, just to be polite.

"So sorry I bore you so much." He jokes, and nudges me with his shoulder.

"Shut up…" I mutter, but my smile shines through.

We walk into Math, and head to our seats at the back. Me and Luke share a desk, Leo and Piper have the desk left of ours, and Nico and Thalia are in front of us. It's un-assigned seats, so basically, first come-first served. Sadly, the desk to the right seats Percy and Will. Will is part of the small group who will still sit beside Percy.

"So, about the dance… You want to go with me?" Luke rests his head on his hand, and his elbow on the desk. I glance over at Percy, and see him looking at Luke, fuming. So he's jealous that Luke asked me to the dance… maybe I could work this to my advantage.

"Sure, Luke. I'd love to!" I plaster on a semi-genuine grin. My eyes flicker to Percy again, and if looks could kill; we'd all be dead.

And then the teacher comes in, and everyone shuts up and listens. Or in me and Luke's case; zone out.

Love it? Hate it? Don't forget to rate it!

So there you go! I don't really know why… but what the heck! I'm in a partying mood :P

Okay… I'm going to answer the most annoying review in existence.

When would the Percabeth happen? I'm tired of waiting!

geting tired of the no percabeth. so please dont drag this out much more.

Sorry if this is your review; but I don't like hearing it! If you don't want to read the build-up, then go away, and come back in a month's time when Percabeth is in full go!
I personally hate it when people make Annabeth and Percy get together within the first week that one of them is the new kid at school/work or whatever.
It's just plain annoying when you expect me to write some sort of soppy romance fairytale. Sure; this is a romance story. Sure; there will be fluff. But just… NO to all this '
I can't get his sea-green eyes out of my mind…' and 'Those steely grey eyes and luscious princess curls…'. NO. I WILL NOT WRITE A SAP STORY. SO GO AWAY IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING. My story will have kisses, and hugs, and cute Percabeth moments in it, but most definitely not be pure romance. There will be drama. There will be plot twists. More than just romance.

Just wanted to clear that up. It really puts me down when I read those kind of comment, but just you remember; I'm writing just as much for myself as I am for you.

On a much happier note, have some cookies for reaching far over 50 reviews! :D (::) (::) (::)

Have a good day… or night… (Why do I always update at night?)


~Rose (DaughterOfLupaxmx)