Disclaimer- I do not own Fruits Basket, Natsuki Takaya does. Enjoy!

Chapter 2. Objection from the Court

The sun was starting to descend and dip beneath the tops of the trees. The road was desolate and the highway silent with only a few exception of soft hums from downtrodden vehicles.

Kyo did not know that he had been at Akira's pet shop for so long. After accepting the offer, Akira outlined his duties for every single day of the week. Since Kyo was still in school, his hours were all pretty late in the afternoon but his schedule was flexible and he was grateful for that. Akira had then proceeded to teach him some of the cat's name and each brand name food that each liked. He had forgotten most of them already but he didn't really care.

The flimsy white card bent under the strong winds as Kyo held it in front of him. Under the bolded block letter of Akira's pet shop name and address was a handwritten number. He had watched Akira hastily scrawl down his number before handing it to him with a lopsided grin.

"If you ever need to call me." was what he said when Kyo gave him a look of confusion.

Why would I ever need to call him for? Kyo snorted. Akira was odd but he was nice. And as long as he wasn't annoying, Kyo could handle him. Kyo would stomach a lot of things just to show up that damn rat.

A sigh escaped Kyo's lips as he weaved through the streets and entered the familiar forest. How exactly was he going to present this new ...job of his? Should he tell them? If he did, would they even care? Or should he just keep it a secret?

Kyo laughed at the possible look on the Rat's face when he sees Kyo moving out and getting his own house with his own hard earned money.

As the house came into view, Kyo decided that he would just tell them. After all, they would all get suspicious if he suddenly disappeared after school everyday and not show up until nine every night.

I'll tell them during dinner. Kyo felt a smugness overcome him. And if I get lucky, maybe that damn dog and rat will choke to death.

Kyo opened the door with a newfound confidence as he strided in. He stopped briefly at the kitchen door and examined the door down the hallway. Eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the now perfectly condition door.

Damn Rat fixed the door.

"Kyo-kun?" Tohru came out of the kitchen with an apron adorned around her small frame and a ladle in her right hand. She instantly brighten at the sight of him. "Welcome home, Kyo-kun! I'm so glad that you're back."

When she came home earlier today from grocery shopping, she had found Yuki kneeling beside a pitiful looking door. Many failed attempts were cast around the floor. It was when she helped to fix it was when Yuki had relapsed to her what had all went down during her absence.

"Hey, Tohru." Kyo grunted as he walked past her and stared into the boiling pot. He could tell by the sizzling from the grill and the smell that she had prepared one of his favorites- grilled fish.

"Dinner's almost ready." Tohru piped in when she saw Kyo staring at it longingly.

Kyo flashed her one of his rare smiles before tousling her hair. "I'm going to my room then."


The cat tromped up the stairs in a lazed pace while his mind sorted out how he was going to break the news- Nice,easy, and hopefully with a touch of choking.

Yuki thought he was asphyxiating. Water was brimming around his eyes as he felt hot tea sink down his airway.

"What?" The rice on Shigure's chopstick slumped off the narrow bridge and fell with a plop back onto his dish.

"Kyo-kun got a job?"

"Yeah." Kyo slipped another piece of grilled fish in his mouth. He was enjoying the shocked moment.

"That's great!" Tohru congratulated before turning to look at Yuki who was still coughing up his tea. "Are you okay, Sohma-kun?"

Yuki nodded hurriedly as he tried to compose himself.

"Why?" It was Shigure who asked. Shigure was shockingly serious for a change.

"Why not?" Kyo was slightly surprised by Shigure's question. He would have expected Shigure to be surprised by the news but he also expected that Shigure would have quickly recover from it, accept it, and then move on with a few teasing in between. It was normal for someone his age to get a job, right?

Shigure didn't know how to respond to that. He just felt uneasy about Kyo having a job. Maybe it was the curse that made Shigure feel nervous with having Kyo out in the open where so many people can touch him.

As if reading his mind, Kyo said, "My boss is a male."

For some reason that didn't help placate Shigure's nerve; something just didn't feel right. Maybe it was his sixth sense or maybe it was his canine senses or maybe it was that protective aura that he formed after having to nurture three teens over his house for so many years, but Shigure didn't like the idea of his younger cousin venturing into some unknown territory of work. And when Shigure felt like something wasn't right, he was always right. Just like when Hatori had told him he was going to tell Akito about Kana and when Rin said she was going to see Akito and when he noticed the difference between Hiro and Kisa's relationship. Never once had he gotten this wrongful feeling and not have future evidence as to why he should have not felt that way. For this reason, he wasn't about to let Kyo run into this wrongness that he was feeling.

Most Sohmas didn't really work until they hit adulthood because they were pampered by the Main House. Even though Kyo was the cat, Kyo was no exception; Akito had never forced Kyo to go out and work for himself either.

"Are you serious, stupid cat?" Yuki had finally found his bearings again. Yuki couldn't really fathom his cousin being one with society's working force. It was just odd.

"Why the hell would I joke about this? It's not like it's funny." Kyo put his chopsticks down, feeling slightly annoyed. Was it really that unbelievable that he was getting a job? Instead of feeling smug, he felt insulted.

Unlike the others, Tohru was quite happy for Kyo. "Where are you working, Kyo-kun?"

Kyo turned his head aside and cleared his throat, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "A... pet shop."

"A pet shop!" Tohru clasped her hands in front of her bosom. "Oh, that's wonderful, Kyo-kun! It will most likely be fun taking care of all the cute animals!"

"I don't think this is a good idea, Kyo."

Kyo turned to Shigure and frowned. "Why?"

Shigure really hated that word. Surely, he couldn't tell Kyo that he didn't want him to work because something felt wrong. Kyo wouldn't go for that. So, he brought up the thing that was always an issue in their family for centuries.

"The curse," Shigure made a gesture with his hand as if to express his feeling. For once, Shigure was having trouble stringing words together. "You might transform. People might find out about us. It's too risky."

Snorting, Kyo crossed his arms. "I go to a coed school that has thousands of girls and haven't bumped into a girl once. I think I can handle being in a shop with only a couple of females customers."

Shigure had a feeling that Kyo was going to shoot his statement down. Kyo had this ability to evade certain subject matters quite well when he wanted to. Not really wanting to do it, but Shigure felt like he needed to pull out his trump card.

"Akito won't allow it."

Kyo stood up so swiftly that the cup of glass that was settled closely along the edge of table was knocked off from its metastable state in the sudden disturbance.

Tohru squeaked while Yuki became frozen.

"Fuck Akito!" Kyo snarled. "I don't give a shit about Akito! I hate him!"

Admittedly, Shigure was half expecting the outburst but he thought Akito's name would somehow make Kyo rethink his choice. Apparently, he had only kindled the fire higher. Kyo wasn't as terrified of Akito like Yuki was. Sighing, Shigure stood up.

"Kyo, why are you doing this? Why the sudden want for a job?"

Still fuming, Kyo tried to contemplate an answer that wouldn't make him seem childish. After all, he couldn't tell Shigue that he was getting a job just to show up the damn rat, right? Of course he couldn't.

"I..." Frustrated, Kyo stomped his foot and glared up at the dog. "It's none of your damn business. I'm keeping this job!"

With that, Kyo stormed up to his room, leaving his plate only half eaten.

"Ah!" Tohru blinked rapidly as she noticed the departing cat. "Kyo-kun! What about your food?"

Tohru quickly grabbed hers and Kyo's plate and quickly followed him up the stairs and most likely up the roof.

Shigure sat back down and picked up his chopsticks again, looking solemn.

Silence descended upon the duo for a few minutes before the younger broke it.

"What was that about, Shigure?" Yuki was taken about Shigure's steady refusal of Kyo's new job. Shigure never really bounced into their personal life and directed it. He was laid back and never really bothered them about what they should and shouldn't do. So, why is it that he was so ruffled by Kyo's announcement.

Shigure continued to bring his chopsticks to his lips. He noted mildly how the food didn't seem to taste good anymore, even somewhat bland.

"Shigure!" Yuki pounded his fist against the table; the silverware clanked loudly against the table frame.

"Make sure that you watch over your cousin, Yuki."

"What?" Yuki felt somewhat frightened now. Shigure was acting so grave. "Shigure, are you okay?"

Shigure looked at him with those steely, coal eyes.

"Something just doesn't feel right, Yuki. Something isn't right."

A/N: Ugh. So, it seems that I have messed up again. This was suppose to be one of might lighter fics but I somehow managed to turn this into an angst. Don't worry the next chapter should be lighter!

This chapter totally did not come out how I planned it to be. But seeing that I have been trying to figure out what to write for this chapter for so long, I really didn't want to rewrite it and start over.

Who knows, I might rewrite this chapter later and make it more happy. What do you think?

So, hopefully you guys still mildly enjoyed this chapter even with the turn in mood. Overall, this chapter didn't really have any action (still in my writer's block) but I'm trying to make it better. Almost forgot, in this story, Akito will be male. I know he's actually a she.

Of course, thank you to those who reviewed/ favorited/ followed! You guys just make me so happy! I love you! *Hug.*

Also, poll on my wall. Check it out, please. And while you're there, please check out my other stories. My story "Checkmate" hasn't been really receiving that much love. So, please give it some love. ^^ (Yes, I just did that so shamelessly. Oh, well. haha.)

Please R&R. Reviews inspire me and make me happy. No flames please. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Reviews before this posted chapter: 12

(My goal is to have this number always go up after every posted chapter. So, help me bring it up. ^^)
