
By the simple shrill sound, giggles, chatting and other forms of social interaction ensued. The current teacher was un-amused, but had no power to overcome the beaten-in routine.

Cloud and Leon slipped stealthily into the fast-paced crowd, blissfully ignoring the barked last-minute instructions of the teacher. It wasn't too long, before even his little pets lost interest in his antics, and joined the rest.

Once they exited to the widely spread hall, Cloud stretched his muscular arms to the rusty fire sprinklers.

"Lunch. Thank God."

Leon rubbed his eyes doubtfully in exasperation.

"Yeah, no kidding. After about the fifth explanation of Mr. Spanton's grading policy, I mysteriously lost interest."

Cloud laughed at his dark haired companion, but secretly disagreed on his priorities. Lunch for him meant all sorts of interaction with his peers. . .and more specifically: Tifa.

He tilted his head toward Leon. Tifa's future reaction on his new found friend, was a complete mystery to him at that moment.

"So. . .are you a newbie here too?" Cloud asked, retuning his gaze back forward.


"Where from?"


The blonde's eyes furrowed at the immediate reaction he held from the simple name. The Balamb Garden Academy was a rather well-endowed learning facility, but uncharacteristically odd rumors had shadowed its respectable reputation.

"The spy school?"

Leon laughed, but it strangely didn't match the expression in his eyes. "Now you and I both know that's just an idiotic rumor."

Cloud gave a small smile to appropriate his expression along with the punker's, but it still seemed strange though. He had never heard of anyone ~leaving~ that school. . .in his life.

"You don't really hear of many transferring out of that school."

"Very true." He muttered, agreeing. "Well, there's actually another person too."

"Going to ~this~ school?" His blonde eyebrows rose considerably; this conversation was turning ~very~ interesting.

"Yeah." Leon's expression remained neutral. "In fact, I've known her since we were ki--"

"Hey! WAIT FOR MEEEEE!" a shrill voice rang out through the hallways. In unison, the two boys' heads turned toward the disruption.

Yuffie, the girl from the vending machine, pushed her way through the crowd. She was panting desperately, her head limply falling down to face her baggy khaki pants.

"Gawd, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT?!" she bellowed, walking up fearlessly grabbing the collar of Cloud's shirt. Astonished, he blinked back at her with wide, surprised eyes, and trying to avoid the bursting looks of humor Leon was shooting at him.

"S-sorry Yuffie." /Why the hell is she acting like this?/ "I didn't think-- "

"Aw heck, stop stuttering like an idiot." She turned "And stop laughing you big. . .palooka!"

Everyone in the hallway stopped dead. Then, Leon broke the overwhelming mood of horror by laughing hysterically, and quite loudly in fact.

"Pa. . .~palooka~."

Even Cloud let out a reserved bark of amusement, with a smile that miraculously didn't turn into a smirk. And as everybody gawked in disbelief at Yuffie, her head turned an almost impossible shade of red.

"Shut up. . .Squally-boy."

Leon stopped abruptly and scowled deeply at her. "The name's Leon."

"Yeah whatever Squirrel." She completely ignored his move for protest. "Anyways, I couldn't help but hear you guys talking all the way over there. . ." her voice trailed off, leaving only one clue where her thoughts might have been headed; a nasty smile, and a mischievous facial expression.

"Well then, could you please enlighten us humble admirers, on what your gifted ears have picked up?" Leon asked sarcastically.

"Oh, nothing. . ." her actions reflected a sickening level of innocence, but Cloud knew better "Just something 'bout a girlfriend of good ol' Squirt here."

Now that REALLY captivated Leon's attention.

"My 'girlfriend'?" he sneered "No way in hell would I go out with ~her~!"

"Yeah. Uhuh. ~Sure~." Yuffie seemed to be quite amused now. But she didn't stop there: "We all know you want to."

Leon snorted, uncaring. "Forget I mentioned anything. Quisty would probably be pissed I even mentioned knowing her."

With the last word out, he started walking again. Yuffie stared dumbstruck at his retreating back, and Cloud took a slow step forward before glancing back expectantly. She stood still for a few seconds, then, predictably, stomped angrily after him.

The blonde sighed. /What a screwy day. . ./


The cafeteria lay in the widely-spread basement, and despite its relatively large size, crowded from wall to wall. Over the course of the long and perilous journey to actually ~find~ it, Cloud had miraculously managed to keep track of Yuffie and Leon, and the two of them passed through the dissolving lunch line with incredible speed. Cloud didn't bother to waste his money on lunch despite the 'back to school' special, that had everybody scrambling. He always thought of lunch as a wasted and unneeded meal, and besides, the supposedly nutritious and (even more surprisingly) edible gruel, slapped carelessly on a faded plastic tray, was not his immediate thought of appetizing.

Most of the fold-out tables assigned in strict rows were completely full, with some students even kneeling at their sides to squeeze themselves in with their friends. Chatter echoed off of the white washed walls, explaining that sore knees would not effect the incredible teen instinct to talk.

Cloud surveyed the room, his emerald eyes narrowed in concentration. Where was Tifa. . .

"Hey Cloud, Over here!"

He turned quickly after hearing the familiar voice, to see Tifa's large brown eyes wide in happiness and content. She was standing on top of the plastic, attached stool, waving brightly at Cloud, and causing a few of the male population to throw jealous looks at the blonde. He immediately migrated toward his friend, trying to ignore his tight throat and tumbling stomach. Leon and Yuffie threw quizzical looks at him, but followed soon after.

Tifa jumped off, and folded her mini-skirt under her as she sat down. There were a few people surrounding the table, including the ever-scowling Barret, a girl, and what appeared to be a pair of twin boys. This table happened to be a repulsive shade of peachish orange, and was scratchy and uncomfortable considering the graffiti. Two words that immediately became apparent to onlookers, were for some unknown significance (probably scratched by an insane druggie), the ones; SEVENTH HEAVEN.

"This is Jesse," Tifa explained "the twins are Biggs and Wedge, and the big guy over here is Barret."

"We've met." Cloud said shortly.

Barret stiffened, not looking up from his lunch. The other three made sounds of greeting as their names were called, then Tifa craned her neck over at the newcomers behind Cloud.

"My name's Yuffie," she introduced, whereas he only responded with a simple "Leon."

"Very nice to meet you." She smiled brightly at them, even causing the anti- social Leon to blush. But as her eyes crossed the empty bit of table in front of Cloud's elbows, her lovely smile faded slightly.

"Where's your lunch Cloud?" she asked.

"I don't eat lunch." he said simply.

Her expression reflected a further sense of disapproval. "Oh? And why is that?"

He shrugged, not looking up to notice her positively ~fierce~ gaze she held in her eyes.

"That's really not healthy." She dug around her 'My Little Pony' tin lunchbox, and pulled out a single muffin. "Pumpkin bread, my very own recipe." She shoved it into his hands.

Cloud blinked, then opened his mouth to retort, but was immediately silenced with an "Eat it!" by Tifa.

He unwrapped the small orange piece of bread with a sigh. After knowing Tifa for over a decade, Cloud knew better than to argue with her in this mood. So, his white teeth nibbled a little on the side, finding it incredibly scrumptous. /Tifa's cooking always was the best./

"Well anyways," Tifa started as if nothing had happened. "I was just helping Barret with his homework, but I'm not so good at explaining things."

Barret's face flushed with embarrassment, but Cloud noticed Tifa pointedly looking at him to respond.

"What." He took the cue and glared at Barret with his arms carefully folded over his chest.

Of course, the large was not particularly pleased with his newly-found helper, but he accepted it anyway.

"How. . .da ya find th' mi-point o' two points?" he asked.

The blonde first responded with a sound of profound discust. "Ever been to school before?" he sneered at the junior with as much venom as he could manage.

Barret's eyes fixated on his food.

"Cloud." Tifa growled through clenched teeth.

/Fine,/ he thought. /but I hope you know that this is ~only~ for you Tifa./

He tore out a piece of notebook paper, when he heard a loud slam at the end of the lunchroom.

A tall, skinny blonde, with a wild mane of straw like hair (and just as untidy) burst into the room. The way he held himself was cocky and uncaring, with a mechanic's greasy blue suit, loosely hanging around his body.

The nerdy brunette from his science class that morning, followed directly in his shadow, making sure to stay clear out of his way. The teen didn't even seem to notice she was there, as he whisked by the "seventh heaven" in a sickeningly superior manner.

"Who's that?" Cloud inquired to no one in particular.

"Cid Highwind." Yuffie responded immediately. "Best mechanic in town."

"Yeah," Jesse agreed with a bob of her brown head "but you should stay clear from him. Everybody knows he has the worst temper, and the worst mouth that you'll probably ever hear in your life. I swear, I feel like I've aged about twenty years just by listening to a side conversation of his." Tifa through back her graceful head, laughing generously along with her friend.

"That girl obviously doesn't think so." Leon commented, nodding his head toward her.

"Shera ~worships~ Highwind." One of the twins answered. "But everyone knows she's the brains behind the bunch."

Leon and Cloud looked back at the rest of them, not even bothering to mask their quizzical looks. The others only shrugged nonchalantly and started eating again.

Cloud raised his eyebrows briefly. His pencil expertly whipped out the simple formula, and slid it across the tables with a yawn.

Barret mumbled something with his head down, and stuffed the paper back into his backpack. There was a very fidgety silence that followed, as Tifa seemed to be disgusted at the immaturity shared between the boys on either side of her.

"Hey hot stuff." Drawled a voice behind her.

Almost the entire table stiffened as one, but no one quite as much as the beautiful Tifa Lockheart. Even Yuffie and Barret's eyes looked down like abused dogs. At first, Cloud thought it was just someone from a nearby table (and a mere coincidence), but when a hand drew itself around his best friend's neckline, he immediately felt his blood boil.

"Missed me over the summer?" the voice continued. Cloud stole a quick glance at its owner.

He was about medium height with long, fiery red hair tucked back in a loose pony-tail. His clothing was a rather expensive looking dark blue suit, but it was obviously poorly cared for, as evidence of a nasty brown stain, and wrinkly fabric. This guy's face reminded Cloud immediately of a weasel.

"Buzz off, Reno." Tifa growled with a pinched face as if she was touching something unpleasant, and even emphasized her feelings with a clamp of her hand. But when he made no attempt to move, or even pay attention to her words, Cloud got even angrier.

/Reno. . .I've heard that name somewhere. . ./ he caught a ghost of a memory, and looked back to confirm his assumptions with a tightened jaw. Sure enough, three others were standing behind Reno with mildly amused expression, and all wearing the trademark blue suit "uniform"; a pale Asian looking fellow, holding his arm around a bratty blonde girl, and lastly, a tall muscular guy with a shaved head, and dark black sunglasses resembling empty holes. /Oh goodie. Turks./ he thought disgusted. /Simple bodyguards of the mayor shouldn't be so careless./

Tifa was now trying to bat of his hand, but he only became more persistent. Cloud was unable to stuff a low growl.

/I can't take anymore of this crap./ He shot up out of his seat abruptly, making in the direction of the cafeteria exit. But not before brushing rudely past Reno.

Cloud made three steps before he heard the Turk shout an angry "Hey!" He turned back, his face carefully remaining emotionless.

/Tsk tsk little Reno. You have NO idea what you're getting yourself into./

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" he shouted, pushing Cloud's shoulder roughly. The blonde only stared impassively back, and did just what Tifa had always told him to do before making a rash decision; count to ten. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself into a particularly icalming/i state of mind. /One. . .two. . ./

"Hey blondie, are you deaf?!"


Cloud's fist connected squarely with Reno's face, sending him flying back into the table Cid and Shera were sitting at. Cid pushed him to slide off patheticly, and Reno recovered himself enough to brush his bleeding nose with the back of his hand. The other three Turks instinctively grabbed his arms to disable him from advancing back on Cloud, though he seemed to be giving them quite a hard time.

Attempting to the full initiative, the blonde started forward. However multiple arms began to pull ihim/i back as Tifa's soft voice began to whisper urgently in his ear.

"Cloud, please don't try to make enemies on your _first day_. Especially with the Turks."

Her voice immediately calmed him. Enough to force him to look back at himself in horror. /What am I doing?!/

Yuffie, Leon, Biggs and Wedge sensed the sudden change in him, slowly weakening their tightening grips, and finally dropping his arms limply to their respective sides. The blonde seemed to stare down at the floor with wide eyes for a moment, utterly dumbstruck in horror and understanding. Reno struggled even more in his holders' hands.

Cloud picked up his backpack, and swiftly walked out to the hallway.

Tifa stole one look at Reno's red face, and took off after friend, with Yuffie and Leon simultaneously following in her footsteps.


They found him slid down a chipped plaster wall, in a deserted hallway around 218. His hands were clasped in front of him, loosely balanced upon his vertically bent knees. Cloud's emerald eyes were sparkling oddly.

Tifa took one deep breath, and knelt down slowly beside him; placing a calm, seemingly delicate hand on his still shoulder.

"Are you all right Cloud?" she asked quietly. Though Leon had long since averted his eyes, assuming he shouldn't be listening in, Yuffie was quite surprised at the pure sense of worry glowing through Tifa's eyes. /Just friends, huh? Hmph. Yeah right./

The blonde looked up at Tifa, otherwise not shifting his position in the slightest. "I'm sorry Tifa. So. . .so sorry."

She gave him a bittersweet smile. "It would be cruel to always expect you to just ignore insults like that. But don't worry! You're getting much better! I mean, he probably would have had a bullet where that bruise is, instead of. . .never mind."

Yuffie almost laughed, but she soon understood that the other girl was not joking at all. The blood quickly drained from her face.

Cloud stayed silent, staring at his knees. The girl beside him bit her lip, and started again.

"It's too bad I guess. The Turks. . .and anyone else closely associated with the Shinra family are pretty much given total freedom, even here, that's why it's not so good to get on their bad sides. They wound us, but we can't fight back. . ." she sniffed, and tilted her head upward so that none of the tears would fall out. ". . .Thank you, though."

He looked back up at her, and maddeningly enough (for Yuffie at least), acted as if he hadn't even heard her touching little mini-speech at all.

"What did he whisper to you?"

"Something about setting his sights on a new girl to harass." She sighed "She had a weird name, something like Quis--"

"-Quistis?!" Leon snarled, dropping his arms, and clenching his fists. "I swear, if that punk lays ONE hand on her I'll. . ." he faltered, his face practically glowing with hatred.

Tifa looked surprised. "So I take it she's not friendless? That's good to hear." She stood back up, extending her arm toward Cloud. "Well, are you ready for class?" she asked cheerfully.

He looked back up, non-verbally confirming her assumptions with the ghost of a smile.


Cloud was thankful that he only had home-ec after lunch. It had to be the easiest class in existence. . .or so he heard.

/I should be okay./

Right from the start, a girl in a long pink dress asked him if he would buy a chocolate bar "for family, friends, or that special someone" she had explained, giving him the correct change with a smile. He idly twisted it in his hand, reading the pink loopy label; "The Original, Flower Girl Chocolate"

The class was reasonably small in size. He found it to have a satisfying aura of crossing assumed "crowds" as well.

/That's successful anyway./

Leon, Yuffie, and Tifa were all included as well, and a few others he knew by sight, like that creepy-goth-Vincent, Cid and Shera. Leon was conversing with a knockout blonde in the back of the classroom in a low tone, who Cloud didn't know.

He chose a seat by Yuffie, who was reading some magazine in Watianeese, and didn't even bother to look up when he sat down. The clock told him to wait patiently for five more minutes.


"So, any leads?" Quistis asked quietly, but clearly, and keeping a sharp eye out for eavesdroppers.

"A few," Leon responded calmly "But it's strange though. Cid never mentioned for us to expect this many suspects."

She gave an un-ladylike snort and raised a finely etched eyebrow. "It certainly isn't the first time that's happened."

"True." He agreed. "Well, the first thing, I'm quite suspicious about Shinra's latest selection of Turks--"

Quistis nodded in approval "As am I."

He glared at her interruption, while she only smiled knowingly back over he wire-frame, oval glasses.

"Oh and by the way," he continued "watch out for the red-head. Reno, I think he calls himself. He seems to think he can seduce and god-knows-what you, so be on your guard."

She frowned skeptically "I'd ~really~ like to see him try."

/So would I./ Leon thought evilly "Anyway, I'm also quite curious as to why Shinra jr is attending this dump. His lovable father has had him in private school since he was a bloody baby."

"Who knows," she muttered, furrowing her brows and scratching her head. "I still have the opinion that Shinra's completely insane anyway."

"Which one?" he said with a slow smile.

"Both," she answered, rolling her aqua eyes "all politicians act the same."

"Now now Quisty, is that a nice thing to say about your mayor?" he mock tutted.

She glared at him icily, causing him to chuckle at the turn of "teased". He laughed, wiggling his finger, which she aptly ignored.

Just as he was sure she was about to storm away, he unveiled the last fact he was going to say: "Oh, and by the way. . ."

"~What~" she asked, annoyed.

"There's another person we should take into account. Did you know that Cloud Strife just transferred here?" Quistis nearly fell out of her chair. "You mean ~the~ Cloud Strife?" she breathed in horror.

He nodded, solemnly confirming her fears.

"He's probably the uonly/u one truly connected with Sephiroth! He was his chosen disciple--"

"I'm well aware of that." Squall slouched a bit in his seat, who knew how long ~this~ tirade would last.

"-I can't believe they actually let him stay in school! Capital punishment should have been used ~ages~ ago!"

"You know the story Quisty," he replied, stretching widely. "The judge had ruled he had changed."

For one of the first times, she stopped mid-sentence in one of her infamous vents. She pierced him with a gaze so sharp, he shifted a bit (feeling rather like he was being shined dramatically with a large spotlight).

"And you, ~believe~ that?" she hissed, glasses set dangerously along her pointed nose.

Leon only shrugged. "It's not a crime to stand by the judges decision-~I don't know Quistis, that hairstyle really brings out the color in your eyes, you should try it more often~"

Quistis adjusted the said hair "~I'm not sure. . .~"

"Oh, hey Cloud. Didn't see you there!"

"Hi." Cloud was looking between the two of them, confused. /What the hell?!/ were they trying to hide something from him or something. . .

"Oh, have you met Quistis? Quistis, this is Cloud. Cloud, meet my friend Quistis."

He looked her over. She looked about his height, with blonde hair folded in the back of her head, and two tendrils graced across her slightly tan face. Her clothing style was obviously bohemian; lace up Doc Marten boots, pink retro skirt, and to top it all off, a "Wizard of Oz" shirt, showing Dorthy wiping off the lion's tears.

"Um. . .nice to meet you." /I hope. She looks kinda weird, but Leon seems to know her./

"Really, the pleasure's all mine." She growled, glaring daggers at Leon. Cloud almost shivered by the way her blue, almond eyes contracted oddly like a cat's, from the heavy ebony eye-liner applied. She wore no other make-up.

They were interrupted by the creak of the door opening yet again, and a tired looking lady managed to squeeze through, narrowly avoiding being squished because of the heavy books she held in her arms. They heard her jingle through, the high ring of keys, as she thanked the chocolate girl from before, for holding the door open.

Cloud slid back into his seat, just as Yuffie zipped up her Jansport.

"Hello everyone, are you kids having a good first day back so far?!" her face crinkled in a smile, small watery eyes alight in happiness.

There were a few murmurs from around the classroom.

"Good to hear it! My name is Mrs. Gainsborough, but call me Elmyra please, I think it sounds just entirely too formal. Besides! We're here to have fun, right?"

/Sure. . ./ Cloud raised his eyebrows in doubt. /This lady's really corny./

"Now, today, we're going to start with a name-game to get to know each other better. . ."

The game went surprisingly well, with no one refusing to play, or being especially uncooperative. But, no one ever picked him, probably for a reason.

/Why the hell did you just make sure the rest of the student population was scared of me, Berret? Gee, I owe you one./

Cloud didn't notice Quistis staring at him through narrowed eyes, or Tifa's worried ones.

But Yuffie did.


Wow. LONG chappie, and it's finally done! *does happy dance* Thank you very much reviewers, you guys are awaesome! Especially Drakonlily, TWO useful reviews (and to answer your question, we dunno ^^). I'm glad people haven't got bored with this yet.

If you guys haven't noticed, we're trying to make a few connections with FF7 in our fic; Yuffie stealing Cloud's money, Berret asking Cloud for help (materia/homework), and of course, Cloud not really fitting in. So, be on the look out, peeps!

Oh, and Jensui, thank you for chacking out our fic!

Everyone, we really appreciate your kind words.

- giggle