Reviews for Lacking Simplicity
kitsune13 chapter 3 . 4/8/2009
okay. I realize its probably way too late in the game to be reviewing this but I'd just read a horrible ffvii fanfic and I needed to get the taste out of my head so I randomly chose a page and lo and behold there your story start was. I started reading it without much hope because there are a dozen and five 'high school AUs' out there and I was just hoping for something tolerable and fun to help me get over the last fic but man! You really rock with this fic! It's original for one and that's not easy to do at all. You really kept me wondering what was going to happen next and I adored the way you introduced all the new characters. Yuffie was so well played and Leon/Squall's in there too? Even Barrett was well done but of course I've got to say I'm in love with your Tifa/Cloud characters and their interaction/relationship with each other. Sweet and gentle and yet very strong and durable. She really is exactly what he needs (and wants) and that she's there for him screw what the rest of the world thinks about it is obvious in her actions toward him. I like what you've done with both of their personalities and my little Cloti soul was happy and healed wonderfully by this bit. I know its been forever since you've updated but seriously - this is amazingly good and its such a pity that it didn't get the chance to grow into all the promises and hopes that you planted in the first three chapters. You need a cheering squad or a sounding board or any help at all - you just let me know because this story is just too much fun and interesting to let die. Top notch job. Thanks for being more than I expected and just what I needed.
Alice-In-Wonderland101 chapter 3 . 3/6/2008
well here I am but I dont think this will incite you to update since its been like 4 years since the last one and for that I am so unhappy I really really like this! :(

Alice-In-Wonderland101 chapter 2 . 3/6/2008
I really like this story you describe things really well.

tifalockheart123 chapter 3 . 9/17/2007
this is really good! please continue it!
shyxsakura chapter 1 . 1/23/2004
konnichiwa again~
watashi wa sakura desu!
i was wondering if you were going to continue this fic!
i really like it . . a LOT~!
very well thought out and written . . please? i'm having some trouble finding fics that i really like here . .
since there are SO much!
oh please continue! please?
- saki -
shyxsakura chapter 3 . 1/21/2004
ooh . .are you continueing this? please do!
loquacious guava chapter 1 . 12/14/2002
Hey giggleplex-

I read your story and am now faithfully submitting a review. I enjoyed it, but as a person who is not a final fantasy player, I didn't understand some of it. You probably know what i didn't get. But the story is well written. Sometimes it gets a little verbose, or loquacious, like the fabled guava. anyway, keep it up.

HeartlessShadow chapter 3 . 12/3/2002
I like this!

Keep it up!
Junsui chapter 3 . 11/19/2002
If connections are your goal, you guys are doing a great job. I'm intrigued. *sigh* Maybe I should go work on my fic. Anyway, keep up the good work!
ruby chapter 3 . 11/19/2002
ok, I know I've already given you a review today, but I was a dork and didn't see that there was already more to the story than the first chapter... but anyways, awesome job and all that good stuff! I love the way that you're putting in a bunch of different characters and really making them seem like they could actually be in a regular high school! I'm waiting expectantly for the next chapter!
ruby chapter 1 . 11/19/2002
great job! Ilove reading the high school fics! Keep on going and dun keep ur readers waiting too long!
noodlepower chapter 3 . 11/17/2002
It's not bad and seems pretty interesting.
drakonlily chapter 3 . 11/17/2002
_ yet another nice chappie. I never ate lunch myself in highschool. Its cause

kids were always tampering with it... laxitives, allchohol, you name it. It wasn't

all that edible anywho. I like the addition of the Turks. very nicely done.

Reno's such a jerk in this one. I also like how you are feeding the story line to the

reader. Not giving it all out at once. Nice tactic and very well used. Hope that you can

keep it all together. and you are welcome, I love reading good fics
Junsui chapter 2 . 10/26/2002
Hey, I checked out your fic like you asked. I really like it. I'll be watching for your update.

P.S. Don't worry, Vincent will most definitely NOT be a teacher.
drakonlily chapter 2 . 10/14/2002
Whoo hooo Squal- errr Leon... -_- How's come he dosesn't go fight WITH you in Kingdom hearts... NOOOOO You get Donald and Goofy... Not the Ninja, or the guy with the sword! *Remembers this is a review* OH sorry. Nice Job, are there going to be all kinds of characters in this? Very angsty high school fic. Different. I like it
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