
Authors Note

Hi there! I know it's been ages, but I been thinking of getting back to this story and continuing it again. I'm sorry I left this story hanging, I know a few people really loved this story and I feel bad that I left you all hanging. I don't have an excuse for my absence other than I had writer's block and it led me to get frustrated and eventually lose interest in the story. And now that I'm staying at home, schools over, and I actually have free time, I'm thinking of getting back into it.

So this me asking if anyone would be interested in me continuing this story. If not that's fine, I get it, it's been years. But I'm just interested to know if I still have an audience that wants to read this.

Please let me know. I have some ideas on how to continue now. If anyone is still around I'd like to hear from you.

Stay safe out there guys!