Reviews for A Wish Upon A Star
Shar82204 chapter 12 . 5/17
I like it Danielle is different and sticks up for herself, she's not an idiot.
JessieLynnTheTwin chapter 12 . 5/5
I just found this story recently and it's really good and It would be wonderful if you continued writing it
KandC4life chapter 12 . 5/3
i just found this story and I'm loving it. It would be awesome if you continued it.
Verona1700 chapter 12 . 4/30
I just finished the last chapter and I'm dying to know what will happen next! I hope you will write more.
homicidedetective chapter 12 . 4/29
I would love to read if you decide to continue. I will have to reread the other chapters first, but I am more than happy to do that. I am thrilled that you are interested in writing for this story again, I have missed you!
The Melon Lord. Toph chapter 12 . 4/29
I think that would be great, just don't change too much. I know of authors who said they wouldn't change much and then changed pretty much everything
Alipurple chapter 12 . 4/29
I'm so happy that you decided to come back to your story! There are many writers (including myself) that left or stopped writing, but I'm glad you're motivated to pick this back up. Thank you for coming back!
blonde97 chapter 12 . 4/29
Oh my goodness! I had given up! Haha it’s funny because recently I’ve been back on this site as well! I hope you do continue and finish this! You will definitely have one reader :)
Guest chapter 11 . 5/28/2017
Omg u just left the book it's been 3 years since you last posted and I need this book. Why would you do this to us.
PrincessMagic chapter 11 . 11/21/2015
Love this so much!
belladu57 chapter 11 . 7/21/2015
Very good
Guest chapter 11 . 5/19/2015
I love this story, please update.
Kelly chapter 11 . 3/30/2015
I know it's like been ages since you last updated but pleaseeeee carry on, the story is really good! :D :D
The girl who cried I'm Batman chapter 11 . 2/16/2015
biddle29 chapter 11 . 11/25/2014
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! ...Please? Pretty please? Please tell me your continuing this because its absolutely amazing and I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter!
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