"That was my first kiss"

"That was terrible."

"What?" Mindy's tone had a dangerous tone to it.

Dave held up his hands, "Wait. What I mean is I wasn't ready. I barely did anything. A good kiss involves both people. You can't say you were really satisfied by that were you?"

Mindy cocked her head, "So you're saying you could do better?"

"I know I can."


Dave cut her off with a kiss. This time, he took the lead, lightly sucking on her lower lip while putting his left hand at the small of her back to bring her as close as he could while she was still sitting on her motorcycle. Hearing Mindy moan drove him on; tilting his head slightly and slid his tongue teasingly across her lips. She jumped slightly, but didn't let go. Mindy closed her eyes, as she relaxed onto him.

With Mindy completely distracted, Dave cracked an eye open and reached for the key that Mindy had put into the ignition. In one swift movement, he pulled it free and took a step back. Mindy still had her wits about her that she didn't fall forward, but her eyes were glazed and she had a confused look on her face.

Dangling her keys in front of her, Dave simply said, "Stay."

Mindy crossed her arms. She'd recovered from the kiss enough to go back to a neutral expression, but she couldn't hide the flush on her face. "Why?"

"I love you." Dave was surprised how easily the words came to him.

Mindy looked away. Dave could have sworn she said, "Fuck" under her breath.

Dave started walking backwards toward his house, holding her keys lightly in his hand, "If you want them, come get them."

The taunt had the effect of snapping Mindy out of it. She got off her bike and stalked dangerously towards him. It almost made Dave lose his nerve, but he held his ground. Dave gripped her keys tightly in his right hand, keeping it above and behind him. Mindy lunged for them and Dave stepped in close. This time, he dropped all pretences and kissed her with everything he had. She was on the verge of leaving him forever and he had to do everything to stop her. When he slipped his tongue past her lips, she opened her mouth to him and reciprocated, deepening the kiss. Her hand, which had been reaching for her keys, now wrapped around his neck, as if for dear life. Dave wrapped both arms around her as she clung to him, her legs giving out under the kiss. Her moans only served to encourage him, as her lips, tongue and body molded against his. Dave brought his hands from her waist to her butt, not just to cop a feel, but to bring her back to full height as he pulled away. Mindy's arms were still locked around his neck, so he didn't get far.

"Stay," Dave repeated.

Mindy nodded slightly. Dave had to suppress a smirk. He'd finally beaten the great Mindy MacCready. With one last peck on the lips, Dave stepped back. She looked so cute in grudging defeat.

He turned around to lead her to his house when he felt a sharp jab to the back of the knees and his right arm wrenched behind his back. On his knees, he looked up to Mindy looming over him. With his arm twisted painfully behind him, he couldn't keep a strong grip on her keys and he felt them slipping from his grasp. Icy fear gripped him, as the thought of this girl leaving his life flashed through his mind.

"Peter Parker."

"What?" Dave croaked out.

Mindy lightly stroked Dave's hair, "Rorschach & the Red Hood are cool and all. But there was always something about the mild-mannered, friendly neighbourhood Spider-man."

She bent over, and before Dave had realized it, they were kissing upside down. Mindy's hair flipped forward and her soft locks draped all around Dave's head. Breathing deeply, she smelled like a mixture of her leather riding gear, gunpowder and her own natural scent was intoxicating. Under her spell, he tilted his head ever so slightly to deepen the kiss, both of them moaning nearly at the same time. When Mindy pushed off his shoulders, Dave caught a quick glimpse of his own dazed expression reflected in her eyes before he recognized it on her features as well. It was for only a second, as she went blank and unreadable. For a moment, Dave thought she'd head back towards her bike. Instead, she walked back towards his house. She looked back over her shoulder.

"Spend any more time on your knees and I'll buy you kneepads. Take my bike off the street and into the driveway."

Dave got up and walked over to Mindy's bike. Taking it off its kickstand, he looked down to see she had a full tank of gas. She could have been long gone, out of his life forever. Now he had to make sure she'd never leave.

Well that's it. I'm sorry for taking so long with this.

Bonus: if you want to read the story in it's original incarnation, read 1, 2 & 5, which I wrote in succession a few weeks after seeing the movie in theatres. The 'date' chapters were the most difficult thing to come up with. I just wanted to have some more warm, fuzzy scenes with Dave & Mindy.