Alright! I did this as a challenge, and thought to myself, 'Hey, why not?'
So, if i get anything messed up, i apologize, I probably will anyways.
So! once again- this was them most awkward bit, because i needed it to tie into the show.
Heylin Magic was and forever will be a complicated idea for a normal mind to understand.
There is no such thing as evil- rather the balance between negative and positive. For every positive there was, and will always be a negative force, holding each side back to allow no side to control and in the end, spread ruin upon eternity.
Over years, decades, centuries of these countering forces the history was lost. The history was distorted, until all that remained was the common belief that good must fight evil, not that the world required evil.
Without evil, what was good? Without chaos what was order? Without madness, what was sanity? Evil was necessary- needed.
That of course, was no longer known.
The world itself had a way to counteract the balance between the two- creating a weakness between the general main powers of each side.
The Heylin side found an alternative source of power, drawing dark energy from the toxic, burning gasses of the sun. It was quick and effective, eventually even drawing power from the reflection upon the moon until every ounce of dark magic and Heylin power was born from the Sun itself.
The alternative side of Heylin, naming itself 'Xiaolin', drew its energy from the Stars. From the Stars the knowledge of the planet itself was shown to them. Thus, the truth behind power was revealed to them.
The Earth itself drew its power, spreading its energy into the humans that occupied its body, letting the command of its elements divide upon those worthy, or influencing those who weren't.
Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind were born in a flash of light, fighting against the darkness and poison of the world beyond.
They clashed for years, and eventually The Heylin side discovered the source of the power. It mutilated it, twisting it until the Earth was forced to oblige, Fire and Earth clashing in a way that life did not create it to. Heylin magic warped it into anger and tears, twisting it until all but the oldest creatures of the world were all that remained.
Magic adapted, altering to combat that of the Xiaolin until only the forbidden and condemned knew of the true origin of Heylin dark magic.
No knowledge remained, not as years passed and the Xiaolin warriors were born, fighting and training for the defense of the people. As kingdoms grew and knights fought- as lands were discovered and treasures won- the knowledge remained a secret.
To a select few, of course.
The Heylin Eclipse was not a highly spoken of amongst the modern world. It was dangerous, a weapon, yet also a tool to remodel, to shape.
It was a chance, and a promise.
As the Heylin Eclipse started to pass, restoring the Sun's rays upon the ground and restoring power only temporarily forgotten, a witch smiled. Fanged mouth opening in glee at her discovery.
She moved slightly, the ancient Shroud of Shadows rippling as she held up the locket clasped between her pointed nails, the golden metal of it flickering against the torches lined against the vault's walls.
She laughed, a low cackle that spread ever so slowly as she moved, twisting with Heylin magic to teleport across the land to where a certain Manipulator awaited her- Lunar Locket still clasped in her grip.
Unknown to all but two- the Heylin Eclipse would last far longer than it originally had been intended.
The dust and dirt blew in the slight dusk the Eclipse brought upon the land. Chase young walked, his feet making very little noise as they trudged over the sandstone rock. Upon each of his flanks a large tiger prowled, ready for a single command.
Chase's eyes surveyed the land, easily spotting the large misshapen creature which lumbered before them, a large gnarled smile fitted with rotten and stained teeth. Its eyes locked on Chase, watching the immortal warrior as they drew closer, the famous Wu known as the 'Moby Morpher' rested upon the large bean's arms, serving as a reminder to its large size.
They grew closer, the sound of claws on rock reminding Chase of his companions as his eyes failed to leave the Bean's.
"I see ya' brought ya' kittens, to do ya' fighting." The bean mocked, yellow teeth revealed by the pulling of foul lips. Chase did not blink at the jab, instead feeling a small unusual sense of comfort in the giant felines in his rare, once a decade moment of weakness.
"And I see you brought your pigeon of a bird." Chase coolly remarked, eyes noting the flapping circles of the Ying Ying bird above Hannibal's head.
Hannibal's teeth ground together as he scowled angrily.
"Once you're defeated, you're welcome to join us." Hannibal smirked, crossing his large vine appendages with a single arch of his nonexistent eyebrows.
Chase's teeth clicked together at once, finding his hatred for the normally small Heylin monstrosity increase rapidly through the arrogant gesture.
While Chase was focused, he was also ready to dodge at any movement from Wuya, who with no doubt had shrouded herself from normal sight. Another convenience his pets provided, protecting his flank while dealing with the miserable vegetable.
"Not as equals of course- just to do my bidding." Hannibal smirked, blinking in surprise as another voice cried out from above, "You might as well give up!"
Chase glanced to his right, the rather small mountain of a rock figure hiding the child and his miniature robotic army from sight as he descended from the sky, "You're worst fear is here!"
Chase muffled an angry groan at the appearance of the mediocre child, watching as he pointed dramatically at the two Heylin legends, "Bubble-bots! Attack!"
Hannibal made short work of the half split to fight him, slicing through them as if they had been made from plant leaves and old string. Chase instead simply waited, giving a steady and much simpler jump to allow the robots to destroy themselves, his feline companions making quick work of the remaining as his eyes drew upon the black clothed foolish mortal.
They lunged, Ying Ying swooping as Hannibal prepared to attack the mortal at the same time. Chase blinked, and suddenly the mortal vanished, the three slamming into one another in an unanticipated movement, blinking in surprise as suddenly, Jack appeared once more and slammed them to the ground.
Chase rolled, blinking in surprise as he rose, seeing the crawling form of Jack quickly moving to behind a large outcropping of rock. He smirked, seeing how he had easily trapped himself in, before reaching out and grasping a protruding sphere of sandstone, "Time to rid the world of this…insect." He growled. With his quickly returning strength he hefted the sphere of rock above his head, casting a shadow many times the mass of his body.
Chase hurled it with a small grunt, the rock soaring through the air towards his intended target with not a single hitch. He saw it vanish from sight and the resonating crunch as it impacted with the ground, a dust cloud rising and small fragments skittering around and into sight.
Chase allowed himself a small smirk, before it fell off in a rare and completely shocked expression as he saw Jack Spicer alive and odder, unharmed.
Hannibal then took it upon himself to rid their battle of the idiot.
Chase almost felt satisfaction as Hannibal smacked the young boy across the canyon, into the small rock protrusion that he had originally been hiding behind. Chase was beginning to approach the dazed mortal, collapsed on the sand. He had advanced only a few steps before he heard a distinctly odd noise, a mixture between swirling water and a scrape of metal upon metal.
"Wuya." Chase growled under his breath, hate for Hannibal, and hate for his only weakness clouding over his judgment as he turned, looking at Wuya's personal portal as she walked out leisurely, flipping her crimson hair and giving a rather wickedly fanged smirk.
"Hello Chase. Shame it's like this." Wuya spoke, and although Chase had come to expect Wuya, he was slightly surprised by her so boldly appearing.
"Wait- What's going on here?" Jack asked, blinking dizzily where he had recovered, sitting upright propped against the rock.
"You get the Wu?" Hannibal asked, slinking to Wuya's side, running one vine across the top of his bald head, causing Wuya to give a cold laugh, "Easy as taking candy from a baby. Those Xiaolin children didn't even know." Wuya laughed.
Immediately Chase quickly understood and thought over what Wuya had said. Apparently, she had broken into the Xiaolin Shen Gong Wu vault and the Dragons-in-training failed to be alerted.
And knowing Wuya, the only logical solution was that the Xiaolin monks were not initially within the temple, and knowing full well that a revealed Shen Gon Wu was in the vicinity, there was a high chance that they were watching their very moves now.
"See Chase, since learning about that Heylin Eclipse, we couldn't let that opportunity just pass by." Hannibal grinned sickly, and Chase arched one eyebrow, watching both of them closely. The Eclipse would pass fully in mere moments, returning him to full strength.
"Lunar Locket!" Wuya cackled, lifting a golden pendent above her head and jerking it quickly.
Chase's eyes widened in surprise before he quickly realized what the witch was attempting to do. He lunged, shifting halfway as claws burst from his hands, muzzle forming with teeth ready to tear and kill.
Wuya cackled, lowering her eyes from the sky and locking eyes with Chase with an oddly predatory glance.
At once he felt the pain of the Eclipse setting in- he could hear the distressed roars of his tigers as they collapsed limply in the dust. Chase himself had no time to redirect his attack; his reflexes were too slow to stop the sudden slam of Hannibal's vine, knocking him to the side and into a rock wall.
The force of impact was much more then he was usually used to- enough that his chest heaved to gain air as his four legs worked slowly to lift him up, only to be slammed down by bare feet adorned with sharp clawed toenails.
"Not so high and mighty, now?" Wuya asked with a smirk, twisting and dropping, jamming her elbow onto his back with surprising force, causing his internal structure to groan under the pressure.
Before he could throw her off with his limited strength, two vines gripped his upper arms, slipping him out from a cackling Wuya before he was propelled against another rock.
That time he heard his metal armor scrape loudly against the rock as he collapsed to the ground, sudden exhaustion mixing with anger over the entire scenario.
"Now, to finish you once and for all." Bean cackled, using one arm wrapped tightly around the armor of his torso, lifting his somewhat limp form and pulling the other back into an intimidating point, the Moby Morpher shining on his arm.
"Ruby of Ramses!" A distinctly feminine voice shouted, and suddenly Hannibal was slammed into by the screaming form of Jack.
Chase fell, dropping to the stone with a slight wince, hurrying to get to his hands and knees, then eventually his knees, watching the fight of who he expected.
'The monks were here, just as I suspected.' He thought as he observed his narrowed eyes, coughing against the unexpected and surprising pain in his chest.
He blinked, bowing his head and taking a few breaths, hearing them raged in his chest as he rose to full height, surprisingly weary.
He glanced around, the four monks were completely distracting that of Hannibal and Wuya. Jack Spicer was retreating with the remnants of his robots.
Chase exhaled once more, spotting the limp dirty pelts of his feline companions, asleep for the remnants of the everlasting eclipse.
He briefly spotted Hannibal knocked to the side by a gust of wind- not overpoweringly strong yet not a gentle breeze. He wheezed once more, hacking once and immediately sensing that something was wrong.
Pulling his gloved hand aside he glanced down, eyes briefly widening at the sight of speckled dots of crimson on his palm. 'Chest trauma. The eclipse must reduce my biological durability.'
"Shroud of Shadows!" He heard Hannibal cry, eyes instinctively jerking up to his last location as he instantly tensed, mind searching for any subtle change in wind or earth.
His hand shot to the right, feeling it hit flesh and knock the opponent away. He didn't allow himself to feel the satisfaction as once more he swung a kick, once more connecting with skin and tissue.
He couldn't quite duck quick enough to avoid the anticipated blow, and once more he had not expected his sudden weakness to affect him so much.
The arm swung him into the rock cliff, instinctively both hands went to grip the vine that pressed him against the wall, the cloak slipping off with the other as the wicked rotten teeth glared at him.
"Well well, Chase-y boy. I should've done this a long time ago." Hannibal sneered, dropping the cloak and allowing the vine to straighten to a rather intimidating point.
Chase's eyes widened, head knocking back against the rock in shock as he felt the shock of sudden pain in his left shoulder, near the top of his armor wedged under the shoulder plate.
His teeth crunched together as his eyes narrowed even further, an instinctive reptilian hiss parted from his lips.
Hannibal's grin widened as Chase's legs stopped their instinctive twitching, hanging limp as instead his eyes widened slightly in shock.
For the past 1,200 years, he had only bled enough times to be counted on one hand.
Hannibal pulled his arm away with a sneer, Chase dropping to the ground with one arm moving to his bleeding shoulder, the other around his midsection where his chest burned from the trauma.
He coughed once more, jerking to the side as a firm blast of water knocked the looming bean out of his way, and he glanced up spotting the small yellow blur of Omi, finding some odd sense of gratitude at the young monk's actions.
"A blast of fire and Hannibal had shrunk, vanishing out of sight as the Ying Ying bird swooped own, rising quickly. He glanced at Wuya, eyes narrowing and jaw clenched in anger as he spotted the reason of his hatred- the golden locket hanging around her neck. She cackled, holding the activated Cannon Blaster in one of her clawed hands.
"Farewell, monks." She sneered, a black portal forming around her as she turned, teleporting to where Chase assumed, Hannibal would meet her.
The four monks turned, sighing angrily. "They got away with the Wu!" Omi declared angrily, giving a rather childish stomp of his one foot.
"How did they get the Lunar Locket? Wasn't that in our vault?" The dragon of the Wind asked with a frown, looking at the fire dragon who frowned, "And why did they use it? What use does blocking the sun do?" Kimiko asked with a shrug.
"Hey- aren't those Chase's tabby cats?" The dragon of the wind asked, pointed to the limp figures of his companions.
"And I think I just found 'em." The Texan monk spoke with the unmistakable tone of surprise in his voice.
Chase's eyes narrowed as he looked at them, more than aware of the glowing puddle around his hunched form, arm pressed against the decently large wound in his left shoulder, blood staining his armor. His chest was feeling stressed, as breathing was proving slightly difficult. His mind was slightly clouded from the lack of oxygen, but he was not going to prove pathetic to them.
"Greetings, young monk." Chase spoke, voice a low hiss which he was unable to change, instinct drawing out the reptilian characteristics.
His sensitive hearing easily noticed the female whisper to the group, "Omi, what is he doing here?"
"I recon' that shoulder's hurtin' quite a bit." The Texan spoke, the group glancing over at him once more.
Chase closed his eyes, in a desperate attempt to try and halt off the increasing dizziness that his struggling lungs were creating. 'The chest trauma must have dislodged one of my ribs, which must have pierced my lung.'
"We cannot just leave him there." Omi reasoned, causing Raimundo to glance at him in complete shock.
"Omi! This is Chase Young- the villain mastermind who trapped your chi-stuff in the Ying Yang World! You want to just take him back to the temple? What is wrong with you!" He spoke, throwing his arms up as emphasis.
Chase slumped, dropping completely to the ground as the group jumped and stared.
"Did he just…pass out?" Kimiko asked, looking at the armor clad being in surprise.
"Hey kids, how did the fight g- Is that Chase Young?" Dojo asked, gasping in shock as he slithered out from under Chase's hat, staring at the unconscious evil villain, "Wow, better than expected."
"Sorry Dojo, but he just collapsed, it wasn't us." Clay commented, causing Dojo's eyebrow to rise in confusion. "He just fell?"
" The Eclipse! That's why they used the Lunar Locket!" Kimiko gasped, turning her neck and allowing her black hair to brush over one shoulder as she spotted the limp body.
"But your device said that Chase Young would grow weak on the Eclipse." Omi pointed out, looking up at the eclipse glowing brightly in the sky.
"But if Wuya controls the Eclipse-"
"Then Chase Young is defenseless!" Omi pointed out with a gasp, looking over with an unsure look on his face.
"Great! Fantastic! Let's go." Dojo hurried, leaping off and extending out, awaiting the four to climb onto his back.
"But." Kimiko paused, looking at the limp form of Chase, eyes widening as she spotted the crimson, "He's bleeding!"
"What?" Raimundo asked, looking at Chase and he too noticed the growing pool.
"We can't just leave him!" Kimiko argued, and Omi bit his lip, "Taking him would be the honorable thing to do." Omi nodded.
"I'm not sure 'bout this, partner." Clay spoke as Omi approached Chase, looking at him and blinking.
"Awaken, Chase Young." He commanded boldly, as Chase failed to move he pulled out his Shimo Staff, extending it and poking the warrior.
"Oh come on Omi! He's out cold." Raimundo scoffed walking over and hesitantly nudging Chase with his foot.
"Indeed! He is 'out warm-'
"Out Cold." Raimundo corrected, Omi ignoring him, :"That too- it would be the honorable thing to transport him to the temple. I am sure that Master Fung would agree with us." Omi sighed, causing Raimundo to shrug.
"Alright little partner, but this is on your head if it backfires." Clay shrugged, walking over and hefting the warrior up with a grunt, letting out a breath. "He's a heavy guy."
"Here" Raimundo offered, grabbing the two dragging legs and working to lift up the warrior, noticing the blood bubbling out from his left shoulder, and the blood on his lips and glove.
They practically waddled over to their Dojo and Kimiko were waiting. Omi slid onto Dojo first, attempting to help as the two hefted Chase upwards, attempting to keep him steady as they too climbed up.
"Please keep all hands and legs on the Dojo express at all times. Please note that I am not going to go back for a dragon-eating-monster."
"Just fly, you useless lizard." Raimundo sighed, keeping one hand down on Chase's feet as Clay supported his torso, nose wrinkling at the fair amount of blood that was staining his one hand.
Dojo scoffed, rolling his eyes before twisting into the air, quickly gaining speed as they advanced towards the Xiaolin Temple.
Alright! Now, let me explain Chase's issues so you have an idea as for why he passed out.
1. Broken ribs, puncturing left lung.
2. Stab in shoulder, dislocating left clavicle.
3. Blunt trauma to head, partial concussion.
I want you to note that even a slight concussion can cause someone to pass out. I just wanted to add that the punctured lung creates a lack of oxygen and pain this time will knock him out, i hope that i didn't make him too weak.
Wuya got the Locket from inside the vault, she assumed that the monks were away (which they were).
Anyways, the main plot of this story is in the next chapter, please review!
(I mean it, it lets me know that someones reading this.)