*beeeeep* A long, loud piercing noise jerked everyone to the two persons in the hospital room.

It all came like this after the 5th of March, the graduation day's promise. The group have noticed the two, Arisato siblings became more paler than the other weeks.

Sure, they were oblivious to it at first, but as the days pass by, it has come worse. As the siblings dorm mates, the group, more precisely the S.E.E.S (they have lost memories for a while) they became more and more worried read=acquaintance's worry

Sad thing though, that day, the promised day, when the siblings time has come. The S.E.E.S regretted one thing, FORGETTING. When they recalled the sibling's expressions when they lost their memories that time, now they realized it was painful for them.

But no, the main concern is today, March 31st, the doctor announced the siblings death. What did they do? They were just silent for a while when Akihiko outbursts

"This isn't true right? Minako, I promised Minako that we will be..."

Mitsuru just placed a hand to his shoulder to comfort him, silently begging him to calm down

Fuuka and Yukari are crying, Ken is silently weeping, with Koromaru in his feet, Junpei bowed his head and sat in a far corner, putting down his cap further with a comforting Chidori

Shinjiro, who is alive, stands near the window, looking afar

Aigis is nowhere to be found

Yukari is the one who broke the silence "None of this is true right?" she asked and smiled expectantly

All of them are hoping that too, but the Truth? The siblings are gone, they sacrificed themselves for the universe

The S.E.E.S only witnessed what really happened on January 31st


S.E.E.S tried to believed that the siblings death is not true, Instead, they treated it as the two went out of the country all of a sudden

Fake, fake smiles are exchanged to each other at the dorm, but deep inside, they in a middle of mourning

Why do they have to leave us? All of them thought the same question a lot of times before.

Simple, If they didn't do it, everyone will die. They felt useless.

When they are nearly giving up, the younger Arisato, Minako, smiled and gave them courage. When they are too scared to make the decision, the older Arisato, Minato, calmly told Ryoji that they will fight.

Where are they now? How did they die?

Many questions spring up in every S.E.E.S members minds, but they will never forget the looks of the siblings

The way they laugh

The way they smile

The way they fight

The way they bravely looked at the first full moon shadow

The way they easily agreed on fighting the fall

The list could go on and on, the things they will not see anymore...


"This is isn't how it should be!" Akihiko punched the hospital room wall "Calm down will you Aki?! It's not just you who thinks that!"Shinjiro snapped, obviously angry at Akihiko's shout

"I know!" Akihiko answers back

Akihiko approaches the lifeless Minako "Minako?! Why did you leave me? I remember everything! I told you I'm tired of losing. You said you will cook pancakes for me right? Why does it have to be you? You brother can-" "Stop it Akihiko! Leave their decisions out of this!"

Of course, that night January 31st

While the whole S.E.E.S members being pinned down by an invisible force done by Nyx itself, Minako and Minato began to rise with ease "H-how?!" Yukari asked Minako only smiled and held his brother's hand

They can see the determination in their eyes as they floated upwards... To the moon

Mitsuru cannot blame Akihiko, really. But she can relate the same state he is in

They lost their lovers, those people who bravely faced death into their own eyes

She can't blame him, she felt powerless too, as the senior, but more importantly, they lost them

She want to scream and cry as loud as she can, like Fuuka and Yukari does now, but as a Role Model, she composed herself and grieve silently