A/N: I felt like I had to have an epilogue, and I think this tied things together pretty well. I cried the entire time I was writing this chapter, and I am very satisfied with it.

NOTE: Edited the epilogue. Thanks to a reviewer (Guest), for reminding me about the bet between George and Hermione. I had meant to put it in here, but I got so carried away with everything, I completely forgot. I hope it is satisfactory.


George walked towards the grave, holding the hand of his fiancé. It had been two years since his other half had died, and the pain was still present as ever. Hermione had told him that the pain will always be there, because of the love they had for each other. But life goes on, and so must he.

They reached the grave, and George knelt beside it. Every year on the anniversary of the final battle, George and Hermione would visit Fred's grave. George would talk to him, tell him things that were going on in his life, and Hermione would also talk to him. George was grateful that Hermione would come with him. She was his rock.

But George also visited Fred on their birthday. He'd tell Fred about his new inventions, how much of a mess Ron would make in the shop, and would talk about Hermione. It was there that George told Fred that he had asked Hermione to marry him. He told Fred how he had proposed to her under their favorite tree, where he had first kissed Hermione.

"Well Freddie, it's been two years now, and it still feels like I just lost you," George said to the gravestone. "Hermione and I are getting married in two months. Mum is going crazy with the wedding plans, as she did with Ginny and Harry's wedding last year. Blimey, that was a nightmare."

"By the way, Oliver and I are still waiting for our money," she said to George. Turning to Fred, she said, "We made a bet about when Harry would propose to Ginny. Oliver and I bet on Christmas in front of everyone, and we won. Your dear brother and Lee have yet to pay us."

"No worries, love. I would have paid you that night, but that was when we first got together, so I was busy being caught up in you," he said with one of his signature smiles.

"You're too sweet George," she said before leaning in. She pulled back before kissing him,"But I still expect to be paid."

George rolled his eyes and pouted.

Hermione turned to Fred and said, "You see what I have to deal with?"

"Yeah well, I for one am glad to have you with me. If it wasn't for Hermione, I would have refused to get married to spare myself from Mum's craziness with weddings."

"Oh, he tried to get me to elope, Fred. But I knew you'd want him to suffer through it as well. I'm sure getting a laugh from it all," Hermione said, earning a chuckle from George.

"Yeah, well, when I told mum I wasn't going to have a best man, she just about took my head off. But I refuse to have anyone stand beside me. That place is meant for you, and only you. I know you'll be there with me in spirit though. Once I told her that, she of course started crying, and you know how I can't stand emotional women, Freddie."

Hermione giggled beside him while letting a few tears fall. "George, I'm going to go help your mum." He nodded at her and gave her a quick kiss. She looked back at Fred's headstone and said, "Goodbye Fred. Thank you for everything. I wish you were here to wreak havoc at my wedding. And don't worry about George, I'll take good care of him." She gave George a slight squeeze on his shoulder before walking towards the Burrow, wiping at her tears.

George watched her walk away before turning back to Fred's headstone. "Fred, I'm not going to lie; I'm absolutely terrified of getting married. Especially to Hermione! I just know I'm going to mess something up while we're married. I mean, I'm marrying the brightest witch of our age for Merlin's sake! I must be bonkers."

He sat there, as if waiting for Fred to slap him on the head and joke with him about his upcoming marriage.

"Yeah well, I know what I'm getting into. I love her, not that you didn't know that. I'm going to do my best to be the husband she deserves." He paused and his tears began to fall. "I just wish you could be here with me mate. There was so much we didn't get to accomplish; so much I didn't get to say to you. You weren't just my brother or my twin; you were my other half. No one knew me like you did. Sometimes I just don't what to do anymore." There was a rustle of wind and something flew onto Fred's grave. George picked it up and noticed it was one of their old flyers of their store. George chuckled and looked back at Fred's headstone. "You're right mate. I need to bring joy back into the world, and this is the best way to do it." He wiped his tears and stood to leave. He turned back and said, "Don't worry Gred, I'll be alright."

He turned and walked to the Burrow. Back to his fiancé, the woman who brought light back into his life.