Lately, I've been branching into so many different fandom stories. This is my first Harry Potter fanfic, and it's Marauder era fic. I love Lily and James, and feel like there should be a separate series for their story. Sadly, it will probably never happen, but I can dream. Since I'm wishing for someone else to write the official story, I do hope it's obvious that I do not own Harry Potter or any recognizable characters. So onto the story!

Lily POV

"Come on Sev!" I cried, hurrying toward the scarlet train that was puffing smoke as I yelled the words. The train was fifteen minutes from chugging on towards her new school, to Hogwarts. I gripped the handle of the door, hauling myself and my trunk into the corridor. Nyx, my gorgeous barn owl, hooted annoyed at me.

"Hang on, Lily!" Severus Snape sighed behind me. He wrestled his baggage and his dark red tabby shecat, Bast, into the corridor as well. I smiled widely at Severus. He was my best friend. He'd alerted me to the fact that I was a witch. The fact that I would go to Hogwarts with him after I turned 11.

We continued down the corridor, searching for an empty apartment, when a door rattled open to our left. A slimy voice made a shiver run down my spine as it sounded behind me. I turned to see a tall boy with white-blonde hair looking down at him. He looked to be fourteen or fifteen and was glaring down at us. "Severus Snape. Found a mudblood to play with?" I frowned, knowing that the word was a derogatory for a muggle-born witch or wizard. I felt my face heat up, looking to Sev for support. The boy in question merely turned his head downwards, mumbling something.

A boy to the white-haired boy's left spoke up. "How would mummy dearest react if she knew you associated with mudblood's, Severus?"

The blonde spoke up again. "Well, Severus? Defend her or join us, but don't stand there like an idiot." The boy snarled softly, still managing to sound charming. I looked at Sev, expecting him to jump to my defense. His hesitation startled me, but I kept watching, sure he'd say something in my defense.

Finally, he walked slowly to the tall boy's side. Severus mumbled more words. "Sorry, Lucius. You're right, mum would throw a fit if I continue hanging out with that mudblood." He looked at me, and it appeared like his eyes held an apology. One I was not accepting. I would not allow him to call me those things just to keep up appearances in front of friends. I glared at the three, turning on my heels. They would not see me cry.

A voice called behind me. "Look Severus, I do believe you've hurt the mudblood's feelings." Tears rolled freely down my face as I strode down the train's corridor. finally I saw a compartment with an open seat. I knocked tentatively. When I heard a voice telling me to come in, I opened the door to see three boys who looked about my age. One was already tall and sinewy. His long, curly black hair framed a face with deep, stormy gray eyes. The one sitting next to him, brimming with laughter had bright, hazel eyes that shone with mirth. The third and final one had a gaunt look about him, but in the presence of his friends, his deep brown eyes were gleaming as well. His light brown hair was tousled lightly. I could immediately tell these three were going to be handsome boys as they aged.

"Hello." I said lightly, afraid the boys would be much like the others, I scrubbed the tears off my face. I'd forgotten about them, but now I was angry. "You're not going to call me a mudblood and shoo me off as well, are you?" at my words, the hazel eyed boy shot up, anger in his face. I shrunk back, afraid I'd be hexed or injured in some other way. The boy relented, noticing my fear.

"I won't hurt you." He sighed, sitting back down. The light haired boy stood, hauling her trunk upwards for her and into the luggage rack. "None of us will. I got so upset that somebody'd called you a mudblood." He said through clenched teeth. "It's a disgusting word." I felt myself nodding along. He perked up slightly. "I'm James Potter." He pointed to the black-haired boy. "That's Sirius Black." He looked to the boy who'd helped me put my trunk up. "That's Remus Lupin." He finished. They all looked at me expectantly.

"Oh! I'm Lily, Lily Evans." I smiled brightly. I held out my hand, shaking each hand. "So you're all first years, right?" They nodded. "What house do you want to be in? I think Ravenclaw might be nice, or Gryffindor." I finished.

James was the first to speak. "Gryffindor, definitely Gryffindor." He crowed happily. His happiness was infectious, and I felt myself forgetting the terrible encounter.

Sirius appeared to darken at the question. "Anything but Slytherin." Was all he had to say. I wanted to probe for a reason, but a look from James quieted the query that was on the tip of my tongue.

Remus shrugged. "I'm a lot like you. Gryffindor or Ravenclaw would be nice." He said softly. Unlike James' infectious happiness, Remus had a way of calming about him that I appreciated.

James leaned in, looking at Sirius with a conspiratorial, knowing grin. Sirius seemed to brighten considerably, leaning in as well. "Now, as we were discussing before the lovely Lily burst in." I opened my mouth to protest my 'bursting in' and watch as I was silenced by a cute, pleading look from Sirius. "What will we do for our beginning of the year prank?" He asked, eyes glowing.

I looked at the strangely. "Beginning of the year? How many pranks do you intend to pull?" I asked, snorting. Sirius looked at me slyly.

"As many as possible, Lily-flower." I laughed alongside the boys. It really was infectious. I felt myself getting into the spirit of pranking. These three could easily supply wizard style pranks, but I could supply muggle style. James began detailing a wonderful prank. It was easy. It got back at Lucius and Severus for this morning's incident and was a brilliantly funny idea. We leaned back smiling as an older student popped his head in.

"You all need to change into your robes. We'll be arriving soon." He bustled on and away from us. I headed to the girl's room to change and the guys headed to their restroom. When we returned, I laughed and straightened Sirius' tie. The black haired boy beamed at me with stormy gray eyes. His sour mood seemed to be dissipating the closer we got to Hogwarts.

"Our little Lilyflower. Ever the helpful." Sirius barked a laugh. I couldn't help but enjoy him speaking as if he'd known me for years rather than just for the long train ride. James nodded, joining in the laughter as he mussed my already out of control hair.

"Watch the hair, Potter." I snarled playfully. He watched me with gleaming eyes as I tumbled forward while the train stopped. Remus caught the back of my shirt, hauling me up easily. For such a sickly looking bloke, he was strong.

"Lilyputian." Remus jeered behind me, I turned smacking him playfully. He was either halfblood or was a well read pureblood. James and Sirius stood looking dumbfounded for a moment. I felt myself smile as I lead the three out of the compartment.

"Lilliputians were a race in a book called Gulliver's Travels. They were incredibly small. The word Lilliputian also means small. I'm not sure which came first." I looked at Remus, who just shrugged. The other two nodded seriously. We heard a large, hairy man yelling for first years and we bounded over. Sirius held the boat while the rest of us climbed in, and then we helped him to clamber in after us. After a few minutes of settling from all of the first years, the boats began floating swiftly towards the looming castle in the distance.

"It's huge!"



"Wonderful." Lily sighed along with the boys' exclamations. They ducked quickly as the boats led themselves under an overhang and into a cliff. The boats landed against a rocky shore, lit softly by dull gas lamps. A stern woman with graying black hair stood waiting for us.

"Hello students, I am Professor McGonagall. I am Deputy Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor house as well as the transfiguration professor. Come with me, and we'll get you sorted into your class." She turned on her heel, striding towards large double wooden doors. Our four tumbled out of the boat, hurrying to catch up.

"How do you think they sort us? A test? A drawing?" I asked, eyes wide. The three boys laughed at me.

Sirius shook his head, gray eyes shining. "No, no dear Lilyflower. It's a hat."

"A hat?" I eyed the boy warily, sure they were joking. Remus smiled softly.

"Yes, a hat. It's charmed to life and is considered very wise. They place him on your head and he puts you into a suitable house based on your thoughts and desires." The brown haired boy explained. They followed McGonagall to stand outside another set of wooden double doors. There was a loud clamor from inside, like the sound of many people talking. McGongall placed them in alphabetical order, separating me from the others, though Black wasn't too far ahead of me. On some cue from inside, McGonagall ushered us through the doors.

A old wizard's hat sat on a stool. I watched in amazement as one of it's folds opened up wide and a magical, deep voice floated from the hat. It sang of dark times, and bright friendships rising from the dark. I felt myself smiling at the uplifting words. There were only 20 first years. Sirius' name was called and he sauntered up cockily, and the hat was sat on his curly hair. It sat there for barely ten seconds before it called out, "Gryffindor!"

Finally, it was my turn. I walked timidly to the stool, sitting down while McGonagall placed it lightly on my unruly hair. Then, I heard a soft whisper, almost in my mind.

"Courageous, but oh so ambitious. You'll do many great things, you know. You could do well in Slytherin. You'd gain great power." I thought of my distinct lack for power. "You do want it. Though that matters little. You'll have it. Power I mean. There won't be a wizard or witch in our world who won't know your name. Since you're so adamant though ... "

A real voice shouted out, loud because it was over her head. "Gryffindor!" The hat cried out. Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table, loudest was one of the new first years.

"Yeah! Lilyflower!" He clapped, scooching over for her to sit down. Remus and James were also sorted into Gryffindor, in addition to a few girls: Emmeline Vance, Alice Prewett, and Marlene McKinnon. Another first year Gryffindor was Frank Longbottom.

After the last first year had been sorted into Hufflepuff, an old man stood up. He had a gray beard that reached his knees. The hair on his head was almost as long. He smiled with twinkling blue eyes. "Welcome, first years, and welcome back to all others. For those who do not know, I am the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore." He said softly, but loudly at the same time. "The first order of buisness is that I'd like to welcome the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Jezebel Metz." He pointed towards a young woman with blue hair streaked into black. Her eyes were cat eye green, unlike my own darker color. With his next words, he seemed to stare directly at James, Remus, Sirius, and I. "Now, I feel long drawn out speeches in place of a meal are rarely well received so ... Tuck in!"

As he said the words, a huge spread of food appeared on the plates in the center. Sirius and James dove in, piling their plates high. Remus and I were more reserved, choosing to get just enough to cover the plate. I made sure to get a little of everything. Sirius was eating as if he hadn't eaten in weeks, and James wasn't much better. He was at least being more civilized about it. Nearing the end of the main dishes, I heard James whispering something to Sirius, and I knew the prank was about to begin.

We'd spent the hours on the train pouring over the spell books that belonged to Remus, James, and I. Finally, I'd found spells that seemed perfect for what they wanted. I pulled out my wand, pointing it at the Slytherin table slyly. I hit them with a cheering charm. I'd practiced my part thoroughly on the train. The green clad students perked up, some outright cheering. Dumbledore watched them, amused before glancing at the four of us. I heard James and Sirius murmur words at the same time. Severus Snape, and the third year I now knew to be Lucius Malfoy, stood up. They were across the table from each other and the bowed deeply before grasping hands and beginning to tango along the top of the Slytherin table.

"Oh my." I said, painting my face with shock as I glanced at the three boys who were my accomplices. James and Sirius looked at me with nearly identical shades of innocence, and Remus merely shrugged.

"Malfoy has enemies. Could've been any number of people." Was all he had to say on the subject. The Slytherins were calmed by McGonagall and a large, jovial looking man. The main dishes were cleared from the table and desserts appeared. I giggled as Sirius' eyes got wider and he piled his plate higher than he had with the main dishes. I felt myself looking away with amused disgust.

"It should be illegal for Sirius to eat in public." The boys, except Sirius, who had his mouth stuffed, laughed timidly, looking at the boy in question. I once again, almost questioned, but was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"So! Now that we are all fed and watered I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it." He finished with a gleam in his eye. "Now, you may all go to your commons rooms. The first years will follow the prefects or Heads to your commons." He turned and most of the students stood. McGonagall stood beside us almost instantaneously.

"If you four will follow me." She said sternly. We followed obediently, looking for all the world like we had no idea why we were being taken off. We reached what seemed to be McGonagall's office and were ushered in. "Never in my life have I seen students make such a disruption so early in their years here!" She snapped, turning to them. "And don't try to deny it." We looked down, properly abashed. McGonagall relented slightly. "Though I must admit, that was excellent charm work ... " She looked highly torn between being impressed and being irate. Finally, she sighed. "Don't let it happen again." She dismissed us, telling us the common room location, and that the password was "Licorice Beetles." I gagged at the thought of such a candy. The whole way back, we talked amiably.

"Did you see the way Lucius dipped Snivelus? The only way it could be better was if Snivelus had had a rose in his mouth." James was saying. We reached the portrait of the fat lady who looked down at us, annoyed.

"The rest of them got here an hour ago." She snipped. She swung open as James told her the password. We parted ways in the common room, and I made my way up the girls' staircase. I opened the door to my new dormitory and found the three girls I'd seen be sorted into Gryffindor earlier. They paused in their conversation and turned to her.

The first girl to stand up was the one she thought her name was Alice Prewett. She had a pixie-ish face and was short, about my height. Her hair was a deep brown, almost black, and it was short, curling to just about her chin. It added to the pixie look she had about her. Her eyes were a deep, soulful brown color and they gleamed with happiness. "Hello, I'm Alice Prewett."

The second, whom she thought was Emmeline Vance, popped up after Alice. Her face was severe and sharp, but also bubble with life through her light blue eyes. Her mousy brown hair was long and tied back away from her face, which only added to making her face look sharp. "Emmeline Vance." She said brightly.

The last girl up seemed a bit reluctant. She gazed at me with cool gray-blue eyes. Her softly curled blonde hair framed her face beautifully. She extended a hand. "Marlene McKinnon." She murmured. i introduced myself and they showed me where my bed was.

After her cool greeting, the four of us sat down in our beds and talked about classes that started tomorrow. About our lives. Alice was a pureblood, her brothers were famous Aurors, wizarding police. Marlene was a halfblood who lived in London. Emmeline was a muggleborn who lived not too far from me. We talked about James, Sirius, and Remus. Alice and Marlene apparently knew them well, as the Potters threw large parties and dinners. We turned in that night, knowing that this was the start of a great seven years.

Ahhh, the first chapter done. Please review. I really enjoy feedback. It helps me know what you as readers want and how I can make the story better for you. I hope you all like this. I have two other active stories, so I hope I update frequently, but bear with me because I also have my junior year at Uni going on right now. Busy, busy, busy.

Jessi Kitty (Riverclan's Brambleheart)