A/N Hi guys. Thanks for all the love on the last chapter. I'm glad you all loved the wedding. Sadly, this is the last chapter. This is it. Story over. I hope you all enjoy finding out what happened next with Edward and Bella as much as I did writing it. Again, LOL!

Bridie, thank you so much for your message, it made me feel all warm and fluffy inside.

Thank you all for reading!



"Are you okay, baby?"

I smiled as I heard Edward's whispered words two seconds before his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

Eighty years later, and I still loved the feel of his arms around me.

Yes, it had been almost eighty years to the day when we got married in Vegas. It had been the best time of my very long life.

The day after Edward and I were married, we returned home to Forks and enjoyed the rest of our time together before college. It was a lot harder than I imagined it would be, but we kept our secret, both wearing our rings on a silver chain around our necks.

Until night at least. As I slept in Edwards arms, my rings were always firmly in place.

My mom had soon returned home to Jacksonville and our relationship had gone back to very long phone calls and emails. Of course, over the years we visited her, and she visited us. She also tried to convince me to move to Florida every time we spoke.

Telling my dad that Edward and I would be living together was a little intimidating, but my dad surprised me. Instead of being angry, he had been uncomfortable but happy I'd have someone looking out of me. After Edward had gone home for a couple our hours, I demanded to know what the hell was going on. He turned to me with a smile and said during the long two weeks when I was comatose Edward had more than proved his love for me.

"If it wasn't for him, Bells, I don't know how I would have coped. He was there. He was always in the background. Always had a kind word or would just remind me you were going to wake up. Every now and then, I'd catch him watching you and I knew, despite all the doubt's I had before, that he loved you."

Things between my dad and Edward had never been simple, but I knew then their relationship would only improve. And I was right. Dad visited us a lot over my college years and in turn we spent Thanksgiving and Christmas, and even every other weekend, with my dad in Forks.

Edward had known spending as much time with him as I could was important to me. My mom was different; she was so filled with life I knew after my 'death' she could find a way to move forward. It was my dad I worried about and I wanted him to have good memories.

It helped he and Sue had married during my second year of college in a small ceremony in Forks. I knew she would look out for him. Sue knew all about vampires and wolves. She also knew my dad couldn't be a part of that world. For his own safety, as well as ours.

Starting college and living with my two best friends and my secret husband was amazing. Edward was a flawless actor, and if I didn't know better even I would have believed he ate, slept and did everything a human did. He never complained and as time went on he became close friends with them as well.

Ben visited often, and Jack got a small apartment together after his freshmen year with a couple of friends, but he spent more time at ours then his own place. He shrugged and said that we had a pool table, cable and a fully stocked fridge. Why hang out at his place?

Edward had laughed at that one.

I enjoyed watching Edward come out of his shell more and more over the first year. He was one of the guys most of the time, and though he wouldn't admit it, it meant a lot to him. To them he was just Edward. Just a guy.

To me, he was everything.

Edward made sure the next four years were amazing. He helped me with college so I never felt stupid and he made every day amazing. At night, when we were alone, I placed my ring on my finger and over time we got a little more adventurous. Hands, mouths and even handcuffs and blindfolds were used. It was awesome.

Edward even let me take Rhino with us to the apartment. He hid from Edward like he the eye of Zoron. I loved him for two years when I woke to find my baby had died. Edward held me while I cried and helped bury him in the forest nearby.

Apart from Thanksgiving and Christmas, any vacations we had from school we travelled. We went everywhere from China to Parthenon in Nashville. Edward said he wanted me to enjoy this time, to be able to see the world together. I loved being together, experiencing everything the world had to offer with him at my side.

It hadn't been all travelling though. My best memories of those times were when the six of us gathered and shared a night of music, movies, food and laughter. It was those nights I missed so much it hurt.

Senior year in college, Edward 'proposed' and shortly after graduation we were married. Alice, my mom and Esme had a ball organizing that. I wore an ivory dress that looked like it belonged in Edward's time period and we danced to New Favorite Memory by Brad Paisley.

Alice, Jessica and Angela had been my bridesmaids, while Carlisle stood as Edwards's best man and his brothers and the guys were ushers. My dad walked me down the aisle with pride while his eyes shone with tears.

It had been on our honeymoon when we 'died' in a car accident.

It broke my heart, but it had to be done. It was only getting harder to lie to my family and friends. It was only going to hurt them more along the way and hurt me to say goodbye.

It had been Carlisle who told my dad the news. It had been him who held him as he cried. Carlisle assured him it had been quick, and I felt no pain. As far as everyone knew, Edward died, too. Carlisle said that by seeing my dad so broken, it hadn't been hard for him to look devastated.

For days I cried, overcome with guilt and shame. Edward and the rest of the family never judged me, never rushed me. Hell, even Rosalie had been supportive. She offered a kind smile and words of sympathy.

I stayed hidden while my parents came together in their grief. I was right. Phil and Sue had been there, and the four pulled together. It created a bond and the four had been wonderful friends for the rest of their lives. Who would have thought it? My mom, who hated Forks, had spent Christmas's with my dad and Sue, and every vacation they went to Florida. It helped to know they had each other.

Due to Edward's money, before our wedding, we created a will, along with letters of love to my family and friends. I wanted; needed them to know how much I loved them. I also left my parents some money, so while I couldn't be there they could be taken care of. Edward understood that fully and said we would always keep tabs on them, that was a given.

We left the apartment to Angela and Jessica, so they would always have a place to go. A place to call home and be safe.

While they were healing, I was learning how to be a vampire.

After my 'death', as soon as I was ready I was changed. Carlisle prepared everything. I was doped up with morphine and a needle with Edward's venom had been inserted directly into my heart.

I still cringed at the pain. Edward was still haunted by the sounds of my screams.

When I woke to my new life, well we were all surprised.

Everyone was prepared to deal with an out of control and blood thirsty new born. I woke thirsty, that was for damn sure, but me. Carlisle put it down to the fact that I had been prepared for vampirism.

It had been hard, make no mistake. My throat burned, and I craved blood more than I thought I would. Luckily, I had Edward with me and my new family. They got me through.

It had been in Alaska, I found out that myself control wasn't the only talent I had. Wevisited our cousins in Denali and I found them all to be charming, especially Carmen, and Kate's mate, Garrett. He was a newcomer to the whole 'vegetarian' diet, but if it meant keeping Kate happy he was willing to do anything. Even give up human blood.

While I loved most of my new family, and even met a few at our wedding, I had a hatred for Tanya. I didn't even want to try to get over. I remembered the phone call when the newborns had come into our lives. I remembered the way she batted her eye lashes at him at his own wedding. I hated the bitch, and I was okay with that.

Edward tried to convince me that my jealousy was unreasonable. He loved me; he wanted me and had never even thought about being with another. If anything, I should feel sorry for her because she was alone, just like he had been.

I didn't care.

She flirted with my man. Esme, Alice and Rosalie all agreed with me and even egged me on to attack her. I think they were just bored, though. As I saw it, when I was turned I was frozen in time. I was frozen hating Tanya with a passion and it was staying that way.

Over the years, Rosalie and I had gotten to a better place. We were never going to be best friends. We were never going to confide secrets, but we were family. That's all that really mattered.

It had been on that visit that Eleazar claimed I was a 'Shield'. The ability to shield one's self from mental attacks. It was the reason why Edward had never been able to read my mind. Something he still hated to this day.

With help from Kate, I learned spread my shield to others. Something else that Edward still hated to this day, especially when his birthday was coming up and I wanted to surprise him.

Edward and I lived alone for a while, just the two of us. It had been easier in the beginning, when I was still learning control. Edward took me to Isle Esme, a gift from Carlisle. We spent years on the island and I had never gotten bored, especially since we could do more than touch and taste now.

Edward and I lost our virginity on the night of my rebirth and it had been amazing. He wasn't afraid to hurt me anymore. He didn't have to hold back and neither did I.

I would never forget Esme's face when she saw the damage Edward and I had done to that white room.

Thirty years after my rebirth, my mom died. Seven years after that, my dad followed. Neither had ever had more children, and I knew I was still very much in their hearts.

I had gone to both funerals and felt what it was like to sob without ever actually shedding a single tear.

Jessica and Angela married their high school sweethearts and remained close friends. Their children grew up together and every year, on my birthday, they would travel to Forks and share a bottle of wine on the very field where our friendship became real.

I knew they had never stopped loving me, never stopped missing me and never stopped being my friend. Just like I wouldn't ever stop with them. Despite my years, they were still my best friends. They would always be my best friends. They brought me to life when I felt dead, offered me love and acceptance. A shoulder to cry on, and a friend to laugh with. It didn't matter how many years flew by, they were always in my heart. I would always make sure their families had everything they needed. I would always look out for them.

They had grown old in a small town in the South, like we talked about during on girls nights. They watched their grandchildren grow. They had loved and been loved. They both got a cat and called it Bella.

I never heard from Jacob again. The moment Edward's venom entered my heart, the moment I 'died' I knew I had become his enemy. He would see me as a leech, a cold one. He would look at me with disgust and hatred. And I was okay with that. I didn't know what happened after I left, and I didn't think too much about it, but I hoped he found someone and enjoyed his life. Just because he hated my family for being vampires, I didn't hate him for being a werewolf.

Now, eighty years later, I stood looking at the very house where everything had begun. My house.

The house where I lived with my dad, where our relationship had grown into something I would always cherish. It had been the place where Edward hummed me to sleep. The place where I spent so many nights with my two best friends laughing and enjoying life. It had been that bedroom window where Edward would jump in and out every night.

It had been the true beginning of my life.

Alice came to us a couple of months ago and announced it was safe to return. Anyone who had known or heard of any of us was gone. It was time.

I smiled as I leaned back into Edward's embrace. "Everything's fine, baby. We're finally home."

No one's POV

"Amy! Amy, they're coming!"

Amy Ford glanced up from her English essay to see her best friend running towards her. Amy had been on vacation with her family and returned to find out that there were newcomers in town.

Who would ever want to move to Forks? she thought. Amy hated small town life and worked her ass off so she could get a scholarship out of there.

Kelly Smith, her best friend, told her all about the new student's in school and the new family in town.

The Cullen's moved here from Alaska, apparently Mrs. Cullen had wanted a change and had friends in the area. Amy didn't know who since she'd never heard of the Cullen's before yesterday.

She had to admit she was excited, though.

Slamming her pen down, Amy tossed her blond curls over her shoulder so she could face the cafeteria door where two strangers entered.

Amy's eyes widened. Kelly mentioned they were outrageously good looking, and she hadn't been kidding.

The boy was big, like huge, with ropes of muscles and dark hair and pale skin. His dimples were cute. The girl next to him was out of this world beautiful. Her long blond waves fell to her back and her body sported those curves that had Amy looking down at her skinny body with scorn. Why couldn't she look like that?

"I know, right?" Kelly giggled. "Oh, here are the others. Can you believe that they're couples?"

Amy cringed. "Ew! Is that even legal? I mean they all live together, right? That can't be legal."

Kelly shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. All I know is they're all hooking up and they all won the beauty awards."

Amy laughed as she watched the next pair to enter the cafeteria. The man was tall with honey hair and pale skin, much like the others. The girl was very little and looked like a dark haired Tinkerbell. She all but danced next to him, her smile beaming as she made her way to her siblings with the boy on her arm.

"Here he is," Kelly breathed before swallowing hard.

When Amy saw who she was talking about she almost gasped.

The boy walking in was tall, pale skinned and had a cool shade of bronze hair she wanted to run her fingers through. He was lanky but by the way his shirt fit his body was rock solid underneath.

"Wow," she breathed as he walked by.

He was the most handsome man she'd ever seen and she only hoped that she could get to know him better. Already she was imagining the two of them together. Picturing their love story in her mind, despite not knowing his name. It didn't matter. He was beautiful.

When he stopped, turned back, a smile lit up his entire face and Amy knew she had fallen for the guy she'd only just clapped eyes on.

Her fragile teenage heart broke when he held out his arms, a curvy brunette running into his embrace, he pressed a kiss to his full mouth.

"Sorry, but I stopped by the old biology lab before lunch," she laughed up at him.

Amy scowled as the boy wrapped his arms around her waist, the two appearing to share a private joke. "I know. I spent some time there earlier. It's just as I thought it would be."

His voice was even more beautiful than the brunettes.

Amy watched with longing as the pair joined the others at the table farthest away from hers. How could she meet a guy who finally made her heart skip only for him to have a freaking girlfriend? A girlfriend she had no chance of competing with by the looks of it. The dude all but lit up like a Christmas tree when she ran to him.

Just my freakin' luck, Amy thought as she picked up her pen and scowled down at her essay.

Bella Cullen fingered the silver band laying on her chest. She couldn't wait until school was out so she could return it to her third finger. It seemed strange to be without it on her hand. At least she got to wear her engagement ring on her right hand.

She couldn't believe it, she thought with a smile. She was sitting in the very area where she had seen Edward and the Cullen's for the first time so long ago. Only this time, she was a Cullen. Edward sat next to her, his arm wrapped around her, occasionally leaning forward to nuzzle her neck.

He wasn't picking at a bagel this time. He was no longer the odd man out. He was married and happy and couldn't wait to come to school where they first met.

She was a Cullen, she thought as she looked around at her family. Her very handsome husband winking at her, his long fingers reaching out to lace with hers.

She wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N That's it. The end of the story. Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing. I have truly enjoyed writing this story and loved reading your feedback and knowing that we all would have loved our Bella to find herself the way this one has.

Thank you all again. I love you all.
