Reviews for A New Moon
Nrrdgrrl87 chapter 31 . 6/22
This story was wonderful! I loved it!
twiclare chapter 31 . 1/31
I really enjoyed the story. It was refreshing to have Bella embracing her human friendships and taking her time to really allow Edward back and trust him again.
Annoy mouse chapter 18 . 1/17
I think this is the first non-bashing fic I've read that's had me wishing Bella wouldn't get back with Edward. He really didn't win her affections back at all, practically bullied and forced her, and then she just gives up.

It really felt like she was in a better place and getting better still, without him. The sudden change because of the situation the approaching danger caused feels, I don't know, like a bit of a let-down?

He broke her heart, she put herself back together with friends, he shows up again and forces his presence upon her (with some time in between where he tries to give her space while still stalking her).

Alice made me dislike her as well, pulling the strings like this. She still abandoned her friend without so much as a word and Bella is justifiably angry with her. Bella has better friends now, would be in a better place if Alice just used her gift to handle Victoria's mess and left Bella alone.

The heart wants what it wants, but the way Edward and Alice so blatantly forced themselves back into her life and utterly ignored her wishes irks me incredibly. So, you really got me invested lol.
rutujasande34 chapter 31 . 7/29/2019
I loved your story. I loved you first time i loved jessica. Thanks for completing this story.
EeWee chapter 31 . 7/8/2019
New moon stories are my favorite. This was a wonderful retake on it. Loved that Jessica got to be a real friend to her and that Bella made Edward work to get her back. Great story.
MsLiss chapter 31 . 6/2/2019
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 1 . 6/1/2019
Oh I like
I’ve realised I really like new moon stories
But I don’t remember one starting off like thus with Bella having support of good gf
Thank you
amber.131 chapter 31 . 2/28/2019
I really enjoyed reading this. thank you for sharing
FireFlower77 chapter 7 . 2/12/2019
Aaaaa.. now I get the reference from my previous comment...
FireFlower77 chapter 5 . 2/12/2019
Chthonian... If I got it right and it was a reference to Bella reading Acheron... (?) If it was Carpathian you meant... was it referring to the mountains surrounding Dracula's castle?

PS. you're not from the US are you? Aubergine gave you away...winkle face**
kinnik chapter 10 . 1/29/2019
I love Jack!
kinnik chapter 4 . 1/29/2019
Well, well, well...GOOD FOR HER! I'm so very happy that she's not upset with Jasper. She never was and he wasn't at fault. Sadly, for Alice, she's going to have to grovel and kiss Bella's ass as much, if maybe not more, than Edward. One of my friends once told me that guys come and go, but girlfriends are always there.
Elise de Sallier chapter 31 . 12/11/2018
Thank you for writing and sharing such a terrific story.
xx Elise
Claraimal chapter 16 . 12/10/2018
Ok honey nevermind that was HOT
Claraimal chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Gosh. I know the fanfic is already done, but I am starting to dislike Edward's stalking. I hope they never get back together! Please, Bella. Go find, Idk, the guy from the restaurant.
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