Chapter 1

First things first, don't tell me how to write this fanfiction. If something is messed up, it's supposed to be. And if you do, expect a lengthy mouthful of my sass.

Throughout this fanfiction I do not own anything you recognize from Marvel or Harry Potter.

This story takes place after the Iron Man 3 movie and during Chamber of Secrets.

Please PM me if you any questions.

I appreciate all reviews! :)

Everytime Tony Stark traveled to Captain's third story apartment he hated the rusty stairs more and more. Part of it was because there wasn't an elevator and that it was so old-fashioned. As he approached C306 he could hear the VCR playing...again. Opening the door, the sound of the old recordings became clearer.

"And at the front of the line, shoulder to shoulder with our battling boys is Capt-" the sentence froze as Steve had clicked pause.

"You almost managed to sneak up on me. Almost."

"How many times have you watched that film?" Tony questioned, stepping further into the tiny dining room.

"Why are you here?" Steve muttered while standing up to place the VCR back into its ripped, worn, paper case.

"Hmph. Then I'm guessing S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't contacted you yet," his eyes darted to the phone; there was no blinking lights or any sign that it was alive. "Hey, Capsicle. Why's the phone unplugged?"

"It is extremely annoying."

"Why? Because everyone keeps calling everyday to make sure you're still alive? After New Yo-...ya kind of stop contacting anyone."

"So that's why you're here again? Because I haven't been answering my phone? Thanks for the concern, Stark. Greatly appreciated. But wait- Tony Stark continually checking on me? Something doesn't tell its your concern. Maybe someone else' Pepper's, or Fury's... But definitely not Tony Stark's."

"Okay you got me," Tony sat down at the table, staring aimlessly at the Army uniform. "S.H.I.E.L.D. sent me this time. We have a new target."

"Target? I thought you took care of the Mandarin all by yourself."

"It's not the Mandarin."

Steve stared right into his eyes, "Are they returning?"

"No, no, not the damn Chitari. It's Loki's son."

Furrowing his eyebrows, the Captain put on thinking face. "A son? On earth? What's his play, his targets?" The chair squeaked as he sat down across from Stark.

"He's a twelve year old boy."

"And he's a threat? What is he? A maniac, mental god like Loki?!"

"He's um...just a 12 year old boy."

"And so now Fury's re-assembling the Avengers to catch an innocent kid?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"I can't believe this. What's his name?"

"Harry Potter."

As usual, the Helicarrier was as busy and crowded as ever. Once again, all six Avengers were assembled in the 'computer room' discussing tactics with Director Fury.

"I want to know why we're going after some kid who hasn't done a single thing as to get on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar," questioned Rogers.

"A valid point," agreed Thor.

"I think Stark expained it wrongly," answered Fury. "We're not going after him because he's a threat, we're going after him because he has potential."

"Potential for what?" Clint stopped tapping his fingers on the glass table.

"If he's the son of Loki, he may have special powers that can either be used for the good, or for the bad. We want to get there before he can have any contact with Asguard or his father."

"Oh, so you want us to 'recruite him' into an Agent?" Natasha asked.

"Just about. But if he has special powers, he may be hanging out wth the big boys."

"Do you mean he may becccme an 'Avenger'?" said Tony, who was at the table slumped in his chair and looking somewhat bored.

"Yes Stark."

"Who's his mother?" Thor's manly voice spoke up again.

"Her name is Bellatrix Lestrange. She's been in prison for the duration of Harry's life and he doesn't really know she exists. Like Loki, she is a war criminal."

Bruce paused his pacing behind the table. "He doesn't know his true parentage, does he?"

"Negative. This child thinks he's a son of James and Lily Potter. However, they died when he was just a baby and never had the chance to raise him. Therefore, Lily's sister and her husband took care of him until now."

"So S.H.I.E.L.D. is starting a daycare? This should be interesting," muttered the Hawk.

"When are we first approaching him?"
