The Classical All-Was-Well Epilogue
A year later...
Ginny Weasley was quite happy with dating Harry Potter. His daughter was simply adorable, her Grandfather was one charming old man, and she had the feeling she would want to be part of this family forever.
She just hoped Harry would propose sooner or later.
It didn't happen quite as she hoped.
One day, when she and Harry were on a date, and Harry was especially nervous, and Morgan was even more excited than usual, she got her proposal.
"Ginny Weasley, do you want to be my Mum?"
"Sorry, Dad."
Ginny blinked and turned her head to look at both father and daughter.
Harry blushed.
"Uh... I bought a ring and everything... and... here it is... and I wanted to ask you myself, but Morgan sort of was a little faster, I hope you don't mind, and I know that I'm babbling, and I know that's a horrible habit, but would you become my wife and Morgan's mother?"
She smiled.
It wasn't the most romantic proposal in the history of mankind. It wasn't in the most beautiful location, or even the most original one.
However, it fit right perfectly into this family. Her family, now.
Harry was standing there, dumbfounded.
She clapped right in front of his face.
"I said yes."
Slowly, a grin spread over Harry's face.
She laughed. She had a feeling she wouldn't ever become bored as a part of the Potter family.
Thomas Evans was sitting face-to-face with Minerva McGonagall, nervously twiddling his thumbs.
"Is there any reason you had to ask me for this date at half past two in the morning?"
"So Morgan wouldn't come with me and try to ask you out for me. You did hear about Harry's proposal, didn't you?"
Minerva smiled.
"Yes. I did. She asked her to be her mother, didn't she?"
"She did. And I didn't exactly want her to ask you anything like 'Do you wanna be my Gran?' I'm not sure whether you'd have appreciated it."
"Don't worry, she asked me on a date with you once before."
"She did? When?"
Tom could feel himself blushing
"Right when I first met her. She's a handful, isn't she?"
"Yes, yes she is."
And so, the beginning of Thomas Evans' first date in all his life, under any name, was spent discussing his granddaughter.
While visiting a dragonreserve, Albus Dumbledore suddenly remembered those words a child had spoken to him, long ago.
"Beware the fire of dragons, Mr. Twinkles!"
Right then, a flame shot out of a dragon's nostril, and Albus Dumbledore barely escaped with his life, only thanks to the forewarning the girl had given him.
His beard got a little scorched, though.
Nevermind. Better a scorched beard than a roasted corpse.
He reminded himself to ask Morgan whether she might have any seer blood in the family. How had she known that a dragon would try to flame him?
All was well.
AN: Wow, finished. Never thought that would happen. I know I could write more, but honestly? It would probably stop being funny when Morgan grew older. Right now, she's in the cutie state, so it's not that bad for her to be absolutely overpowered. Absolutely overpowered three- to eight-year-olds are somewhat funny. Teenagers aren't, and grown-ups even less. I've also run out of ideas. If someone wants to write a sequel or one-shots or whatever, you're welcome to, but please, PM me, because I would like to know and read it, however unlikely it is that anyone will take me up on this offer.
So, thank you, everyone, for reading, following, favouriting and reviewing.