"Shusei..." I'd seen that look before. I hated knowing that another touchy-feely interrogation was coming. "Why can't you just talk to me?"

"Talk to you about what? If you're still getting on about how I don't eat enough, I'll tell you again that I eat when I'm hungry and that's it. End of discussion." I wondered if redirecting was going to work tonight. I doubted it. God's Voice had seriousness written all over his handsome face.

"Talk to me about why you're still so distant!" Hotsuma growled, slamming the door, and blocking my exit.

"I'm not distant. I'm fi-!" I had forgotten how fast Hotsuma could be. He had me by the shoulders before I could even finish my lie.

"God Shusei, let me in." Despite the softness of his voice, his eyes were alive; I practically expected that beautiful golden color to spark, "I need you." My heart thudded painfully.

"You have me, Hotsuma." I responded, biting back the desire to say that I needed him too-needed all of him.

"No I don't. How can I have you if you don't even talk to me?" He whipped back, the lashing of words cutting deep with truth. I wanted to yell at him that I was keeping a wall between us for a reason so back off!

"We are talking." I said, plastering on a fake smirk, "See, right now, words, talking, that's what we're doing."

I expected him to get angry at my mockery, blow up and maybe even throw a tantrum like a child. What he did instead surprised me-cupping both hands under my face, staring into my eyes, "Don't use that smirk on me, I know its a lie." I resisted the urge to bite my lip, advert my eyes, it would only show him that he was slowly breaking my wall. "Shusei..." Damn it, that tone. The beautiful tone of God's Voice when he was being as gentle as possible.

"Go use that voice on Yuki, not on me, I don't need it." I snapped out, before I could stop myself.

His eyes flickered, "What?"

Oh fuck, the flood gates had just opened. "You heard me. Yuki is God's Light, the one you want to protect and be gentle with, so you should be using it on him, not me." I did not want to breaking like this tonight, I sounded so fucking pathetic. "Now, let me go. I'm going to bed." I pulled away from him, heading towards the door.

He grabbed my wrist, yanking me back into him, "I don't get it, Shusei! What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" He growled, the air rumbling with the power of God's Voice.

"You need Yuki! You don't need me! You're lying to me just as much as I'm lying to you!" My heart wrenched as the words tumbled out against my will.

"You're wrong!" Hotsuma snapped back, holding me captive next to him. "Yuki may be God's Light and may make me understand better about my purpose. But! You are my partner, you are the reason for me to live, you are the only reason I want to live, living without you isn't possible for me! I need you! I've told you this! I'm not lying when I say it!" Power was ripping through the air, I half expected flames or worse if he got anymore upset. Still, this breathlessness was filling me. I couldn't get myself to believe his words.

"Let go." I uttered, trying to tug my arm away from him.

"Damn it Shusei! Look at me!" His grip tightened. I refused to look at him, fearing I might cry. I wanted to believe him, it was pitiful how much I wanted to believe him. He took my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. His eyes were still glimmering dangerously, they were so beautiful that way... "I'll prove it to you."


"It seems I need to make you completely understand how much I need you. So I'll take what I need right now." He leaned in and took my lips with his own. Oh wow. His lips were so hot, like they were made of fire! I didn't even realize how much I had desired these lips until now, even breathing seemed like a mere annoyance as Hotsuma kissed me. He wrapped an arm around my waist, his tongue demanding entrance to my mouth. My mouth obeyed without much objections, letting his tongue slide into my mouth, exploring, taunting, teasing.

I had to stop him. I was going to be crying like a fool with heart-ache if we didn't stop it now. But no matter how much my mind raced and tried to get my body to pull away, Hotsuma's kisses were strong in convincing me to let him continue.

"Your body is the first thing. Next I'm going to make your mind fill with only thoughts of me. And then you're going to give me your heart too." Hotsuma said, pulling me with him to the couch, right on top of him as he sat down on it. He kissed me more, undoing the buttons on my shirt as his lips moved to kiss my jawline...throat...collar...

I jolted, letting out a small cry of fear when he stripped off my shirt as his mouth found the scar on my the hollow on my left shoulder. "No! Hotsuma!" I whined, trying to pull away from him. He looked at that scar and felt pain, I hated that anything on my body would make him feel so badly; I hesitated to even let him see it and now he was going to actually touch it!?

"I told you that I won't look away anymore. Its part of you, therefore I need it too." He whispered, holding me tightly as I squirmed to no avail. I sunk my fingers into his blond hair, trying to push his head away from the scar. He held me easily with one arm around my waist as he took my hand in his hair with his other hand. "Shusei, sssh, don't be afraid. Let me." He kissed my palm, then my wrist, slowly pushing my arm out of the way as he freshly kissed the scar. I whimpered, but let him do as he wanted. His kisses soon turned to gentle licks, following the lines and dips of the scar. My trembles of fear quickly turned to those of pleasure; the flesh of my scar was probably the most sensitive part of my body. A short moan even escaped when he sucked on an especially tender area.

"H-Hotsuma, stop..." I murmured, embarrassment making me blush.

"Hell no." He responded, smirking, and beginning a new assault with his tongue and lips. My body was getting hot, aching as I was getting excited though still bound with clothing. Its as if he heard my thoughts, because next thing I knew, Hotsuma had undone my pants and was stroking my groin.

"H-hotsuma...!" I cried out, digging my fingers into his shoulders as the pleasure blossomed through my body.

"That's it, Shusei." God's Voice purred to me, turning and laying me out on the couch under him. He stripped me bare, his lips exploring every inch of skin, his fingers leaving trails of fire. I gasped when I felt his finger push into me. His other hand wrapped around my manhood, as he stroked inside of me, making my back arch.

After what felt like hours writhing under Hotsuma's blissful onslaught, I felt the crown of his sex pressing against my back-end, "N-No!" I squirmed. With that, my body would be completely his. And after that, my mind would follow, and then surely my heart.

He grabbed my wrists, pinning them down on the couch, grinding his pelvice against me, his crown pushing further, "Shusei...please...let me in." He seemed to mean it in every way. Let him into my body, let him in my walls, let him into my heart.

There was no resisting it anymore. I was his. I would always be his, in every lifetime. I just hoped that meant he was mine too.

I stopped trying to get away, relaxing my body, tipping my head back in surrender, "Finally." I heard him mutter, entering me. I cried out again, feeling tears begin to streak out from the corners of my closed eyes, "Why are you crying? I didn't hurt you, right?"

It did hurt a bit, but the ecstasy outweighed it. I shook my head.

"Shusei..." He hadn't moved, except to wipe a tear off my face.

"I need you too." I answered in a small voice.

"I'm glad." I opened my eyes. I'd never seen that look on Hotsuma's face. It was...oh god...it was the way I'd always wished he'd look at me. Maybe he did and I just didn't see it, "You have me, Shusei, you always have. You're the reason I'm living now." My heart was speeding up impossibly fast. Hotsuma was mine as I was his, that look concreted the truth for me. He let out a moan, "Stop clenching, you're going to make me come..."

I felt my face flush again, "Sorry..."

He smiled, rocking his body in and out, sending a spasm through me, making me moan, "So since we have each other, that means we're lovers now, right?" I couldn't respond as he was making my blood run like lava through my veins, every nerve alight with pleasure.

Partners. Lovers. Yeah, it was a wonderful truth.


The end ! ^0^