Reviews for Wonderful Truth
kannl chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
love it
Mapperson722 chapter 4 . 8/3/2014
Hahahaha I could not stop laughing! It was so cute, and on a side note... I have done this before. My guy didn't know what the hell to do. So yeah, I got to drive that bus. So good to see that someone else had a mind like mine. Lol, brava
Mapperson722 chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
Awe, that was hot and awesome
FairyKei chapter 4 . 4/21/2014
Thank for making many a fan-girl dream come true! ;) It was so cute!
Loaded Faint Of hearts chapter 4 . 4/20/2014
Ahahaha, nice
Loaded Faint Of hearts chapter 3 . 4/20/2014
"I'm really going to mess you up". Cannot ever watch this anime without a boner again
Loaded Faint Of hearts chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
Ok so the first line of this fic is just BRILLIANT! Loving the way you write, keep it going PWEEEEASE *Sodom whinning in the back ground*
Awsomeangel chapter 4 . 2/17/2014
Cute and sexy!
Kuruta-Kei chapter 3 . 12/24/2013
WOW! I don't expect Shuusei to seduce Hotsuma XD but this is plain great, 'cause not only Shuusei did it, Hotsuma got a chance! I always love it when Hotsuma takes the lead
Pinning him into the bed. caught his wrist. make him scream or cry. PLEASURE
I'm going crazy for reading your fic! xD UPDATE UPDATE!
I hope to dream about this tonight
Kuruta-Kei chapter 2 . 12/24/2013
I love this!
Both of the characters aren't OOC either!
Keep it up! XD
Kuruta-Kei chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
I can imagine everything while reading this!
It's rare to see a first-person-based fanfic, especially it's in Shuusei's POV
Anyway, I love how the way you describe it and the words you chose are just perfect!
This is purely great! lovely! I'd love to read more X3
I'll start adding you to my favourite list
Gam Feng chapter 3 . 10/13/2013
All I can say is that was really hot!
Gam Feng chapter 2 . 10/13/2013
Blaze isn't the only reviewer now. :) Honestly though, that was the best lemon HotShu ever! All the other ones are just like: *read summary*, I'm like "uh, huh, that's nice, next", and it repeats. I'm surprised other people haven't found this yet.
Fireblaze1807 chapter 3 . 8/20/2013
Ah thank you, you make a fic of my request :3 I love it! And it's not that important if Shusei doesn't keep the lead because Hotsuma take the lead because he can't resist the shusei's charm haha Thanks again for you fabulous fic and keep writing :) !
Fireblaze1807 chapter 2 . 8/17/2013
Ah thanks for the new story I love it :3 I love Shusei when collapse for Hotsuma haha And the last sentence so perfect to represent Shusei for Hotsuma :) Continue your good work, can wait to see your new fic of this pairing if you have time
P.s: I would like to see if you have time and you want to write it, a fic when shusei take the lead instead of hotsuma but they keep their respectful role (uke and seme) the reaction of hotsuma could be very interesting haha
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