A/N: I'm here with another story! After reading many NaZa fics, I've started to enjoy the couple more. So I've decided to write my own. We'll I hope you guys like it.

Disclaimer that I don't own Fairy Tail

Erza Scarlet, the almighty Titania of Fairy Tail had just got her time reversed. Standing in front of a crystal was a girl that is slightly shorter than Wendy. Most of her armour either fell off or was slightly hanging on. The redhead began to check her body as she was still in shocked of her transformation. Any other person watching would find this the most adorable thing they have ever seen.

"What is going on?!" Erza panicked as she cupped her cheeks with her hands. She tried to get off this mountain, but quickly lost her footing and fell down.

"Ugh… I'm not used to moving in this body…" Erza ruffled her hair. She then had these thoughts going along in her mind. Wendy becoming like an older sister, Natsu and Gray challenging her to a fight, and Jellal taking no interest in her child body.


"Erza! Where are you?!" A familiar voice called. "Come out Erza! We solved the mystery behind the giants and the frozen flame!" The voice came from no other then Natsu. The dragon slayer picked up her scent near the base of the mountain and began to chase after it.

As he ran further, the scent became stronger. He ran until he saw a short girl with red hair with her back facing him. He decided to ask the girl if she had seen her teammate.

The pink haired man tapped the girl's back. "Hey, have you seen a scary girl with red ha… AHHH ERZAAAA!" The girl turned around and happened to be the person he was looking for.

"Natsu?" Erza said with a childlike voice.

"Ka...kawaiii…" Natsu mumbled before he shook his head rapidly to snap out of it. "Erza! What happened to you?!" Natsu shouted.

"I don't know… it seems like I have changed back into a kid somehow." Erza replied. Without hesitation, Natsu quickly bolted up to her and pinched both her cheeks.

"Naaatshuuuu! Waaat aree yeww dewiinggggg?" Erza mumbled as her cheeks were being harassed.

"You're too cute Erza!" Natsu released her and grinned.

"Where are the others?" Erza asked as she rubbed her cheeks.

"We separated too look for you. We're going to meet up at the entrance of the village in thirty minutes." Natsu ruffled her hair.

"STOP THAT!" Erza glared. Natsu quickly took back is hand and fear was showing in his eyes. Even if Erza did become a kid, she still has that fearsome aura.

"Oh yeah, we figured out the mystery behind the frozen flame. You see that mountain?" Natsu pointed at the mountain where Erza had fallen off. "That is the flame."

"Really?" Erza questioned.

Natsu nodded his head. He pointed at the mountain behind her. "That is the flame! Gray put a drop of moon drip on the ice near the entrance on the village. The ice is slowly melting and soon it will melt the ice off the entire city, including the flame." Natsu explained. "Come on, let's go. The others should be waiting by now."

"Alright let's go back." She tried to walk, but stumbled. But before she can fall, Natsu had caught her. A blush crept on to her face when she noticed that Natsu was holding on to her.

"Whoa there." Natsu laughed as he witnessed Titania stumbling as she walked.

"Sorry… I'm still not use to this body." Erza blushed.

Natsu gave her his signature grin. "Looks like you won't be able to walk back." Natsu said as he lifted her up to his back.

"What are you doing?" Erza asked the boy.

"Well since you can't walk, I'll give you a piggyback ride." Natsu grinned. "And besides, it's not every day that I can give the almighty Erza Scarlet a piggyback ride." Nastu laughed.

Erza just gave a soft laugh. It seems like turning into a child actually made Erza a kinder person. She crossed her two small arms around Natsu's neck and laid her head on his back. 'Natsu's warm.' Erza thought to herself before she closed her eyes and fell into a slumber.

Natsu carried her through the village and back to the entrance where he met with his other friends.

Gray was shocked to see the once scary woman, become a cute little sleeping girl.

"WOW!" Gray said loudly. Lucy slapped him behind the head. "Don't wake her up! Idiot!" Lucy whispered.

"What should we do with her?" Carla asked.

"I don't know… maybe we should take her back to the guild and ask master if he has a cure." Natsu suggested. The others agreed and decided to take Erza back to the guild to have master look at the situation.

The group busted open the guild doors which caused everyone to look their way. Everyone began too crowd around as they saw Erza in a child's body.

"What happened too Erza?!" Elfman shouted.

"Keep it down!" Gray whispered to Elfman as he pointed to the sleeping redhead on Natsu's back.

"Erza-san became a child after our mission. We don't know how." Wendy said.

"Where is master?" Natsu asked.

Mirajane ran to get Makarov, who was sleeping at the bar too look at the situation.

"Master, we need your help! Quick!" Mira pushed the old man to where the crowd was.

"Erghh what happened?" Makarov rubbed his eyes. He looked at Mira who had her finger pointed at somewhere. He traced her finger and his eyes were wide open after seeing Erza as a kid.

"Oh dear! What happened?!" Makarov shouted.

"We don't know. All we know is that Natsu had found her like this near the bottom of the eternal flame." Gray replied.

"Ahhh. It seems like some sort of magic had transformed her." Makarov rubbed his chin.

"So you have a cure?!" Natsu whispered, making sure not to wake her up.

"Well no. But it's highly likely that she'll change back when the time is right. So no problem there." Makarov replied.

"But there is a problem. SHE CAN'T EVEN WALK BY HERSELF!" Natsu shouted. His yelling made the girl on his back move a bit, but she was still sleeping. Lucy smacked him on the head and put her finger on her lips.

"So, it seems like she's not use to this body. Well I guess we'll need someone to take care of her." Makarov insisted.

"So who's going to look after her?" Lucy questioned. She was worried that she'll have to. Her house barely fit her so she couldn't possibly fit another person.

"Don't worry Luce. I don't want Erza to get Lucy kicked out of the house when she sleeps on your bed without your permission." Natsu laughed. A tick mark appeared on the blonde's forehead.

"I guess we can contact Jellal via lacrima and see if he's interested." Mira suggested. Hearing the name Jellal, the redhead quickly bolted up. Noticing that she was still on Natsu's back made her blush.

"Erza-san is awake!" Wendy shouted as she noticed the redhead blushing.

"Hey guys!" Erza smiled with her child voice.

"Awwww!" The entire guild reacted.

"Erza, since you can barely walk, were going to call Jellal to see if he would like to look after you." Natsu said. Erza was a bit frustrated hearing that she needed someone to take care of her. But she isn't denying the fact that she could barely walk without stumbling. She sighed in defeat and accepted. Also, since it was Jellal she was more willing.

Mira got the lacrima and called Jellal. A few seconds of waiting and Jellal appeared on the orb.

"Jellal, we need you to take care of Erza." Mira said.

"Erza? What happened?" Jellal asked. Natsu carried Erza to where Mira was so Jellal could see her.

"Hey Jellal!" Erza waved.

"Whoa, Erza! What happened?!" Jellal was shocked.

"She was turned into a kid somehow and we need you to take care of her." Gray said as he made his way over to the lacrima.

"I don't think I can do that." Jellal said. This made Erza shocked as her eyes went completely white with her mouth opened.

"Why not?" Nastu asked.

"I'm not interested in little girls…" Jellal stuttered.

It was happening. Erza's nightmares were becoming reality. You can see a little ghost coming out of her body.

"WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER!" Natsu shouted at the lacrima.

"I do. But now she's a kid. I don't think I can take responsibility." Jellal replied nervously.

"WHY YOU LITTLE!" Natsu was angry. His body was heating up to the point where Erza was sweating, but she didn't flinch because she was still shocked after hearing that Jellal had no interest in her.

"Natsu-san! Calm down! You're going to burn Erza-san!" Wendy shook the fire dragon slayer. Natsu did as the blue haired girl said and calmed down. But he was still not done.

He took in a deep breath and exploded. "WELL THEN, FINE! DON'T WORRY ERZA!" This woke the scarlet mage back into reality. He then lifted Erza in front of him with one hand and made her face him. "I'll look after you!" the fire mage grinned at her and smashed the lacrima with his other hand.

"NOOOO NATSU! THAT WAS EXPENSIVE!" Makarov shouted and a little ghost came out of his body like Erza.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think about the story and don't forget to leave a review! Also, tell me if I should continue because I don't want to write a story that no one enjoys.

Well, until next time! Bye!