Just a warning I am Dyslexic so my stories will not be perfect but I now have one Beta reader to help me along the way :D

Thank you so much to Roshelle Diall for offering to work with me :D

Hello my sweeties,

well we have reached this point!

The End is here, but! it still means I have one more chapter to kill you all with fluff XD



Neh xxx

I do not own Skip Beat.


Julie smiled as she slipped the veil into Kyoko's hair, before standing back next to Jelly to look at their 2 hours worth of work.

"Stunning! Simply stunning!" Julie cried with tears running down her face. Jelly could only nod as they both stared at Kyoko. The dress she was wearing had a Queen Anne neckline with cap sleeves and a sleek crystal hand-beaded lace Empire bodice with an open keyhole back. it hugged Kyoko's curves, before gently falling into soft pickups throughout the skirt and chapel length train But what made it more perfect was the colour. Julie who had designed the dress had asked for Kyoko's permission to forgo the normal white or ivory and instead she had made it in gold ivory.

The colour was subtle enough not to be garish yet the gold brought out Kyoko's eyes in an amazing way. The golden eyed beauty as she had been called by so many looked simply stunning as Julie had put it.

"OH I can't believe my little babies are getting married!" Julie cried before hugging Kyoko tightly, trying not to cry on Kyoko as she giggled and patted Julie's back comfortingly.

"Come on mom, you're going to ruin your make up." Kyoko said whilst pulling away slightly. Julie just waved her hand as if dismissing this comment completely.

"Oh pish as soon as you walk out there, no ones going to be looking at me anyway! And thats why they invented waterproof make up." Jelly chuckled.

"Julie's got a point Kyoko. So how are you feeling?" Jelly asked as Kyoko turned once more to the mirror twisting her hands slightly.

"I honestly still think I'm dreaming," was her hushed reply as she looked over herself for what must have been the 100th time. "I can't believe it. Today I'm actually going to be a Hizuri. Not just an honourary one but a real Hizuri." Shaking her hands out she turned back to the two women.

"You don't think he will decide not to go ahead with it, do you?" The complete and utter worry in her face was evident as Jelly and Julie both laughed.

"Kyoko I think you should be more worried about that boy carrying you down the aisle to make sure you can't get away." Jelly said as Julie continued to laugh , before adding her own piece.

"Kyoko. Kuon has been waiting to marry you for almost 5 years now. I don't think he will be having second thoughts, and I have to agree with Jelly I don't think Kuon will even allow you second thoughts at this point." Julie watched as Kyoko turned towards the tent doors and twisted her hands again.

"Oh no Kyoko! You're not having second thoughts, are you?" Julie cried as she looked as if she was about to rush Kyoko again who instantly turned and shook her head decisively.

"No... No but have they arrived yet?" Kyoko asked as Jelly and Julie smiled knowing why Kyoko was so nervous. There had been a few people asking if Kyoko would need an escort down the aisle, but she had refused all offers. Lory had pouted to begin with but he had listened to her reasoning and had been happy with her decision And besides how was he supposed to mediate the ceremony if he was walking her down the aisle? Lory had almost thrown a party just at the thought of it.

"They will be here Kyoko," Jelly said smiling as they heard a knock on the, tent flap pole.

"So is she decent?" Kanae's voice came through the fabric as Julie smiled and pulled open the door.

"Yes, all ready!" she said beaming with pride as Kanae entered, followed by Chiori, Honoka and Hotaru.

"OH my god Kyoko! you look gorgeous!" Hotaru cried as she looked upon her friend. Kyoko smiled at her bridesmaids and Kanae, her maid of honour.

"And you lot don't?" she asked smiling at her best friends, It had been Makoto's idea this time. She and Yashiro were still going strong and now they too were engaged to be married and she would be making up Kyoko's fifth bridesmaid. The dresses her friends wore were a deep rose red. Each dress was made for the woman wearing it, they fit to perfection and looked simply stunning.

Kanae stepped forwards and held out a small box to Kyoko. Her dress was ankle length, had a sweetheart neckline held up by inch width straps, with a drawn empire waist that flowed down in waves of soft lace. She looked beautiful like Kyoko's first rose. Taking the box from Kanae she looked at her curiously.

"Moko?" she asked as Kanae blushed a little.

"It's a tradition in western style weddings: something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue."

Julie nodded as Kanae repeated the rhyme she had learnt, before Makoto added the last bit,

"And a silver sickle in your shoe."

Kyoko smiled as Makoto took up her position with the other bridesmaids. Looking between them all Kyoko looked down at the box and slowly flipped open the lid. Inside rested a beautiful set of pearl earrings.

"They were my grandmother's. I would be honoured if you would wear them for your something borrowed." Kyoko didn't trust herself to talk as she fought away the tears that were trying to flow.

Kanae knew just how much this meant to her best friend and just hugged her softly. Kyoko gently placed them in her ears. Chiori stepped forwards next smiling as she handed Kyoko something wrapped in tissue paper. The twinkle in her eyes made Kyoko worry a little as she pulled open the paper revealing a blue garter strap.

"Chiori?" she asked wondering what the item was as Chiori giggled.

"Well that's another western tradition." she said barely containing her laughter as all of the women in the tent also tried not to laugh at the look of utter confusion on Kyoko's face.

"You'll understand later." Chiori told her as Kyoko smiled and thanked her. Chiori's dress was another simple design. The knee length red satin dress had a v-cut neck with no sleeves, a ruffle wrapped waist and a single rose as decoration on her chest. Kyoko thought It suited her wonderfully as she stepped back into line.

Hotaru stepped forwards next and she also handed Kyoko a box. Her dress was the shortest of the dresses that Julie had made for the bridesmaids. Yet it was perfect for her. The A-line dress with the straight cut neckline and thin straps made the woman only more beautiful showing off her dancer's body and legs.

Kyoko again opened the box revealing a beautiful charm bracelet. She could tell it was really old before she even touched it as she fingered each and every charm. They were made up of flowers, fairies and butterflies and Kyoko knew that she was trying to win a losing battle as she tried not to cry.

"This was supposedly made in the 1900's as a lover's token." Hotaru said as she pulled the bracelet from the box and carefully secured it around Kyoko's wrist. "And I just knew as soon as I saw it that it was made for you," she said stepping back and taking the box with her as she smiled.

Kyoko could hardly breathe the emotions were just so much As she looked down at the perfect fitting bracelet bracelet she mouthed the words, "Thank you," to Hotaru who mouthed back,

"You're welcome."

"Ok my turn then," Honoka said stepping forward. Her floor length dress showed why she was and always would be a model. It was a straight cut corset topped dress with the only decoration being a ribbon tied around her waist and bowed at the back. Again another box was handed to Kyoko.

"You know I think you're all just trying to make me cry!" she exclaimed as she dabbed at her eyes before taking the box from Honoka They all smiled brighter at the girl they all loved, when Kyoko opened the box she finally did give into tears.

"Thank god for waterproof makeup!" stated the now crying Jelly and Julie who had been crying since Kanae had hugged Kyoko.

"Amen to that," Julie stated in a choked voice.

Inside the box was a necklace made of diamonds and pearls set into the most beautiful butterfly. As the box moved in Kyoko's shaking hands she realised that the piece had been made in such a way that it seemed as if it was alive and trembling ready to take flight. Kyoko wondered just how much something like this would cost... How much all of these items would cost! The wedding alone had made Kyoko almost faint, though Julie had put her foot down when Kyoko had tried to contest the expense. And even though she wanted to say something she knew that no one would hear a word about these gifts.

"Oh Honoka!" was all Kyoko managed to say as she looked up to the woman who she thought of like an older sister.

"Only the best for my little sister on her big day," Honoka said, with a tear on her cheek. She picked up the piece and gently walked around Kyoko, making sure not to tread on her train as she slipped the chain around her neck and fastened it. Kyoko touched the butterfly now resting above her chest.

"Thank you onee-sama." she said using the name Honoka had told her to use lovingly as she hugged her.

"Well then I'm last and afraid mine's not as impressive." Makoto said with a smile as she handed Kyoko the simple silver sickle. Kyoko looked at the coin and smiled. "You need to put it in your shoe if you can," Makoto said smiling as she took the coin again and knelt down before Kyoko who allowed her to lift the dress skirt and slip the coin into the side of her shoe.

Kyoko wiggled her foot a little until it was comfortable before admiring Makoto's dress as she stood again. Her dress was much like Honoka's but it had a square neckline with shoulders but no sleeves. The empire bodice was unadorned and led to a floor length skirt in silk. Kyoko could see each woman in the dresses Julie had designed and created. Each dress showed the women wearing them at their best making them beautiful in their own way. To begin with Kyoko and the bridesmaids had been considering all of them having the same style and type dress until Julie had stepped in to say each of them are different so each dress should be different. And now looking on at her friends she couldn't agree more.

"Ok well enough focus on me!" Kyoko said trying to regain her composure as she dabbed her eyes again trying her hardest not to ruin the make up Jelly had so painstakingly applied. "I have something for each of you." Kyoko stepped over to the table and picked up the first tiara lying there. Each one was beautiful and each one different.

"Kuon and I had these specially made for each of you, They are yours to keep and we both hope that you will remember how much you each mean to us."

Slowly Kyoko got each of the girls to step forwards and placed the beautiful pieces on their heads. With each one Kyoko felt her control returning. She had just placed Makoto's tiara on when the tent flap was thrown open by a beautiful golden-haired girl.

"Onee-sama!" Maria cried as she stopped right before the woman she loved as a sister.

"Don't you look beautiful Maria!" Kyoko exclaimed ignoring the young girl's reluctance to hug her in case she messed up Kyoko's dress.

"Not as beautiful as you Onee-sama," Maria murmured as she hugged back.

"I'm glad you've come I have something for you." Kyoko said releasing her while she retrieved the last tiara off the table. She placed it lovingly on Maria's head.

Maria smiled beautifully and looked at herself in the mirror. Her straight cut, white ankle length dress was something Kyoko had gushed over more than even her own dress. It had a red band of ribbon around the neckline that snaked around and down the back getting wider as it went down . It was all beautifully decorated with white flowers, diamonds, pearls and crystals. Small spaghetti straps held the dress up and the buttons became decoration in a line from the neckline down to her back.

"It's beautiful Onee-sama!" she exclaimed before turning back to Kyoko still excited "Can I give you my gift now?" she asked.

All Kyoko could do was nod before Maria was out of the tent again like a blond bullet. When she entered again, Kyoko was lost to her tears again as everyone but Kyoko and her two guests left. They had come! And Kyoko could never even begin to tell them how much this meant to her. The Fuwa's simply smiled before enveloping her in their arms as she cried.

Kuon pulled at his cuff again, smiling at the butterfly cufflinks Yashiro had given him. He had wondered if they were a little too feminine at first, but the more he looked at them the more he didn't care. All it made him think of was Kyoko, who in a few short minutes would be walking down the aisle to join him... Or so he was praying. There was still time for her to back out! Still time for her to say no.

"If you keep worrying you're going to pass out before this thing even starts," Yashiro said as he made Kuon stand tall and sorted his bow tie with calm fingers.

"What if she doesn't come?" Kuon asked voicing his fears for the first time and Yashiro just smiled.

"She's coming Kuon don't be silly! She loves you and if she hasn't had enough and left you after two years I don't think she's going to do it now." Kuon chuckled slightly as he nodded his silent acceptance.

Yes she loved him, he knew that and yes she had stayed with him through thick and thin. When he had broken his leg doing a stunt she had put up with his depressed mood and annoyance at not being able to work. God he loved her.

"Ready?" Yashiro asked as Kuon looked into the brown eyes of his best friend and best man.

"Ready, " Kuon said as Yashiro nodded and stepped beside Kuon once more.

"Good because I believe we are about to begin."

People would talk about that wedding for years to come. No one would forget how simply beautiful it had been and also magical. But it had been planned by none other than Lory Takarada. So when Kyoko walked down the aisle with both Fuwa senior and the Taisho, no one was shocked when hundreds of live butterflies were released. Or when hundreds of fireworks exploded around the large gardens when the couple were pronounced husband and wife. At the end of the evening before Kyoko and Kuon departed for their 3 week honeymoon, Kyoko threw her bouquet of multi-colored tulips which exploded in the air so each of the waiting ladies received one each. Everyone couldn't help but smile. Lory was the king of love after all.

15 years later.

"Are you sure this is where you buried it?" Kiyomi, Kyoko's 10 year old daughter asked as she watched her dad and brother Shin who was 12 digging below the young tree.

"Yes Kiyomi, we planted the tree at the same time." Kyoko said as she sat on the blanket watching her two favourite boys digging together.

"It would go faster if you helped too Yomi!" Shin grunted as he shovelled another layer of dirt away.

"But then I might dirty my new dress Aunt Maria got me!" she exclaimed as she brushed imaginary dirt off the beautiful princess style dress made up with layers of lace and silk.

Shin just snorted as Kuon and Kyoko smiled at their children's antics. It was only a moment later when the ping of metal hitting metal made them all jump to attention. Shin dropped to his knees and pulled away the loose dirt, uncovering a very old looking biscuit tin.

"Is that it?" Kiyomi asked as she looked down at the tin with interest.

Kuon nodded as he placed a firm hand on his son's shoulder.

"This is it Well done, Shin." the boy smiled proudly as he stood from the shallow hole and brushed himself down.

"Can we open it?" he asked excited now as he returned to the blanket his mother was sitting on. Kiyomi followed closely as Kuon brushed himself off before joining them.

"Well I see no other reason to dig it up!" Kuon said laughing as he threw himself down beside Kyoko who leant over and kissed him gently.

"Ewwww! Do you have to do that in front of us?" Shin covered his eyes as Kiyomi sighed happily.

Kuon and Kyoko just chuckled as they pulled apart.

"Go on then. Shin you do the honours." Kyoko said.

She watched her son grasp the lid of the tin firmly and try to pull it open. It didn't budge. It took Kuon and Shin another 20 minutes before they finally removed the lid and the contents scattered out onto the blanket for all to see.

Kyoko almost cried when she picked up a tiny pink tutu. Shin and Kiyomi looked on confused before she managed to choke out.

"This was Tama's."

The children nodded knowing how much the little dog Tama had meant to not only their mom but their Aunt Chiori too. She still had two of Tama's children. Shin picked up a picture of his dad standing with a large group of women.

"So was this all of them?" he asked showing his dad the picture.

Kuon nodded as he looked at the picture from the first day of the show that had changed his entire life. Kyoko and Kuon pointed out people in the picture while the children asked questions. Then they spent almost an hour going through more pictures and the stories behind them before Kiyomi picked up a DVD case. Looking for a name she opened it as a picture fell out and a note.

"Mom?" she said getting Kyoko's attention as she passed it to her along with a note addressed to her.

Kyoko looked down at the picture and smiled. She remembered that day. It had been a week after the show had ended when she, Kanae and Chiori had been called to the President's office before being dressed up and transported to a grand hotel nearby. There they had their Love Me graduation party with everyone. How Lory had managed to do it they would never know, but everyone was there... Everyone that meant something to them, everyone they had ever worked with or worked for down to the stage hands and camera crews. The young women that had been such a big part of LME. The section people had laughed at, became the section that people now begged to get into. All these years later the Love Me section stood strong.

"That would be the graduation recording." Kyoko said nodding to the DVD still in Kiyomi's hand. She opened the note and smiled broadly.

I wonder where we will be when you read this Kyoko?

I wonder how far we will have come?

Will we have a family?

Will we be old and grey and remember how you gave me an old biscuit tin for my birthday?

Are we going to come back to dig it up together?

There is so much I want from life.

I have so much I want to see and do.

And the simple thing about it is

I could not see doing it with any other woman but you.

I wonder if you would believe me when you read this.

That this note was written a long time before you will have heard my feelings for you from my own lips?

Because the simple fact is Kyoko, I love you and no matter

what comes of this silly game show Lory has put me on,

I always will.

Kuon xxx

Kyoko looked at the date clearly stated at the top of the small piece of paper. It was dated the 10th February 2013, the first day of The Bachelor... The proof that no matter what anyone said Kuon had known the woman he had chosen the entire time. Kyoko looked up at Kuon who had been watching her read the note he had slipped in secretly before they had buried the capsule with their friends over 17 years ago. He watched the silent tears fall from Kyoko's beautiful golden eyes and Kuon leant forward and kissed her sweetly.

"It was always you and only you Kyoko," he whispered as they ignored there son's exclamation of 'Get a room!' and their daughter's smack to the back of his head.

There had always only been 1 wife for Kuon and he was just lucky enough she had said,



*Gives up and just tosses a bin full of glue covered fluffballs at the readers*

well there you have it!

25 women 1 Wife is now complete!

Just a warning I will not cover costs of dental treatment for cavities from reading this fanfic!

(maybe i should have said that at the start -_-)

But honestly I hope you have enjoyed this story and will continue to support me as much as you have done with all of my work to date.

As always there are pictures of Kyoko's dress, the bridesmaids and Maria's flower girl outfit linked in my profile and I have to say I want Kyoko's dress!

I will be leaving the voting open for a few more days for the next fic continuation,

you would like.

at the moment I am shocked to find Living for Her is leading by a few votes,

which shocked me I must say as I never really thought of it as one of my better pieces being my first ever piece of fanfiction, but still I'm looking forward to continuing it.

As always...

Thank you for reading.

Neh xxx

Comments and reviews please, I will happily reply to PM's and questions.