A/N: This kind of story has probably been done to death, but I haven't actually read any… Not that I've had time to read anything other than my school books lately… Let's just hope that it's semi-unique. Sorry if I'm copying someone else, but there's simply no way that something like this hasn't been written.



Genre: Lemon, Romance
Uploaded: 2016-12-01
Story rating: M
Words: 9,200

Detective Kudou Shinichi, destroyer of the Black Organization, Savior of the Police Force, the Heisei Holmes, had saved Kaitou KID's life, and needed to be properly thanked, but what could a simple thief bring someone that didn't want anything. Shinichi had learnt the hard way to be happy with what he had, and knew that every situation had its own special value. He was the detective that didn't want anything, except for time to heal his broken heart.

Thread of Silk

"One's first love is only perfect until one meets one's second love, and the first will pale in comparison"

Kuroba Kaito, known under the name Kaitou KID, wandered aimlessly in his secret room, still feeling the adrenalin rushing through his blood, and knew that he would later become exhausted. He had almost been killed by one of the last members of the organization that were still out there. The members that still were on the run were mostly low-level members that knew that they had been doing illegal things for an organization, but had no information about it. After the capture of the boss the high-level members were next. One high-level sleeper-agent knew that he would get caught sooner or later, and went to challenge Kaitou KID, who he assumed had played some part in the organization's downfall.

Shinichi knew that the man, codename Spider, would come for either him or Kaitou KID when he got aboard a flight to Japan, but since it was only time until Spider was caught, Shinichi figured that the magician would, rather than taking revenge on the detective, go after Kaitou KID to fight to the death, finally determining who was the worthier magician. Günther had gotten on the flight in Germany, but when it landed in Japan and was stormed by police he was gone, vanished into thin air, together with his luggage.

The only reason that Kaitou KID wasn't dead was because Shinichi got there, knowing that the white phantom thief would eventually be beaten; he had a no-one-gets-hurt policy, and it included people that were trying to kill him, so he was fighting a losing battle. Working together, they managed to knock out Spider before the snipers intervened.

Weeks went by as Kaito watched how the detective was celebrated on TV, speaking about his time "undercover" without going into detail and about when he and the infamous Kaitou KID fought together, across rooftops and through the sky with the murderous magician, Spider. Feeling mentally exhausted, knowing that his struggle was finally over, Kaito had just watched the detective's interviews for a few days, trying to find some way to thank Shinichi for including him in his plans, but got nowhere. As he watched the sparkling blue eyes of the detective on TV his lips set into a smile, seeing how the now teenage boy seemed to carry and aura of pure delight for being back, but the detective's past years were shrouded in a mystery that only a few people knew; and Kaitou KID was one of them.

The only thing Kaito found from the interviews was that Shinichi wanted nothing but to sleep in his own bed, go to school, solve a few cases and mainly get back to his life. As the reporter asked a question about his private life, a tinge of sadness entered the teenager's eyes, but it was gone just as fast as Kaito had seen it. Shinichi lived a lonely life, despite being surrounded by police, fans and reporters and even though the words that came out the detective's mouth stated that he wasn't ready to get into a relationship, Kaito could see that same sadness flicker by, knowing that the teenager's childhood friend had gotten together with someone else one year before Shinichi got back.

Ran had moved on, and Shinichi had let her and tried to do the same, but a year afterwards he still felt lonely and unloved, knowing that she was the only real friend he actually had. Now that she had a boyfriend they couldn't spend much time together without complicating Ran's relationship, so they only ate dinners from time to time. The only time Kaito ever saw the burden of all the secrets lighten from the detective's shoulders was at a KID-heist, and with a smile the magician raised the volume as he knew what part of the recorded interview was coming.

"You brought down that syndicate with the help of both the FBI and the CIA," the woman stated with a sly smile, "but yet you have solved heist notes and attended eight heists without managing to capture Kaitou KID. Some say that he's just that good, while others claim that you are simply not trying. Are you playing with Kaitou KID?"

The detective laughed at the question, not his smug chuckle, but a real laughter, as if he was simply overwhelmed with mirth.

"You make me sound like a child," the detective smiled, not denying her accusation, but before he continued with his answer he raised a finger to his mouth and hushed her. Intrigued the woman leaned forward, expecting the teenager to whisper, but he continued in a voice that was only slightly lower than normally, clearly intending for the microphone to pick it up, "he's just really fun to chase." Kaito couldn't help but to smile at the detective's answer as he paused the video to lay down on the couch and stare into the ceiling, retreating far into his own mind to think about the detective, who he had never properly thanked.

Without having a good idea of what he wanted to give, say or do for the detective Kaito got up from the couch, feeling that deep within him he knew exactly what to give his Meitantei, but it was as if his subconscious refused to share that knowledge for evaluation, probably because it was an idea that was strange or slightly insane. After having eaten dinner, showered and brushed his teeth he still didn't know what his subconscious wanted, but he trusted it none the less, knowing that he would've died more than once if he didn't, and even though his subconscious had made him go to see the detective before he felt more certain that he would be able to thank him now.

Smiling, Kaito observed the phantom thief in the mirror, dressed in pristinely white silk, carrying a seductive smile and twirling a white rose between his fingers; there was something about that image of himself that made him proud, made him feel as if he'd accomplished something, and even though he'd promised himself to stop stealing when the organization fell he still went out to steal. It wouldn't be fair of him to not give the detective his little fun when he made the organization crumble to dust.

With his mind blank Kaito sniffed the sweet scent of the flower before he pulled off a petal and looked back to his mirror image, seeing slight confusion in his eyes as he stared at the mirror image of the white petal that he was holding in his hand before he brushed it against the skin of his throat. Deciding to not question his actions too much he pulled off more petals and rubbed them on his throat and neck, figuring that he'd at least smell slightly of roses, which wasn't bad. Without a puff of smoke Kaito hid his white clothes before he walked out of his house. While feeling how nervousness made him shiver he travelled through the air to Beika, still not sure of how to thank the detective.

Floating like a shadow into the yard behind the large mansion was as easy as it always was, but he guessed that famous detectives' houses weren't common targets by thieves, thieves other than Kaitou KID of course, so not many defenses were needed. The thief made his way into the house, moving light as a breeze through it, looking for the detective that he knew was there; if Shinichi wasn't there, there wouldn't be paparazzi outside his gate. Most of the house lay in darkness, but as he made his way up to the second floor a stream of light escaped out into the hallway from underneath the gap of a door.

With a sigh Shinichi knew that he needed a small break from the school work for the evening, but he was so far behind his old class, which had already gone to university or began working. The principal of Teitan High had allowed him to graduate whenever he'd done all the work, and Shinichi hoped that he could do it all in one year or less; that way he wouldn't be too far behind his peers.

A knock on his door made him stare at it in confusion, thinking that he'd hallucinated since he was tired and alone, but his parents could've gotten home, even though he doubted that they would knock. As a second knock was heard he decided that it must be his father, because a criminal wouldn't knock.

"Enter," Shinichi called out and saw the handle move, with a bit of shock he saw a white glove cross the threshold to his room as the door opened inwards, and he only knew one person that wore those kind of gloves. Just as he suspected, the glove was followed by an arm, dressed in the same pristine white silk, and then a thief in top hat entered the room.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise!" the teenage detective smiled, genuinely happy as he pushed the light switch to darken the room, and went over to turn on the small window light to give the room a dim lighting, while followed by the magician's sharp eyes.

"Thank you," KID smiled as the twice-child walked up to him, not surprised by the other's action as he was well aware of the silent treaty they seemed to have.

"Is it a heist note?" Shinichi asked so excitedly that the thief actually felt bad about not having brought one with him; he should've at least done something.

"Sorry, and strangely enough, I haven't brought one," KID excused and let his poker face show a bit of embarrassment, seeing how the teenager stared at him curiously, knowing fully well that he had no jewel to return.

"So you came by… to hang out?" Shinichi wondered, but as he heard that his voice sounded suspicious and hostile he quickly added, "I'm okay with that."

"Good," KID smiled and allowed the confident poker face to take its place, "I wanted to talk." The magician seemed to hesitate, feeling his mind roar against him, but anyone could've taken it as a dramatic pause.

"Or rather, I wanted to thank you," the thief kept such and intense eye-contact that Shinichi almost became nervous, "thank you properly, for coming to my rescue when Spider and I fought, and I also wanted to thank you for every other time you've saved my life, as Conan. I never properly thanked you." Stopping to look at the detective's face, rather than his eyes, he saw that an embarrassed blush was spreading over the cheeks.

"I-, you don't have to thank me. I'm-, I'm just doing my job," Shinichi stammered a bit, hating when people came to thank him. Admiration he could deal with, he was used to it, but gratefulness was a completely different story. Shinichi never really learnt how to respond to it, and now it was coming from an elusive phantom thief that was standing in his bedroom.

"No," KID chuckled a bit, "your job is to find murderers, not help thieves."

"Well, you have saved me many times," Shinichi tried, seeing the magician smile at him.

"I only jumped from a building every now and then," the thief shook his head, feeling that it was time to thank the detective, but his subconscious still clung to the idea and refused to share, "if there's anything you need help with, anything you want me to find or do for you-."

"I-, I-, you don't have to do that, besides, you do a lot already by holding heists," Shinichi grinned, remembering the last heist, the challenges and the much more advanced traps that had been created just for him, "I should be thanking you for telling Nakamori that you would keep your loot if I wasn't allowed inside after my stupid comment."

"Oh, that's just trifles. Both of us gain something by you being there, as strange as it is, we make a great team and great foes," KID grinned and tilted his head, "the next heist, I'll prepare something extraordinary, just for you… Anyway, if you ever need to get in contact with me, just mention my name in an interview or on the news and pull twice in your earlobe, and I'll show up."

Without thinking Kaitou KID stepped closer and placed their cheeks together as he gave him a light embrace, feeling that the detective was tense and blushing.

"Thank you, Kudou Shinichi, for everything you've done for me, and for everyone else whose life you've saved," the magician whispered into the ear, feeling his mind spin from how good the teenager smelled. "Thank you," he whispered again, only to prolong the moment and pressed his lips against the detective's burning cheek, and felt how he lost his own poker face to the shock of what his body was doing without his consent.

As he pulled away however, the magician had regained his poker face, and smirked at the utterly shocked expression that was staring back at him.

"That-, that's how you thank one of your fans, but that's no way to thank a detective that saved your life," Shinichi answered back at the thief's smug expression, and as he felt his face burn he wouldn't have been surprised if it caught fire.

"You're right, I'm sorry," KID stated and shook his head, unaware of how uneasy he made the detective, "I don't know what I was thinking." As his brain had shut down for the evening, KID cupped the detective's face with both hands and kissed him on his lips, feeling the other tense.

Shinichi's mind went into overdrive when KID's lips touched his and in a fraction of a second he had enough time to debate right, wrong, consequences, what was going on and why his body was revolting against him. Before the fraction of time was over Shinichi's hands had grabbed into the thief's suit and pulled him closer while feeling the smooth fabric stretch underneath his fingers. When Kaito felt the tug in his clothes and the increased pressure on his lips his eyes flew open, only to see the detective's closed eyes and face carrying an expression of untainted bliss.

Kaito found that he really liked seeing that expression, so as much as he liked the kiss he kept his eyes open enough to watch the detective. Slowly, gazed, blue eyes slid open enough to reveal dark, dilated pupils. As they studied each other's eyes for a hint of deception or joke they stood still, lips pressed to each other and waited nervously, giving the other time to pull away, excuse himself and pretend that they had never kissed, but it never happened. Neither thief nor detective pulled away and wanted to stop the feverish burn that swept from their lips down their throats and prickled their stomachs. It came over them like the broken waves over the edge of the beach. As if a signal had been given both pushed against the other, gasping when the intensity of the waves grew, but they wanted more.

Digging a hand into the detective's hair and pushing his lips harder against Shinichi's, Kaito heard himself whine; it wasn't enough, yet it was too much. Almost tearing at the thief's clothes Shinichi wrapped his arms around the other, feeling another strong wave overwhelm him, and even though he didn't know if he wanted more or less of KID he opened his mouth, caressing the thief's lips with the action. Shinichi wanted to stop the fire that he seemed to have within him from burning him, yet he felt as if he wouldn't survive if the fire wasn't fueled; it was so intense that it hurt him, but as if possessed, he just knew that he needed more. Intellectually, he knew what this was leading up to. He wasn't ready, but he also wanted it to happen.

When the thief's lips opened ever so slightly Shinichi's tongue snuck over, uninvited, but welcome. Moaning lightly, KID had no idea how he made fire pour from Shinichi's mouth, down his throat to his stomach and made the detective lose all sense of decency and ability to differentiate between right and wrong. As they fought for dominance, they fueled their hunger and moaned as they used their bodies to try to overpower the other, but only ended up moving through the room in a passionately rocking waltz.

Gasping from shock, Kaitou KID ended up on the bed with a detective over himself, seeing how the teenager breathed hard, trying to gain his breath back, but as they stared at each other and panted they saw only hunger.

"Shi-, Shinichi," Kaitou KID breathed out, using the detective's name rather than his nickname and felt how the animalistic fire threatened to scorch him if he didn't get more of the detective. As he heard his name, Shinichi dove for the lips, deciding that air had to wait as long as Kaitou KID said his name in that quietly desperate voice.

Tearing at the thief's suit without getting it off frustrated Shinichi to rage, but he couldn't take the time to look nor think about how to get KID out of it. The deeply moaning thief had the exact same problem; he seemed to have forgotten how to work a shirt button. Shinichi sat up on the thief to get an overview over the obstacle the suit presented, but he only had a moment to look before the thief spun them around so that Shinichi was the one pushed into the bed. Their unified, desperate moans filled the room as they madly clawed at each other's clothes, but as the detective had forced his brain to work he managed to get KID's suit open, which was quickly followed by pulling in the shirt, making the buttons lose their hold around his thief.

A triumphant growl into the kiss was quickly followed by hands within the shirt, touching the warm and soft skin of Kaitou KID. The hands snuck behind the magician's back, allowing Shinichi to take control over the situation and spin them around. Content, the detective used his hands to touch and caress the now naked chest, feeling his hands burn, but as he flooded the thief with fire KID's writhing and cries of pleasure and frustration forced them to break the kiss. Shinichi's teeth quickly latched onto the red tie, unable to stop himself, and he brushed their bodies together, getting excited as he felt something hard in between the other's legs. With desperate howls both of them crashed their bodies together, unable to control the fire, their hunger and bodies.

Letting out a low growl, Shinichi felt his eyes close on their own as his senses became flooded with pleasure. Contently he rode the waves of satisfaction, feeling KID's body push up against him, rubbing their pelvises together until the thief soon after came. Trembling, Shinichi felt KID's body mirror the spasms that rippled through the muscles in his own body. As they came down from the high, both were blushing, but as Kaitou KID looked down on the detective on his chest he found dark, half-lidded eyes staring at him. With raised eyebrows KID eyed the tie that was still in the detective's mouth, but no matter how Shinichi tried he wasn't able to open his mouth, so the tie stayed clamped between his teeth.

Just lying on the bed and regaining their senses made both of them ashamed of what they had done; Kaitou KID did not hump detectives, and Shinichi did most certainly not hump thieves, no matter how they dressed.

"Wow, I did not expect that," KID hummed pleased with rosy cheeks, revealing that he had no mask over his face and looked down on the dazed detective on his chest, "Tasty?" With a growl Shinichi forced his arms to push his body up from the warmth of the thief, still holding the tie in his mouth. With a sigh Shinichi massaged his jaw and then opened his mouth, making KID stare at him with fascination.

"I'm glad it was my tie and not my tongue," the thief grinned as he detective laid his head to rest on the naked chest, staring at him, as if daring him to try and get him off; it was obvious to Kaito that Shinichi wasn't planning on letting him go any time soon, not that he actually wanted to leave.

"I accidently locked my jaw," the detective mumbled excusing and looked at the bite marks that had disoriented some threads in the tie, "why did you kiss me?"

"I wasn't meaning to, it kind of just happened," the white-clad thief laughed a bit nervously, "sometimes I do things that I don't know why I do."

"Where does this leave us?" Shinichi mumbled with a bit of worry and held his arms beside the thief, gripping hard into the cooling silk, afraid that Kaitou KID was going to vanish in a puff of smoke. For a few times the magician opened and closed his mouth, wanting to answer, but unable to come up with anything good.

"Well, I clearly enjoy your company," KID grinned a wolfish grin and took off a glove to feel the detective's soft hair, "and you seem to enjoy my company just as much." As embarrassed as Shinichi was over his actions he couldn't help but to love the way the thief was looking at him.

"Oh, I more than enjoy your company. I need it. Badly," the detective murmured hungrily, making the thief shiver and realize just how possessive the no longer child seemed over him.

"KID…" Carefully, Shinichi sat up on top of the thief and placed his hands within the opened shirt, touching and caressing the thief, feeling shivers run through his arms as his opened shirt slid down over his shoulder.

"You started this," the detective's hungry eyes burned deep into his soul as he became unable to avert his gaze from Shinichi's eyes, and for the first time the detective scared him, but Kaito was still able to smile as he knew that the detective wouldn't hurt him, but if it had been anyone else other than Shinichi who looked at him with such hunger and intensity he'd been running in the opposite direction.

"Oh, yes, I started it," KID smiled and licked his lips, unaware how he made the detective jealous of the tongue that got to touch those lips, but with a challenging smirk the thief continued, "now, finish it!"

The command and challenge didn't need any reinforcement, because Shinichi was barely able to control himself anyway. With quick movements, the last buttons lost their hold on the thief's shirt and as Shinichi pulled off the red tie he noticed that the suit and shirt had vanished, but he wasn't interested in how; he just cared about getting the thief out of the clothes. The finesse with which only one of Kaitou KID's hands ran down the last of the detective's buttons and undid them made Shinichi realize how absurd it was that the magician hadn't been able to open them a little while ago despite using both of his hands at that time. With a quick action, the detective tore off his shirt, but he released a strangled cry of approval as the thief brushed his hands from the shoulders down to his waist, blowing air on the small fire and sparking it to a blaze.

As Shinichi dove for the thief's lips he felt KID's legs shift. While going mad from the hunger that burnt him Kaito could only meet the detective's starving kisses and let his hands explore his back. Desperately yearning for more, the thief wrapped a leg around his detective, but as he felt that they were almost falling off the bed he was forced to push his lover away in order to back up on the bed. Shinichi's intense, blue eyes stayed locked to the thief's indigo as he walked over him on all fours. When they got to the middle of the bed Shinichi attacked the wanting lips, using both his tongue and teeth to force sounds of pleasure out from the thief's mouth.

Kaito growled into the kiss and felt a hand grab into the lining of his pants, but his mind was far too gone to think straight and the only wish he held was that his Meitantei would take them off. As the button became undone, they rolled around while kissing, trying to get off the last pieces of their clothing. Moving like one being, they followed each other's actions; if KID pulled back, Shinichi pushed forward towards him, and when the detective pulled away, KID came closer to him. Feeling the warm skin of the thief against his own drove Shinichi insane. The heat that flooded his body, wave after wave, only intensified as their pants were kicked to the floor.

Listening to the other's moans, Shinichi pinned the almost nude thief to his bed and held him down to have a look. Hungry indigo eyes stared at him as they tried to regain their breaths, but as Shinichi's eyes explored the naked chest underneath him he saw small, red marks where he'd latched on, but he wasn't able to remember sucking or biting on KID's body. As his eyes got down to the underwear he saw with satisfaction that the last piece of white clothing that hid KID, was stained and bulging outwards; the thief seemed to be just as eager as himself.

When Shinichi allowed his eyes to return to KID's face he saw that the magician was staring at the bulge in Shinichi's own black underwear. The nervousness the twice-child felt before had blown out the window long ago, but as he backed away to straddle the thief's legs he gripped into the white silk and carefully pulled them off to reveal the price. Feeling his member pulse from excitement he got rid of KID's boxers before he allowed the magician to pull off his own. Unable to form any kind of sentence the both of them crashed their lips together and let their burning bodies relax on top of each other.

Moaning incoherently, they rolled around on top of the bed, trying to control their wish to touch each other, but as Shinichi's mind spun from heat he held only one wish, and he followed it. Vanishing from the kiss made the thief open his eyes and see that the detective was gone from his face, but as he averted his gaze downwards he saw him by his pulsating erection.

Without asking for permission Shinichi grabbed into the shaft, hearing the thief whine from the hunger, but wanted more. As a trail of white exited the head and rolled down to his hand, Shinichi was hypnotized; he liked what he was seeing, and he could feel himself drip from the mere sight of KID in his hand. For a moment, the hunger was pushed away and he could only stare as a new drop ran along the shaft to his hand, but as KID wailed the hunger came back with full force, washing over him and made him go down to suck on the weeping head.

KID cried out from euphoria and made the detective pinch the base of the erection to prevent the young man in his hand and mouth from reaching the end. Shinichi almost came from hearing his named falling out from the gasping mouth, and the begging 'please' that accompanied it made the detective's head spin worse than before.

"Gah! Shi-, Shin-, please," the magician managed to get out as he gripped hard into the cover underneath him, but no matter how much he moaned or begged Shinichi would not release his grip around the base and let him come. Losing the last of his self-restraint made the thief dig his hands into the detective's hair and buck, trying to reach deeper into his mouth, but KID's trembling arms weren't able to exert any force so Shinichi only smiled and wanted to torture the magician more. Shinichi moaned eagerly, knowing that it would sent vibrations around the erected member and refused to let the other come. As KID got louder and a bit rougher the detective almost reached the end from the feeling of the thief's fingers massaging his scalp.

"Please!" the magician cried out louder as Shinichi moaned and swallowed the few drips that were able to make their way out. Listening to KID's desperate pleas made the detective's head spin from heat and he decided that the thief had had enough torture when he wailed and his body trembled. Releasing his grip around the base made the thief eyesight vanish in a flash of white as he continued to thrust into the detective's mouth. Greedily, Shinichi swallowed and pumped his hand to get everything out as he sucked on the head.

Moaning, KID's body relaxed and trembled from euphoria, only breathing heavily and moaning as he felt how the detective refused to let his member go and just continued to suck ever so gently on it.

When he felt that the erection was gone Shinichi released it from his mouth and went up to the thief's face, smiling as he saw red cheeks and closed eyes. The detective's body trembled badly from the strain of holding himself back, but he knew that he couldn't take the thief, and he didn't want to finish himself off; he wanted KID to do it for him.

Getting annoyed by KID's recovery-time Shinichi bit gently into the lower lip and pulled a bit, seeing dazed indigo eyes open to meet his starving blue ones, and KID knew immediately that the detective was still in the throes of passionate hunger.

Letting KID spin them around, Shinichi became pushed into the bed once more.

"Revenge," the thief breathed with a wolfish grin seeing the detective grin back at him, clearly enjoying the threat. Straddling the young man's legs and caressing the scarred chest forced delighted gasps from the detective's mouth and as Kaito let his eyes wander downwards to the erect member he smiled, seeing trails of white leave the head. Not wanting the detective to come before he'd tortured him made the magician grab into the base and hold it, just like the detective had done to him. Shinichi clearly enjoyed the treatment as he moaned and waited for the torment to commence. With a devious smile KID licked away the escaped fluid, enjoying the taste of the other, and saw Shinichi lean on his arms in order to observe what was being done to him.

With only the monocle to hide KID's face it wasn't very effective, but Shinichi wasn't able to look at the face, all he could do was stare at the tongue that sent electricity through his shaft and body. Seeing the intense gaze made the thief slowly let his lips part so that he could take in the head and suck on it gently. The bliss and delight that was visible on the detective's face made Kaito smile and as he sucked a bit harder the young man became unable to hold himself up and fell back to the bed. As Shinichi thrashed on the bed from pleasure the thief was only able to feel an immense satisfaction welling up inside him; he was making the detective writher, moan and try to buck in order to get more of the pleasure that KID was giving him, but the magician was relentless, and refused to give Shinichi what he wanted. Kaito was going to see how long the detective could last without going crazy.

Every time KID touched him he felt a new rush of heat coil in his stomach, making him writher in pleasure and gasp for the air to cool his burning body, but he loved it. Shinichi craved for more, yet he never wanted the moment to end. The thief's hand seemed cold in comparison to his pounding member, but he wanted the thief to keep him in his paradise of pleasure, hunger and euphoria. He wanted more of the euphoria, but he knew that it would drown the hunger and without the hunger the moment would be over. Unable to utter anything else but moans and pleas he tried to express his wish for the thief to not let him come.

"Keep hold," the detective cried as he squirmed, but then felt how KID's mouth disappeared off of his weeping erection. "No," he groaned and sent a glance down.

"Ooh, so my dear Meitantei loves torture?" the thief licked on the head, hearing begging of more exit the detective's mouth. "Good," KID smiled ominously as he continued to lick on and around the head, "because I just discovered that I have a dark side; I love torturing you."

"Ghh-, good," Shinichi managed to utter, feeling how his mind was blank from the sensations and he moaned, overwhelmed by his desire for the thief.

Without caring that the detective's body trembled from exhaustion and the chorus of moans that came out the mouth Kaito continued to suck while seeing Shinichi's back arch as he tried to get more pleasure. The chest was heaving, Shinichi's cheeks burnt red and if he closed his mouth for even a second he would risk suffocation. No word was able to form on the detective's tongue. He was only able to get out single letters as he panted and wailed from the heat that coursed through his body, and he had no idea how long the thief kept him in paradise until the hand released the base of his erection and allowed him to come. Unable to scream out his ecstasy he held his breath as his body arched his back and shot his batch into the thief's mouth, feeling the intense sucking making him stay in paradise. As his body relaxed he felt his mind stay fuzzy and just concentrated on feeling KID's mouth over his relaxing erection. With a long and outdrawn moan his body relaxed completely and he fell back into the bed, breathing hard and squirmed as the pleasure made him smile happily. A chuckle by his face made him hum, trying to tell KID that he was still awake, just too exhausted to open his eyes.

"That's adorable," the magician's voice reached his ears and he felt gentle lips leave a trail of kisses down his neck as his frantic panting slowly grew calm. Trying to say the thief's name Shinichi only managed to get out a low moan and moved his fingers that seemed to have frozen into place after holding into the cover for a long time.

"I can't wait to do this again," KID's voice whispered in his ear and Shinichi smiled at him with his eyes closed, only humming quietly as a response, "I'll take that as a confirmation that you want more." Carefully one blue eye was opened, only for the lid to fall closed again. "You know," KID's voice made the detective shiver, "hearing and watching you made me hard again." Forcing both his eyes open, Shinichi stared into the thief's dilated indigo eyes, and smiled. "What? You want a second helping?" As the detective's lips grinned Kaito took is as a confirmation and got off his lover's body, allowing him to get his trembling body up.

"Yeah, I'll take that second helping," Shinichi murmured in a hoarse voice, unaware how indecent he sounded in KID's ears; the detective really had a bedroom-voice if he wanted it. Smiling deviously, Shinichi saw how the thief's body relaxed into the bed while the indigo orbs refused to break their locked eyes. Leaning over the magician, Shinichi began to teasingly kiss the thief's neck, inhaling the scent of roses and broke their line of sight. Slowly, he travelled downwards, hearing whispers of delight followed by his name. As the detective got all the way down he began to clean up the escaped semen and listened to the whimper that left the magician's mouth.

Humming in enjoyment, Shinichi sucked on the head and heard the thief's breathing become deeper as he grabbed into the hips with his weak and trembling hands. Hearing the moans getting louder Shinichi pulled up on the hips in rhythmic movements and the thief did as he wanted and began to buck his hips. To show approval, he let his hands continue to pull up in the rhythmic movement and caressed the thief's legs and butt.

Shoving his own pulsating member into the teenager's mouth while he bobbed his head made Kaito feel the head of the shaft hit the back of Shinichi's throat, protected by his tongue so that he wouldn't gag. Reaching the end Kaito drove himself deeper while at the same time feeling how Shinichi almost deep throated him and came, filling up the detective's mouth with his seed. As the thief tried to move away to not choke his lover hands grabbed harder into his hips, not allowing him to. Blushing, he looked down to the detective that was holding him steady while sucking him dry. As Shinichi released him he went up to lie in the chest, raising an eyebrow as he felt that the teenager already was half-erected again; clearly the detective liked pleasuring him.

"Sleep," Shinichi murmured and seemed to lose conscious as soon as he closed his eyes, but as Kaito sighed and calmed down he too fell asleep the moment he relaxed.

As indigo eyes opened, a moon was shining in through the window, and his body shivered from cold, but as he looked to the detective, blue eyes met his.

"Have you been awake long?"

"A while," Shinichi's voice mumbled as he released himself from Kaito's grip and moved away to put the cover over himself. With a smile the thief crawled underneath the cold fabric as the detective opened it for him, but it wasn't soon before their combined body heat had warmed them both. As Kaito caught the detective staring at him he smiled a bit, uncertain of what emotion was showing in the blue eyes, but he relaxed as soon as the teenager's lips began to smile.

"You know," Shinichi began with laughter in his eyes, "I like your way of properly thanking me, but it better be just me you properly thank." Crawling even closer to the detective, Kaito felt something hard in between his legs.

"Hard again?" the thief grinned as he realized that the emotion that he was seeing through the darkness was need and desire.

"Yes, and if you want to go back to sleep now you better not touch it," the detective murmured into his ear, making Kaito stop the hand that had been travelling down Shinichi's stomach towards his erection, but as a tongue traced the shell of his ear he smiled and continued downwards.

"I was hoping for that," Shinichi grinned and nibbled on the thief's earlobe, hearing a low hum of approval of the treatment.

As fingers wrapped around his shaft, Shinichi moaned and got on top of the thief, ready to force sounds of ecstasy out from behind the larcenous magician's lips. With determination, the detective went down to suck on the inviting neck, enjoying the sweet scent as the thief arched his back.

"So sensitive," Shinichi grinned eagerly and gently nibbled on the skin, feeling the pulsing heart beat underneath and with satisfaction he felt how the thief's relaxed member swelled as he got aroused again.

"I had no idea you were this sensitive," the detective teased as he left kisses and suction marks along the neck and moved down to scrape his teeth against the shoulder, "I'm going to have so much fun with this." Feeling the hand leave his erection he felt the hands trace his back and caressed him down to his butt.

"Damn, Shinichi," Kaito moaned as he grasped into the cheeks of the detective's behind, pushing himself up and felt how he lost his grip as his old foe went further down and gently bit on his nipple, but as their naked bodies became pressed together Shinichi felt KID's pulsating want against his stomach and he enjoyed feeling it there.

As if mad with hunger, Shinichi caressed the thief's body, not caring about the incoherent mumbling of demands, praise and wishes of more that left KID's mouth. Moving up again, the detective invaded the magician's mouth, simply taking permission and heard the thief hum quietly. As their battling tongues danced with each other the young men got wilder, rolling around in the bed and trying to fight for dominance. Suddenly Shinichi's body pulled away and Kaito found himself on his stomach, pushed into the bed with the horny Shinichi straddling his thighs and stroking his back. Giving up the power struggle, Kaito simply enjoyed feeling the pulsating erection pushed in between his cheeks. With Shinichi caressing his back and sucking on his shoulder Kaito couldn't help but to softly tense the muscles in his butt, hearing Shinichi moan from the action as the space in which his stimulated member was squeezed.

"If you continue like that," Shinichi gasped in the thief's ear, feeling the rhythmic tensing beginning to drive him further, "I won't be able to hold back on you much longer, and I really don't want to hurt you."

"Oh, I don't care," KID answered just as breathless and looked behind him, "I just want you so badly."

"Don't say that," the detective sat up in order to regain his control and prevent himself from ramming his erection inside the thief, giving the criminal just what he wanted, but Shinichi understood that it would hurt the other if he did it that carelessly. Lifting his weight from the thief made KID able to roll around and watch his detective. As Shinichi saw the starved, indigo eyes stare at his weeping member he knew what KID wanted. Getting off the thief Shinichi sat down at the edge of the bed, seeing the other jump down to the floor. With a lick of his lips the detective opened his legs and saw how the grinning thief took his place between them, caressing his inner thighs as he moved closer to the erection.

Grabbing into the base caused Shinichi to gasp as he stared down on the man whose mouth slowly enveloped his swelling member. Breathing with his mouth open, the detective couldn't do anything else but watch how the elusive phantom thief met his eyes and slowly began to bob his head. Shinichi whined as he wanted to thrust into the magician's mouth, but forced his hands to comb through the messy hair without pushing him down. He threw his head back and gasped for air as KID stopped bobbing his head and just sucked teasingly on the head, from time to time releasing the weeping erection to lick along the shaft and around the top.

"KI-, KID," Shinichi moaned when the thief took him in again and carefully dragged his teeth along the sensitive shaft, but immediately felt the loss as he was freed from the hot cavern of pleasure.

"Yes, Meitantei. Is there something you want?" the thief asked in a normal tone, as if it was completely normal for him to be licking around the weeping head of one of the world's best detectives, but as Shinichi's eyes looked down from the ceiling and found KID's laughing eyes stare at him a tongue flickered out and teasingly dipped into the hole.

"You," the detective answered earnestly with treacherously dark eyes and a trembling body.

"What?" KID asked curiously, having already forgotten the question he'd asked.

"I want," Shinichi took a breath as the thief tried to annoy him by suddenly sucking on his sensitive top, "I want you!" The detective called out and moaned as KID's lips parted and made him disappear into the pleasurable cavern. Unable to look away from the sight of him continuing to vanish he felt his cheeks burn, feeling how the thief deep-throated him.

Looking at the trembling detective with mirth in his eyes Kaito decided to moan and got to see how his lover threw his head back and howled his name. Tasting a bit of pre-cum as he pulled away the magician decided to wrap his fingers around the base to prevent Shinichi from coming. Continuing his ministrations caused the detective to fall back into the bed, unable to hold himself upright while moaning from want.

Kaito's head spun from the sound of the detective and he wanted to come so badly. He wanted the detective deep within him, and he wanted to be within the detective. He wanted to make sure that Shinichi would never be able to get the same amount of pleasure as what Kaito was going to provide him with. He wanted to make the detective's mind unable to do anything else but think of him and the pleasure. The possessive thoughts danced in Kaito's head as he watched the detective's back arch and how his hands grabbed into the sheet below him. With a lick, the magician watched Shinichi's hard erection in his hand, and allowed the detective to breathe for a while before he would continue.

"Oh, KID," Shinichi breathed strained, "please… I need to come."

"Sure you do," the magician grinned and took in the head to suck on it for a while, but it wasn't long before he began to suck harder and move his hand along the pulsating shaft. Kaito felt the fluid hit the back of his mouth as his hand pumped the detective dry and he contently listened to the moaning of his detective. As Shinichi's body relaxed, the magician continued to teasingly lick along the edge of the head. Soon after, the detective sat back up and cupped the thief's face, lifting his eyes to meet his and leaned forward to kiss his lips.

With a gentle hand, Shinichi was able to make KID get off his knees, simply by softly pulling his head upwards. Sighing contently into the kiss, the detective felt how the skin of the naked thief brushed against his as KID lay down on top of him. The erection that was pushed against his stomach made Shinichi smile; KID was already dripping from the need to come. Using his hands to pull the magician closer to himself made KID moan lowly into the kiss. While playing with the warm tongue in his mouth Shinichi felt how KID slowly bucked against him, brushing his erection along the stomach of the man below him.

An idea passed through Shinichi's mind and he quickly spun them around, pushing the illustrious magician into his bed and brushed their bodies together. KID was forced to break the hungry kiss in order to breathe and Shinichi took the opportunity to attack the sensitive neck, making cries of pleasure stream from the gasping mouth, and so the night continued for quite some time, before they both went to sleep.

Shinichi slowly regained consciousness, feeling his warm, relaxed body wake up in a daze. He smiled contently and burrowed himself into the pillow before he opened his eyes to see the edge of the bed. With a small smile, he turned around, but then sat up in a horrified shock; he was alone. His first thought that he'd dreamed it all up, but as he was naked, that wasn't an option. The blue eyes scoured the room, seeing the opened school books on the desk and his clothes draped over the chair, as if he'd done it himself. A flood of dread washed over him when a thought entered his mind; had the thief just done it to thank him? Like he'd actually said? Without allowing his brain to think further, Shinichi jumped out of the bed and pulled on a pair of new underwear before he walked up to the closed door.

The sound of the handle seemed to echo empty in the house, and he, somehow, already knew for certain that he was alone. As he looked out into the corridor he felt like an intruder in his own home and for a while he just listened to the quiet ticking of the old grandfather's clock downstairs, trying to hear something. He strained his ears to listen for steps, plates, whistling, humming, or a door closing. Shinichi just wanted the thief to be there. He never wanted the thief just for a moment; he wanted the criminal's heart. He wanted him for a lifetime, if he could.

On quiet steps, he snuck through the corridor and down the stairs, looking for any sign of the thief, but there was nothing. He looked into the library, seeing that it was untouched before he walked into the kitchen. The only sign that Shinichi hadn't been alone that morning was a newly brewed pot of coffee, which meant that the thief hadn't left long ago. In a last desperate attempt to disprove the fact that he was alone, he went through every nook and cranny in the huge mansion in a hurry, hoping that the thief was just exploring somewhere, but as he got back to the kitchen after getting dressed he hadn't found anything, and almost an entire hour had gone by.

With a depressed sigh, Shinichi stared at the now cold pot of coffee, wondering why KID had done the things he'd done. As his mind spun with thoughts he took out a clean cup from the cupboard and poured himself some of the cold coffee before he placed it in the microwave. To the droning of the oven he remembered the evening before; it had all been so seemingly genuine from the thief's side. KID was good at acting, but could he really be so good that he could fake his own pupils. Sighing, Shinichi blushed at the memory of them in bed and licked his lips; he could still feel the magician's warm mouth pressed against his, and how their tongues had danced with each other.

A loud noise of something hitting the table startled Shinichi out of his memories and made him spin around, only to see a large bag of chocolate powder lying on the table, but there was a person on the other side.

"Phew!" the intruder grinned as Shinichi stared wide-eyed at a person that could be his clone, "you really can't set your foot outside the door without getting asked a favor! I've spent the entire morning doing good deeds!"

"K-KID?" the detective stammered, as he realized that it had to be the magician.

"Yes, it's me," the thief smirked and found himself in the detective's embrace only moments later, but with mirth he returned the hug with a kiss.

Kaito held the detective hard with his left arm and hand, but let his right hand hover over the fabric down to the butt. With a mischievous hum, the magician grabbed into the detective's behind and pushed their pelvises together. Shinichi's eyes flew up in shock and he was unable to stop the startled whine from exiting his mouth. As Kaito broke the kiss he was unable to not grin impishly at the detective.

"You know," Shinichi blushed as he pulled away to look at the thief, "I thought you left… But I'm happy that you're back."

"Well, you didn't have any chocolate powder in your house, so I had to buy it myself," the magician mock-complained, while seeing the detective's uncomfortable look.

"Um, not to seem unappreciative of the fact that you're here," Shinichi began and smiled a bit nervously, "but could you change, or remove, that disguise? I'm not that narcissistic." Laughter erupted from the thief at the request and made the detective confused.

"I'm sorry, Shinichi," KID answered with a smile, "but if we're going to be together you have to get used to seeing this face, because this is what I look like."

For a few seconds the thief let Shinichi process what he'd said, but as the detective's hand hesitantly rose to the face KID leaned forward, showing that he was willing to let the twice-child test him. Shinichi half-expected the face to come off, but as it didn't he was left staring at who could be his twin.

"This got just got weirder," Shinichi confessed, thinking of what his friends would say when he introduced them to the thief, if he ever introduced them, and what would his parents say? The media would definitely have a field day with them.

"Yea, but it doesn't add much to the amount of weirdness that we already have, right? Tantei-kun? Meitantei? Heisei Holmes and Heisei Lupin, as a couple."

"I agree, but no one can tell that you are Kaitou KID, and that I was Conan; that's just what we know. People will think that we're twins, not lovers-," Shinichi immediately stopped talking as he realized what he'd said with the last word, and even KID's cheeks became a bit redder. A moment of embarrassed silence was shared between the two, and Shinichi realized that the microwave had stopped.

"Lovers," the thief hummed with a smile and watched how the detective blushed harder, "I'm pretty sure you need a name to scream if we're lovers."

"I guess," Shinichi whispered as the thief came closer to him, until their bodies touched and they were able to wrap their arms around each other, "but are you sure about this?"

"Shinichi," the thief began and leaned in to whisper in the detective's ear, "I've known you for over four years, and wanted you for over three. I waited for you to become older again, and I didn't want to rush you into anything, especially not after you tried to get over Mouri-chan. I didn't even know if you were attracted to the same gender. I wondered, and waited, and wanted. You seemed to enjoy my company whenever I came over, whether we were just joking around a bit or talking seriously, so I became more hopeful. The name that you are going to scream," the magician grinned, "is Kaito, Kuroba Kaito."

"Okay, Kaito," Shinichi buried his face in the thief's neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent, but as teeth and lips began to nibble on his neck he couldn't help to sigh contently before he gave the magician's neck the same treatment, ignoring the fact that his coffee was going to become cold again if he dragged Kuroba Kaito up the stairs to his room for another round of "getting to know each other better".

What the thief didn't know was that the detective had been pining after the thief for months; Kaitou KID was the only one that could lately make Shinichi laugh and relax. The pure love for the thief became the white thread of silk that embraced the detective's broken heart, held its broken pieces together and helped it heal to something stronger and more filled with love than ever before.

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