Hello, people!
I don't own OHSHC.
I have no beta.
THIS CHAPTER IS REVISED! It was 1,500+ words originally, and is now
2,200+ words.
The original was kind of embarrassing and was from so long ago. So I
decided I wanted to rework this fic so I can finish it and be proud of it.
And since I know a lot more now, than I did when I posted this for the
first time, I know it'll be better this time around.
Haruhi watched Hunny sleep, contemplating everything she had learned about her senpai so far. There was no way that that cute young man who always gorged himself on sweets and carried around a cute, pink bunny, was evil when awoken. It couldn't be possible. He was just too sweet and adorable to be like that. His cheerful attitude contradicting the 'facts' everyone had gone to great lengths to assure her of.
Tamaki, the twins, and even Mori had advised her to leave the sleeping senior alone and to never disturb him. Apparently, he was a lot like Kyoya when abruptly awoken out of his slumber, but a thousand times worse. That thought alone was scary, but Haruhi had a tough time believing it. Because not only was Hunny such a nice person, but half of the Host Club had the tendency to overreact and embellish their stories a lot.
Hunny-senpai was too innocent to be anything like Kyoya. Blood types aside - and really, how would that determine anything? - they were polar opposites! Kyoya was cool and calculated, held thirteen inches over Hunny, and never smiled unless he'd just made a big sale or conned Tamaki into something. Hunny was a champion martial artist, who loved cute stuff and had a horrible time at hiding his emotions and the stash of sweets in his bag that he thought his cousin didn't know about. Complete opposites!
The young girl considered her predicament. They were alone at present. He was sleeping on the elegant sofa, a low snore ever present. She was wondering how she was going to get him up because it was going to get late. The others had left long ago because they each had something to attend to. Even Mori had to go somewhere with his sibling. She was told to wait for the little senpai to wake up on his own. Kyoya even generously offered to lower her debt by a twentieth. So she had remained. Three hours later though, was ridiculous! It was seven and she needed to get home and do laundry.
And she didn't want her father to get home and not see food prepared. He'd always worked hard and Haruhi knew it was tough being a single parent with a low-paying job. So she did her best to make things easier by doing the shopping and budgeting, and cooking most of the time. And she'd planned to make miso that night, so she really needed to wake her senpai up so she could get a move on.
Her phone buzzed and a glance at the caller ID had her sighing. Even thinking about him had the man appearing in some fashion.
"Haruhi! Kyoya just told me that you are staying back to watch Mitsukuni for a while. Don't worry about dinner, dear. I'll order something! Have fun!" her flamboyant father explained, before hanging up. He didn't even give her a chance to reply.
"Thanks, dad," she muttered in annoyance. "Didn't even let me talk," she added with another sigh. Just because he didn't need food didn't mean she didn't need to do the laundry though.
So there she was again, sitting on the sofa opposite her senpai, wondering how the hell she was going to get him to wake up. A few minuets dragged by, when finally, she couldn't take it anymore! It was do or die.
Haruhi stood and carefully tiptoed on over to the blond. He was laying peacefully, the snoring almost too low to make out. His hands were folded under his cheek and he look the picture of a perfect angel.
Reaching out and tapped his shoulder. "Senpai, you have to wake up now," she called out softly.
He didn't make a sound. Not even a grunt or maybe a groan of annoyance at being disturbed. The senior simply rolled over and continued to snore away in dream land. And that was it! No anger, no evil aura, and nothing noticeably threatening. Just someone trying to get some good sleep.
She reached out bravely and shook his shoulder, "Senpai! Wake up! It's past seven," she whisper-shouted. Ten minutes past to be precise.
Once again, she got nowhere. Drawing in a deep breath, she screamed in his ear, "SENPAI!"
The Haninozuka prodigy stiffened and turned back to face her. His young face was twisted in an unfamiliar look, with the most sinister glare she'd ever seen before! It sent shivers down her spine and gave her an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. And perhaps for once, the drama queens in the club were actually spot on when they warned her away from doing something. Why did it have to be this time?
"What can be so important that you have to wake me, commoner?" he asked in a dark voice that was far deeper than how he usually spoke. It reminded her of the time that Renge decided to have everyone act out a different personality. The Evil Bully Hunny portrayed, wasn't all an act, apparently.
"Uhh?" Haruhi backed away in confusion and maybe slight trepidation.
Hunny sat up and gave her a twisted smirk. "Well, commoner?" His aura seemed to darken around him, and made the room feel cold despite it being well into the year already. A dark purple glow seemed to radiate from his small body. It wrapped around him like an electric current.
Dark. That was all Haruhi could think. Hunny had a really dark side. One that was perfectly hidden by his cute and fluffy side. Which side was the real one? Were both real to an extent?
She backed up even further when he stood. The sweet, cake loving boy was nowhere to be seen in his dark expression. Dark Hunny had taken over now, and Haruhi very nearly squeaked in fear. She held it in though, because he pride would allow nothing else.
He advanced on her, goading her into a corner easily. Then he caged her in, making it even more difficult to escape. And his lack of height did in no way lessen the threatening visage he gave off. And his mocking laugh was no better. "So, commoner, what will you give me in return for displeasing me?"
Haruhi's eyes darted around frantically, looking for an escape. Dark Hunny noticed her attention wasn't on him and roughly grabbed her chin, forcing eye contact. "Look at me, commoner! Now, answer me," he ordered roughly, slowly letting his voice soften by the end of the sentence. His eyes watching her reaction with interest.
"Uh, I'll bake you as many sweets as you want," she offered, voice shaking just a bit. She could make all kinds of things and Hunny had said before that he'd like something made by Haruhi herself.
Dark Hunny smirked and shook his head. "No, I have something else that I want. It's just as sweet." His other hand brushed over her short hair, ghosting down her face and over her shoulder. When it reached her hip, he left it there, toying with the waistband of her slacks. His breath blew across her face, and she shivered.
At that, Haruhi realized that the height difference between them wasn't as big as it seemed at a distance. He was maybe two inches shorter and it didn't help her feel better.
Her eyes widened as he leaned in and trailed his tongue from the shell of her ear to the corner of her mouth.
"Mm. Maybe even sweeter," his sultry voice washed over her, giving her the chills of a completely different kind. Confusing chills.
He pulled away and went back to his makeshift bed. Sitting with his legs crossed, he lifted a hand and motioned her over. "Come here," he ordered.
Haruhi jumped and shuffled over to him, noticing how his eyes sparkled with near sadistic glee as she obeyed.
"I've decided that you are mine, Ha-ru-hi." He smirked, running a finger over her face and down her arm, pronouncing each syllable with care. He pulled her hand away from her chest and threw her down on the sofa next to him, enjoying her gasp as he arranged himself more comfortably on top of her and not giving a chance for escape. He seemed to have a thing for pinning.
"Hunny-senpai-" he cut her off, placing his hand over her mouth.
"Ah, ah ah, Ha-ru-hi. I want you to call me Mitsukuni. Say it," he commanded.
Haruhi felt a jolt run through her body. Did she like how he ordered her around? It was different, and she'd never been talked to like that before. In a way, she did like it, much to her horror. Why did she like it? "Mitsukuni, why are you-"
"Because I feel like it, Ha-ru-hi," he interrupted, leaning down and slotting their mouths together. And she should have seen it coming after what had already happened, but she still gasped. He took advantage and forced his tongue into her mouth, coaxing her's to play along with whatever game he had in mind. When she calmed slightly, he drew her tongue into his own mouth and bit down, causing her to moan and how tingly it made her feel.
Moan? Did she really just moan from being bitten by someone? Another bite, and she moaned again. She was enjoying his kiss and his teeth. It was hot and made her want to touch him. That had never crossed her mind before, the need to touch someone. It was strange as the feeling in her stomach grew stronger. This had never happened in any capacity!
He broke away, moving his mouth to her ear. "You're mine, Ha-ru-hi. Say it!" he commanded in a breathy voice.
Said girl shivered at his tone and remained silent, wondering about her reaction to his words. Who knew that words could make her feel so hot and heavy? Was this what all those magazines talked about? This tingly feeling?
"Ha-ru-hi, say it. You don't want to disappoint me, do you?" Dark Hunny breathed in her ear.
Haruhi blushed. He wanted her to say that she was his. Why? And why did she get an odd feeling at the thought of being his. It made her heart beat faster and her breathing speed up. She wondered what would happen if she did as he asked, well, ordered. She wanted to find out, yet at the same time still held a little bit of fear over what was going on between them.
"Ha-ru-hi," came his impatient whisper.
She gave in. "I'm yours, Mitsukuni."
He leaned back to smirk at her. "Well done, MY Ha-ru-hi. You have pleased me greatly." He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I'm going to sleep for now, and Hunny will be here when this body awakens. Do not tell him about this, my little pet. You are mine." With that final order, he slumped over onto her chest.
Haruhi stared up at the ceiling in shock. Did they really just do all of that? And did she really enjoy all of it? And why was he referring to himself as a different entity?
Hunny stirred, before sitting up rather quickly and looking around wildly. "Haru-chan! What are you doing here?! Why is it so dark?" he asked, looking around in confusion.
She sat up, ignoring how his body straddled hers as she did so. "The others had to leave. I was voted to wait for you to wake up. You got clingy."
The young man gave her his sad puppy dog eyes and wrapped his arms around her neck. "I'm so sorry, Haru-chan! You missed dinner because you had to wait for me! You're such a good friend!"
Haruhi patted his back in a way to comfort the now crying senpai. She was still feeling a bit awkward and confused. "It's okay. It wasn't that bad." She thought back to a few minutes earlier. Not bad at all. A little weird and something she'd have to think about more later, but not really bad per se.
"How about I buy you a large strawberry cake as a thank you? Strawberry is your favorite, right?" he asked with a smile.
"Okay," she agreed, knowing that there was no way to deter him from what he intended to do. Might as well get something out of it in the end.
"Yay! Let's go!"
A/N: The first is done!
How was it? Let me know!
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Ja ne! :D