Chapter 1 Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

Author's Note: OMG! Am I the only who is pissed that they announced that they were canceling the Borgias? I thought for sure they would let them have at least one more season. There's so many things that they haven't resolve.

This is a story I had come up back in season one before we learn that Michelotto is gay. I just love Michelotto. He's a badass.

It was night as Carina Rosetti walked down the empty streets of Rome as she carried an empty bucket in her hands. She had to hurry with the water or else her father would be in a terrible mood. But then again her father was always in a terrible mood, especially when he was drunk, which was pretty much all the time. He was a blacksmith but she was the one who did all the work while he took all the credit. As for her mother... well you would rather spend all their money on pretty dresses for herself than actually take care of her family.

For twenty years Carina has been a good and faithful daughter to her selfish parents but not once did they showed gratitude for all her work hard.

She reached the well and lowered her bucket in. After a few tugs she was finished. She looked up at the night sky where the stars shined bright above her.

God, please save me from this hell that I'm living in, she prayed.

She was about to head home when she heard shouting in the distance. Carina looked around but there was no one in sight. She abandoned her bucket and went to investigate. Curiosity has always been her biggest weakness. She followed the sounds until it lead her into a dark alley. That's when she saw two men fighting off three more men. One of the men she recognized as Cesare Borgia, the Pope's son. She heard stories of the first born. Most of them about his relationship with his sister, Lucrezia Borgia, and how their love was more than that between brother and sister. Even though she was taught that incest was a sin, she didn't judge. What people did in the privacy of their own home was their business. She watched as the young Borgia broke another man's neck. He was handsome. There was no denying that. But it was the man fighting beside him that had her attention.

He was very focused and fought with great skill. She watched as he stabbed the man in the chest. Most women her age who have fainted at the very sight of blood. But she was not like most women. As Cesare Borgia and his friend were ready to finish the last survivor, the man foolishly ran.

"Stop him!" Cesare shouted.

The man in question was running toward her and without a second she pulled a knife that she keeps hidden in her garter. She swung her knife and slit the man's throat. Blood splattered all over her face. The man fell to the ground choking on his own blood. As she watched him slowly and painfully fade from this world, she slowly recognized the bald fat man.

"Gino Bellotti," she said out loud.

"You know this man," a voice called to her.

She looked up to see Cesare Borgia and his companion standing before her.

"I've seen him in the tavern drinking with the other drunks. My father being among them," she answered.

"What about these two than," Cesare pointed to the other two men.

She followed Cesare and got a closer look at the other two. Both in their 20's, both with long jet black hair.

"Gino's twin sons: Dante and Emilio. Sometimes they would come to my father's shop to buy swords," she said.

"Do you know who I am, girl," Cesare asked her.

"Of course. You are Cesare Borgia."

"It would mean a great deal to me if you were not to speak of this to anyone. My family will reward you..."

"Did they deserve it, my lord," she asked suddenly.

Cesare looked at her, unsure if he heard her right.

"Did they threaten your family?"

"Yes, they did," he answered honestly.

"As long as you have a good reason than no reward is necessary. Now if you'll excuse me. I must be getting home," Carina said taking her leave.

She walked pass Cesare's companion and locked eyes with the man. What she saw should have frightened her. Behind the man's dark blue eyes laid a worth not to trifled with yet she felt no fear. Soon their connection was broken and she walked away. Carina walked quickly back to the well. She ripped off a piece of dress and dipped into the bucket. She cleaned the blood off her face. When she was sure that her face was clean she grabbed her bucket and started home.

Carina only made it three steps before her path was blocked by the young Borgia's companion.

"I would like to get by please," she said.

"You killed that man," he said.

It wasn't a question. He was stating a fact. She was more surprised of him actually talking than his present.

"Yes," she said simply.

"And when his blood spilled on your face you didn't flinch. I've seen women scream bloody murder if they saw so much as a drop of blood fall on their shoes," he exclaimed.

"I've seen too much in my life to let a little blood bother me," she calmly explained.

For a second she saw surprise on the man's face. I guess he wasn't used to a woman talking about a man's death as if it were nothing.

"What's your name," he asked.

"Carina. Carina Rosetti," she answered.

"Micheletto," he introduced himself.

So the assassin has a name.

"Are you going to kill me now, Micheletto?"

Once again she was met with a surprise expression.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone what you saw tonight. My master believes you, as do I," he said.

"Then why are you here," Carina asked.

Micheletto reached behind him and pulled out a knife. She recognized it as hers.

"You dropped this. I was merely returning it," he said.

Carina let out a sigh of relief. Even though she told them she wouldn't tell anyone, she was afraid they would kill her anything just to be sure. It was nice to know that they had some sense of honor. As Carina reached for her knife their fingers brushed for a split second before they broke away. She felt her heart leapt out of her chest.

"It's a fine looking blade," Micheletto commented.

"Thank you. I really should be going," she said, slipping the knife into her garter.

"Then I bid you good night, my lady," he said.

"Good night," she said.

Micheletto stepped aside to let her pass. Even though she couldn't see she knew that he watching her the whole time. Something told her that she hasn't seen last of this beautiful but deadly assassin.