AN: All right people. When it comes to the pairing for this story I've decided to try and do a single person pairing, I may do two girls but it will not go above three so now I'm trying to decide who to choose. At this point his elves are most likely going to be sisters to him, although I may have Morgana be in the pairing, but I want suggestions for who you want. Main three contenders are Morgana, Fleur, and Hermione.

Dawn of a Warlord

Chapter 4


Head held high he strode confidently through King's Cross Station to get to Platform nine and three quarters, his older body hidden under the now ministry standard glamour rings. He had decided to try and gain more influence in the Wizarding world and had released the details of the aging rituals he had used under the title of 'Lord Ultor' and at this point most pureblood children had done it, several half-bloods, and even a few muggleborns. The ministry had begun issuing the rings to whoever did the ritual and he was a hot topic in the Daily Prophet.

Along with his allies among the goblins and the elves he had freed got him into contact with a clan of Ocean Nymphs, Oceanids, who had sworn allegiance to him like the goblins. The nymphs had also agreed to spread the word of his rise to the different races of the sea as well as to begin working on raising the lost island of Atlantis back to the surface for his new people to live in freedom.

Next to him, Morgana walked nervously, a glamour ring upon her finger to make her look like a regular human. He had grown closer to the quarter of elves since he had rescued them, Arya, Katara, and Sorra having become like sisters to him but he had grown even closer to Morgana even if he couldn't really place a term for what their relationship was. His new 'sisters' were back at his Manor home, overseeing the repairs to the building that had been destroyed during the war while Ragnok provided the workers.

Walking towards the barrier he idly noted a large family of redheads talking about the platform, the matron of the family looking around nervously as he sighed in exasperation. A side effect of having a copy of Mars Ultor's consciousness in his head was that he had matured quicker than normal, the man's knowledge and bits of the 'god's' personality bleeding into his own. He was able to clearly see that the family, or at least the mother, were being used as bait to find someone and there was a good chance that it was him judging by the fact that Dumbledore had sent someone to the Alley every day to find him, the old man sometimes coming himself.

Moving past them he stepped through the boundary, arm in arm with Morgana, before breathing in a sigh as he slipped off his glamour ring, feeling his body adjust "It feels good to have that off." He groans happily, stretching his back as the joints pop. The Glamour was powerful enough that it also affected a person's physical body so he was very 'compacted' when wearing it.

"I know what you mean Harry." Morgana purred happily as she gave a cat like stretch next to him, her true nature being revealed as she smiled at him shyly.

"Come on Mor, let's go get a compartment." He said with a gentle smile as he began his way down the train, seeing several other students beginning to remove their glamour rings revealing students who's physical ages ranged between eleven and what looked to be in the upper teens, nobody seemed to have reached their twenties let alone max out the ritual like he had. Eventually they selected a compartment at the end of the train, placing his trunk on the top rack as they lay down on the seats, Morgana placing her head on his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair, getting a purr from the woman. An interesting fact that he had found was that Morgana was only three-fourths Dark Elf and one-fourth Nekomata, which gave her several cat like habits and far greater grace and coordination.

After a few minutes of just relaxing in silence there was a hesitant knock on the door which he slid open to reveal a girl who looked about seventeen physically, nervously running a strand of brown hair through her fingers. "C-can I sit with you?" she asked nervously, shifting about restlessly although that may be due to using the aging ritual and not having gotten used to her new body.

"Feel free," he said neutrally but with a small polite smile, he would save his wrathful mode if someone insulted Morgana, "my name is Hadrian, Hadrian Ultor-Potter." Another interesting fact he ha discovered was that his full name on his birth certificate was Hadrian James Potter, which he had to admit sounded more like the name of a Warlord than just 'Harry'.

"H-Hermione Granger." She said, looking down with a blush as her eyes flitted up to stare at him in short bursts.

"I'm guessing you've read or heard something about me and are curious?" he asked in slight amusement as the girl flushed cherry red and began to chew the ends of the strand of her hand that she was playing with.

"If you don't mind." She said shyly.

"To be honest I've seen the books written about that night and none of them are verified fact. Only four people were there for the Godric's Hollow incident. Two were my parents who are unfortunately no longer with us, one was Voldemort who is either dead or in hiding and I highly doubt he would give an interview, and finally one was me and I was too old to do more than eat or shit, let along remember any event clearly.".

"Oh." Hermione said nervously, once more fiddling with the lock of hair.

"Don't worry about it," he said brushing off the awkwardness of the situation as Morgana continued to doze in his lap "at least you didn't go fangirl on me.".

"Right…" Hermione trailed off, her eyes flitting about as she likely tried to find a new topic of conversation before her eyes settled on Morgana "Um…I don't think I caught your name miss…".

"Morgana." his friend said drowsily, a comfortable smile on her face.

"Ah…um…" Hermione looked about, once more biting her hair as he figured what she was confused about.

"Let me guess, you're a muggleborn first year and you're curious about Morgana but don't want to be rude." He stated and gut an embarrassed eep followed by a weak nod. "Morgana is mostly Dark elf but she is also a quarter Nekomata. While the Parvos Elves, now known as House Elves, are mainly used as servants around one's home other elves are subjected to more…degrading assignments." He growled, growing angry at the thought of what Witches and Wizards did to his people.

"That…that's horrible!" Hermione exclaimed in disgust and righteous anger, a sentiment he greatly respected as even Morgana cracked a curious eye open towards her.

"A sentiment I quite agree with." He said angrily "And it's a situation I hope to one day change.". His anger was quickly washed away when Mor began to nuzzle into his chest, wrapping her arms around him as he returned the gesture, smiling down at his companion.

"I…I may not be able to do much but I'll help you where I can." Hermione promised with an attempt at being firm, still clutching that strand of hair.

"Thank you." He says with a grateful nod, making a mental note to keep an eye on her to see if she'd follow through, to see how great her conviction was. Just as he made his mental note the compartment door was forced open with a bang as a blond who looked twelve, maybe thirteen, strode arrogantly into the compartment. "Can I help you?" he asked irritably towards the blonde irritant.

The blond scowled at him "Don't speak to your betters you mudblood swine. Oh, and be sure to control that filthy pet of yours in your lap." After the attempted rebuke, the bigot raised a hand to attempt and backhand him as he caught the wrist and gave it a sharp squeeze as the ponce squealed like a pig.

"Who's the swine now you pathetic waste of space?" he growled, entering into his 'war god' mode as Ragnok had dubbed it. As he spoke he rose to his feet, Morgana sliding off his lap while Hermione watched wide eyed. "And for your information brat I'm not a 'mudblood' as you so eloquently put it. I am Hadrian James Ultor-Potter, the Lord of the Houses of Ultor and Potter, I have been granted the rights, privileges and powers of the Lord of House Black. And you have managed to insult not only me but someone very close to me. That was most…unwise.". With every word he spoke the little cretin's eyes widened in fear, the blond ponce whimpering in pain from his vice like grip. "Now leave and if you ever insult someone I care for again I will have retribution.".

With that he shoved the pathetic worm out of the compartment and turned to see a shyly smiling Morgana and a shell shocked Hermione. "So," he said calmly, his serene smile returning as he clapped his hands together "who wants lunch?"