Reviews for Dawn of a Warlord
GoddessHecate89 chapter 1 . 8/6
The quote is from Hercules by Hades to pain and panic after failing a job again and turning into worms.

On top of being a HUGE Harry potter nerd i am a MASTER of Disney Trivia and all things Disney Freak (i worked at Disneyland for a college internship).

love this empowered Harry story so far.
mumphie chapter 5 . 7/13
This looks to he interesting. One issue I see is that his body might be 25, but his brain and his emotional age is still around 11.
chaoswizard chapter 5 . 5/16
Keep it coming plz it is good
narmulti chapter 1 . 3/3
that was from the Disney movie Hercules a quote from Hedes himself dealing with his 2 minions pain and panic. Very good movie and what someone with a good memory that just pops out very good choice it definitely fit with the paragraph around it.
thomaspheasant chapter 5 . 12/13/2019
please update immediately
TheMightyBison42 chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
Easy. That was a quote from Hades, the god of death, as well as the main antagonist of the movie. The movie was Hercules, released in 1979 by Disney. He was talking to Pain and Panic about baby Hercules and the Fates. So. Easy. My character, if you will?
Aries343 chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
The quote is from Disney’s Hercules
I just have an insane memory for random trivia
ej-83 chapter 5 . 6/10/2019
re-read this again..hehehe..wonder what will happen when the school and purebloods find out about harry's bloodlines n heritage..hehe..update soon
Guest chapter 5 . 12/28/2018
Just a point out/reminder about the pairings, in case you overlooked the angle.

Those with "creature" inheritance would also be viable partners.

Luna could be a quarter fae (Seelie) on her father's side, as her mother was from the House of Selwyn.

The Delacour sisters are also options and you could easily use delayed Veela aging for why she looks nine, but would actually only be a year younger than Harry's chronological age. (See for example "Temporal Knight" and "Potters versus the World".)

Heck, some Houses may have "secret" "creature" inheritances that might make them more amenable to joining Harry's side, rather than the DE.

Thinking of Flint and Bullstrode and possible Troll heritage. (You could even take a page from Robst's latest work and its prototype as how to make Millicent visually appealing.)

Crabbe and Goyle just seem the result of too much inbreeding to be blunt.

Fanon has the House of Black descended from Dark Druids and that could mean ties to the Unseelie Court. Hence, possibly, the metanorphomagus ability?

Then again, Harry is already proxy and Heir to it, so it doesn't matter that much.

Although his physical look may throw Tonks off and make her weak in the knees. That mental contradiction could be fun to explore, I suppose..

And of course there could be other Houses who keep a better lid on what their "creature" inheritance could be.

Greengrass and a possible ice spirit? With them hailing from Scandinavia originally?

The Patills, well, look at Indian mythology for possible options.

Same for Chinese for Su Li and Cho Chang. Huli jing are but one option. (Descendants of Húxiān Niángniáng or Daji?)

You get the general idea.

And yes, Hermione would probably be all over the equality train, that Harry represents as well.

And no, I'm not discounting the Dark Elf either.

Just saying that you have more options, than you might've realized.

Also Flitwick could be a possible inside "man" at Hogwarts. Despite his seniority, he'd probably be skipped over for Deputy or the Headmaster position in favour of Snape, considering Wizarding attitudes.

As for Giants. Gawrp is an option, although that's quite a ways off.

I fear that Hagrid would be too loyal to Dumbledore, unless Harry could prove that Dumbledore knew that Hagrid was innocent, but kept silent as he valued his secrets more.

How hard would it really be to exonerate Hagrid and undo his expulsion and loss of wand rights, if it were to be revealed that the one who accused him would go on to be Voldemort, self-professed Heir of Slytherin and Parselmouth?

That the Monster of Slytherin would likely be snake based, as such Tom would be the far more likely culprit for Myrtle's death than Hagrid's pet "spider", seeing how her body had no wounds on it, to explain her death. Thus ruling out the "spider" as the murder "weapon".

Because really, if 12/13 year old Hermione can figure it out,,than why not the over a century old wizard?

Only thing that makes sense is that Dumbledore valued his secrets more, rather than doing what was right. (Habit of his anyway imnsho, he always seemed to go for the easy choice, rather than the right one. Another reason I call BS on JKR's assertions that Dumbledore is a good guy a la Gandalf.)
Smokeing chapter 5 . 10/31/2018
Very good story hope you write more soon
Guest chapter 5 . 8/6/2018
Lovely work!
Celeste chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
That quote in chapter one is from The Disney movie: Hercules
wolverinesfantasygirl chapter 5 . 12/4/2017
Really do wish u would finish these hooked and ready to read more
LadyRoyal chapter 5 . 11/15/2017
i love this book and cant wait for the next chapter plz update soon
denatsu chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Hercules hades said it
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