Hey guys, Graylu here~ Well, I hope I can remember what I typed for this, or hope that I've copied it down some where, like I hope I've done for my other fics. I really need to get on here more. I miss it a lot. Oh, and guys, this chapter is special. It's from Sebby's point of view, but third person limited. I'll tell you a little secret: I actually used this for a Creative Writing assignment my last Creative Writing class, and through caution into the wind about the kissing part. I wasn't originally going to make them gay in this, because I was afraid of how she (my teacher) would react, but I just said,"Screw it! I'm doing it!" and she loved it, so yeah. It goes until the part where Ciel smiles, but then, it's written outside of that class. It was actually about three thousand words longer, because it was for a writing contest, and had to five thousand words, but the rest of it didn't fit into the situation, so I couldn't use it. I hope you guys love this. XD Enjoy~ If my teacher loved it, I hope you guys will!

Sebastian's POV - Third person limited - Special~

They left the room quietly, trying to avoid any attention as they headed towards the ballroom, but a couple people did stop them in the halls anyway, asking too many questions about too many things, and trying to intrude upon their private lives as if they deserved to know everything about the young Earl just because they were at his fiances' Christmas ball. With people like these, Sebastian could only stand behind his Master, try to ward off any harsh comments from the stranger, and steer the boy away from them quickly at any given chance he could find, politely bidding them a good day, though he thought the exact opposite. They finally made it to the ballroom, after having been nearly interrogated by at least five or six people, many being accompanied by either a spouse, fiance, or rather unpleasantly large group of people, and Ciel sighed. "Why can't all these people just leave me alone, Sebastian..? Does it look like I want to talk to any of them?" The butler simply smiled down at his small Master. "Come now, Young Lord, don't be rude. They were only trying to get to know you. You just like to push everyone away."

The boy sighed heavily, a hand going to his head in exhaustion, even though he hadn't even entered the room yet, and he closed his eyes. "I suppose you're right, Sebastian. But I don't care about anyone else. You are the last person I can trust, the last person I know will never leave me. I need only you.." A small blush tinted his cheeks at the words, though he tried to force it away, out of his butler's sight. Of course, being a demon, Sebastian noticed it immediately, but said nothing, knowing it would only embarrass his Master more, and deepen his blush. Now, of course, Sebastian would have loved to do that, his Master's blush was adorable, and it stirred something inside him, something unfamiliar, and non-demonic, but he knew it would be wrong of him, and most likely would earn a good slap from the boy, so he said nothing about it. No matter how much he really wanted to. Or how much he really needed to. No matter how much he craved it. Instead, he pushed the doors of the ballroom open, and the two of them were greeted with an actually very beautiful sight.

The room wasn't decorated with horribly bright pink hues, like Elizabeth usually would have used on a room of this size and depth, but instead it was all white. There were white Christmas trees in all the corners of the room, all decorated differently. One was dressed in all blue baubles, and balls and stars, with a few little peacock shaped ornaments as well. The feathers on them glistened different colours, just like the real animals would have, perhaps even more extravagantly, and the tree was topped by a blue peacock figure. Another was all silver and gold. The star on top was silver, and the tinsel wrapped around it was all gold and sparkly, casting little light particles on the walls around it. A third tree was decorated with green, and it strongly resembled a tree covered in snow, although this time it had been reversed. And the fourth white tree was covered in shining red. It was everywhere, almost as if the tree were bleeding, but it was tremendously beautiful. The trees sparkled and glimmered from the light the crystal chandelier cast down upon them, and the colours from them all were cast onto the walls as well.

Then there was the room itself. Everywhere, there was white and silver. Silver stars hung from the ceiling, and white confetti dusted everywhere, especially in the corners, resembled snow. Glittering tinsel swooped down from the ceiling in great arcs, shimmering, and the walls were sparkling white and silver. Little bits of green with balls of red were also hanging from the ceiling, and Sebastian figured the little objects could only be one thing: Mistletoe. He would have to be careful around them. He knew now that he harboured human feelings for his Master, and he did not under any circumstances want to be caught under the mistletoe with the Young Lord. All in all, the room truly looked like a winter wonderland. It was amazing, and though one might think all that silver and white would be blinding, the colours were soft, gentle to the eyes, and one would not want to stop staring.

Sebastian and Ciel stepped into the room just as Lizzy dashed up to them, in a flowing, disgustingly pink dress, no surprises there. She grabbed Ciel's hand immediately, and dragged him off, leaving Sebastian to follow them hopelessly. "Ciel! You have to come dance with me this minute!" She yelled happily through the music. She pushed past the other dancers quite rudely, and Sebastian had to apologize to them for her behavior, saying she was just excited. She told him to go stand by a table, and he did so, watching the two of them dance, and wincing slightly everything she swung him around a little too roughly. He didn't bother to look up, he was too concentrated on being slightly jealous of Elizabeth, how she was always allowed to be with him, how it would never be questioned even though they were cousins. They were both in the upper class. They were allowed to be together. A servant and master would never be allowed. Not even if one was a girl and the other a boy. That wouldn't matter.

The demon's fists clenched slightly, and his heart twisted a little in pain; he'd never known how much he'd cared for this boy, how much he didn't want to lose him to this girl. Not just because his soul would be worth anything, no he wasn't after that anymore, even being a demon. He hadn't been after Ciel's soul in a long while. He realized that now. But it was probably a little too late for that. He would never be allowed to be with Ciel. He was simply a butler, sure he was simply one hell of a butler, but a butler nonetheless. And a servant and master relationship would never be allowed, especially with the title Ciel had, having taken over his father's title of Earl Phantomhive when he was killed. Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut, his fists clenching tighter as his chest tightened once more. He tried so very hard to push these feelings away, he shouldn't be feeling them anyway. He was a demon. Didn't demons have no emotions at all? Weren't they supposed to be merciless? Or was this because he had spent too much time in the human world this time? Had he been around this boy for too long, had the emotions of the other four servants wear off on him for too long? How had this happened? His outer mask and inner demon were colliding. They were melding together, the facade he put on for the other humans he came into contact with, being a part of Ciel's life, the fake smiles, fake happiness, fake everything. They were all becoming real.

He'd spent too much time completely devoted to this young boy. He'd even learned how to cook human food for him. He'd never known the taste of human food, only of souls. This boy had taught him so much, he had actually given this untamed demon a heart to feel with, and he knew nothing of it. Nothing. Absolutely nothing of what he had done to this demon. How he had unknowingly given this demon something more, something human. With all the desperation of wanting to find who had killed his parents, of all the anger that he used to hide the pain deep inside. The pain Sebastian saw very clearly every day, though he was the only one who could.

A voice speaking to him finally jarred him from these thoughts. Sebastian was actually quite thankful for the voice; it had pulled him back to reality and rationality. He blinked open his eyes, clearing them of any emotions, and unclenched his hands. He realized that if he hadn't had gloves on, he would have cut his hands open with his nails with how tightly he's been clenching them. Even now, with the gloves, he'd started to rip the fabric of the pristine white gloves. He made a mental note to fix them later and turned to the voice that had not stopped repeating his name. He looked down to see the very couple he'd been thinking about, the two people he didn't really want to see at the moment, but he paused at the look on Ciel's face.

It was as if something deep inside the boy was screaming in agony. It all showed in his eyes, the concern, the hurt, the worry that he was feeling for the demon at seeing him standing there, fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut. To the boy, it had looked as if his butler were in extreme pain, and that thought alone had hurt him deeply. He never wanted his Sebastian to feel any kind of pain at all, physical or emotional. It was obvious to Sebastian that the boy was trying to hide all of this, and succeeded in hiding it from everyone else. But he could never hide his emotions from his butler. He had never been able to, yet he tried countless times to do it. Hiding things from a demon was just impossible, especially if they were negative emotions. Demons practically lived for negative emotions, negative thoughts, negative actions. It was the one thing they could really feed on, other than souls, obviously.

But the emotion in Ciel's uncovered eye was much stronger than anything else Sebastian had ever seen in it. He couldn't remember a time when there was any kind of emotion that strong, nor when it was those particular emotions. The demon couldn't believe it. Did his Master actually care for him? He couldn't really tell. The emotions in his eyes said one thing, but the way Ciel usually acted around him said another. Although...that recent blushing around the butler was a sign that the boy might feel a little more towards his butler than he really should. Sebastian smiled down at the boy lightly, trying to reassure him he was alright without saying anything at all, trying to keep Elizabeth in the dark about the feelings the Master and Servant held for each other.

Suddenly, Elizabeth shoved Ciel over to Sebastian, smiling snugly to herself as the Earl collided with his butler. His eye cleared and filled with rage instead, as he turned and glared fiercely at the girl who was supposed to be his fiance. She only giggled at him and pointed to a spot above their heads; Sebastian followed her gaze, Ciel doing the same, and both of them blushed. Sebastian did a better job at hiding his, it was only faint and hard to see, even though it was there, the tint was only a light red. But Ciel's entire face became overcome with the dark crimson colour at what they saw. It was a little sprig of mistletoe, no bigger than Ciel's hand, but very effective all the same. And everyone knew the rules of mistletoe. The entire room fell silent, watching the two of them, and Ciel hid his crimson face in his butler's coat, too embarrassed to do anything. "Come on Ciel! You have to kiss him! You're under the mistletoe! I didn't throw this party and plan all this out just for nothing you know.." Elizabeth, though sporting a very big smile, pouted slightly at Ciel's resistance.

He immediately flamed up at her. "You mean to say this was all a part of a stupid plan of yours?! Elizabeth, are you trying to kill me by embarrassing me to death?!" His voice lowered so that only his butler and cousin could hear. "Do you not really love me the way you always portray to?" She shook her head, giggling again. "No~! I think you two are simply adorable together! Who cares if cute little Sebastian is your butler? I certainly don't! I don't care that you're both guys either! You're just too cute!" Ciel hid his face again, blushing even harder at the words that spouted from his over-excited cousin's mouth. "K-Keep your voice down, Elizabeth..!" Sebastian, finally seeing his chance, spoke quietly. "Come now, Master. We shouldn't keep all these lovely people waiting. That would be most ude, now wouldn't it?" Ciel, as expected, glared up at the butler for a few seconds, before hiding his face again.

The demon butler chuckled softly, earning a very soft punch in the side from his Master. "Master, really. Don't be so childish. It isn't nice to hit the people who care for you the most, let alone push them all away. Stop being so selfish, and just ignore your pride for now. It is Christmas, isn't it?" Ciel groaned softly, nodding slightly, but he still didn't look up at the raven-haired butler he was clinging to. Sebastian smirked softly and raised one gloved hand, the gleaming white cloth sparkling slightly in reaction to all the other white and silver in the room. His long fingers found Ciel's chin, and lifted it up slowly, so that Ciel was looking directly into Sebastian's crimson coloured eyes. The boy's face turned even more crimson at Sebastian's touch and as his face was turned up; his deep blue eye gazed up into Sebastian's reddish brown ones, filled with embarrassment, and the demon smirked softly down at him.

Sebastian slowly, so very slowly, leaned down closer to the boy, and his other arm wrapped around him to pull him closer as their faces neared each other. Sebastian's glowing eyes bored into Ciel's eye, and their faces grew closer and closer until they were merely inches apart from each other. Sebastian whispered softly to him, making sure he was the only one hearing the words spoken to him. "Now, Master, are you ready? You realize everyone in the room is still watching us, right? You can still back out of this if you wish, I won't stop you, though I will be very much disappointed." Ciel's blush deepened once more, if that was even possible, but he shook his head slightly. "I- I don't care about them, S-Sebastian… They mean nothing to me. Only you mean something to me, at this point in time. Now stop antagonizing me, and get on with it… This waiting is only making me more nervous by the second.."

The demon butler smirked softly and hummed slightly in pleasure, his eyes flashing demonic red for a couple seconds, before going back to their original reddish-brown colour. "Good. I'm glad to hear that, my Young Lord. You are mine, do you hear? Mine, and mine alone. I will let no one else touch you, for as long as I live, and you won't need to worry about Death, because I shall do my utmost to keep you from him. I swear this by the very depths of my own soul, and you shall not need to worry about anything else." The space between their lips finally closed, and Ciel's blush and heart rate went through the roof. Though Sebastian's blush wasn't very much to see, his heart pounded in his chest until he thought it would either explode, or burst out of his rib cage. He pulled the boy closer as his small arms wrapped around the demon's neck, and their eyes closed with the kiss.

Cheers erupted in the air around them, everyone in the ballroom clapping their hands off at the much awaited kiss from the two. Elizabeth even squealed in delight and jumped up and down happily, clapping so hard and fast is was almost as if her hands had a motor attached to them to keep them going. The demon was the first to break away, for even though he knew he wouldn't have needed to breath, Ciel did. And though he could have given the boy breath from his own lungs, he thought it best not to, at this point. Ciel leaned against Sebastian, panting with the lack of air, but for the first time since his parents had died, he smiled. He leaned his cheek against the butler's tailcoat-covered chest, breathing in his beautiful chocolaty scent, and his hand came up to clutch onto his butler gently. "S-Sebastian..." He whispered softly, eye closing in contentment as he finally admitted his own feelings for his butler to himself.

He'd known something hadn't been right the past few weeks, something was different inside him whenever he was around Sebastian, but he hadn't wanted to admit, not till now, when there was an entire ballroom full of people he didn't know, spectating a kiss that Elizabeth had planned out for he and Sebastian to share. The demon smiled softly down at his beloved Master, happiness filling his heart as he sensed the boy finally admit his love to himself. Though the raven-haired man knew the boy would never admit it aloud here, with all these people around, he knew he might be getting a surprise back at the Phantomhive Manor. It made his heart speed up again, though it had just barely calmed down, the though of his Master telling him he loved him. He chuckled lightly to himself, gazing at his Master, eyes taking in all his facial features and resting on his lips. He craved another kiss from those sweet small lips, wished to let their tongues dance gently together, to hold him close by his waist and kiss him until Ciel had to be given air from his own lungs lest he pass out.

But not here. Not now. Not with all these intruding people. Oh, Young Master...You do not know just how much I crave you right now. Sebastian's lust for his Master entered his eyes momentarily, as he was gazing down, and Ciel opened his eye at just that point in time to see the look. "S-Sebastian..!" The young Earl's blush grew to a dark crimson at the lust in his butler's eyes, and he quickly looked down again, trying to force away his immense blush, though he failed at it miserably. Sebastian chuckled gently again. "Yes, my Lord? What is it?" "D-Don't look at me like that...You've made me feel weird..." Sebastian raised one thin, raven eyebrow at his Master, wondering what he could possibly mean. "Master? What do you mean?"

The boy glared up at the demon slightly, blushing harder. His voice dropped so that only his butler could hear, and he pulled him down slightly to whisper in his ear. "D-Down there...it feels weird..." Sebastian's eyes widened at the words, knowing exactly what he meant, but thinking it too early for that. "My Lord, take a few deep breaths, it should go away." He did as his butler advised, and did calm down, much to the demon's relief. Sebastian didn't want to overwhelm him or push him over the edge. Sure, he just admitted to loving the man he was clinging to, but making love to him at the early stage would be too much. They'd have to take it a little slower, for Ciel to get used to it. And Sebastian was alright with that.

Elizabeth spoke up, getting everyone's attention with her horribly high-pitched voice. "Alright, everyone, go back to having your fun! I think that's all we'll see tonight~" She giggled as there was a soft groan from the crowd, as they'd wanted more, and they all either went out on the dance floor again, or huddled into groups of small, medium, and large sizes to most likely talk about what they'd all just witnessed. Most of the girls were giggling and blushing, and the most of the men seemed to glance jealously over at Ciel, as if for some reason they had wanted Sebastian's affection. As if they'd ever get it, he knew none of them. Sebastian smirked to himself slightly. There must be many more gay men in here than just the two of us. Humans are so pathetic. "Well, my Lord, shall we dance?" Ciel looked up at the raven, blushing harder at his words. But, he held his tongue and nodded slightly, biting his lip lightly in embarrassment.

Sebastian took one of Ciel's hand, the other slipping to his waist, and swept him out to the floor, moving with perfect precision and grace, holding Ciel expertly, and spinning him gently with the other dancers. Ciel held on tightly, his face a deep crimson as he let Sebastian's expertise lead the way. He was much too embarrassed to look around him, and just buried his face in the tailcoated man leading him around the dance floor, trying his best not to step on his feet, and stumble. Sebastian chuckled softly, holding his new lover close and making sure he wouldn't trip over his own feet, occasionally running his long, gloved fingers through the blue-gray hair at his chest as he continued to dance with his beautiful Young Master.

I'm so sorry this is so late, I have been busy with school lately, but I found the time to finish this chapter, and I will continue it. I know those of you who have read this far will probably be very happy with this chapter, as I have closed the gap between Master and Servant, so if you are happy and want me to continue, please comment~ It would be much appreciated. If you want to see the whole five thousand word essay of this that I told you about in the beginning, just IM me, or comment, and I can post it separately, as long as you don't mind reading the ending again. Also, I've recently gotten back into the Sekaiichi Hatsukoi fandom, and have started a fanfiction of my favourite pairing from both that and Junjou Romantica, which is TakanoXRitsu, though I do like UsagiXMisaki, and NowakiXHiroki. In the manga, I like Hatori and Chiaki's relationship, because so far, there is no mention of anything between Yuu and Chiaki (I never really liked the love triangle, only Tori and Chiaki), so that is another pairing I like. But over all, Ritsu and Masamune are by far the best. And I swear, I'm the female embodiment of Ritsu Onodera. I swear. And I love it. I wish I could be Ritsu, just so that I could have Masamune. But anyway, that's enough of that. XD If you're interested, look out for it. I'm going to call it,"From The Beginning". Literally just made that up on the spot, will probably keep that name, but if it somehow changes, just look out for a new post of mine. It'll be that one. And I will be trying to update my other stories as well, so keep an eye out. I have a long weekend, so I hope to get some stuff done. And as always, I will see YOU...in the next chapter~! Bye bye~!
