Summary- Bested by the demon within, Ichigo is trapped inside his own soul, where the only thing worse is being outside it. Who knows how much pleasure and pain, a foolish mistake will grant him? For two weeks he will be at the mercy of his hollow, and a prisoner of Las Noches. Will his strong mind and body be able to cope with the weight of Shiro's revenge, and his love? ShiroxIchigo- YAOI. LEMON. Shiro- centric

I DO NOT OWN BLEACH, yada yada yada…

A/N- this was my first bleach fanfic- Please let me know what you think, and if you would like it continued. Reviews mean everything to me, and your wish is my command, so please leave a review.

This story will have yaoi in it, as well as very descriptive scenes and threesomes. So don't read if you don't like highly descriptive boyxboy.

I would be happy to hear what pairings you would like to see- Any of the espada and residents of Las Noches are in the equation.

Only your reviews will keep this story going, so please leave a few words, it doesn't take much.

Shiro hummed cheerily to himself as he was escorted down the long winding corridors of Las Noches, feigning obliviousness to the tense stances of his two Arrancar guards as they shot nervous looks between him and themselves. Soon they rounded the last bend, revealing two huge doors; the doors to the throne room, he supposed.

Shiro stood back as his guards swung the doors open wide; they creaked eerily, drawing the swift attention of all thirteen occupants of the room.

It appeared to him, all 10 espada had been revived after Ichigo and his groups little cull while rescuing Orihime. It had been two weeks since then, so it didn't surprise him that Aizen had found a way to resurrect his precious espada. Now the time of the final showdown was drawing near…

The espada were scattered around the room, leaning on pillars or over balconies, watching him with a mix of glares, distrust, interest or boredom. His eyes fell on Aizen; slumped back in his throne elegantly, chin resting in his hand and a curious gleam in his eye. He was flanked by his two loyal soul reaper servants- Gin and Tousen.

Shiro's eyes met Ulquiorras for a split second; conveying a silent message before he strode purposefully into the throne room, sandals tapping against polished marble and smile lighting up the whole room.

After practically skipping up to the foot of the throne he bowed low; the grin stretched across his face, easily rivaled Gin Ichimaru's.

Gold on black eyes peered up from long ivory bangs; he wore his standard white hakama; pale forearms and hands with black nails emerging from the folds.

His jaw line and figure was almost identical to that of the orange haired soul- reaper they knew all too well, while the pale complexion, long, silky, ivory hair that swayed elegantly around his waist and huge shit-eating grin made it obvious this was not Ichigo Kurosaki.

"Welcome, hollow of Kurosaki Ichigo, to my palace." Aizen's voice echoed confidently around the cavernous room.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ogichi Shirosaki… My lord" Shiro said slyly, teasingly adding the man's title after a short pause, causing the overlord to frown slightly.

"Very well, Shirosaki, What brings you to my humble abode?" The underlying threat to his words rang clear; it read 'you have walked willingly into your death.'

"If you would allow me to explain my situation, Aizen-sama, I believe we may be able to come to an accord." He raised himself, waiting a few moments for objection before beginning an explanation.

"To understand why I have come to you in these circumstances, you must understand fully what I am." He began slowly, reveling in the impatient look on Aizen's face as he began to pace across the stone floor.

"I am indeed the hollow half of Kurosaki Ichigo; the source of his hollow powers, the darker half of his soul, the part he hides from the world.

I'm the embodiment of his killer instincts and dark feelings. Anger, greed, envy, lust, his thirst for blood, battle and pain. You could say I'm the embodiment of the very word 'sin.'

Its true I'm a source of his powers, but i'm not like any zanpakto he can use, he must fight me for my power, prove he is stronger, because I refuse to serve a king who is weaker than me. Up until this point he has held his position as king of his own soul."

The room erupted with muffled protests and murmuring before Aizen held up his hand for silence.

"It is my understanding that Kurosaki Ichigo has grown stronger recently, I find it hard to believe he would loose to the beast within so suddenly."

"True." Shiro shrugged. "It was a moment of weakness on his part. I will always be as strong as he is, strength is not something that impacts our battles. Our battles are battles of will.

His will is strong, usually. His will has been stronger than mine for a long time, as I seem to lack a certain ambition that would grant me my win. During our last battle, though, His will to fight wavered, and was weaker than mine. Like I said; a moment of weakness. What kind of Hollow would I be to not take advantage of my opponents weakness?" His grin grew even wider as he reflected on his victory.

"I wonder what caused this moment of weakness…" Aizen mused cheerfully, looking up as Shiro laughed out loud; a cold, watery laugh.

"You really want to know?" he laughed again reveling in the pregnant silence, as the wicked grin took root in his features.

"It turned out that his pretty little princess he came all this way to rescue is absolutely terrified of him, or me I should say!" he laughed some more, like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Broke 'is wittle heart it did." he mocked, rolling back on his heels as his laugh reverberated through the room.

"None of that answers my question, Shirosaki. I find it hard to believe you come here to serve my cause." Aizen smirked down at him; a confident gleam in both their eyes.

"Well, there's a few reasons for that…" Shiro resumed pacing the marble floors again. "Coming here was what would piss Ichigo off the most, and as much as I hate you all, that hate palls in comparison to the hate I feel for Ichigo. In fact, I live for the sole purpose of making him suffer!" Shiro explained himself with glee, his joy unmasked as he elaborated on his hate for Ichigo. "Another reason is, as much as I love fighting, I'm not stupid enough to take on the soul-reapers and you lot at the same time. I was confident I'd have better luck finding sanctuary with you during these final stages of your masterful plan. I'm sure it would be beneficial to have our strength out of the way. At the moment I hold both Ichigo's and my own powers, unrestrained. I do not doubt that I can utterly obliterate your precious espada if it turns out we do not see eye to eye."

Sounds of outrage chorused through the room, bloodlust thick in the air. "I'm sure your loyal dogs have been growing restless lately, my presence may serve to keep them entertained."

"Are you suggesting I throw you to my 'dogs' like a bone and watch them tear you limb from limb." Aizen smirked, still confident. Some of the gathered espada whooped in excitement.

"Certainly if you choose to see it that way, a nice bone to chew and fight over will keep them out of your hair, they might even get stronger so as not to die like the dogs they are this time round." Shiro countered.

Aizen looked thoughtful for a moment, but far from won over yet, Shiro sighed; it was time to play his final card. Carefully he reached down into the depth of his soul and pulled harshly on that faint reitsu, dragging it up to the surface.

A ripping sound filled the air, the espada reaching for their weapons as Shiro's image flickered and distorted in front of them. Suddenly Ichigo's black clad shinigami form was ripped from Shiro's body and thrown to the cold floor.

The orange haired shinigami panted heavily, chest rising and falling beneath his ripped robes as he struggled to his hands and knees. Shiro smiled down at him, then up at Aizen.

"He is pathetically weak at the moment. Even so I offer him as part of the deal as well. For two weeks Ichigo and myself will ally with you, I will complete missions if you want, though I retain the right to refuse a mission I will not get in your way. After two weeks his powers will have returned fully and we will fight again for dominance. Until then our power is yours in return for sanctuary. "

Ichigo's brown eyes lifted from the floor to glare hatefully at Shiro, he leapt toward his counterpart, a threatening growl echoing through the room as the espada, again, moved to unsheathe their blades. Shiro simply watched, amusement evident in his eyes as Ichigo's hands clenched around his throat, gaze directing all the fires of hell at his hollow.

"You bastard!" he snarled, "I wont let you do as you please!" Ichigo's fury pulsed through the room, despite his almost nonexistent spiritual pressure. Shiro laughed loudly at Ichigo's anger, disregarding the hands around his throat as if they weren't there; His hierro to strong for the soul-reapers measly reitsu to impact.

"Ichi-kun" he feigned being hurt, "are you forgetting our deal? I never thought you'd be the type to go back on your word!" Ichigo growled, but his grip loosed noticeably.

"The winner gets control over our body, soul and powers while the looser becomes a slave to the winner." He recounted. "And just because you never made use of the second part, don't think I wont." His grin grew as he leered down at Ichigo's burning eyes. That fury was so beautiful, the sight of his fiery hair and eyes blazing in anger turning him on, even more when he thought about the inner pain and turmoil the boy was feeling. Swiftly his knee rose up and delivered a sharp kick to Ichigo's stomach. Sending him skidding across the marble floor clutching his abdomen in pain. Shiro grinned down at the gasping shinigami at his feet; he felt his cock twitch at the pained expression and gasping body beneath him.

"You sure are a sore loser," he muttered before returning his gaze to Aizen. "Do we have a deal, Aizen-sama?" Shiro smiled nonchalantly while Aizen tapped his throne thoughtfully.

"Very well, " Aizen eventually replied, shocking the gathered espada. "Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, escort our guests to the rooms I have prepared for them, give them a tour of our fine complex and explain how things work around here." The predatory gleam in Aizen's eye intensified. "Oh and please do enjoy your stay, Shirosaki."

Shiro grabbed Ichigo's hair to drag him across the room but his hand was swatted away as Ichigo struggled to walk on his own two feet; eyes downcast in shame and embarrassment, his bangs hung over his eyes limply. Shiro smirked as Ichigo dutifully followed him to the door where a very irate Grimmjow glared and Ulquiorra looked slightly interested for once.

The pair both walked stiffly, they knew Aizen had called them specifically due to their connection with the 'guest.' Even Grimmjow was smart enough to recognize one of Aizen's tests; He thought they would want revenge against the one who had cost them their life. Ulquiorra hid his feelings well, if he even had any on the subject, but Grimmjow was having a hell of a lot of trouble masking his anger.

Tension hung thick in the air as they walked down the eerie halls, before Shiro's growing laughter drove it away, His hysterical amusement startling the espada and Ichigo.
"You're so easy to read Grimm, the way you're staring at my Ichigo; its obvious you want to make him suffer." He leered, turning his head to smirk at the bluenette. "Or maybe, you just want to work off some sexual tension, after losing so pitifully. "

A low, threatening growl erupted from Grimmjow, before Ulquiorra cleared his throat, drawing questioning gazes.

"Are you the beast that took over Kurosaki's body after his death?" he asked monotonously, regarding the albino passively.

"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here…."Ichigo muttered, but was ignored.

Shiro shot Ulquiorra a confident smirk, "You already know the answer, don't you, bat-boy." Shiro mocked, materializing the horned mask of his resurrection in his right hand, to confirm the answer.

"How come you don't have a mask permanently on your face?" Grimmjow blurted out, forgetting his anger for a brief second.
"Because I don't require it on me, like you do, since it doesn't hold my heart I have no need off it." He crushed the mask in his hand, "its just a symbol of what I am. My heart is still beating inside Ichigo's chest." He smirked.

"So if someone killed Ichigo you'd die as well?" Grimmjow grinned.

"No, we are incapable of dying by your hand, only bat-boy has seen the consequences of our utter defeat, haven't you bat boy?" he turned his knowing smirk to the stoic hollow, who narrowed his eyes and looked away. "That was before we harnessed our full power, none of the espada has any hope of defeating us now. "

Silence returned to the group, as each of them mulled over their foreboding thoughts. Finally, they turned into a wide hallway. The right hand side had only one door, while the left had four, spread out along the wall, before it turned again out of sight.

Ulquiorra opened the lone door on the right, gesturing for Shiro to enter.

Warily, he made his way inside, to be greeted by even more white. The room was large, modern styled, with white tiles, fluffy carpet, double bed, and a few meager pieces of marble furnishing.

Ulquiorra and Ichigo followed him in, while Grimmjow leaned at the doorframe. The orange haired teen scoffed at the white, while Shiro nodded appreciatively, exploring the room like an excited child and commenting on everything.

The albino made his way over to the bathroom, through a large door across from the bed; as expected, everything was white- An open shower in the corner, huge spa tub, as well as a full-length mirror covering the closest wall. When he excited the room, Ichigo was slumped, exhausted on the end of the bed. Shiro stalked over to him, gently tilting the teen's chin up, to stare into defeated, dull brown orbs. Frowning, he pulled Ichigo back into his soul, where the boy could build up his strength again.

"What's in there?" he gestured to the door's across the hallway, after rejoining his espada guides.

"Storage rooms, " was Ulquiorra's bored answer as Shiro pushed the door open, a smirk spread across his face as his eyes adjusted to the dark room.

"I guess it makes sense you arrancar would be big on this stuff…" he teased, "lust is a strong, sinful, instinct after all…I'll be sure to put it to good use." Shiro hummed to himself as he rummaged through the boxes and boxes of sex toys, admiring everything like a child in a toy store, while Ulquiorra and Grimmjow watched tentatively from the door.

"Ah-ha!" he exclaimed, holding up a heavy box filled with chains of different length and size, He examined each of them before separating the ones he liked and carting them across the hallway to his room.

The two espada hung hesitantly in the hallway, watching the crazed albino skip back and forth between the two rooms.

"I can really see the appeal of working for Aizen now," he mused, "Free food, beds, fights, and sex… Ah, Grimmy?" he chimed, grinning at the bluenet casually. "Come show me how these work." His mood was far too good to be fazed by Grimmjow's rude antics.
"Why the hell are you asking me!-?" the man snapped, his hair standing on end, amusing Shiro greatly.
"Well, you are the sexta espada, I assumed you would live up to your name, Mr. kitty cat." He mocked. Mentally imagining the angry man with the angrily twitching tail and neko ears of his resurrection; a thought that caused him to giggle to himself.

The humorous glint in his eye focused on Grimmjow as he rattled the chains.

"Come on…" he whined. "Help me and I'll let you join in our fun later" he smirked triumphantly as the sexta blinked in surprise, before he hurried to his aid, helping secure the chains to the wall without another word. After awhile, Ulquiorra came over to offer his help as well; Shiro smirked triumphantly; he'd never guessed the espada would be so eager to get a taste of his Ichi… perhaps he could use this to his advantage.

"I bet fucking the same people all the time would get boring for a hollow…"he mused.

"There are very few willing, female hollows. " Ulquiorra contributed, earning an amused snort from Shiro.

"My Ichi will be so fuckin' uke by the time I'm done with him, you wont ever want to look at a pair of tits again…" Shiro chuckled darkly to himself. Grimmjow had trouble hiding his grin, as a light blush crept over Ulquiorra's stoic cheeks.

A few hours, a tour of Las Noches and variety of tense, rude and halfway polite run-ins with other espada later, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow had happily left him at the entrance to his 'Guest quarters.'

Carefully, he locked the door behind him; not that it would make a difference if anyone wanted to come in…

Shiro turned to examine his upgrades on the dull white room, smirking at the strong chains and testing their strength again.

Everything was perfect, he grinned, now it was time to break in his faithful stallion…

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