Pet Peeves

[OOC: A little bit of Creek fluff. Why? Because it's cute.]

It was lunch, Craig having tucked himself away behind the school, sitting on the radiator and leaning against the wall. There was a cigarette between his lips, smoke curling upwards. The black haired male wasn't really smoking it. He had intended to, but he was zoned out, watching little clumps of white fluttering down, landing in delicate piles, blanketing the slosh left by the previous day's snow that had melted over the course of that day.

There was the wet-sounding crunch of unsteady feet on the icy ground, and Craig turned his attention away from the hypnotic motions of snow. Tweek was standing there in an ugly, puke-green jacket, hands clad in mismatched gloves, head bare of any hat. His yellow, messy hair was dotted with snow, and his wide blue eyes darted around as though he was searching for something.

"What?" Craig snapped around his cigarette, taking an actual drag and breathing in the toxins before exhaling through his nose, smoke and condensing water vapor becoming indistinguishable in the bitter cold.

"I heard you were ov-over here." Tweek stammered out, fiddling with the end of his jacket, which wasn't buttoned properly. Craig scowled at him.

"Okay, so?" The brunette drawled disinterestedly, taking another drag.

"I tho-thought you wanted some company, so I thought I would… I would do that, but if you don't want me here, I'll leave, no problem, I won't be offended, just don't be mad at me!" The shivering boy went from nervous to terrified. Craig smirked.

"No, go ahead." Craig turned his attention to the snow again, his expression having softened just a bit.

They stood in silence, Craig finishing off his cigarette and dropping it into the snow. His eyes drifted slowly over to Tweek, who was rocking on his heels and fidgeting with his coat and his gloves and his hair. Finally, the brunette turned his attention completely to his companion, moving over to him and leaning in rather close. Tweek turned bright red.

"Wh-what are y-you-"

"Shut up." Craig demanded in a dry tone, ripping the other male's jacket open, the metal clips popping with the force. There was a loud, mortified squeak.

Craig went to readjusting his inappropriately buttoned coat, fastening it properly, with all of them lined up. Tweek was stiff, teeth bared, eyes widened, the pupils suddenly dilated. When the black-haired teen pulled away, leaning in his previous spot, Tweek slackened visibly, but Craig failed to notice, watching the snow again.

"Wh… what was that…?" The blond tried tentatively.

"That's a pet peeve of mine; pisses me off to no end, seeing you walk around like a Goddamn hobo." Craig replied with a very subtle hint of annoyance in his voice. He pulled out his pack of cigarettes and patted his pockets for his lighter.

He grumbled unhappily when it wasn't in his front or jacket pockets, and he moved to stand. When he did, he glanced over at Tweek, who had the lighter in his hand, the flame flicked to life. Craig gave him a surprised noise, between a whine and grunt, pulling his cigarette between his lips and leaning forward to bring the end of his poison to life, red-orange illuminating the snow surrounding them. He breathed out the first drag, careful to point it away from Tweek, something he never did.

"It was on the ground…" Tweek explained when Craig took his lighter back with a snatching motion.

"Figures." The brunette responded.

"Uh… C-Craig…?" The other boy's voice was tentative and nervous. More nervous than it had been, at least. Craig hummed in acknowledgment.

"You shouldn't do that. Smoke, I mean. I-it's bad, for your lungs and your throat and your gums. Y-you could get cancer, then turn into a giant tumor monster, then eat everybody! Gah!" Craig half-glared at the blond.

"Th-then the army would come and destroy my house, then I would have to move to Alaska to live with my aunt, then I would be eaten by wo-" He stopped suddenly.

Craig had moved forward, pressing his lips against Tweek's, managing to shut him up. Tweek was stiff, the same kind of stiff as he had been when his jacket was adjusted, but then he melted, eyes suddenly half-lidded, opening his mouth to let in the tongue that was lapping gently at his bottom lip. Craig tasted like nicotine and broken dreams, with just a little bit of coffee behind it. He kissed back with desperate fervor, closing his eyes completely and grabbing onto the front of Craig's blue coat.

The brunette pulled away just as suddenly as he had started the kiss, leaning against the radiator and staring out into the wall of white caused by a suddenly more vigorous snow. Tweek gingerly touched his lips with his index finger, a tingle left behind, similar to a limb that had fallen asleep, or when his toes were too cold for too long.

"You're cute." Craig explained, talking around his cigarette again.

"Don't let it go to your head." He moved off of the wall and started to walk, away from the school, intending on going home.

"Y-you're not going back to class?" Tweek asked, standing up on his toes and almost shouting at the blue-clad teen's back.

"Nope. Bye." And he disappeared into white.