Zelda's POV

I looked up at Link, riding peacefully on his Crimson Loftwing. Immediately, I had to tell him.

"...Link? Hey, Link!"

He turned back to look at me, a questioning expression on his face.

"Today was amazing. Watching you win the race and performing the ritual together...I'll always remember this. It really was wonderful."

Link smiled broadly, and I returned with one of my own. Then, I made myself say what I was thinking.

"You know...Link...There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about..."

Suddenly, a fiery burst of light came out of nowhere. I turned away, to protect my eyes, and when I looked back, there was a huge black twister."

"What is that?" I cried. Our Loftwings were pulled in by the powerful winds, and as they fought, I heard Link cry out, "What's going on?" As a strong updraft sent my Loftwing spinning, I saw Link unbalance and fall into the center of the tornado.

"Ahhh! Zelda!" he cried as he plummeted. I steered my bird into a dive, but the tightly spinning winds sent me flying off the back of my partner bird. I fell unconscious barely a second later. All I could think was: Link! I have to help him!


I was falling in a back pit. I heard a voice that I had never encountered before.

"Zelda...?" It said. I opened my eyes and saw a woman above me. Her skin was blue, with half of her clothes dyed purple. She was surrounded by purple and white light.

"I am waiting for you," she said. "The time has come for you to awaken. You are vital to a mission of great importance. Zelda..."

The woman vanished to be replace by Link. I reached out to him, crying his name as he fell into the jaws of an enormous black monster with lots of teeth.


I woke up, sitting up straight. I heard my father's voice.

"Ah, you're awake."

I turned and saw him standing over me. "What happened?" I asked. "Where is Link?"

"When your Loftwing carried you back," he told me, "you were limp and unconscious. I feared the worst. Fortunately, you don't appear to have any serious injuries. For that much, we can be grateful. But Zelda...Where's Link? He was with you, was he not? What has happened to him?"

I looked down, remembering the twister. Slowly, I returned my gaze to my Father's concerned face. I began to talk, not wanting to believe what I was saying, but incapable of denying it.

"A black tornado, you say?" he mused. "Hmm. That was no ordinary storm."

He turned his back on me, and I swung my legs over the side of the bed and began to strap on my boots. My father turned around, saw what I was doing, and held up a warning hand.

"You must not push yourself. You're still recovering. Tell me, when you saw Link today, did anything seem...off? About either of you?"

"Yes," I answered. "I heard a voice, and told Link about the surface. And Link said he'd been having dreams about a 'great mission'. I just had one myself."

My father stood there quietly, lost in thought. At length, he told me he doubted a connection between everything that was happening.

"I am concerned about Link," I told him. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I am as well," he replied. "But so long as he is with his Loftwing, I'm sure he'll be fine. Either way, daybreak has yet to arrive. It would be difficult to spot one boy and his bird in the dark of night. It would also be very dangerous."

Removing his hand, my father walked to the door, then turned to face me.

"Rest now, Zelda. Link's going to be fine. He alive out there. I'm sure of it."

As my father left, I looked down at the floor, wondering if there was any more I could have done to help him. Then I heard a strange noise outside my room. I poked my head out into the hall and saw her: the blue-skinned woman from my dream. I walked out into the hall and she floated away.

What else could I do? I gave chase.