Methinks I owe you an update! So, Epilogue of sorts...

Marius Pontmercy died on the 19th May 1834. No one saw it coming, they were happy, content, no one would have thought... But this world is an unforgiving place, and when their carriage ran astray, their horses wild with fear from robbers and murderers, there was nothng anyone could do to stop them. Éponine watched from the shadows, a small smile sweeping across her face. She had come back for him, watched with a knowing stare as the inevitable took its toll.

Cosette let out a muffled cry as the carriage veered off course. Marius grasped her hand, telling her it would be fine. He glanced across from where he stood, and his gaze fell on Éponine. She was laughing. Head tipped back and her hair flying in the rain.
"Good luck." she said, cocking her head in a mocking manner.
"You- you left, I saw you!" Marius cried, "To be haunted once 'Ponine, is quite enough, but to come back when I am most vulnerable, when I am most afraid-"
"You are going to die Marius Pontmercy." Éponine let out another shrill laugh, and Marius gripped onto Cosette harder.
"Who are you?" he ventured, his eyes wide, fear iminent in them.
"I am Éponine Thenardier, M'seiur. Pray, do you not remember me?" Éponine opened swung her legs out of the carriage and watched the view. The view! Thought Marius, how can she be so calm? But she was already gone. The carriage began to tip, Cosette's breathing becoming shallow and frequent. Éponine crossed her arms and placed one leg over the other.
"Are you afraid M'seiur Marius?" she asked, her voice gentle for once, something of a mocking sympathy embedded in her tone. The carriage jerked and the horses let out a strangled scream. Cosette looked at Marius and Marius looked at Cosette. They were accepting it. The carriage took a sudden turn and Marius felt a sharp pain upon his side. He groped for Cosette's hand and gasped a little as the pain took a further stride into him. Éponine laughed again, and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Well?" she asked, "Are you coming?" Marius watched Cosette's eyes close, and a small "No!" escaped from his mouth.
"I'm waiting," continued Éponine, "or are you afraid? Poor M'seiur Marius! Afraid! Poor boy! But never mind, I can help you, I've cheered you up before - have I not? So, M'seiur Marius? Or are you afraid of leaving your beloved? She'll live, you know. She's weaker than you, but your previous trauma will take its toll. So?" Marius looked across at Cosette, her eyelashes flickering in her seemingly neverending sleep.
"Will I see her again?" he whispered.
"Oh, I expect not. Unless, of course, she remains faithful. She won't though, M'seiur, She's got her whole life to live, and why should she let you get in the way of it? True, perhaps she'll mourn, but you will fade into her memory M'seiur, and it won't be long before she forgets you altogether."
"She won't! She'll never - "
"Are you willing to risk it M'seiur?"
"Yes. Always."

Tears glistened in Éponine's eyes once more. She had tried. She had tried so hard to reach for him, to take him, to save him. But he would never leave his... Cosette. Éponine reached for him once more and then... she was gone.

"I'll miss you Cosette," smiled Marius, closing his eyes.

He never opened them again.

FINIS! Actually not sure if that's french. Think it might be Italian. I'll look it up. Farewell!

Eppy Liz xx