Scully lies asleep in a double bed, the covers beside her have been slept in. She rolls over and wakes. Slowly she sits up, looking around the room; reaching over and turns on the light.


Scully flings her legs over the side of the bed, stretches and then gets up, walking through to the kitchen.

"Mulder, where are you?"

Scully fills the kettle, and turns it on, leaning on the worktop.

Scully jumps at the sound of someone knocking on the door. Scully looks at the clock, 2:17, she heads to the door, and opens it to three men in black suits.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, are you Dana Scully?"

"That depends on whose asking."

The man in front turns to look at the other men. Scully starts closing the door, the man pushes hard against the door. Scully tries to keep the door closed, but all three men push, sending her flying back. Scully begins to run into the apartment, followed closely by the men.

"Help, somebody help me." Scully screams

One of the men grabs her, pulling her back from the phone she was almost touching. One of the others takes a bottle and handkerchief out of his pocket. Pouring some liquid onto the handkerchief, he puts it over her mouth and nose. Scully continues struggling, and then goes limp in his arms.

"Leave the handkerchief, make it clear there was a struggle, I'll get in her in the car"

The man lifts her and carries her out the apartment, as the others knock over furniture. One takes a vile of blood out his pocket and pours it onto the carpet.

The two men leave, the door is left ajar, the elevator sounds just as the kettle boils.

Mulder walks down the corridor carrying a paper bag and two coffee cups. Skinner appears through the door, as he gets half way.

"Skinman! You and Scully not getting it on are you?"

"Mulder, I….."

Crime scene investigators exit, and walk past Mulder.

"What happened? Where is she?"

Mulder runs into the apartment, Skinner comes after him, and grabs him by the shoulders.

"We don't know where she is, who ever took her used Chloroform, and there was defiantly a struggle."

Mulder sits on the sofa, face in hands.

"Has anyone threatened you?"

"No, not her, I had a run in with some guys involved in a government plot, but….I can't believe, not because of me."

"We'll find her."

"You're retiring soon."

Both turn at a knock on the door, a girl, 18 nearly 19 stands there, she tilts her head round the door. "Hello?"

"This is a crime scene, you can't be here" skinner walks over to her and they go into the corridor, Mulder sighs, and follows.

"I just need to talk to him."

Mulder walks out into the hall.

"You'll talk to me won't you?" she pushes past Skinner, and goes to Mulder.

"What do you want?" Mulder sighs

"I know who took her, and I need to find her."

"Who? Who took her?"

"The men you pissed off. They want to make you suffer."

Mulder pushes her against the wall.

"Who are you? Are you involved with them?"

"Mulder." Skinner puts his hand on his shoulder.

The girl pushes Mulder back and starts walking towards the elevator.

"Wait, I'm sorry, can you help me find her?" Mulder calls to her.

She stops and turns.

"Apology accepted. I'm Holly; I can help you find her. I need to find her myself"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Scully's daughter. I'm Emily's sister"