
"It's like I said," Kirsty smiled wickedly, taking in the small details of the curved blade she held in her grasp, and the brutal arsenal at her disposal on the side table. Her fingers coiled tighter around the handle with eagerness. "I had a great teacher."

Xipe's smile reached his ears. "There are many more things I can teach you. If you are willing."

Without a word, Kirsty sharply turned away from her new mentor and towards the screaming souls hooked to pillars that lined down the Labyrinth's corridors. Bloodied, flayed bodies cried out for forgiveness or mercy. Familiar faces with pleading and begging tear-ridden eyes; Uncle Frank, Julia, Channard...her not-so beloved husband Trevor. They all appealed for her leniency, and her clemency.

But their pleas fell on deaf ears as Kirsty showed no hesitation, carving into each one of them, absorbing their limits of pain and pleasure and delighting in their screams of rapture and agony.

Watching on with pride, the Hell Priest judged and marvelled his pupil's work. He had his doubts that she would welcome or adopt their ways into her nature so easily. Those doubts didn't last the longer he observed her. "A teacher is only as good as their student. With me, we can create wonders and horrors." His voice echoed, almost drowning out the sounds of Kirsty's initiation. "We will create such sweet suffering together. Until the days where we may find our limits."

Kirsty looked over her shoulder at him. "Is it possible to find the limit for pain and pleasure?"

He arched a brow at her. "Shall we find out? Together?"

Alright, that's a wrap, folks! :D One hundred drabbles, and five years of writing now come to an end. Thought I'd save the best for last with this one. :) I really hope you all enjoyed this fanfic, just as I've enjoyed writing it. Please let me know how I did, what you enjoyed, and some feedback would be great as well. Also, let me know if you'd like to see a part two for this fic. Thanks once again for reading. Till next time, cheerio. - Laura