Reviews for Hellish Love
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 96 . 7/8/2019
So, this is apparently the last drabble chapter that I haven't reviewed on, so here we go. :)

All of these drabbles have been so interesting and varied. I'm really happy that I was able to help with some of them, but the full credit should go to you for such a masterclass in exploring Pinhead and Kirsty's relationship from as many angles as possible. This drabble I think summarises their relationship quite well. When they are apart from each other, their thoughts are drawn to the other, until it becomes an obsession to be with each other. You have done that so well throughout, and it was great to come back and read them again. Fantastic work. I can't wait for more of your writing in the future with more drabbles and stories. Well done. Love you lots. :D xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 95 . 7/8/2019
It's fun to imagine Pinhead telling Kirsty more about his history, and I'm certain that she did learn more eventually. After helping him discover his humanity in HR2, she would be curious to learn more. I would think that even after telling her his human name, she'd still call him by his Cenobite name as that's what he's comfortable with and what he wants to be known as. This drabble was nice to read, very short and sweet. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 94 . 7/8/2019
I remember this drabble very well. What starts off as something sweet and almost funny to imagine turns dark and sad when you see Pinhead's backstory and how illnesses have changed over the decades from their different time periods. A simple cold now could have been very serious years ago. It's interesting to see two different perspectives in this drabble and it was a lot of fun to help with. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 93 . 7/8/2019
I like to think that Pinhead either doesn't know how to express himself or is afraid to as it might make him more human, and he probably fears that becoming less Cenobite and more human might drive Kirsty away. She became interested in him as he was, and he fears to change too much could turn her away. It's sad to read a drabble like this, but interesting as it's a different way of looking at Pinhead and Kirsty's relationship, and I always love theorising and reading about different interpretations. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 92 . 7/8/2019
There would be a lot of distrust in Kirsty's life after learning of her family's vast wealth, but she doesn't have to worry about that with Pinhead. He doesn't care about money, only to have Kirsty to himself, and he wouldn't betray her and wanted to be with her because of her. It's tragic that she had to live that way before but sweet that she found something. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 91 . 7/8/2019
I like the idea that at a certain point in their relationship, Kirsty can feel Pinhead's presence. I think that Pinhead already has a sixth-sense about her, and it's interesting if she can develop one for him too. Great work focusing on their lingering touches and seductive words. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 89 . 7/8/2019
The title of this drabble is quite ironic considering what Kirsty is doing in it, but it shows the effect that Pinhead has over her as she describes the softness of his hands instead of what he's actually teaching her while learning to carve her own wicked uncle. Another well-written short drabble. Great work. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 88 . 7/8/2019
Another great drabble. Pinhead was practically carved to be in peak physical condition, even if mentally and emotionally he is lacking when under the influence of Leviathan. But Kirsty can bring that out of him, admiring him and helping him to remember what it was like to be human instead of superhuman. Great work as always. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 87 . 7/8/2019
It's sweet to see Pinhead treat Kirsty so tenderly and not want to leave his mark on her, going against his nature as a Cenobite, showing how much he cares and treasures her. I'm certain that Kirsty wouldn't mind at all, but he can't bring himself to do it. There is a lot you could do with this story, and this was a cute way to write it. Once again, the writing during their love-making was great and well described. Awesome work. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 86 . 7/8/2019
It's cute to think of a Cinderella scenario with Pinhead and Kirsty. I love the mysterious angle with Kirsty seeing her bracelet somehow appearing next to her and wondering if Pinhead had come to her in the night. Another well-written and sweet chapter. Great work. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 85 . 7/8/2019
I remember you talking about wanting to take this concept and turn it into a longer story. It is a difficult subject matter to tackle, but I know that you can portray it well and with grace. The writing in this drabble was sad and beautiful at the same time, seeing Pinhead doing his best to care for Kirsty and be there for her after such a terrible event. It's a hard drabble to read for what it details, but it's respectful and we sometimes need stories that don't shy away from the terribleness that happens in the real world. You did a fantastic job with this drabble, you should be proud. xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 84 . 7/8/2019
It would have been somewhat ironic if Kirsty got into a car crash when thinking about Pinhead torturing Trevor. XD There would most likely be a part of her that still debates on what Pinhead sees in her, but there would also be part of her that already knows the answer, and there would be conflict in her thoughts on how to process that knowledge. Another well-written drabble from you. Great work. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 83 . 7/8/2019
It's cute whenever Kirsty is the one who is describing Pinhead as beautiful or taking in his form. It's easy to understand how anyone could find Kirsty beautiful, but for Pinhead, who has an inhuman appearance, it's cute whenever Kirsty takes a moment to bask in his radiance herself. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 80 . 7/8/2019
This was a great drabble portraying Pinhead's thoughts. I like to think this is precisely what he was thinking before he decided to confront Channard to protect Kirsty. At first, he might have been thinking about his desire for Kirsty to have her, but he eventually grew to want to protect her, especially in the light of something she couldn't face herself. Another great drabble from you as always. :) xxx
Rurrlock-God of Power chapter 79 . 7/8/2019
I remember this one. I always love making the little Snow White references here and there. You really fixed this chapter up nicely. I could see and hear everything, even the smell. This drabble was described vividly with Kirsty and Pinhead embracing and holding each other, and I'm certain that's because of your keen eye for detail and emotion. Loved reading this one again. :D xxx
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