Well, here it is. I've been promising it for months and the ride begins today. This little chapter isn't really part of the story but I felt a bit more was needed than the few words we're allowed in the story description section.

Through Order of the Phoenix the story is about 99% cannon compliant. Two minor changes that do occur are as follows.

1) Gabrielle Delacour is now brunette. Not a big change and not terribly important to the story. I just wanted her differentiated from being a clone of her sister and better to call it out now than have everyone tell me I messed up when they read it.

2) Cannon says Voldemort offered Lily the chance to step aside and live. Basically, she didn't have to die trying to save Harry if she would just let him kill her son. For purposes of this story, he never offered her the chance to live. He always intended to kill her. Point of fact, MURDERING LILY WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO HIS PLANS. This is a big change to cannon and the reason for doing so will eventually be revealed... Far in the future.

I'm pretty certain those are the only changes to cannon from books 1-5. After Order of the Phoenix though, all bets are off. The story is Alternate Universe. About the only thing I keep is the idea of the Horcrux.

The other big change is to Quidditch. I'm sorry, but it is my opinion that the rules as JKR wrote them are simply silly. I am not, however, calling this a cannon change. It's simply a evolution to the game that occurs during the time frame of this story. You'll understand when you read it. Hopefully you won't all hate me. Also, please don't tell me a team or league doesn't exist in the world JKR created. This story is an alternate universe to hers. I took what I wanted/need of hers and added whatever else I needed of mine. So it doesn't match up exactly with her ideas. Isn't that the point of fan fiction, to see what others would do with the basic concept?

I also play very free with the legend of King Arthur. Please don't tell me what is fact. It's a legend; less likely to have any truth to it than the legend of the lost city of Atlantis. I used it and modified it to suit my needs. Hopefully you will like what I did.

Vampires; we all know they are insanely strong, dangerous, seducers of great power. However, mine are a bit more vulnerable than most authors make them. Really, short of nuking them, most authors write a vampire capable of going through probably 90% of the US Marine Corps before they managed to kill him/her. To me that just doesn't work in a world where normal humans are the dominate subset of the "human" species.

This story also depicts adults doing adult things. There is nothing graphic, but the story isn't intended for young children. There will also be descriptions and scenes of terrible, disgusting, evil things being done to people. War is not nice. Evil people do hideous things. All you have to do is look at the headlines of a real world newspaper to know that.

There will be characters who are gay. There are characters in gay relationships. As I say in my profile, deal with it how you must.

With those disclaimers out of the way on to the real deal.

A new Dark Lord, cunning and patient, begins to move. A family of heroes, loving, crying, living and dying, goes about their lives. Revenge by those thought wronged is sought. Danger seems everywhere. Amidst it all a plot conceived more than five millennial prior unfolds. A plan so insidious the Gods themselves seek to influence the outcome. What hope can there be when the greatest danger you face isn't your enemy, but is instead, yourself?