Reviews for Harry Potter and the Heir of Morgaine le Faye
BeautifulBanian chapter 48 . 4/11
That's was AMAZING! What a ride, I loved it!
LoneTraveler chapter 29 . 12/28/2019
Well damn, that was one hell of a good fight. Hermione was right, not Harry. I like the way that you write the women in this story. They’re amazingly tough and purposeful yet vulnerable at the same time.

Heckuva good story so far, if slow moving. But frankly I don’t really mind because I like how you made Harry and Ginny a priority,
Paulfk123 chapter 7 . 11/6/2019
I saw on your notes, your response to those complaining about the plot moving forward as fast as they think it should. I agree with you. Let the story tell itself. There are thousands of other stories to read if people can't handle it. I'm enjoying it. A lot. And romance is not my favorite genre.
Alphros chapter 48 . 10/30/2019
I must say that I prefer your 'Slytherin Harry' series to this story for a few reasons, the biggest being that I felt that the the villain is hardly explored and merely sprung upon us in the last couple of chapters before being suddenly defeated and disappearing from the story again. Overall, however, it was an enjoyable read and I really appreciate finding a long, complete, HP fanfic that I had not already read and held my attention throughout, so thank you very much for that.
pix25 chapter 48 . 10/3/2019
Absolutely amazing
Guest chapter 48 . 9/14/2019
Okay how I managed to miss this the first time I came across your profile idk, but I’m glad I found it now. Quite enjoyed this through the ups and downs, though I may have to borrow a concept or two for myself with full credits being given to yourself in any disclaimer I should write
Farooq Khichi chapter 48 . 8/23/2019
One of the best stories I have read. Thank you for writing it. I wish you luck in your future endeavours. You are officially one of my favourite fan-fiction authors now
kiratempest91 chapter 48 . 8/2/2019
I absolutely loved this. the only thing I hate is that Ron died. I loved how you wrote Ron. this was an amazing story. I love all of your work.
kiratempest91 chapter 39 . 8/2/2019
I've got to say, I'm really enjoying this. it feels like reading several different stories in one back to back which is great in my opinion. I was truly sad Ron died and I really cant wait to find out what happened to him and this whole Camelot thing. I love the way you write the characters. only thing that threw me for a loop is when they're searching for Sam and they split up. Fred goes with Quad but at one point when they're talking, you say George instead of fred lol I had to go back and reread it a few times.
Embracethemess chapter 48 . 6/13/2019
so gosh darn good. words can't even describe.
Van Phanel chapter 39 . 4/25/2019
I believe that previous version of this comment had too much profanity to make it to the reviews page, so I'll try to rephrase.


To think it would take Severus Snape to make me cry over your fic.

I hate you now and please accept that as the sincerest compliment I could give you.
Van Phanel chapter 39 . 4/25/2019

To think that it would take Severus Snape to actually finally cry over your story.

I hate you. And by that I mean that I hold you in the highest regard as an author. You asshole.
Van Phanel chapter 4 . 4/24/2019
Got here from "The unexpected summer" and just wanted to quickly drop in that I live for Harry and Ginny not-flirting.
aheartofwords chapter 14 . 4/15/2019
Ahh they’re killing me!
aheartofwords chapter 9 . 4/15/2019
No forgiveness needed here! Your rules make a heck of a lot of sense! They also make for a much more interesting game for the seekers.
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