New fanfic

So yeah, this is my first Caster Chronicles fanfic. Hope you guys enjoy! Please review.

Ethan's POV

My ancient mahogany bed creaked as I tossed and turned. I just couldn't get to sleep without the nightmares returning. Every time I just closed my eyes, I saw it all, everything playing back like my mind was a tape recorder.

My journey through the Otherworld. Sarafine burning herself to death. Angelus trying to kill me. Xavier saving my life. Facing Angelus in the Hall of the Chronicles. Seeing my predecessor Ethan Carter Wate's body trying to drown me in the river. Angelus dissolving into ashes when I tore his page. Me returning to the water tower after I ripped my page. And-most tear jerking-Amma being taken to the Greats.

It had been six months. Six months since I returned from the Otherworld. Six months that I've lived without Amma. Yet I would never forget that day. The day she sacrificed herself for me. So I could come back to Gatlin. To Link. To my dad. To Marian and Liv.

But most importantly, to Lena.

I couldn't imagine life without her. In the Otherworld, thinking about her kept me from going insane. And when I got back and realised I could touch her without any harm to my body, I was overjoyed.

Then I remembered. Amma was gone.

6 months, and I still haven't recovered. There hasn't been a night when I dream of that scene. Watching her rise into the sky, being claimed by the Greats. There hasn't been a night when I wake up calling her name, begging her to come back. And tonight was no different.

You all right, Ethan?

I smiled to myself. Lena. She was so caring these past 6 months, trying to cheer me up.

I'm fine, L

Dreaming of her again? I could feel the sadness in her voice, and I knew she missed her too.

Yeah, I was. I miss her.

I miss her too, Ethan.

I know.

It always felt good when Lena Kelted with me, especially with all these nightmares. She made me forget Amma for a while.

You sure you're ok? I could come over, accompany you.

Nah, I'm fine, L. Your uncle would throw a fit if he knew.

I could hear her laughter, even though she was so far from me.

Alright, then. Goodnight. I love you, Ethan.

Love you too, L.

I felt the connection break up, and I was all alone in my room, with just my nightmares to keep me company.

I tried drifting off to sleep, but it just got worse.


I was falling from the water tower, to my death. Below me, Lena cried. She watched as one of my Chucks fell off, the muddy sneaker falling to the ground.

Ethan, no!

But it was too late. I was always falling. I closed my eyes and waited.

Then I was on top of the water tower. Amma stood above me, about to the claimed by the Greats. I watched as the sky opened up, and a huge hand grabbed her.

"Amma, no!" I cried.

But she was disappearing.

I tried to reach out to her, but she was just out of reach. I watched as the sky closed up around her.

"Amma, no!" I cried again.

"Amma, no!" I cried out. Then I realized I was in my room. Everything I had just seen was a dream.

Ethan, you alright?

L, the nightmares...They're getting worse.

I know. I get the same dreams as you remember?

L, could you come over? I think I'll need someone's company tonight.

I'll be right over.

Thanks, L.

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter is the actual M scene. Nothing too graphic.

Please review.