Chapter 5:NOT ALONE.

Yami and yugi were sleeping so peacefully But something ruin it the sun yami eyes open to see a cloudy day yet the sun god ra told him to wake yami up so yami did he look around the room and saw his sleeping angel.

Yami look at him then remeber everything that happen last night.

'Wow we did all this'Yami thought.

He gave his angel a kiss on the head yami got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Yugi eyes open oprn and remeberd everything that heppen last night.

'Guess I'm not so innocent heh heh'Yugi giggled in his head he got up and saw no yami"Yami where are you yami"Yugi was in fear that his dark was gone"DARK"Yugi yelled.

He then heard the shower yugi got out of bed limbing considering his his ass hurts from last night but damn did it feel good.

Yugi didn't mind the pain he went over to the bathroom and saw his dark gettinf his shower ready.

"Yugi"Yami whisperd.

"Yami"Yugi cheerd he went over to his dark and hug him"I thought you *hic*left me"Yugi cried.

"I'm sorry angel did I scare you I promise that will never happen again."Yami promised.

"You promise"


"Thanks dark"


"Well your calling me angel I thought I call you dark"

"I like that"

Yami look at yugi's scars and took yugi's right arm and started sucking on a scar.

Yugi could only blush.

Yami soon lick yugi's entire arm.

"Yami you do-"

"I want to"

"Thanks dark"

"I'm hungry"

"Well what do you wanna eat"

"I wanna eat yugi for breakfest"

Yami pouned on yugi and yugi stop him by the shoulders"NO WAY YOU ALREADY ATE ENOGHE OF ME LAST NIGHT"yugi cheerd.

"But you look good"Yami whined.


Yami and yugi paid for there stay and left...Wait what happen to the 2 maids.

"Hey dark I can walk you know"Yugi said snow was falling yami was carrying yugi.

"Yeah but I don't want you to walk because you were limbing and almost fell when you were getting your clothes on"Yami added a giggle.

"Your mean"Yugi giggled.

"Hey dark"Yugi whisperd.

"Yes angel"Yami ask.

"Do you think we can go back to that hotel again and stuff"Yugi blushed and yami what yugi ment by 'stuff'.


"YUGI ,ATEM"Joey came out of no where along with the others.

"Dude we missed ya buddy"Tristen.

"Who are you talking about"Tea ask.

"Yugi"Tristen said.

"So what did you guys do at the hotel"Duke ask.

"OH nothing"Yami and yugi lied with smriks on there faces.

When the gang finally relise what they did they all blused.

"Yugi I think you should show them"Yami ask yugi and others were confused.

"Show us what"Ryo ask.

Yugi knew he had to so yami put him down and showed yugi's his arms coverd in cuts.

The gang were in shock"Did we do this"Joey ask.

Yami nodded and told them the story.

"Dude were so sorry"joey gave yugi a hug yami didn't aprove considering he was yugi's.

"Joey do You mind if you get off my angel"Yami ask.

"Sorry"joey saw atem's eyes and knew to back off.

"Dark please don't do that"Yugi ask.

"Sorry angel"YAMI whined.

"Aw you give each other nicknames Yugi is angel and yami is dark."Tea smiled.

"Lets go home and relax and have a party"Joey cheered.

"YEAH"Everyone yelled.

But once yami pick up yugi he gave him a kiss and the gang saw they blushed and smiled.

"How cute"Tea stated.

Yami departed and whisperd"My hope my angel"

"My hope my dark."


ME:Hope you guys enjoyed and I don't own the songs see all later.
