Over the Edge Chapter 13

A/N: Okay guys, last chapter. I decided to just make it into one chapter instead of two. Who's excited? I am, I have a good idea blooming in my head, so I'm pumped. This story was good enough, I guess, but I'm ready to move on. I hate feeling like maybe I dragged it out a little too long. Well, too late to turn back now, so be it. Don't forget to review, I love hearing from you guys, especially on the last chapter!


"You sure that you're ready for this, Steve?" Kono asked Steve with uncertainty.

"Yeah, stop worrying about me. I'm fine, Kono. It has to happen sometime, and I'd like to do it sooner rather than later." Steve replied, patience starting to wear thin. After all, they were arguing like this for the past ten minutes. He just wanted to get it over with, but Kono's pestering was holding him back.

"I know, but I just think that it might be a little too early to start, don't you think? It's only been a few days, remember you died? I think maybe you're rushing it." She persisted on.

"Kono, seriously, I'm fine. Just let me do it, I swear that I'm fine. Now, let me do it by myself before I get mad and bite your head off." He insisted, determination etched into his features.

"Fine, but promise me that you will stop once you feel like you should stop."

"I'm not a kid, I can handle it. Don't worry about me, Kono."

Steve pushed himself into a sitting position, dangling his foot and cast off of the side of the bed. It was easier this time around, he'd been practicing when no one was around to stop him.

"Steve, how did you do that?" Kono asked with an eyebrow raised.

Steve knew exactly what she was talking about, but he played dumb anyway.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, how the heck did you get up that quickly? Don't you have a few broken ribs or something, shouldn't it be terribly hard to get up?" Her other eyebrow joined the first.

"Uhh, no, I guess not." He said, face remaining stubbornly straight. "It's probably just because I have been lying here forever, not moving."

"Uh huh." She was skeptical.

"I have been! Now, back to the task at hand." He just wanted to change the subject before his straight face turned into one of a liar. He knew that he wasn't supposed to sit up unless in dire need to allow his ribs time to heal. Kono had been on his back about doing what the doctor said, so he knew that she would be furious if she found out he was sitting up whenever no one was in his room. Which wasn't all that long, but it was far too long compared to what the doc would say. "Can you hand me the crutches?"

"Steve, you know that your arm is broken, right? Maybe it would be best if you didn't use crutches while your arm is broken." She made up the best excuse out there, hoping she could stop Steve from getting up.

"Kono, it's good enough that I should be able to get up. I can't just sit here for all eternity, you know that. Just hand me the crutches, please." Steve insisted.

"I don't know, Steve. Maybe we should tell the doctor…"

"Kono, Danny will be here any minute. I can just ask him when he gets here if you don't want to help me. If we told the doc that I wanted to get up, he would force me back on the bed, so we can't tell him. Please?" Steve practically begged her with those puppy dog eyes.

Her hardened face softened a bit. Steve knew that he hit the jackpot.

"Well, the doc knows best. If he feels like he should push you back on the bed, maybe you should be on the bed!" Maybe he hadn't hit the jackpot as he expected.

"Aww, come on, Kono! Help me out here!" He pleaded, eyes wide like a little kid's.

"Steve, I can't. I want to protect you, and I'm not strong enough to catch you if you fall. You're all muscle." She said, eyes narrowing at him. "I'm watching you, McGarrett. Lay back down, I'm not helping you."


"What's all this whining about?" A familiar playful voice called from the doorway.

"Danno, thank God! Help me out here, get those crutches!" Steve demanded as soon as Danny entered the room.

"Sure thing." Danny told him as he picked up the crutches that leaned against the wall and handed them off to Steve.

"Danny!" Kono shrieked.

"What, I was just doing what he said. Where's the crime in that?" He retorted.

"Yeah, nothing at all, Danno. Thanks." Steve pushed the gray crutches under his arm pits and heaved himself up and out of the bed.

"Steve! What are you doing?" Danny yelled.

"See, Danny? This is what happens when you give him the crutches! Get him back on the bed!" Kono gestured towards Steve, telling Danny to get him back down on the bed.

"I didn't think it through, sorry. I was enjoying my malasadas, I didn't think he'd be so stupid!"

In the time that Steve was at the hospital, Kono seemed to cool off and forgive Danny. Steve still didn't know exactly what happened between them, but he couldn't help but feel like it was his own fault. But, as long as they made up and returned to their old selves, Steve wouldn't bother to ask. He didn't want to bring it up again if they had both let it go.

"Guys, I'm right here. I'm fine, see?" Steve said, trying to prove his point by taking small steps with the help of the crutches. Pain was clear on his face, but he didn't complain about it at all. He kept it to himself, hoping that his teammates wouldn't notice.

"Steve, you're obviously in pain. Just sit down and be a good patient." Danny grabbed Steve's upper arm, effectively stopping him from moving forward.

"I'm up now, why stop? I think I might just get out of here and go home. I know that I can stand, so why not?" Steve said in false honesty. Really, he was feeling pretty crappy. His ankle hurt a lot worse than it did any other time, even more so than before his surgery. It must have been from the lower elevation of it. After standing up, his head chimed in with the beat of his ankle. It wasn't quite as bothersome as his arm, though. That was the real problem. It certainly wouldn't hold his weight up for much longer.

"Steve, they didn't even want you up yet, let alone go home! Just humor me, please, lay down." The tables were turned now, this time Kono was the beggar.

"Fine, if it makes you feel better. I want to go home, though. I can, I should. I know for a fact that I will be going home pretty soon. If I have to sign out AMA, that's fine with me, too."

"Don't be stupid, Steven." Danny chimed in.

"It's not being stupid, Danno."

"Sure, just lay down. Please."

Steve agreed and made his journey a few steps back to his bed. He sat down on the edge and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I just want to go home."

"We know you do."


"Doc, I'm ready to get out of here." Steve told Dr. Stein the next time that he came into check up on how he was doing.

"Steve, you can't do that yet. You haven't eaten a proper meal and you haven't healed as much as I would like you to." He said, patience in his voice.

"If I went home, I would eat a meal. I can't eat hospital food, it's like it's trying to kill me. You know how unhealthy that stuff is? I won't eat it just because I don't like it. The food at my house is much better. And isn't my house a better place to heal? I think I would have benefits if I left." Steve reasoned with the doctor.

"I don't know, it just doesn't seem like a good idea to me."

"I'm going to sign out AMA, then, I need to get out of here. I'm going crazy being cooped up in here."

"You haven't even used those crutches yet, I think it would be best if you just stayed. I'm doing this for you, I'm saying what's best for you, please trust me."

"Well, I have used those crutches, actually. It went perfectly fine."

"I didn't give my consent for that!"

"I didn't need your consent. Like I'm saying, I need to get out of here. If not, I might just start bouncing off the walls until I find a way out. See, I don't even sound like myself, it's too late. I am going insane."

Dr. Stein let out an exasperated sigh. This McGarrett sure was a handful.

"I don't know."

"I'm leaving, I will eat and drink and sleep. I will do it in the comfort of my own home, though. I promise to take it easy. I'm begging you, doc."

Stein shook his head. He started pacing, weighing the pros and cons of letting Steve go.

"Fine. I'll get the forms. Under one condition, you get up only to go to the bathroom. You need to allow your body some time to rest. I'm serious about this, Commander."


Dr. Stein left the room to go pick up the release forms. Steve couldn't help but smile because of the overwhelming joy that engulfed him. He shouldn't have been that happy. See, it just proved that he was seriously going crazy. Staring at white that long can do that to your brain.

Dr. Stein returned a few minutes later, handing Steve the papers.

"Who's going to bring you home?" Dr. Stein started his interrogation of Steve.


"Who's going to check up on you?"

"Danny, Chin, and Kono."

"What are you going to do when you get home?"

"Take a shower."

"The answer I was looking for was 'lay down.'"

"I will after I take a shower."

"What are you going to eat?"

"Something that is not hospital food."

"Stop being a smartass, McGarrett." Danny traipsed into Steve's room. "Super SEAL going home?"

"Yes, and I was hoping you could give me a ride." Steve told him.

"Sure, but isn't it a little early to be leaving?"

"Yes." "No." Dr. Stein and Steve both spoke at the same time.

"Okay, I assume that Rambo here has talked you into letting him go?" Danny questioned Dr. Stein. He nodded. "Well, I will take good care of him. Don't worry about it."

"I will try not to." Stein replied.

"Cool, let's get out of this place, Steve."

Steve and Danny packed up all the personal belongings that were scattered around the room. Once they were packed up and the papers were filled out appropriately, the partners walked out of the cool hospital and into the blazing Hawaiian sun.

"This is great, Danno. Thanks." Steve said, pointing his face towards the sun and soaking in its warm rays.

"No problem, Rambo."


A/N: Well, there you have it. My first ever fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoyed! Stay tuned for my next story, the first chapter should be posted within the next week or two. Don't forget to review this one, though! I love the reviews, especially on the last chapter. Don't forget. Thanks guys, for a great experience.