Zoro and Gabite had been taken to another infirmary to rest and Luffy and co. returned to their individual rooms. The damages caused to the ship were almost critical but it could make it to the next port owned by a man named Mr. Briney. Nami sulked at this news since it was said that it would take a month for the next ship to arrive to that port. For Luffy and Zoro didn't it matter since it was the island they aimed for.

4 hours after Zoro and Gabite's collapse

Luffy and Zoro had just got their Trampler unloaded and Nami stood on the harbor, looking for someone to take her inland without much luck.

"Why can't any take me!?" shouted Nami frustrated, Meowth at her side and Castform floating around her as she held her bags in both hands. Luffy, Monferno and Riolu sat on the Trampler and Zoro and Gabite laid in the cart as Luffy waved to Nami and asked "We will drive to Littleroot Town now! Are you sure you don't want to come!?"

"I am sure!" answered Nami. "I really need to get home!"

"Ok! See you somewhere else then!" said Luffy as he started the Trampler and began to drive towards the forest. Nami looked after them a while before she said "Damn it!" and ran after them.

Zoro and Gabite slept quietly when suddenly a pair of big bags landed on top of them and their owner jumped up on the Trampler.

"What the hell woman!?" shouted Zoro as he threw bags off him and glared at Nami together with Gabite.

"Hey!" said Nami angrily. "Those bags were expensive! Be more careful or I am going to hold you in debt!"

"What…!" asked Zoro with a glare when suddenly Meowth jumped up and scratch him across the face. As Zoro roared pain, Gabite tried to use Dragon Claw on the assailant of his master and while Nami shouted something about leaving alone her Pokémon laughed Luffy his signature grin. "Shishishishi"

After 45 minutes had things calmed down and Luffy could see the end of the forest.

"There is the exit!" laughed Luffy.

Suddenly fell a massive tree out on the road and Luffy abruptly stopped the Trampler from driving into it.

"Where did that come from?" asked Nami confused. Unexpectedly appeared six shadows up on the tree. Three humans and three Pokémon.

"Stop! You thieves!" ordered the middle shadow.

"Who are you guys?" asked Luffy.

The shadows jumped down and were revealed to be three boys.

"Pebber!" said the middle one. Before him stood a Wurmple.

"Carrot!" said the one on the left. Before him stood a Caterpie.

"Onion!" said the one on the right. Before him stood a Weedle.

Luffy and Nami just looked at the three boys and their Pokémon with unimpressed faces. Riolu, Monferno and Meowth had a similar face on but Castform was confused of what was happening.

"Now thieves! Release all the Pokémon you have stolen!" ordered Pepper. The Bug Pokémon tried to be intimidating but it didn't really work.

"Thieves? Where?" asked Luffy looking around. The boys pointed at him shouted "You of course!"

Suddenly could you hear a loud yawn and everyone looked at the cart behind the Trampler. There raised Zoro and Gabite themselves up and Zoro looked confused around since he just woke up.

"What is going on?" asked Zoro and Luffy answered "They think we are thieves"

"Who?" asked Zoro and looked over at the boys. He and Gabite got some sinister smirks on their faces and as they exited the cart began they to be more and more intimidating for the boys and their Pokémon.

"S-Stay back!" ordered Pepper but Zoro and Gabite closed in on them, the first slowly unsheathing two of his swords and the second baring his fangs. The boys and their Pokémon stepped back more and more till they stood up against the tree trunk.

"Who dares to threaten my men?" asked a voice. Everyone looked up on the top of the tree trunk and saw two more shadows. One was a man with what seemed to be a long nose and the other a Pokémon with a long nose too. They jumped down and landed almost fearlessly in front of Zoro and Gabite. The man actually had a long nose and the Pokémon was a Nuzleaf. The two of them looked up on Zoro and Gabite with a glare. Zoro and Gabite both glared demonically down on the new opponents and 2 seconds later turned the heroic glare into a frightened expression.

"WHA! I AM SORRY! DON'T KILL ME!" screamed the strangers as he and his Pokémon covered in fear. Everyone looked confused at them and then they turned around and said "Guys! We have to band together and…"

The boys had already crawled over the tree trunk and run away with their Pokémon. The two them just looked unbelieving at the spot the boys stood on before the Nuzleaf quickly turned around, got on his knees and bowed his head like he offered his service.

"You traitor!" screamed the guy before looking at Zoro and Gabite and reckoned that it would be smartest to follow the Nuzleaf's example. Now was everyone looking at them with a little pity and Zoro sheathed his blades as he sighed.

"Get up you two" told Zoro and the two of them looked up. "Now!"

With that roar jumped both of them up like someone had ignited their buttocks and they saluted him while the long nosed one shouted "SIR YES SIR!"

Luffy looked at the long nosed man for a while and suddenly asked "Do you know someone called Yasopp?"

The long nosed man looked surprised at Luffy as he asked "How do you know that name!?"

"I meet him about 10 years ago. You somehow remind me of him" told Luffy and the long nosed man looked a little shocked at Luffy before answering "Yasopp is my father"

20 minutes later drove they towards the long nosed man's village. His named turned out to be Usopp and he had in secret sworn to protect his village from the Black Market dealers that had stolen Pokémon from his village. The three boys from before had promise him that they would help but as seen wasn't that much.

"So Usopp… why have you chosen to oppose these bandits?" asked Nami from the Trampler. Usopp walked beside them with Nuzleaf and he answered "Well… there is this girl in town…"

"Ah, I see" said Nami with a sassy smile that made Usopp blush in embarrassment.

"See what?" asked Luffy oblivious. Nami and Monferno just gave him a knock in the nugget at his stupidity and Usopp and Nuzleaf sweat dropped. Suddenly rang a clock inside Usopp's pocket.

"Oh! It is that time again!" said Usopp surprised. "Sorry but I have to go now. There is a tavern in town so you can stay the night there" told Usopp before he ran in another direction together with Nuzleaf. Luffy and Co. just looked after Usopp before they continued towards the village.

20 minute later had they arrived to the tavern and were now sitting by the biggest table with all their Pokémon. Luffy had ordered a big portion of meat, Zoro a lot of sake and Nami a fish. Monferno had gotten a wide variety of fruit and Riolu had gotten some meat and bread. Gabite had gotten some raw meat and some sake in a bowl to drink. Meowth had gotten a fish like Nami and Castform had gotten some ice cream so it had changed into its Ice-Form.

"What is happening to that cloud of yours?" asked Zoro, referring to Castform.

"It is Castform's natural ability. It changes form depending on the weather, but it seems this one also changes depending on what it eats" told Nami as she petted Castform.

Suddenly clashed the door open and in came the three boys from earlier, armed with wooden swords and their Pokémon on their heads. The walked directly up to Luffy and Co. table and the middle one named Pepper shouted "W-Where is the captain!?"

"Captain?" asked Nami confuse.

"Where is our Captain!?" asked Pepper, trying his best to be intimidating without much luck. Luffy looked confused at them before he swallowed the meat he had stuffed in his mouth and said "Ah… that was some good meat!"

"Meat!" shouted the boys scared. Nami began to chuckle lightly since she noticed the misunderstanding. Zoro noticed it too and while he smiled an intimidating smirk told he the boys "Yeah that was some fine meat. It seems Gabite is quite contended with it"

The boys and their Pokémons looked at Gabite as he began to chew on some of his meat. He then noticed the boys and an equally intimidating smirk after swallowing it.

"AAAAHH!" screamed the boys before they and their Pokémons fainted. Zoro and Gabite just laughed their asses off, Nami and Meowth laughed lightly at that reaction, Monferno and Riolu sweat dropped and Luffy and Castform tilted their heads in confusion, the later had returned to his original form.

Some time went past and when the boys woke up were they explained that it was a joke.

"That wasn't funny!" said Carrot irritated.

"Yeah! We actually that you guys ate him!" said Onion.

Zoro and Gabite just laughed at that comment and the boys and their Pokémon just glared at the two of them but it didn't even faze them.

"Your Captain is fine" told Luffy. "He just ran off when a clock rang"

"A clock?" said Pepper. "Oh, then he is over there"

"Where?" asked Luffy.

"At the Pre-Gym"

"There is a Pre-Gym in this village!?" asked Nami surprised.

"Yeah" answered Onion. "Or… it is still here"

"What do you mean?" asked Zoro.

"The former Gym Leader has passed away" told Carrot. "Now lives his daughter alone since her mother died when she was a child"

"That so sad" said Nami. "Where is the Gym?"

"In the mansion on top of the hill outside town" told Pepper.

"A mansion!?" screamed Nami almost.

"Yeah, she is richer than hell" told Onion with a smile.

"That is good for her but why does Usopp go there?" asked Luffy.

"To tell lies" answered Carrot proudly.

"Isn't that bad?" asked Zoro as he and Gabite sweat dropped.

"No, it is good" told Onion.


"Ever since her father's dead have she been very weak so the Captain visits her and cheer her up" told Pepper proudly.

"That is pretty nice of him" said Nami with a smile on her face.

Luffy looked deep in thought and then asked "Can you still earn a badge there?"

"Well yeah, but…" was all the boys said before Luffy stood up and shouted "Then let's go!"

Hi everyone

This is a shorter chapter than normal and it isn't top class but I hope you have enjoyed the story so far.

I actually have a request of you readers. I have decided against my original idea for Luffy's third Pokémon and I will need it soon. I want you guys to send in your ideas and requests either through the Review Section or through a PM. So if you have an opinion then send it to me and I'll truly consider it and maybe will your idea be a part of the story.

PS… also if you want a list of the teams so far then write it too.