Hello, people of Earth. Wait, I've used that openeing before. Um. Hello people with internet access! I am here to start another fanifc. I'm expanding the range that my fanfics take, ergo, this Cats and Dogs fanfic. ENJOY!
Diggs and Butch were chasing after a criminal that had just stolen some highitech parts from a military lab in California. They couldn't see exactly what kind of animal it was, but that thought it was some kind of canine by its size. "when did dogs become the bad guys?"
"Whenever they decided. Enough chat."
They seen him jump onto another buillding. "Why couldn't you have brought your jetpack?"
"It didn't seem nessacary! Time to jump!" They both barely made it. "I'm getting too old for this."
"Hey, do you hear screaming?"
"Whoever it is, we don't have time for it!"
"But, it sounds like it's getting closer." No sooner than he said that than they had something land on them and stop their pursuit. They got up and they had lost sight of whoever they were chasing. "Great. He got away." Diggs turned toward whoever it was that had landed on them. He was a black lab. "Who are you?"
The lab got up and replied. "My name is DB. That fall...hurt. Who were you chasing?"
"We couldn't tell. We think it was a canine by the size."
DB sniffed the air and his expression turned to a mix of anger and worry. "What did he take? I need specifics."
"Do you know who it was?"
"Yes. His name is Diablo. He is my arch nemesis. Well, one of them. But, he is the most dangerous. Now, what did he take?"
"It was some piece of machinery from a high-tech labratory here in California."
"Do you know the specifics?"
"we weren't told the specifics of what he took."
DB sighed. "How can we find out?"
"Lou is looking for the specifics. We need to head to HQ to see if he's found anything out. You say you have multiple enemies?"
"Yes. Four of them are the four most dangerous and those four are a team."
"That makes it easy." Butch shot Diggs a glare, but DB just chuckled.
"Anyways, Diablo is their leader and the only one that is my equal. Mastermind is the brains of the group, but he also is their least trained fighter. Avenger is their distraction and youngest. Traitor is the one for breaking and entering. They all have one thing in common."
"What's that?"
"They all used to be a part of my life. Traitor was one of my mentor's, but wanted to be the best, so he caused a lot of death, but that just made me better than him. Avenger used to be a friend of mine and he trained along side me. Mastermind used to work for me. I'll tell you about Diablo later. Now, let's head to you HQ."
D.O.G. H.Q.
Lou was in his office looking over the file to see what Diablo had taken. His door opened and he seen Diggs and Butch come in with a black lab. "Welcome back, you two. Who do you have with you?"
"Name's DB. I accidentally stopped their chase of that criminal that stole something from the high-tech facility. His name is Diablo and the most dangerous of my enemies. He is the leader of the most dangerous of my enemies."
"Thank you for that information. I take it they brought you here because you can be a great help to us, correct?"
"Right on the nose. Question, though. Why are you wearing such an ugly sweater?"
"This was a gift fr-"
DB cut him off. "please give it back. It will save our eyes and your humility."
Diggs stifled a laugh. Lou just glared at the smiling lab. "Well, i've found what he stole." They turned to the screen and there was a microchip. "I'm not sure what it does, though."
DB stared at it. "Hm. I've seen that before. But, where?" He was looked up, trying to remember. "Maybe after getting something to eat, I can remember better. Know where I can get some fried chicken?"
"Why would getting something to eat help your memory?"
"Well, Butch, it will help stimulate the electrons in my brain, making the elctrical impulses flow better, which would help memory."
"Why fried chicken, though?"
"It's my favorite food. That's why."
"Alright. Get him some fried chicken. We need any intel he can get us."
"i know where a great KFC is."
DB imediately tackled him. "WHEREWHEREWHEREWHEREWHERE!?"
"Get off and I'll show you."
DB did more than get off him. He dragged him to the vehicle and got it going to Diggs's dog house. "He must really love fried chicken."
DB had begged some fried chicken from the KFC workers and was happily eating it. "You know you could have taken it much slower to get here. It wasn't going anywhere soon." Diggs was still dizy from DB's actions.
DB swallowed his chicken before replying. "I know, but I really love fried chicken. But, not as much as coffee. You don't want to be on the recieving end of when someone spills a little bit of my coffee. Trust me."
"How bad is it?"
DB just stared at him. Before he could answer, Catherine came in. "Hey Diggs. Who's your friend."
"My name's DB. He was showing me where a KFC was for fried chicken. I met him when I accidentally stopped a chase he and Butch were in."
"My name's Catherine and how did you stop there chase?"
"I fell on them."
"How di-"
"I fell on them because of..." He chuckled a little. "Ya know what. I'll explain that later. When I'm about to leave. You won't believe me until then."
"Okay. So, who were you guys chasing?"
"Well, it was an enemy of DB here." He pointed with his paw to DB, who had gone back to eating. He looked up at the mention of his name and he had a leg stiking out of his mouth. "DB says his name is Diablo and that he leads a group of people that are his enemies."
"Ya, so we shouldn't be surprised if we see the rest of them. Also, I think I remember where I seen that microchip and what it is used for."
"Really? Let's go!"
"Come on, Catherine." The three headed back to D.O.G. H.Q.
D.O.G. H.Q.
The three of them rushed into Lou's office. "Hello, again. Do you remember where you seen that microchip?"
"Yes. Bring it up." Lou brought the microchip up on the screen. "Okay. I seen this on the table of a secret organization that is far advanced in their technology. I doubt you've even heard of them. Anyways, that microchip has been used in the production of some of their explosives. He probably stole it from the labratory because it was just recently made there and easier to steal than from the organization."
"So, you're saying that with this, he could create a bomb?"
"Yes. But, if he doesn't have very many of them, he couldn't make a very big explosion. How many did he steal?"
"He stole three. That's when Diggs and Butch came in. How big of an explosion do you think he could make?"
"Well, the explosion could wipe out a building, but that's not what I'm concerned about. I'm concerned about why he was only able to take three. He'd be able to go in there and take fifty of them and leave before you even knew what happened."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I think he was using himself as a distraction this time and after Diggs and Butch gave chase, the other three went in after some more microchips, which would explain why he didn't kill Diggs and Butch, like he could have. We need to get to the labratory and check it out."
"Alright. I'm going to see if it's alright with Tab for you to work with us on this assignment. Go ahead and leave with them. I'll fill Butch in on the information and have him meet you there."
"Alright, let's go you two. We can't wait around." DB ran out with Diggs and Catherine hot on his tail.
It was sunset by the time they got to the labratory and Butch was already there. "you got here fast."
"I was close by. I was told not to enter until you three got here. How are we gonna enter?"
"How about through here?" He turned to see DB had entered without setting off any alarms and was sticking his head out his entrance. They all entered and started searching for clues. "Hm. I smell Diablo, Traitor, Mastermind, Avenger, and..." He took another sniff of the air. "It couldn't be." He took another whiff of the air. "I refuse to believe it!"
"Refuse to believe what?"
"I smell my apprentice. Well, he's sort of an apprentice, but that's beside the point. He could have tried to stop them." He sniffed the air some more. He followed the trail to a closet door. He opened it, and out fell a badly beaten golden retreiver and a badly beaten rotwieler. "We need to get them to a hospital." He picked up the golden retriever, while Diggs and Butch took the rotweiler.
Veterinarian hospital
DB was worridely pacing outside the hospital. "What is wrong?"
"The golden retreiver is my apprentice. How he was able to take down Avenger will remain a surprise to me. What I'm curious about, though is why they left Avenger. He must be a message for me, but what?" He snuck into the hospital to see that they had finished the surgery. He snuck into the recovery room. He seen that Avenger was awake. He jumped up to his bed. "why did they leave you?"
Avenger chuckled. "You did exactly what they thought you would. You tried saving my life."
"What are you guys planning?"
"We are planning something bigger than you could imagine. I have a message for you. Watch your back." DB jumped down, but His apprentice was still asleep. He laid down wher ehe wouldn't be seen.
The others came in. "DB? Where are you?"
"Over here."
"What are you doing?"
"i'm gonna make sure they don't hurt my apprentice. He was there to give me a message. Watch my back. He also said they are palnning something bigger than I could imagine. They're going to pay for what they did. I just hope that he'll wake up."
"We're going back to HQ to tell Lou what happened. We're going to go back to the lab later to check for more clues. You can stay here to watch your apprentice. See ya." The two dogs and cat left DB to watch his apprentice. His eyes never left the bed that his apprentice was in.
Okay. Good? Bad? In between? Like fried chicken? Wait. That doesn't match what I had said before. Why'd I put the last one in there? Well, review and tell me your thoughts and check out my poll.