So I got a couple of messages asking for Arthur's reply... I just wrote this on the spare of the moment! By the way, Arthur's speech is something I wrote a LONG time ago (I found it half an hour ago and thought it'd make a great reply). Please don't forget to r&r!

"I don't know, mon Cher. But it better be good." Francis chuckled, smiling and winking at his new husband. "Knowing you, it will be."

Arthur gently punched Francis' arm, "Shut up,"

He cleared his throat and scrunched his face up, thinking of a way to re-gain people's attention. "Ah, yes. Well, I've... I've prepared a poem, of sorts." Antonio and Gilbert sniggered and Francis shot them a glare, mouthing "You assholes." Arthur continued nevertheless; he was a successful poet and novelist, after all. "This was written a while ago, in one of my slumps..." Clearing his throat again, the Brit cracked a small smile.

"You call me quiet and you call me sad, you don't know what it's like to feel this bad; I say sorry almost everyday but you don't seem to care, all of this hurt is getting too much to bare. You sound so far away, "I'll always be here," you used to say. I don't get why you're angry at me... I'm confused and restless, can't you see? Everything I do is all for you; help me fix things, please, give me a clue? I have so much regret, but it seems our future's been set. You stole my heart, but I'd never want to go back to the start."

The Brit's emerald eyes scanned his audience, his eyes locking onto bright, happy blue ones; Alfred. Alfred smiled softly, and that action alone spurred him on. Maybe this wasn't going so bad?

"The sun always shines even on the darkest of days; the hours of nonsense and the games we used to play. Us being together, devoted, in love; all of the passion people were jealous of. You make me giggle and you make me smile, and you always say, "That's the best smile I've seen for a while!""

Francis squeezed his hand and Arthur could hear him chuckle at the poem.

...Maybe this was a bad idea?

"Calling me beautiful and handsome, it feels pretty great being with someone so awesome. And I can still remember the butterflies I got, the first time you said "I love you a lot." So thank you so much, you bleedin' twat. Maybe next time you won't kill my cat."

Arthur, brushing a hand through his soft hair, chuckled nervously and squeezed Francis' hand back. "Merci, Arthur. I love you."