Author's Note: So this is my first teacher/student fic I hope you guys enjoy it:) Please R&R.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 1

"Ugh." Meredith sighed as she turned off her alarm. It was her first day of med school at Colombia University in New York and she was nowhere near ready to face the day after the night of drinking and dancing she had. She shuffled her way over to her closet and threw on a sweater and jeans and went to the small kitchen of her dorm to brew some coffee.

"Morning, Mer." Her roommate Izzie said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." Meredith said as she quickly grabbed her coffee and walked out of the kitchen on her way to school. She made the short walk to her car and turned on the radio in hopes of hearing what the traffic would be like today, even though she was in no hurry to get to school considering her first class was anatomy and she really didn't feel like sitting in a class and listening to the professor lecture about something she already knew. But all too soon, she had arrived at the university. She hopped out of her car and made her way towards her first class. She walked through the hall and over the mindless chatter heard something that sparked her interest.

"Dude Professor Montgomery is hot as hell…I'd study her anatomy."

Meredith watched as the two men laughed and continued walking down the hall. 'Her? Our anatomy professor's a girl?' Meredith questioned in her head as she made her way to a seat in the back of the class. Her thoughts were interrupted as she saw what was possibly the most beautiful woman she had ever seen stride into the class and introduce herself as Professor Montgomery. Super hot was a definite understatement! Meredith settled into her chair, happy to observe the redhead as she taught the class. Maybe anatomy wouldn't be such a bad class after all.

Author's Note: So I hope you guys liked it… I know the chapter was short but it's just to see if anyone has any interest in having me continue writing it… So please let me know what you thought or if you have any suggestions:)