There comes a time in when one decision can change the world. No one knows you make this choice. But the domino effect from it touches the great and the small. No one is unscathed. It's the end. The end of everything we knew. The end of normalcy as we knew it, the end of secrets. A king is born from the ashes to a final war. A king, his generals, his armies. A narrow path for victory awaits. Will you play?


"Zak," groans a tired teenage voice wandering below the tresses of foliage in the man-made cryptic jungle. A soft ruffle of leaves make the owner of the voice turn his head slightly. He was too late as he was tackled to the ground by a smaller and faster teen.

"Pinned yah," the smaller boy said once he had in fact pinned the larger. The larger grunted and pushed the smaller off.

"Knock it off Zak," said the larger brushing off dirt and leaves as he stood up. Zak showed an impish grin as he sat up, white bangs falling in front of his eyes and spiking out like an odd star.

"Just fooling around Francis. Can't you take a joke?" he asked as Francis held out his hand. Zak took it and allowed Francis to help him off the ground where he in turned began to brush himself off.

"I can," he said tripping Zak as he tried to step next to him, "just on you."

Zak pouted, "You are the worst brother ever."

Francis let out a small grin of his own which looked more like a twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Come now Zak. I am your only human brother after all. How do you know I'm not acting normal as your big brother?"

Zak merely raised a questioning brow at Francis.

"You…? Normal? That's like saying Ulraj is best friends with Rani Naga," Zak fired back trying to hide his smile and failing. Francis hit Zak outside the head.


"Oh, mom and dad want to see you."

"Hey Francis, why do you always call them mom and dad around me but call them Doctors Saturday when you're with them?" Zak asked ignoring the hit (for now). Francis shrugged his shoulders not to say he didn't know but to say that he wasn't going to talk about it.

"Why don't you tell your parents about the Harbor?" Francis retorted. Zak stopped for a second before walking out of the garden with Francis following.

"That's different," he stated emotionlessly which seemed oddly cruel with Zak's typical upbeat nature, "You only know because you researched my 'files'."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I promise."

Francis frowned slightly which to many looked like his typical poker face. The glare of his goggles reflected the sulky walk Zak was sporting. Francis made a mental note to continue his studies on human emotion. And to call someone for a long overdue favor.


"Hello?" Wally yawned groggily over the phone.

"Wha- How did you get this number?... You troll. Give me one good reason why I should…," Wally stopped and leaned against the wall, sliding down it slowly until his knees were up to his chest and his butt on the floor, "No… really?"

His face scrunched up in displeasure, "When?"


Francis removed his helmet. The various wires sprouting from the helmet leading to a large chamber. Filled with ice and frost and body. He walked over to the glass covered door, frost hiding its contents in a malevolent icy blue. He scraped the frost away from the upper center region. Inside was a pale looking tan skinned boy with long black hair and unreal looking white bangs wildly frozen. His eyes shut and face in a painful emotionless state.

Francis sighed letting his hand rest on the cool glass leaving little finger prints before walking away leaving the perpetually cold room.

"See you later Zak. I promise," he muttered. With that he left the room leaving no trace of life as frost returned to the glass removing his finger prints and hiding the tan boy's face once more. No more than a minute after the door was shut sealing the room away from the world a bright orange light emanated from the machine flickering like an untamed flame. Within the orange light and within the machine itself were two small white lights that seemed to peer out into the room before growing smaller and eventually disappearing, taking the orange glow with it.


Jaime shot up in his bed gasping for breath. His body coated in a thin layer of sweat from his restless slumber. He wiped sweat from his brow as his breathing returned to normal.

"Dios Mio," he muttered to himself. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in annoyance at himself. What had woke him up?

'Irrelevant. Rest is required.'

Jaime groaned.

"Yo se," he shot back, "I'm not an idiot."


Jaime was about to retort when he heard his door creak open. He felt the scarab trying to create its infamous plasma cannon and shoved the offending arm under his covers aiming at his foot. He looked at the door and sighed.

"Milagro? What are you doing up?" he asked. 'And why was she coming into his room?' he wondered. She was a very independent girl. She rarely came to Jaime for anything.

"I had… I had a bad dream," she admitted. Jaime felt the plasma cannon retract. Jaime patted a spot on the bed and she ran to it. She sat quickly looking embarrassed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. Maybe it would be a simple dream.

"I saw monsters," she said in a hushed tone Jaime could barely hear, "They were snakes with people torsos, heads, and arms. They killed mom… and dad… and you…"

"Dios Mio," he said putting an arm on her shoulder. She didn't even react but continued.

"…and there was a boy. He fought against them. I didn't see his face… but there was so much blood."

Jaime didn't say anything as images flashed in his own head. A deserted city, an ominous orange sky, dead bodies littering the ground human and… not quite human lay everywhere. Snake like creatures fighting something that looked alien to him. And a hoarse yell from someone no older than him ordering to continue to fight.

But just as quick as the vision came he was back in his room with Milagro.

"I'm scared."

"Don't worry Milagro. I'll protect you. I promise."


Francis stood before a… recent trophy of his. He readied his collar and opened the container. It's label of Match concerned him not. For it was easy enough to obtain from his recent "mission". A small smile came to his face as the container opened.

"Well now, aren't you a special little find? You're going to have to behave but it'll be worth it I promise."


"But Prince Ulraj, you can't be certain-!"

"I am. It seems an old enemy has returned. It would be best to find allies before the battle begins," Ulraj stated dryly with a hint of disgust, "Though I would rather not deal with those who ignore our existence, it is better for Atlantis to be an ally."

"Very well my lord. We shall leave on your word."

"Not my word. Otherwise we won't get there at all I guarantee it. Leave once ready."

"Yes my lord."

Ulraj sighed as his solider left the room. He'd rather not fight alongside children who bit the hand of the very people who had cared and nurtured them. And even worse, denied the very existence between the two with their shattered bond.

He'd rather the day soon come where he may battle once more alongside the city's hero. His friend. But he had to rest until it was certain that he was himself and not a puppet. Ulraj needed no test. He knew he was himself. How could he be possessed when his eyes were filled with such pure mirth and joy and tinged with sadness when he was taken by the cruel scientists from his parents.

Alas, he could even free him. Not one word was spoken of his location should Ullraj declare (as he said he would) a need for blood to be spilt. He sat in his thrown as he felt the tremor of his fair city moving toward Atlantis. Displeasure etched on his face.


There comes a time when fate becomes so thoroughly intertwined in people's lives that each person cannot avoid one another. Lives change. Truths revealed. And royal blood and beggar's rights.


Bart zipped around Palo Alto looking for his cousin. He knew his cousin would be here. He knew his cousin's typical day from stories from stories he used to tell in his time.

He wanted to talk to him. Despite being slightly disliked by his cousin he loved him. He was always there for him. And Bart was curious about his cousin. His cousin now was not like stories other people would tell about him being all bright open and cheery. He was sneakier. If he didn't want to talk he could wheedle his way out of the spotlight.

And during this time something happened so Wally would never talk about it. He stopped in front of Wally's neighbor's house with a large smile. His smile vanished however when he looked over the hedge to see Wally talking with a serious solemn looking man with salt and pepper hair.

"…I'm not sure…"

"You asked me for advice," he heard Wally say in a strict and cold tone he had never heard him use before, "That's mine. If what you said is true then Earth's army should be prepared. I promise you that what I say is all I truly believe."

"That's not-"

"Stop that Beeman. You know what he's capable of. He stopped Argost in his prime. He has been training since he was small. You and I both know. We've seen him in battle. You actually fought him."

Wally glared at the man daring him to contradict him. The man sighed, "We'll discuss it later Doctor West."

Bart's eyes widened. Doctor?

"Be sure you do Beeman. He may be the only person who can stop this."

The man nodded and pulled a clicker from his pocket. Bart's jaw dropped when a UFO landed with Beeman walking inside of it and then taking off. Wally sighed and walked back inside.

Bart furrowed his brow.

"So no crash."

Chapter one Sea a new alliance.

Ulraj stood up from his throne as he felt the city's legendary serpent slow down alerting him that they were close to their destination.

"Bring forth the royal guard," he declared knowing there would be trouble if he didn't if not from Atlantis then from the elders of Atlantis, "I will be meeting with their king myself," he told his servant. His servant bowed and left the room.


People of Atlantis stared up at what many had believed to be a fairytale save the elders who spoke of it. 'Upon a serpent's back lies a city. A city of nobility and magic. Where it is said the bravest of the sea are born. Kumari Kandem.' It was rumored to be the surface world's equivalent to El Durado.

La'gann couldn't help but stare with the rest of the Atlantians. Never did he think it was real after his adventures on the surface world and never seeing anything of it. The city though was legendary. As he gazed in wonder like a civilian he saw armored warriors swim toward the city with a smaller figure trailing behind. The people of Atlantis stood back as King Arthur and Queen Mera swam to them.

"Greetings," King Arthur said politely. The warriors parted and allowed the smallest to swim to the front of the group. He had no mask. He looked somewhat similar to La'gann with his scaly pale skin and similar single colored eyes. The boy dressed in light brown pants and a yellow sleeveless tunic with a high collar.

"And to you," the boy said dryly dipping his head slightly but not bowing before the King, "Arthur, King of Atlantis."

"And you are?" he asked. La'gann felt a smoldering anger build in his body. This child did not bow nor explained himself. He should have some manners if he is from such a legendary city.

"I am Prince Ulraj of Kumari Kandem, the heir of our city," he said pulling out a necklace that was hidden under his shirt. It was a golden amulet adjourned with various jewels and decorated with runes engraved into the relic. Mera's eyes widened slightly at the necklace, "And I would like to speak with both of you in private," he said looking at both the King and Queen.

Arthur and Mera looked at one another. Ulraj sighed, "It is extremely important that you know what is to come," he explained with a grave tone. Arthur nodded.

"Very well. Follow us," he said gesturing to Ulraj. Ulraj nodded slightly and followed with five soldiers trailing him. La'gann followed silently. He watched as other Atlantians stared. He heard gossip on the currents as he swam by. Talks of trade, magic, treaty, and war assaulted his ears as he continued hot on their trail silently thanking Nightwing for all the stealth training.

"Forgive my timing," La'gann heard the prince say.

"Think nothing of it. I am surprised to see Kumari Kandem with my own eyes," Arthur replied.

"Nor I Atlantic," Ulraj retorted bitterly in a quiet voice.

"You sound displeased," Arthur stated. Ulraj shook his head.

"Too much has happened I'm afraid. The earth is crying out to her children that war is emanate. I do not like it," Ulraj explained with distain lingering in his tone.

"War?" Arthur asked. Ulraj nodded. By now they were at the palace La'gann still trailing. Ulraj glanced around for a moment, his eyes lingering on one building in particular before looking back at Arthur and Mera.

"A through explanation once we are alone, if you'll allow us."

"Of course."


Sea churns this restless water throwing a fit for his mother earth to see. She waits and listens for that's all she can do as father time tries to soothe the child.


"Do you understand?" Ulraj asked with urgency. Arthur nodded his head.

"If what you say is true, then it would be better to ally ourselves with one another," he declared. Ulraj held back a sigh of relief. "I will alert my comrades of this development."

"Wait," Ulraj interjected, "Good King Arthur, there is more than you know. It'd be better between our cities."

"And why id that?"

"…Because humanity is ignorant. Surely you can attest to that." Arthur nodded his head in conformation. "Humanity is unaware of our existence. For the safety of my people we would like to keep it that way."

"My comrades would understand."

"My people only trust a few people. I would have to meet your… comrades to know of their caliber before telling of my heritage and people. We hold a strict code of secrecy. I hope you understand."

Arthur was silent.

"Of course. We would not want to bring unnecessary harm or worry to your people. But tell us, what is your king doing as not to come," Mera asked. Ulraj's face grew dark as he felt a prick in his eyes.

"Dead. My father is dead," he stated with a slight growl in his voice, "He was killed trying to protect my people from a mad man."

"My dear," Mera gasped.

"So will you sign the treaty?" Ulraj redirected the conversation. Arthur pulled a quill dipped in squid ink and signed the parchment. After signing the document he shook Ulraj's hand with a firm grip.

"It is an honor to have an alliance with Kumari Kandem after all these years."

Ulraj gave a small but genuine smile to Arthur.

"To many years of strength and unity."

"For peace."

"Should it ever be obtained King Arthur."

"An announcement of our unity must be made."

"To your people and yours alone. I will tell my people of our alliance."

"And any of your allies."

Ulraj raised a nonexistent brow.

"We would not want to risk being attacked by one of your allies. And it matters not that they know of my people. Many already know of its location," he admitted sheepishly. Ulraj thought for a moment. He knew without a doubt Francis would know what has happened with his abilities with cameras and satellites.

"Very well. Now whether or not you meet any of them will depend on the battle."


"I don't know Angelfish. King Arthur looked kind of nervous. And seeing Kumari Kandem was unreal," La'gann told M'gann still bewildered.

"Kumari Kandem?" she asked. She could read his mind, yes. But she didn't want to ruin his trust.

"A mythical city that only existed in fairytales. A place that was said to create Atlantis. A war city. Containing unheard of weapons…"


"These are the technologies we have obtained over the years of study," Ulraj said showing King Arthur around the palace of Kumari Kandem.

"These are-"

"Medical supplies. Our weapons are limited as of late. We are studying surface weapons to utilize the strengths of both if possible."

"How are you doing that?"

"We have friends walking in the driest of places."


"…uncontrollable magic…"


"I have not seen any signs of magic in your kingdom. Are you solely living with science?"

"Magic is rarely used. The walls however are adjourned with ancient runes that protect our city from Nagas. When we are under attack the runes glow and give our people strength to face them in combat."

"I see."


"..and deadly soldiers."


"I suggest we send a few of our soldiers to one another to train."

"I agree. But we do not have many soldiers. Are battles are strictly against the Nagas and protecting the Atlas Pin. We are limited in our style of fighting because of this."

"I see… then perhaps another method might work better?"

"You may send warriors to Kumari Kandem to learn. And then they may return and teach. One or two of the younger soldiers may go with them on their return trip."

"Fair enough. You have wisdom beyond your years."

"I am eighteen years King Arthur. And I had a friend who was not smart from books was made wise by travel and trial."

"What happened to him?"

"He was taken. You know, he was a person I could feel proud of. He made a promise to do what he could to protect people. And he did… He promised," he said, his eyes growing hazy,


"And to think they came to Atlantis. I don't think this is good," La'gann growled worried about what was yet to come.

Idea spawned from whatever did happen when Wally left the team? Please review.