Okay, so I'm back. First of all, I want to thank all of those who supported me when I was writing Were-Wyvern.

This story takes place sometime after season 4. This is a thought that came to mind a while back and I'm not sure if I want to continue with it or not. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy and leave a review to tell me what y'all think.

Disclaimer: IDOM...if so, then the big reveal would've already happened.


Chapter 1 - Be Careful What You Wish For...

Night had already descended on the peaceful kingdom. All was silent as the blissful grace of sleep was bestowed upon every living creature in Camelot.

...Well, almost everyone.


A figure shifted on his bed in the tiny closet space he called his room. Groaning, the young warlock turned on his side, hoping above all hope that that wasn't who he thought it was.


He tried his stomach this time, shoving his head under his flat pillow pleading that it would muffle the annoying sound that reverberated in his mind.


Obviously, it didn't.


Tired red eyes snapped open as the young warlock jolted to a sitting position. Moaning loudly, he forced himself out of bed, put on suitable clothes, and made his way to the open field all the while mumbling "stupid dragon" and "this better be good".

"I heard that!"

Merlin didn't bother gracing that with a response. After sneaking through the city and trudging through the forest, he finally managed to reach his destination...only to find the dragon not there.

"Kilgharrah!" the young warlock yelled to the night air, not caring if anyone heard him. What was the point of waking him up if he wasn't going to be here?

"Kilgharrah! Where the hell are you?"

"Be patient young warlock. I'm on my way"

"Be patient?! You're the one that called me, not the other way around...and this bloody early in the morning. You'd think you would have the courtesy to be here on time"

"Don't take that tone with me Merlin. We all have our busy days once in a while"

Merlin almost choked. "Busy?! How can you be busy? You're free to do what you want all day!"


"Don't presume you know what I do while you are away Merlin" the dragon said after landing heavily on the ground, also not caring if anyone heard.

"Like you have anything important to do" he mumbled.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing" The two stayed in silence for a while, trying to calm themselves before speaking to the other. "So" Merlin said first, "what was it that you needed to tell me?"

The Great Dragon snorted. "I came to warn you of an assassin sent to kill the King. His name is Slagan and he is highly skilled and well trained"

A moment of silence.

"Was that all!?" Kilgharrah eyed him for a moment before nodding his head in confirmation.

"That was it? I dealt with him this morning!" Merlin screamed before muttering obscenities both in English and in the Dragon Tongue. The Great Dragon's eyes widened at the Dragonlord's choice words.

"So let me get this straight. You called me out in the middle of the night, just as I was falling asleep after a long day of serving his ungrateful Pratness, to tell me this! You could've just told me while I was still in my room!"

"How was I supposed to know that you had already dealt with him? You never tell me anything"

"You could've asked"

"I was a little busy Merlin" Kilgharrah defended himself.

At that, the warlock spun around and yelled, "With what!"

"Hunting, watching over Aithusa, protecting Camelot from outside forces before they get to you, all the while staying unnoticed from others so news of me being still alive doesn't reach Camelot"

"Bang up job you're doing"

Kilgharrah snorted smoke at Merlin, accidentally singeing the edge of his neckerchief. Merlin's eye brow twitched in annoyance ("that was my mother's scarf!" he mentally yelled). "Oh, forgive me for being inconsiderate of your busy schedule Kilgharrah. It's not like I have to save the Prat every single day, finish the chores he piles on me just for fun, and complete the many tedious tasks Gaius has me doing. Sorry that babysitting and hunting take up so much of your demanding life"

"Are you saying you have it harder than me?" Kilgharrah asked. "All you do is complain about the King and all the work he has you do. It's your job and duty Merlin and unlike you, I don't have to whine like a newborn hatchling about the hardships I face every single waking moment of my life"

"You humans have it easy!" he finished.

"Well, the same can be said about being a dragon!" the young warlock retorted.

Both dragon and Dragonlord glared at each other in the most epic staring contest every held. When it was clear that neither side would yield, they both simultaneously turned their backs on each other and left without saying a word. Just as Kilgharrah jumped into the air and Merlin walked briskly past the forest edge, one thought was raging through each of their heads.

"I wish I could be a dragon"

"I wish I could be a human"


The morning sun shone brightly on the tired warlock, causing him to groan. Leave it to the physician to open the curtains to force his ward out of bed. "Gaius, another minute"

No answer came. Strange...

Eyes still closed, he yawned loudly before stretching his hands on the hard ground. Wait?...

The warlock's eyes shot open and sure enough all he saw was rock.

"How the heck did I get here?" Eyes glancing around, Merlin recognized the area as Kilgharrah's den, the same place the dragon brought him to after he was stung by the serkets several years ago.

Merlin brought himself up to a sitting position. His mouth dropped. The view from way up here is astounding! I can see way past the mountains, he thought to himself. Shaking the thoughts away, he asked "Hello? Kilgharrah, are you here?", but silence was the only response he received. Sighing, the warlock brought his hand to scratch the scales on his arm before...

"Ahhh!" he yelped. His hand! It was golden brown and decorated in scales - dragon scales. He looked behind him to find a large tail, a powerful set of wings, and his legs were just the same. The warlock frantically looked around until he spotted a pool of water. Merlin tried rushing to it, but lost his footing many times. When he finally managed to drag himself to the water, he stared in disbelief at his reflection.

"But that's..."

A deafening roar rang through the barren mountain side.


Kilgharrah moaned as the sun barely hit his face. He always loved the way the light warmed him to consciousness after a good night's sleep. And with the fight he and Merlin had that night, the Great Dragon was looking forward to it even more but for some reason, it was only a small streak.

Huffing, the dragon made to get up. It was then that he felt something soft against his skin. It was warm and the texture was unusual for a dragon's den. Thinking that this was some elaborate prank from the young hatchling (he had woken up before to his face being covered in honey and various vegetation), Kilgharrah stretched out his limbs and his neck before stretching his wings. That was when he first noticed.

The Great Dragon couldn't feel his wings!

Alarmed, he rose from the soft texture underneath and on top of him... and promptly fell on the wooden floor.

"What is this?" he asked and stretched out his claw to inspect it. However, instead of his usual scaled appendage, his eyes met a pale human hand.

"What's going on?!" he panicked.

Something squeaked behind him and whipping his head, the Great Dragon (he didn't feel that way anymore) met Gaius' sage-like gaze, his eyebrow quirked in amusement and concern.

"Merlin, what are you doing on the floor?"


When Gaius first heard movement from his ward's room, he raised his eyebrow in confusion. Merlin was always getting up late and he rarely got up on his own, leaving the physician to be the man's personal 'alarm clock' most of the times. In all honesty, Gaius didn't mind. If he was up, then waking up his foster son wasn't a problem. Knowing all that the warlock did for Camelot day in and day out, the physician wasn't surprised - the man needed to rest.

What Merlin didn't do (or what he rarely did) was get up on time, especially this early which was the case at the moment. A harsh thud was heard followed by a low mumble. It wasn't until a low voice yelled, "what's going on?" that the physician all but ran to the door.

When he entered Merlin's room, he found his ward staring at him in dismay from a kneeled position on the floor. Snorting in amusement, he stepped into the disarrayed room.

"Merlin, what are you doing on the floor?"


The old man furrowed his eyebrows. "Merlin, is there something wrong with your voice? You sound sick. Are you coming down with a cold of some kind?"

"What did you just call me?"


"...Physician, I require a reflective material of some kind. Do you have a mirror?"

"Yes... Merlin, what's going..."

"Physician, this is of the utmost importance! Bring me a mirror now!"

Distraught at his ward's unusual behavior, Gaius quickly left and grabbed the small, slightly broken mirror that was shoved underneath his books. When he returned, Merlin was still kneeling on the floor, struggling to get to his feet.

"Here you are Merlin" he said softly, holding out the mirror to his ward. Merlin didn't seem to notice, his focus solely on the floor as if willing it to obey him in some obscure sort-of-way (what command, Gaius didn't know).


"Ah Physician" Merlin said, head snapping to the man standing above him. Grabbing the mirror awkwardly in his hand, Merlin dropped it on the wooden floor and yelped in shock. "No, no no no no. This cannotbe happening to me. If the young warlock thinks this is some kind of joke, then he is sorely mistaken and Dragonlord or not, I'm..."

"Merlin, what's going on?"

Sighing, the young warlock dropped to the ground, limbs sprawled out in different directions, and sighed heavily again. "Gaius, I am sorry for the confusion. I do not know what is going on but...I'm not Merlin"


"It seems that I am stuck in the young warlock's body and if my assumption is correct, then he is in mine"

"Then who am I talking to?"

"I'm not Merlin. I'm Kilgharrah"


The rational part of Merlin was screaming at him to stay calm. However, that was proving to be futile for every time he told himself to remain calm, another scream-like roar would burst from his throat.

"What the heck's going on?!" he yelled to no-one in particular. "Okay, just stay...erm, shut up Merlin" he said to himself while pacing back and forth in his new body, not caring that he sounded like Arthur at the moment. "I just have to think this through very carefully. There has to be a rational explanation for how I'm stuck ... in Kilgharrah's body, oh my gods!" he yelled before panicking again.

"Ah, Kilgharrah? What are you doing?" At the question, Merlin snapped his head to and fro to find the source of the voice. Hope sprang into his heart as he thought of the only living being that that voice could possibly belong to. It wasn't until he looked down behind him that he saw the white dragon, concern and much amusement written on her scaled face.

"Aithusa, am I glad to see you!" Merlin exclaimed before swiftly turning around. The white dragon cocked her head in confusion before dangerously narrowing her eyes and baring her sharp teeth.

"You're not Kilgharrah. What have you done with him?" her voice hissed and squeaked at the same time.

"I don't know what happened to Kilgharrah...or what exactly happened to us, although I'm guessing he's probably in my body right about now" the warlock paused. "Don't you recognize me though?"

The white dragon squinted her blue eyes at the golden dragon before flying to look at him face-to-face. She sniffed her nose a couple times in his direction. Merlin was getting worried. It was true that he hadn't seen the dragon he hatched for a long while and it pained him to see that she couldn't even recognize him. Aithusa moved back to the ground and looked up at Merlin again, still trying to figure him out.

Merlin was on the verge of despairing when the white dragon, eyes widening in recognition, smiled and began jumping up and down.


The warlock smiled at the name given him by the hatchling. It didn't bother him at all; in fact, the dragon's logic was reasonable when he thought of it. After all, he was the one to name her and the first one she saw when she was born, therefore making him her only parent. At least she didn't call me mommy, he thought amusingly.

"Father! You've finally come!" Aithusa exclaimed once again before running straight to the dragon's hard chest and rubbing her head against it in what could be considered a dragon version of an embrace. Merlin, on his part, brought his neck down to nuzzle his face against the white dragon.

"I've missed you father. You never visit"

"I know and I'm sorry Aithusa"

"It's okay because now you're here. Instead of mister Grumpy-Scales" Merlin roared in joy at the fitting name for his kin. Blackmail!

"Speaking of, what happened to Kilgharrah? Where is he anyway?" the white dragon finished.

"I'm here in Camelot young one"

Before Merlin could answer, Aithusa's excited voice cut him off.

"Kilgharrah, father's home! Father's home!"


Gaius' mouth almost dropped to the floor. Speechless, he looked at his ward, or Kilgharrah in reality, in shock. "You're Kilgharrah...as in the Great Dragon?"

Merlin's eyes rolled dramatically before looking up indignantly at the older man. "Yes Physician, I am indeed Kilgharrah"

Raising his eyebrow in a typical 'Gaius fashion', the old man stared down at the Great Dragon. Kilgharrah cocked his head in confusion for a time before forcing his now human hand out. "Physician?..."

Gaius raised his head higher deliberately.


Then he folded his arms over his chest.


And then he frowned disapprovingly and raised his eyebrow dramatically. Oh...

"Gaius" Kilgharrah finally corrected himself. Immediately, the old man let his arms fall to his side and his frown turned into a neutral grin. "Can you please assist me in standing? I have not yet found out how to work with two legs instead of four" he asked sheepishly. Gaius chuckled to himself before bending down to help the Great Dragon. Unfortunately, the physician only managed to help him get to his bed, but sitting was better than staying sprawled out on the floor.

"Merl-erm...I mean Kilgharrah, what happened?"

"I'm not sure myself. One minute, I was in my cave falling peacefully asleep and the next, I find myself in this poor excuse for a dwelling in the warlock's body" Kilgharrah said before stretching his shorter neck to examine his Dragonlord's living quarters. Clothes were strewn all over the place, making the room appear quite messy (it was in reality). "Does Merlin actually live here?"

"Yes" the physician answered, annoyed at the dragon's disdain for his foster son's poverty. "Unlike some of us, we can't all have what we want". The dragon must have sensed Gaius' annoyance and was about to speak up, but the physician continued.

"Kilgharrah, we need to get in touch with Merlin. Do you know how?"

"...I have an idea" and closing his eyes, the dragon tapped into the warlock's magic, sensing it first hand for the first time. It was exhilarating! The rush of raw power, the boundless pools of magic that coursed through Merlin's veins. There was none like it. And to think that he hasn't even scratched the surface yet!, he mentally mused in awe. Kilgharrah shook his head to concentrate on his tasks. He was looking for a particular kind of magic that only Merlin possessed. It only took a couple minutes for Kilgharrah to find it, but when he did, he breathed out in awe at the wondrous power of the Dragonlord.

Latching onto it, he focused his mind and finally managed to connect it to Merlin's. At that moment, Kilgharrah could hear the warlock talking and then another voice popped out of no-where.

"Where is Kilgharrah anyway?" Aithusa's asked.

"I'm here in Camelot young one" he said both verbally and mentally, shocking Gaius temporarily before he understood that the dragon had managed to communicate with Merlin (he assumed).

"Kilgharrah, father's home, father's home!"


So yeah, that's the first chapter. I'll try updating this every week but I can't make any promises (unlike with Were-Wyvern, I had more than half of the chapters pre-written before I first posted). I've watched series 5, which is awesome by the way(I'm sad that it's ending), and even though I realize Aithusa is with Morgana, I didn't want her to have been captured / 'evil' for the story.

Originally, I was planning for this to be a one-shot but then I found myself writing more. I've outlined the story and it looks like this is going to be around 6 chapters all together but anything could happen (I do tend to go off on tangents when writing). Hopefully, it won't drag on.

But most importantly: if anyone has not seen the Hobbit, then you need to stop what you're doing, drive to your local theater and see it because that movie was AWESOME (I cosplayed as an elfen archer for the Midnight premiere)! I can't wait for the last two parts.

But seriously, go see it...and please review this story.

Until later,
