Hey, guys! Here's another poem. It's about the Battle of Camlann. I was inspired by the vision Merlin had in Merlin 5.1

The Battle of Camlann Part One - A Traitor in Our Midst

A battle,

Worse than any I have ever been in



Staining the grass red,

And my hands crimson


Piled on top of one another

Black flags littering the ground

My heart beating



My eyes flickering,



For someone

It's not hard to find him

He's the only man

That is still standing

Besides me

…. Merlin

His raven black hair

Making him stand out

Against the sky

His red neckerchief

Catching the wind


Like a proud flag

He starts calmly walking towards me


As if he has just noticed something,

Starts running,

Eyes opened wide

My head turns to where he is looking

I see a second man,

Also from our side

…. Mordred

What's the matter

Then, everything clicks,

Makes sense

I finally realize

The importance of all of Merlin's warnings

Why he wanted me to kill

My newest knight

When he has such a kind heart

The only time

Merlin wants to kill someone

Is when that person


To kill


I slowly straighten up,


Every bone in my body

Crying out in protest

Mordred is now in front of me

He slowly,


Pulls out his sword,

As if he has no choice

But to do so

His face is void of emotion

As if what he's doing

Carries no importance at all

When, it does

When the whole of Albion

Is hanging by a single thread

Because of him

Because of HIM

My eyes are moist,

Betrayal hazing my vision

Our swords slowly crash together

I have no energy left

To fight

I'm drained,


I feel my body crumble

I'm on my knees, now

I ready myself for the blow

Prepare myself for the strike

And, then,

I hear a voice call out

"Stop! Don't touch him! Kill ME instead."

Review? - MF