A/N: I don't know where I got this idea. I really don't. Well, maybe it was that Disneycember thing...anyway, this is mostly "Jungle Book"-based. A girl from the twenty-fourth century is using the new technology to discover the Indian jungle. However, the machine drops her in the wrong time, and now she's living in the jungle. And yes, this will probably be Mowgli/OC. I'll try not to make him too annoying.

Note: Mowgli is thirteen in this story.

Disclaimer: I own the idea. I own Misty, and any other OCs that pop up. Everything else goes to the Walt Disney studios.

Now, please read and review!

Misty Tallulah Nona looked at the futuristic contraption in front of her. Her look was wary, almost nervous, as if it could pull her in and kill her. After all, if it didn't work, she was sure it would.

"Misty." The thirteen-year-old turned to look at her brother and father. Her mother hadn't been able to get any leave for work, and so the three members of the so-called "nuclear family" had come to India without that one member. It was her father who had spoken

Misty turned to face her family. Seventeen-year-old Jacob raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you going to go in?" he asked. "Come on, sis. It's the twenty-fourth century. Don't you want to see what the world used to be like? This is supposed to be a trip to the jungle, and all we've done so far is stand in front of the time machine, waiting for you to go first. Stop waiting around!"

Misty hated it when her brother talked to her that way, but it worked. "Fine." she muttered. "I'm going in. If the thing kills me, or gets me stranded in the wrong time..." she said pointedly. She didn't know if the new technology for the time machine would really work (even though she'd heard it was 90% fail safe), but she hoped. This trip would either be awesome...or a major disaster.

But quickly, Misty blocked her mind from her fears, rushed into the time machine, set the dial to the correct year, and slipped her backpack on, which was full of survival essentials. She was going back to the time when there was a tangle of trees and shrubs, and wild animals...a real jungle in the place where she now stood. "1967, I think they said." Misty thought. She pressed the button to start the machine quickly, and closed her eyes, stepping into the glass port. The machine gave a jolt, and the portal disconnected, ready to take Misty to her destination. Once it dropped her in the right time and left, it was meant to come back in two weeks to take her back.

When Misty opened her eyes, she was gliding past the time periods in the portal. Everything was so strange and new to her. History flickered by, technology waning in every vision as she went further and further back. She was still in India, and she couldn't help feeling shocked at the twenty-first century poverty as she passed it. But finally, the time tunnel reached the right time and place, and she landed straight in a shrub.

Misty stood back up, pulling twigs out of her thick brown hair, which she quickly tied back into a ponytail, muttering "Stupid bush." Then she stood, waiting for Jacob and her father to come.

Ten minutes went by. Twenty. Half an hour. After forty-five minutes, Misty was ready to die of boredom. But, to tell the truth, she was more scared than bored. After all, she had been wary of the time machine right from the start.

"Something went wrong." she thought, immediately assuming the worst case scenario. "I'm in the wrong time, or they are. The time machine didn't work. This can't be happening!"

But no matter how much Misty worried about her family, the same thoughts invaded her mind. Her father had most of the materials that would protect her family. She would be able to survive on her own, but if a dangerous animal attacked her, it would all be over. "I'm in a jungle, in the twentieth century, completely unprotected." Her muscles became rigid in fear. "What if a tiger or a snake comes? Or wolves? Or a bear?" Her mind refused to stop repeating dangerous animals. "A panther? Or a rhino, a buffalo, Or...are there alligators or crocodiles? Even an elephant could walk right over me and crush me!"

Misty couldn't possibly think straight. When there was a rustle in the tree above her, it took all her strength not to scream, although she was able to relax a tiny bit when she saw it was just some species of parrot.

But it didn't change the fact that Misty was alone and vulnerable. The moist warmth of the jungle was already becoming unbearable, and anything could come along and kill her.

Finally, the sun began to set, and the jungle cooled. The young girl opened her backpack, brought out her sleeping bag, and covered herself completely, with her backpack underneath the covers too. She had food, water, and instructions on how to make water she would refill drink and what plants were safe to eat, and losing it would make her situation

Misty's only hope was that tomorrow, she'd be able to survive, or find a way back to her own century. Even with the time machine still in the twenty fourth, she should be out of the jungle in two weeks. For now, Misty tried to get some sleep, just hoping and praying that her life would stay intact.

I know this was short, but we'll get into the story. I'm sorry it's starting off so slowly, but it'll get better, I promise. Misty won't be a Mary-Sue, but already, she has the tendency to be pessimistic and panic. Anyway, please review and give me feedback!