Well this is it everyone, we are just about at the end. The last chapter. The battle will begin and not everyone will make it… the question is, who wont? I have honestly been dreading this chapter a bit for a few reasons. One just because it will be a large scale battle and I have enough trouble writing one on one, and because well… I Do have to kill people, I've said it too many times in the story to have everyone make it out. Another reason was just because I really wasn't sure how exactly I wanted it to end, I had the general idea down but not how I was going to execute it. I stared at my wall many times trying to decide exactly what to do and how to go about it, even as I write this note I don't really have it all solidly set in my head. Just getting an idea for how to start the chapter took me quite some time and wasn't till after I went back and re-read Everything. There were actually several things I had forgotten about it's been so long since I started this tale. After I finish these last chapters I may finish going back through fixing up the old chapters to help with consistency. It's kind of hard to believe that I posted the first chapter back in October of 2012, more then five years have gone by on this journey. One of the other things I've started doing is going back and redrawing the Five's designs for both a style update but also just to get them a bit more how I imagine them in my head.(links for them at the end of the chapter) The beginning of the chapter will jump a bit, but I'll try to keep the flow smooth. So now let's get on to the start of the end of this long tale.


Chapter 35: The Eclipse


Ichigo came down the stairs feeling restless and a bit chilly, his sisters were watching the news waiting for the weather report. But a breaking story had taken over the screen, the reporter was talking about how over the last month things have been getting extremely heated between countries and there were now accusations of betrayal and talks of war. 'Could… this be them? For this to happen now?' The story ended and the weather report came on saying that an odd and rather out of place drop in temperature could bring snow much sooner then everyone anticipated so to bundle up and be careful. As he watched the screen a grave feeling coming over him as his sisters turned to him. "Stay by Dad don't go to school today, this… is starting." He said before heading out the door only stopping to give his father a look of what was to come before exiting the house ready for the battle but not for the end. "I won't let this be it."


Urahara stood on his porch looking up at seemingly nothing, he had sensed the shift in the air. This was happening today, everything they had been working for would see its conclusion, he only hoped it was enough. Yoruichi came up next to him just as serious "This… is somehow different than any other battle I've been waiting for… And I don't like it." All the blond man could do was nod in agreement as senkaimons began opening all over the place his word received by Shunsui that it was starting. He prayed they'd all make it knowing even still that it was a foolish hope. But he held on to it none the less.


Orihime was woken by her new companion screeching and flying about. She quickly realized what was going on and got ready scooping him up and heading out the door. "Don't worry Ulquiorra-san we will win this, just like we have everything else. As long as we all work together we will beat anything." She told him trying to calm herself as well as she headed for Ichigo's house, she still couldn't do much in the way of fighting but she could help protect her friends family. She texted Tatsuke and her other friends telling them to be careful and if they could, to get to Ichigo's.


Tora looked out the window of her office having gone in quite early. She could feel it, her skin prickled and a growl rose in the back of her throat. They weren't just coming, they were Here. She ran out of the building ready for yet one more war saying nothing to those around her. The Tiger was stalking it's prey, and it was hungry.


Ryu and Yue stood outside the dojo silent and waiting. Chad had come running having gotten Orihime's text, and so he too stood with them wanting to help anyway he could. "So…this is really happening." He said more then asked merely receiving nods as they sensed the Shinigami coming.

"Are you sure about this? This will be much harder than anything you've ever faced Chad." Ryu said to him as squads Two, Six, Seven, and Nine came to them. Chad nodded saying he was ready to fight by his friends again to protect everyone he could. Ryu nodded acknowledging his loyalty. They split off squads Seven, Nine and Chad going with Yue to the north. Squads Two, Six and Hyori who had joined on the way went east with Ryu.


Nel was sitting in the window already when Halibel woke to the chill morning, "It's happening Hal, it's here. It's time to fight again." Her voice was soft and barely heard but there was strength in those words. The blond nodded as the other girls came out having been woken by the sense of dread in the air. They left their gigais and headed outside hoping they were ready for what was coming. "We will win, I believe in that." Her conviction aided the other women all standing strong.


Grimmjow had been pacing the living room since dawn having woken to Panicy. But it wasn't the mod soul's usual panic that he had woken to but a terrified and somber 'They are near'. When he left his room he had gone to check on Clair to find she was already standing outside the house looking to the horizon still as a statue in the cold morning air unmoving and unresponsive as she waited.

Phoenix was up on the roof having woken at the same time as Clair, however his gaze was turned southward seeing what only he could as he stood watch waiting for the plunge into what would be the hardest battle of this life, 'No, of any of my lives' he thought jumping down beside Clair as the female arrancar exited their house. Grimmjow as well joined them outside his body shed and Panicy ordered to stay at the girls house ran over.

"It's time." Clair finally spoke up and all eyes were on her. "We push them to the middle and end this." She said simply as Lisa, Ukitake and Rukia, showed up with Thirteenth and Eighth squad members. Ukitake asked what she meant exactly just so they could all be clear on their roles. "Unlike before they will not be focusing solely on me, they will spread out to the edges of the country and if we aren't careful beyond, so we must form a barrier and force them inward so we can fight them all at once with as few casualties as possible. The living world is very much involved in this fight, have some of your men take responsibility for protecting the humans and nothing else." The elder man nodded giving orders to half of his people that their sole focus was the people not the battle. "Go with South, aid him all of you. Halibel take the girls to West aid her, she will need you. Grimmjow-"

"I am not leaving your side." He said firmly cutting her off, this made her smile and tell him she wouldn't want him away from her anyway. Phoenix placed a hand on his shoulder silently speaking through his eyes, "I will do everything my power and beyond I swear." The red head nods and takes his full animal form shooting up into the sky before turning south and heading off leaving the Shinigami to follow. "Go Hal, to Tora." She nods not liking it but takes the other four girls and leaves as she is told. "Where do we go?"

"Wherever I am is the center of the barrier so we must pick our battlefield carefully." She says thinking "The park, there isn't as much to destroy there." She stepped away from him light shifting about her as she took on her greatest form. Bright golden scales gleamed about her long elegant body, she had the stature of a Western dragon but the grace and length of an Eastern. Her wings were feathered rather than like a bat only adding to the feel of royaly. As the feathers got longer they grew more translucent the light reflecting from them. A crest of hardened fur sat on her head giving off the impression of horns or even a crown. As a platinum colored mane traveled along the back of her neck and parting at her shoulder's around a ridge of fiery orange that went the length of her back all the way down to the tip of her tail where the fur spread and became longer fanning out. Her long, strong legs became the fiery orange of the ridge on her back as they got closer to the clawed feet, at her ankles were rings of fur the same color as her mane. Her eyes remained royal purple though the pupil glowed white and was accented by the flared orange marking around her eye. Her neck, chest and under belly were protected by hard armor plating. Grimmjow was frozen for a few minutes as he took the sight in for the first time. "Come we don't have time you can admire me later." She gives a soft chuckle as he blushes at the comment.

She unfolds her wingspan,wider than she is long, and takes to flight. Grimmjow follows after her and a question comes to mind. "Can humans see you?" she gives the affirmative as she has no reason to waste power on remaining hidden from mortal eyes. She explains that the power from the battle will cause all living to be able to witness. "So all of Japan will know of this by the time it is over?"

"The world will know, I am sure." She says gravely as they land in the park.


As Ichigo ran for Urahara's, a senkaimon opened near him so he waited for the new arrivals, through not expecting the bunch he got. Shinji, Momo, Aizen, Rangiku, and Toshiro all came through along with members of squads Five and Ten. "Interesting group choice." Was about his only comment before continuing on his way and calling over his shoulder to head for Clair and Grimmjow's location. He mainly wanted them to head there because of Aizen, he was strong and the fight would be the heaviest near her, but he also want to be able to watch him. He had never hated the man but he still didn't quite trust him fully. However his instincts yelled that the man was necessary for them to win. In the end he feared they may have no choice but to rely on him.


Tora was met by squads Eleven and Three as well as Gin, Love, Halibel and the girls. She explained the plan to force the shadows inward and figured it best to have squad Three protect the people and Eleven fight along side her. She stood still in her full feline form waiting for the others to get in position and for Clair to start the barrier. She was about twenty-five feet at the shoulder with white fur as pure as snow broken by stripes of molten metal, her claws were metal blades. Molten metal seeped out slightly from her paws but didn't seem to hurt the ground under her. "It's time." She says firmly as she feels Clair begin the barrier. She gives a roar her body glowing and then power shoots up and out from her.

The other three did the same their power surrounding them then going up and out. Those around watched in awe at the energies spreading across the sky connecting with each other. "Be ready once this starts, normal folk will be able to start seeing everything and we must keep the panic as minimal as possible." Tora told everyone as the shield finished.


"Once the barrier is complete a flash of light will cover everything momentarily this will drive the Shadows from their hiding places, and keep them from returning to them." Clair explained to everyone as Ichigo joined them. "I hope you are all ready to fight as you never have before." She looked over them, a moment of stillness as they all stood ready before her. "And thank you for standing by us." She dipped her head.

"Don't thank us yet." Shinji said frowning as he watched the barrier, "There is a lot left between here and there." He felt jittery despite his seemingly uninterested stance. He didn't like that he could just tell this was going to be the most horrible thing they'd faced yet.

"Captain Hirako is right, wait till afterwards give thanks… respectively." Toshiro says looking around sword ready as Ichigo asks about the First, Fourth and Twelfth divisions. "Spread out over the whole of the battle field to help as needed." Clair nods at this idea saying it is good thinking as she once more looks up. The barrier touches down and the light burst is followed by the screeches of the Shadows a then they are on them. "On your guard all of you!" Toshiro calls all standing ready.

"Hold off on your more powerful strikes till you absolutely need them! They are last resorts only!" Aizen calls out stopping some Shinigami from going to shikia from panic never having seen the creatures. "This will be a long battle, conserve as much energy as you can, you too Kurosaki!" He sends him a pointed look.

"Yeah, yeah, no Getsugas I got it!" he grunts as he blocks an attack, understanding what Aizen was talking about. He and Grimmjow split from where they had been next to one another to protect different groups of Shinigami. Out of the corner of his eye he sees some humans standing in terror staring at the battle "Damn it get out of here!" he calls to them as Shadows descend on them. Rangiku shunpos over taking the Shadows out before turning to the humans telling them it is not safe to flee and find somewhere to hide. They listen running for their lives.


Phoenix flew through a large group setting them ablaze as he watched the Thirteenth squad direct people away from the battle "This is nearly endless." Ukitake comments and though he had expected this would be the case it was worse than he imagined. "It's been nearly an hour already and the numbers seem the same."

"Centuries of negativity tends to pile up a fair bit," Phoenix comments sheading his bird form for his spirit form. "Soon I will need to back off to start shrinking the barrier. Be careful these things don't like being cornered, they will get more viscous the smaller we make it. Ignore their whispering words." The white haired captain nods going back to the battle nearly all the humans safely outside the barrier.


"I can't stand just sitting here!" Karin yelled pacing the house as Yuzu watched the news, Isshin was outside with Orihime waiting to protect this area. "I wish I could fight." She kicked a pillow across the room in frustration at being helpless. 'If only I had power like Ichi-nii…' She shook her head knowing thinking like that wouldn't do anything but make things worse. Ichigo hadn't hid anything from them this time. She knew what these things could do. Knew they would try to use thoughts like that against her.

"Well you can't so sit down." Tatsuke said coming in with Ichigo's former high school classmates. She looked to the TV "It's mad out there isn't it, there's so much power even normal folks are seeing the Shinigami running around." On the TV a rather brave reporter was at the area in which Phoenix's group was fighting. "It's amazing and frightening at the same time." Outside they heard Orihime call on her Shun Shun Rikka, "Looks like they are here now too, those things." She understood Karin's annoyance, it used to be her protecting Orihime, 'How times have changed.' She couldn't help but smile a bit at her dear friend, she had grown so much and she was proud of her.

"Will we really be safe here?" Chizuru asked clinging to Tatsuke. "I know Inuoe-chan said we would be fine if we had faith but… it's so cold and scary." She buried her face and Yuzu rubbed her back to try and help calm her. Saying Ichigo and his friends would protect them.

Outside Orihime was directing Tsubaki through the Shadows while maintaining a shield around the house. Isshin was cutting down as many as he could as well "Ah look out!" she called to him as he was attacked from behind. He swore turning just as an arrow shot through them. "Ishida-san?" She exclaimed in surprise. Then saw it was his father not her friend.

"Ryukin!" Isshin called seeing the elder Ishida running over. He was more then glad to have help protecting his home and daughters.

"My son informed me of what was happening after he came home in a fit the other night. The Shinigami seem to have it handled elsewhere." He said with his normal calm as he took up a sniper post on top of the house. But Isshin could see through his old friend, he was worried and his mind was elsewhere, most likely with his son.


"Careful Mashiro!" Kensei yelled as he saved her from another ambush. "Focus!" he hit her on the head making her whine.

"Ah Kensei, meanie!" she fussed trying to hit him as payback. She knew how serious it was but it was her way of trying to stay positive. She knew how importaint that was right now.

"Sstop both of you, now isss not the time!" Yue yelled at them snake tail lashing out as the tortoise stepped causing a shockwave, taking out a good amount of Shadows. "It is time to shrink the barrier, be on guard!" she took on her spirit form hand sky ward, just then Shuuhie cried out in pain.

"Shuuhie!" Kensei went to his side to check him "Damn it…." He had a large gash in his side and he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. "Where are the Fourth squad members!?" he calls, two coming over at his call and start tending to him as Kensei orders ten Shinigami to stand guard. "This is bad… ow!" He growls as a Shadow managed to cut him.

"Chin up we have to keep going!" Mashiro said actually looking serious now that her dear friend was hurt in front of her so badly, "Stay positive! Like Grimmy-kun said!" She managed to smile.

"She is right you must look forward at all times" Yue says straining with the barrier 'This doesn't make sense it shouldn't be this hard to move….' She wasn't the only one having problems 'Unless…' they all thought 'They are still outside!' A moment of fear struck through each of the five like lightening.


"Ah this is bad…" Atsuko said as he watched the barrier and turned to the TV that was on a political debate of all nations.

"Atsuko?" A worried but understanding voice asked. His partner coming into the room, At seeing the screen his face turned more grim worried for his friends.

"Sorry love, I'm needed out there. Ill return in time." He smiles sadly before disappearing. He then shows up on the TV in his truer form from the night he dragged the living soul to hell. "I must say you are all a bunch of greedy fools to have been so easily corrupted and puppeteered." Yelling begin now directed at him but silenced as he drew the sword from his back and stabbed it to the ground. White and black flames shooting from its striking point, at this the hidden Shadows were revealed "Listen to me humans, this is a war as long as time and you are stuck in the middle of something you don't understand. Run." Was his only warning as he attacked the Shadows. The Politicians quickly fled from the room their guards rushing them from the room. 'To think they went this far….' He grimaced as he fought rarely did he ever have to join in and this time he knew it wouldn't be a momentary thing. He was in this for the long haul and it was going to be a very long haul indeed.


"Damn…this isn't good…" Clair growls composing herself, Grimmjow asks what's wrong "They are around the globe… Far more thoroughly than ever before. We should have expected this with everything that's happened…"she shakes her head "You four need to go do damage control I will hold here" Her voice alters as she calls out to the others their voices sound in response not liking it but agreeing. "I'm flying up to the top of the barrier to strengthen it directly hold the fort here." She says before taking off for the sky. 'Damn…. I hope Stark and Lilli are doing ok….'


Stark had gone outside the barrier, the outer one having fallen quickly, He dared not wait for the second to fall and bring the fight inside. He was taking on as many as he could without having to call on his other half who had gathered the animals inside by the hogyoku which pulsed slightly. He surprising realized that he felt it's power with each pulse aiding his strength. "Man… I hope they can do whatever it is they need to soon…. I'm not sure how long me or this barrier will hold…." He grumbles cutting down another. "Lilli come on one at a time is too slow, and more are coming." She runs out and they release shooting large groups at a time.

"Its nearly endless… just how many are there? I don't think I've ever even seen this many hollows and that's saying something." Lilli comments but Stark just grunts in reply agreeing with her. "I hope everyone else is doing alright" she comments somberly Stark gives a small nod agreeing.


"Reports are now flooding in from all around the world of Shadow beings attacking people and many of those people going crazy and attack others. Some are calling it the Apocalypse and honestly I can't blame them." The reporter that was still filming Phoenix's groups said "Ah, it would seem that the large bird has turned into a person well sort of, he still has wings and bird feet. Can you get closer? Eek!" the reporter screeched as Shadows attacked only to have them blocked by Phoenix who saw just before he was heading to leave the barrier.

"Are you crazy?! Get out of here this isn't the time to be getting a hot scoop, you WILL die if you stay!" he yells at her. He wasn't angry but he really could never understand reporters need to be in unnecessary places such as these.

"But, but people need to know what is happening and why!" She stuttered "Please!? This isn't about a scoop! The deserve to know!" she tried to reason even if her camera man looked more then ready to bolt she held fast. Determination coursing through her.

"I don't have time for this, you need to get out of here! Yoruichi! Lisa! Get them out of here now! I have to head south they are all over the globe!" he said taking off as the two women come over.

"Please I know it's dangerous but please tell me, tell us what is happening?!" the reporter pleads again "People are scared and confused and if understanding even just a little can help calm them then I want to get that news to them!"

"Hm." Yoruichi hums before scooping her up Lisa throwing the camera man over her shoulder "What is happening is an age old battle of light and dark. That man was the Vermilion Bird of the South, and if you know your mythology then you will know the others. The White Tiger, the Azure Dragon, the Black Tortoise, and then last the Yellow Dragon. The rest of us are Shinigami doing what we can to aid them in this war of theirs. The enemy is darkness, plain and simple. It is the dark in human hearts manifested." Yoruichi explain as she sets her down.

"So… You are saying this is the fault of hu-mm!" she is silenced by a finger on her lips. Yoruichi gave her a soft understanding look that silenced her further and made her feel calmer.

"That is not at all what I said. Humans have no say in the supernatural under workings of the world. Not consciously at least. Right now the best you can do, is believe. Hope and don't be afraid. These five have never lost and they don't plan to now. We Will Win. Now stay put, you should still be able to see from here. But know we are on Your side, and we will protect this world." She and Lisa head back to the fight seeing Claire at the top if the barrier.

The reporter stares dumbly before shaking herself and turned in to the camera checking her radio. "Did you all get that? Yes? Then spread the word this is way bigger then Japan!" she demands before looking back to the war. "I can't believe I just met Yoruichi Shihoin." She couldn't help but grin, "I wonder if the rest are out there…"


Uryuu stepped from the hospital only taking a moment to form his convictions after seeing his father run off to the aid of Isshin. His father that rarely ever raised his bow was now fighting in a war, that's all he needed to know. It was time to make a stand not just against the Shadows, but against himself. He had moped enough. He looked up at the sky past the barrier to see dark clouds begin to block out and eclipse the sun. He would not leave his friends on their own, he was not alone and understood that now. He took off running protecting those fleeing as he went.


Yuzu flipped through all the news channels seeing reports from all over the world of the four Beasts and Atsuko fighting switching between their battle, spirit, and beast forms as needed. Atsuko had managed to clear his area and grabbed the news reporters for the different nations "I know this is scary and insane and like something out of a movie. But this is not the end unless you let it be. Fight! Those that can take your arms and protect your loved ones! You all have far more power in your hearts then you know, centuries past humans fought alongside the Five Beasts against these beings of Shadow, do so now! Light will always overcome that which is dark. Hold onto the love you protect and fight! Hope and have faith! We will Conquer Them!" His message was sent worldwide and taken to heart by many, though at first mostly civilians, as getting armies mobilized was an annoying matter at times especially ones like these.

In the south tribes both traditional and more modern fought by Phoenix's side. In the north the Russians and Chinese stood by the Snake and Tortoise that had split up. Americans, stereotypes though they may, be grabbed their guns and ammo and stood with Tora as she roared across the Nation. Ryu had taken Clair's place in the European nations and fought with them. The battle was now four hours old and the whole world was fighting for its right to remain in the light, to live.

"It's amazing… seeing everyone come together like this." She said nearly overwhelmed at the sight of it all.

"Yeah but it sucks that it takes a threat to the world to get them to get their act together though." Karin grumbles but was just as impressed and excited as her sister, her chest felt light as she watched them all come to one another's aid. It really was like watching some fantasy or sci-fi movie. Other reporters had gotten braver and taken to the battle field. "Isn't that Ichigo and Toshiro?" she sat up straighter leaning in.


Clair started pulling the barrier as the amount of Shadows outside was dropping at a steady rate as the other four and Atsuko ran around to different countries of the world. "It's going to start getting dicey now…" she comments knowing this is when the real injuries would start setting in. She looked down to her group just in time to see Momo getting ambushed and Toshiro rushing to save her Aizen and Grimmjow also attempting to make a move to protect her as they were closer, "They won't make it…" Grimmjow managed to get in and grab her as Aizen blew them away with kido but the damage was done. Grimmjow laid her down, she was bleeding horribly and trails of shadowy poison coming from the wounds. The squad Four members rushed over and started to work as Toshiro looked on helpless.

"…." Grimmjow lowered his head before standing and walking past Aizen "War sucks shit… I hate this…" Was all he could grit out fists clenched as he shook. Momo wasn't the first to fall and he knew she wouldn't be the last.

"Indeed" Was the quiet reply received before both jumped back into battle "Hitsyguya no!" He calls reaching out as Toshiro recklessly rushes the Shadows angered by the fact that Momo was not recovering, that she was even hurt in the first place.

"Toshiro!" Ichigo calls getting there just in time to stop a fatal blow but not to stop him from getting horribly hurt. He wasn't the only one out of commission. Many of squads Five and Ten were beginning to have to pull back members of squad One taking their place. He clenched his teeth frustrated feeling like he should be able to do more as he watched the healers take Toshiro to the sidelines. He heard Aizen call for him to stop moping like a child but heard the strain in the man's voice begin to come through his calm. This fire lit in his eyes as he moved forward.

Clair closed her eyes and looked to the north where squads Seven and Nine were fighting, Shuuhie was back in the fight with his shikai but wasn't doing well obviously still injured, Iba was down and most likely out as were many others of the two squads. Kumamura was doing his best to protect those who had been injured risking using his bankai already.

To the west Kenpachi was having trouble with himself more than the enemy itself Yachiru trying to encourage and calm him but also very serious, for once showing worry. The arrancar women were doing everything they could to keep the wounded safe as squad Three protected its' wounded captain, Gin having taken charge in Rose's place. Izuru being torn but fighting as hard as he could under Gin's direction and helping to lead.

In the south Ukitake was being pulled back by Lisa as his sickness was hitting him hard. Rukia had a bad cut on her left arm but she continued to lead in her captain's absence, fighting as hard as she could manage. Nanoe was leading squad Eight doing her best to keep everyone going. But five hours is a long time to fight. They were all getting worn down.

In the east Renji and Byakuya were having a tough time as a lot of their people had gotten hurt protecting civilians. Byakuya had deep wounds on his chest back and right leg but continued to fight from behind Renji as he wasn't able to move the two working their shikais in sync with each other. Soi Fon was having trouble of her own not quite used to facing so many opponents at once but was holding on. Urahara was holding Hyori who was badly hurt and trying to protect her while attempting to get her next to Byakuya but was being blocked. He didn't want to fail her again and pushed through with a yell.

"So much pain… every time …I hate this…" Clair growled once more pulling on the barrier making it smaller and thus making the Shadows more angry and dangerous. She prayed that they could finish soon. That maybe, just maybe they could avoid just a few more casualties.

"Oh f***!" She heard Grimmjow call as he blocked a surprise attack by a soulless Nnoitora. Ichigo called out and tried to get to him but was stopped by a rush of Shadows. "They are starting to get desperate now I guess." Grimmjow grunted, he looked around when he pushed the taller man's blade away. Behind him he saw a small flickering light "Is that… it must be his soul… It looks almost worn away." He grumbles.

"Because it is, if you wish to make good on your promise to Nel you need to get her here now!" Aizen said from a few feet away protecting some fallen Shinigami giving time for the Fourth to get to them. Clair came back down making a sweep of the park her wings glowing brightly destroying all the Shadows nearby. "Should you be down here?" He questions though was glad for the moment of breathing room no matter how small, even he was beginning to ware down looking around he saw Ichigo also panting.

"The others have returned to their places, the armies of the world can handle the rest that are outside. Nel is on her way. Hold him as long as you can Grimmjow." He nods engaging the lanky man again. Shinji asked how everyone was doing "Ukitake has been pulled back, Rukia and Nanoe are leading, Byakuya is in bad shape but still fighting with Renji standing guard Urahara is protecting a hurt Hyori, but is close to getting her to Byakuya as he is the safest spot due to his shikai right now. Iba is out, Shuuhie maybe following soon, Soi Fon is having trouble, Kenpachi is having more trouble with himself then anything and Gin has taken charge of squad Three."

"Rose… what happened!?" the blond yelled scared for his friend.

"Focus on your own battle and life Hirako!" Aizen yelled "If he is still alive then trust his squad to keep him so and protect what is in front of you!" getting told off by Aizen pissed Shinji off but he turned back to the battle going to the aid of his squad. "Damn it…."

"It seems you care more then you let on." Clair commented making him laugh a bit and tell her to shh, that it was a secret, making her laugh in turn. She switched to her spirit form and joined in the fight ripping through the Shadows "The tides will ebb and flow it will be in the final hour that all is decided we mustn't let up till then. Everyone hold your ground we go till the last, and then beyond FIGHT!" she called her voice carrying across the world as a light shown from her invigorating everyone with a second wind and healing many "Ichigo…stay close… I won't be able to move for a bit" she said having grabbed his arm for support, he nodded as she took a knee and he stood guard.


The female reporter that had been watching Pheonix had entered the barrier dragging her cameraman with her. "Mai this is a bad idea!" he tried to argue but she wouldn't hear it, she had been told that all other connections were cut for one reason or another. She was the last one recording, the last chance for the word to see is. That's what she heard at least, and by god she was going to make sure everyone saw the end good or bad.

"If you are that scared give me the camera and I'll go myself!" she says determined to follow this through. She felt like she just had to be there, like it was really important that she show everyone the outcome. She wouldn't run away no matter what anyone said, even if she was just a human she would do her part. "Well Jou?" he sighs and moves forward saying he wasn't leaving her somewhere so dangerous. "Good let's hurry everyone seems to be gathering at the park!" They run as quickly as they could.


Phoenix looked from the sky as everyone began to gather at the center. The injured or those that simply were too tired had been moved outside of the barrier. Ikkaku fought like a demon, angered by Yumachika being hurt and teetering on the edge of life. Renji yelled at him to calm down or risk everyone else through himself being made a puppet. Ikkaku thankfully listened and paused taking a breath. Phoenix could see that not only were they trying to whisper to the bald man but many others were fending off the dark words. Byakuya had been forced out of the battle for now Unahona giving him no room for argument. The woman herself had, instead of staying with her squad trusting her people, came onto the battlefield surprising everyone as she fought with a furiousity none had ever thought she possessed.

Nel and Grimmjow were still dealing Nniotora. Yammy had also been brought in who Kenpachi and Unohana were dealing with now fighting well beside each other. A soulless Ulquiorra was also on the battlefield now as well striking out at Ichigo who was still guarding Clair. Baraggan was being dealt with by Shinji, Soi Fon, and a mostly healed Toshiro. Aizen was taking on a huge batch of Shadows protecting some newly fallen Shinigami ,Gin fighting next to him with Rangiku who refused to leave his side despite her bleeding and useless left arm. Rukia and Lisa were working together to help get a path cleared for the medics to take the fallen to safety. Atusko was also fighting in the main battle now alongside Ryu and Shunsui. Urahara and Yoruichi fought alongside Kensei and Kumamura. Moshiro had been taken out of the battle laying in pain next to an out of commission Shuuhei who was trying not to pass out.

The death count was beginning to climb and Phoenix hated it. Not just the Shinigami but the humans also risking their lives for the sake of those that can't fight. He heard chuckling and his head snapped up to see a Shawdow facing him "Something funny?" he growls, the response was not what he expected as a blast of darkness that he could for some reason not block, shot through him and filled him with every negative emotion he had ever felt before passing through him leaving him panting. "What… the hell…?"

"You know…. For being able to see the future you are really bad at predicting things aren't you Phoenix?" A voice very much like his own sounded behind him. He whipped around to see a dark version of himself grinning madly. His eyes widened in surprise and just a small bit of fear. "How sad it must be to know that even after all the prepping you did it was worthless and a complete waste of time. But that… that you already knew. You knew you couldn't win this time. You saw it. An endless storm. Why not just give up? Even IF you somehow beat them back this time there will always be next time and the time after and then again and again. Till time itself runs out. And then! Well… it wont matter anyway will it? Darkness will be the only thing left at the end of everything. So why fight?" Phoenix froze listening as the doubts he had removed from his mind were flung at him in his own voice, even if it was a bit warped. He glanced around seeing the that Tora, Ryu, and Yue were dealing with similar situations. As the dark version attacked.


Ryu growled as he blocked his dark counterparts attack. "So much for your collective knowledge huh? What good does knowing the past do when it doesn't repeat huh? You are so damn useless it pisses me off!" It taunted as Ryu was pushed back. "I'm surprised they even keep you around! What good are you? Just a passing breeze forgotten as soon as you blow by." The clone punched him in the face.


Tora wrestled with her counterpart getting kicked away, "The present…. It passes by without a thought, you poor thing how strained your mind must be, all the emotions you've built up. Poor, poor kitty. Why not just lay down and rest? I'll even give you a nice scratch behind your ears to help you get to sleep." It teased as she stood to her feet with a growl deep in her throat. "Give in to me, you won't have to worry anymore. I'll take care of it, you won't have to face the mood swings, the constant change. It'll all be settled, it'll be still and calm." Tora panted with a low growl as it grinned at her with her own face.


"It's funny isn't it Miss Moon? No matter the decision that's made there is always the possibility for a horrible outcome. No matter how good a person tries to be they will still inevitably hurt someone they care for in one way or another." Yue closed her eyes at the words and simply nodded making the dark copy smirk "See, you know I'm right, you are after all the closest to the darkness so you understand." It reached out cupping her cheek but she didn't react. "Stop fighting the tides, let me take you out to sea." It whispered sweetly.


Phoenix shook his head clearing his thoughts as he defended himself, "You are wrong. Even at the end of all things is it not light that people see in their last moments? I know I will have to fight, life after life. But it's ok." He smiles "After all the fire rages on through the night as long as there is something to keep it alive." The dark Phoenix frowned and attacked.

"You are just spouting pretty words to fool yourself, you know that right?" it jeered "You are tired, why not rest!?" It kicked down at his head sending him crashing to the ground. Most that hadn't already took notice of the shadowy beast clones did now that Phoenix had made a huge crater in the ground. The area stood frozen no one knowing what to do with this new development. Even Atsuko seemed stricken by the sudden happening, for Phoenix to be kicked down so easily… was frightening. "What is it really worth it boy? To keep hoping when everything continues to crash down around you?" It yelled the whole area listening to the words. Many looked down in fear, their hope slipping. "When your loved ones fall, and you can do nothing about it? Isn't it easier to accept fate? That no matter how hard, long or often you fight it will always come back to this." Phoenix struggled to push himself up his arms giving out causing him to fall panting into the dirt. His face contorted in pain as he tried to gather his strength again. The dark version laughed at his weakened state.

Grimmjow watched listening to all the things being said and growled in frustration as he watched Phoenix try to get back up only to be kicked and flung twenty feet up and out of the crater. Everything else had seemed to still, everyone was watching, waiting, the Shadows were making a show of the weakness of the Beasts. He swallowed thickly trying to find the words to help when a voice called out.

"GET UP VERMILION! YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU!" All heads snapped up looking for the source of the voice to see the reporter her eyes showing her determination even at the scene in front of her. "FIGHT! I KNOW YOU'LL WIN!"

"They are just ghosts of one small part of yourselves! GET UP!" Aizen calls as well. Many others following suit in calling out their support and belief. Courage returning to them through the act of one human. "You've gotten the world this far don't you dare give up on it now!" he growls, many look to him in surprise by the out burst but Grimmjow just laughs.

"Coming from the one that questioned how strong faith and hope is…" he shrugs "How can we not keep going? EVERYONE, WE SETTLE THIS NOW! FIGHT!" The blue haired man called in a battle cry raising his fist before donning his hollow mask. Everyone followed suit and if they hadn't already they went into their strongest forms.

Phoenix smiles as he manages to get up on his hands and knees. "Fire brings light with it, even if it is capable of destruction. I WILL ALWAYS REACH FOR THE LIGHT!" he stands fire flaring from him empowering those around him. As he rushes his counterpart.

Yue opens her eyes with a grin, stabbing her clone in the gut "Desssionsss, decisions. Everyone asks for an answer. And I will stand by this one!" she raises a hand water forming there and then a rain coming down and refreshing those near her as the clone grips it's gut in pain. She strikes out again forcing it back.

Tora let out a battle cry. The cold brought on by the Shadows was no longer harsh on those within the area. "Without the present there is no future nor past! I WILL NOT REST!" she launches forward clawed hands reaching out in fury.

Ryu wipes the blood from his mouth "I am not useless! My knowledge lets me make deductions repeated history or not! I will not fall for your tricks!" He yelled charging in. "The past changes with every day that passes, no day is exactly like the day before!" he countered the words said to him with an angry strike, "It's a new experience every morning and I will gain every day I can! And make sure that everyone is able to have that same chance!" The wind rushed through the area once more invigorating the people fighting. "A breeze while short can be a nice reprieve and is always welcomed."

Clair smiled in relief then grabbed Aizen and Urahara heading for the reporter. "Are you connected to the world?" Mia the reporter nods. "Good, Aizen, Urahara can you make a strong barrier around them but one that they can see and hear through?" The two nod understanding why they were brought over now and get to work as Ichigo shows up taking out some shadows. Mia's eyes get wide and she stutters about him being real. He smiles and rolls his eyes but nods to her.

"Listen well world, those of you sitting at home not sure what is going on, scared, or even wishing you could help. Wishing that you had the power to fight. You do, you can, and we need you. Some may call it cliché what I am saying, but cliché…well it's cliché itself at this point. The fact is faith, hope, joy, and love make you strong! You must have faith! Faith that we can win that your friends who are fighting will live! Hope for the sun to shine again! That through this horrible thing good can come! Just look at how everyone is coming together! That's a beautiful thing! Love above all, hold on to love. Love is the brightest light in existence. You saw! You saw all it took was one person," She motions to Mia, a soft smile on her lips "one human, a voice calling out in a time of doubt to give us energy renewed. Come together now, call out with your hearts." She looks back to the camera a hand over her heart. "Believe in what seems impossible because the only way to make it possible is to believe. We are here, we are fighting, don't give up on us, for we will never give up on you, no matter how dark it gets. We will always fight till beyond the end of time!"

The barrier finished and Aizen smirked "It's an odd thing don't you think? That something so important has been passed off as something that should be avoided in a way? She is right after all the term cliché, it is used far to often for far too many things. To the point it's seen as weakness or annoying when someone cherishes something." Ichigo and Urahara gaped at him but Clair just laughed.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you!" she comments patting him on the shoulder before looking up at the sky which had over the course of the war been clouded over with thick black clouds blocking out all light, but then…

'I believe in you Ichi-nii!'

"KARIN!" he called out at the voice a smile on his face. A ray of light shown through the sky.

'GO ICHIGO!' Keigo called, and many many voices from around the world with it.

'Get up Renji!'

'You can do it! I have faith in you Rukia! You too Kumamura! Don't give up!'

'Fight fight fight!'

'We are with you, go!'



"He's mine back off." Clair huffed towards the camera but was smiling.



'BLEACH IS MY FAVORITE! I love you guys so much I know you'll win!'

Ichigo laughed as more and more voices called through the darkness, beams of light breaking through the clouds with each new word. "YES!" he cheered as the calls of the world farther aided those in the fight, they pushed back on the Shadows. The Beasts defeating their personal demons as the sky began to clear. Everyone was fighting as though it hadn't been nearly seven hours, each being filled with renewed vigor. The Shadows started to thin, victory was in sight as those near the reporter jumped back in.

"This… is more then I could have ever imagined… I'm so glad, to be able to have done something. I knew coming here was the right thing." Mai said "Keep it up World! We can do something even if we are just human! We have power too!" She cheers.

Nel had finally managed to get to Nnoitora's soul stealing it back and pushing it into his chest calling out her love for him. Yammy and Baraggan fell scattering to the wind. Orhime had showed up Ulqui-bat flying to the shell that was his body just in time to stop from killing a Shinigami. Uryuu finally showed up killing some Shadows that had come up behind Ichigo. The two shared a silent moment, Uryuu nodding to him before going back to the fight, both their fathers joining in as well. Yes, victory was close, 'So why do I feel so uneasy….' Grimmjow thought as he stopped in the middle of the battle which seemed to move without him, it was like those moments in the movies Clair had showed him. His eyes stopped on Aizen who was looking right back at him, everything moved about them and he saw Aizen say the words of the prophecy.

"The five though strong are not enough, Light born from darkness must stand beside."

His eyes widen suddenly understanding they had been thinking about it wrong and Aizen had figured it out a long time ago. He lowered his eyes nodding his understanding of what he had to do. 'This is what you meant isn't it Pantera? When you asked if I was ready?' 'Yes…. I'm sorry…' 'Don't be, and thank you, for putting up with me" he shakes his head as he hears her voice shake 'I'll be here.' He smiles looking up and making eye contact again with the man he suddenly didn't find himself hating so much. Aizen nodded in reply to his understanding going back into the fight.

Grimmjow looked towards all the friends he had made over the past few months, he had only ever imagined any of this could be possible, but in the end it was no longer imaginary. It was real, and he had to protect it, to protect her. He looked to Clair as she fought alongside some Shinigami, he ingrained the image of her in his heart. He turned away to focus reaching out to find where they were hiding. He shot up into the sky vaguely hearing Ichigo calling out confused.

"Grimmjow? What are you doing?!" Ichigo called as there was nothing up where he was. The blue haired man though charged up and sent out a blast of energy acting like a beacon. "GRIMMJOW!" the Shadows stopped and raced to him all attacking at once. "NO!" He tried to go to him to help "LET GO, GET OFF!" He struggled, Aizen having grabbed hold of him from behind holding on tightly. "Why are you stopping me?!" he asked feeling betrayed. He looked out the corner of his eye in anger, Aizen though looked nearly sad but still closer to solemn. "Aizen?" his anger faded.

"Remember what I asked you? What will you do when you can't save everyone?" Ichigo's eyes widened and fought harder to get out of his grip yelling calling him a bastard and accusing him of not doing anything. "I knew, I knew the moment I read the prophecy and sensed the change in his spirit. You can not save everyone on your own Ichigo. You aren't the only one with something dear to protect and you must learn that! You can't do everything on your own all the time! Sometimes someone else has to be allowed to step up and do what needs done even if it hurts those left behind!" Ichigo stilled. By this time everyone was once more stunned by the turn of events as a huge mass of shadows they thought was not there showed up plowing towards Grimmjow, frost appearing on his skin as they clawed at him but they couldn't over take him. "He decided this for himself once he understood. Are you really going to go against the wish he has put his heart into?" He said softly letting go and Ichigo slid to the ground knowing he couldn't do anything gripping the grass in his fists.

Clair stared in horror, Atsuko coming up to her and placing a hand on her shoulder, "You are a liar… You said it wasn't him…" she said barely a whisper as she shook.

"I said he wasn't going to become their puppet, that he wasn't a threat." He corrected. "You know what needs done, I… I am truly so very sorry…. So very sorry…" he sounded so meek and unlike himself as Clair choked on a sob. His hand fell from her shoulder unable to do anything. Everyone looked to her not knowing what to do, but as she raised her bow and took aim at Grimmjow they all called out in confusion as the other Beasts also took aim understanding.

They knew now. Grimmjow was an anchor, a light that had touched the dark. He could become a catalyst.

"Will you sit there and wallow in self-pity? Or will you help them?" Aizen asked Ichigo who rubbed his face and stood preparing a getsuga, many of those around slowly started to follow suit but most still didn't understand.

"Clair." Grimmjow's voice cut through everything clearly. She looked at him as he gave a smile. "I'm sorry I couldn't leave you anything this time… except… That I love you … and always will… to the end and beyond. Only you, my beautiful Golden artist." She sobbed again tears streaming down her face as her hands shook never having even considered such an outcome. "Thank you, thank you so much for saving me from myself. You were right… I was lonely. But I'm not anymore." He smirked as she managed to chuckle at his call back to the start of their journey together. "Clair… it's going to be ok. Somehow it will be ok."

"I love you…. My feisty yet oh so sappy blue cat, to the end and beyond… I love you." she pulled the arrow back "Everyone, please… please help me for I am not strong enough… lend me your hope, your faith, and your love… I can't do this alone." She called having trouble keeping her voice strong. Ichigo swallowed but called out sending his attack and started a chain reaction as everyone single person left standing sent a blast of some kind upwards. She loosed her arrow pinning it all down and forcing it in, into the Shadows and into Grimmjow. The light turned blinding as they heard the Shadow's shrill screams fade to nothing and then the light fractured sending a wave over the world. Small crystal-like drops hung in the air as the sun reflected scattering light ever which way, there wasn't a single shadow to be seen. Only light.

"…It's… beautiful…" Ichigo managed to say as he cried silently, Tora running into his arms and everyone else collapsing from the events that had happened in one way or another. Ichigo and Tora fell to their knees, Aizen gently patted his head telling him he did well, even if he didn't like what he had done. Ichigo just stifled a sob holding Tora closer. Grimmjow had become like a brother to him, even more then Renji ever had been. Another part of his family was gone now. He looked to Clair who just continued to stand and stare where Grimmjow had been. He couldn't even begin to imagine, it was most likely, he figured, worse then when he lost his mother.

All was silent for a few moments before Clair finally broke an anguished and painful wail erupting from her throat as she collapsed to her knees crying heavily. Phoenix could only hold his sister as she mourned her love. No one spoke, no one moved, no one was sure how much time they just stayed there like that till a gasp broke the silence. Gin was looking up to where Grimmjow had been seeing movement. The crystal drops began quivering before speeding towards that spot gathering together.

"It would seem…" Atsuko said beginning to smile his voice becoming cheerful, "that the forces of the world have decided to put their foot down." Clair looked up seeing it begin to lower and take on a form of a great crystalline panther. "It would seem… There's now a sixth Beast, called by need just as the rest." The form seemed to shatter and Grimmjow, though slightly different looking now, fell forward barely catching himself on his hands. Clair tumbled over herself to get to him knocking him over as she hugged him and kissed him.

"ACK! What….. what happened? I'm pretty sure I died….?" He said very confused but wasn't going to argue being alive or held by Clair. He kissed her back holding her tightly.

"Technically you were already dead if you think about it" Phoenix laughed earning him a childish tongue sticking out only making him laugh harder. And soon the tension in the air relaxed. There was a mixture of relief and grief in the air but, one thing was most certain. It was over. The war was done and they had come out the victors.

"There is still something that needs done though…" Clair sighs standing pulling Grimmjow up and taking a good look at his new form which she figured was now his spirit form. It resembled his reserection from when he was an arrancar. Panther legs that had white blue fur that shimmered and seemed to get deeper in color towards the roots. A long tail swayed behind him from under a light blue wrap that hung around his waist. His upper body was human for the most part, though his hands had fur and claws much like Tora's did. Cat ears with fur that matched the rest and his long blue hair seem to become translucent as it got closer to the ends. "I'll finish admiring you later" she smiles slightly at his blush before turning to were those that didn't make it were gathered. She and the other Beasts went over Grimmjow staying near her the others spreading out around them.

The living intermixed finding their dear ones. Toshiro tried to hold back as he sat by Momo but broke when Rangiku hugged him from the side. Crying freely into his hands. The two Third seats of squad Thirteen cried over their lost captain, Rukia leaning on them both to hold her weak form up and to try and give comfort as she too grieved. The remaining Visord gathered around Rose* and Love who had not made it, Shinji crying loudly and Hyori holding onto him crying against his chest trying to hide her tears. The members of squad One sit silently as Shunsui, who's eyes at times strayed to his long time friend now gone, stood by their fallen Lieutenant Chojiro. Kenpachi sat silent by two bodies, Unohana* who had saved him, and by Yumachika* who Ikkaku was agonizing over. All the large man could do was rest a hand on his shoulder while Yachiru hugged him. Kumamura sat silent by his fallen Lieutenant Iba, who had not pulled through his injuries. So many more who to the Clair were nameless laid about the area. She dared not try to count those lost.

Byakuya leaned on Renji, still very hurt, looking at them all but focusing on Rukia proud of her for supporting her fellow members despite her own physical and emotional pain. Soi Fon stood silent by her fallen members Omaeda for once silent and humble kneeling behind her. Gin was behind Izuru, who was kneeling by Rose as well, a hand on his former Lieutenant's head in comfort. Isanai agonized over her captain from her place healing those still living wishing she could go to her one last time. Kurosutchi even was silent not making a single comment as Nemu stood equally silent by him in very bad shape.

Phoenix raise his hand power starting to filter out the others following suit. "Oh warriors who have fallen while protecting hear us and be at peace." He started. The words carried around the world to the ears of all as it was a prayer for the dead of the whole world, not just the main battle.

"Valiant did you fight, and in honor did you fall. While we wish you had no need to do so, we thank you for standing by us." Tora continued followed by Yue.

"We send a prayer and a blessing, may that which you find in the next life be happy and peaceful. May light guide you on whatever path you find yourself on and aid you."

"And for those left behind we pray as well, take heart and have courage, move forward and honor those that have moved on. Live where they can no longer." Ryu spoke next to calm the living.

"War is never without sacrifice, but to sacrifice is to love," Clair says looking at Grimmjow who smiles at her. "So I ask that you keep your hearts open and love, laugh, and live." She tilts her head to see if Grimmjow wants to say anything, he bites his lip before raising his hand as the rest were doing going on instinct about how to use his new power.

"In both life and death much can happen, but never forget. It is what you make it, so make it good, and remember, remember all of it the good and the bad. Because that's what makes you strong. Strength after all, comes from the heart so never lose nor let it go."

"Life continues" Phoenix says smiling across the way nodding at him "Don't get left behind. Look up dear people, reach toward the light, and make it brighter." And with that they lowered their hands, the bodies of the fallen Shinigami shimmering with their power going back into the rebirth cycle with the blessing of a peaceful happy life guiding them. The five moved to the injured to help heal those that were still living, the rest comforting one another. Clair fixing up Byakuya, Yue working on Kenpatchi, Tora aiding Rukia, Ryu went to Shuuhie, and Phoenix rushed to Yoruichi. "Wh…when, who, what?!"

"I oopsed." She grunted with a smirk and Urahara shook his head explaining that she had pushed him out of the way and took the hit near the end just before Grimmjow made his final move. "I hurt." She complained childishly trying to ease Phoenix's worry by being playful.

"I'll fix you up don't worry." Phoenix promised healing her with a smile as he held her hand.

Mai was talking to the camera, "I hope… no one will ever forget today… I know I won't. Please don't forget what you learned today, and pass this lesson on…" she looked back to everyone "I think… we should let them be… let's go." Jou nods and lowers the camera turning it off and the two leave as their ability to see the Shinigami begins to fade.

Grimmjow watched from the side not sure what to do as Aizen came over to him. "You did good." Grimmjow chuckled shaking his head and asked if he knew this would happen afterwards. "To be completely honest, no, it blindsided me just as much as everyone else that you are still here." He admitted making Grimmjow laugh. "Yes, yes, I didn't know something for once, laugh it up fuzzball." He said sounding annoyed but when Grimmjow looked he had a small smirk.

"So what now?" he asked, when Aizen acted like a normal person, instead of the 'I-art-better-then-thou' he had only ever known he wasn't so bad to be around. If anything he felt they could become friends.

"Hm… Who knows. Life begins anew I suppose." He looked up at the afternoon sky as Ichigo came over. Saying he was an asshole. "That's harsh. But true I suppose." He shrugs not minding being called such, even expecting it.

"What you said to me it wasn't just about me or Grimmjow was it?" a lot of people were listening confused by who the people talking to each other were. Granted everyone had been thrown for a loop with how Aizen had been acting the whole time anyway.

"I haven't the foggiest what you could possibly be referring to Kurosaki." He avoided looking away so Ichigo repeated his words and made sure he was being loud enough for everyone to hear. Aizen shook his head with a nearly invisible smile "You must be imagining things boy, did you get hit a bit to hard in the head?"

"Fine have it your way, I knew there had to be a reason I couldn't bring myself to hate you though. What will you do now?" Aizen shrugged saying it wasn't really up to him and glanced off at Gin and Shunsui talking. "Maybe you could stay in the living world like Urahara does. It would certainly be interesting." He suggested with a smirk.

Grimmjow hummed looking around as he listened to the two talk more about what Aizen could do in the living world should he be able to stay. Not surprisingly everyone was more then worn out. People had passed out sitting up against each other while others were sprawled on the ground. But most were sitting near friends that were being healed, and comforting each other still working through grief. It was definitely the hardest thing he had ever face in all his time, but he was happy. He had friends and family now, and a long life to look forward to. He and Clair looked at each other and smiled 'Yes a long life indeed, and I will make sure to make the most of it.'



It had been three years since that day. The world had not forgotten and together on the anniversary of the war every nation held a time of remembrance and replayed the speeches given both by Clair, and the final farewell given by the Beasts. Atsuko decided Grimmjow should now be called the Crystal Panther, Beacon of the Center, making him roll his eyes but also felt it fit well so didn't argue.Phoenix endured his punishment for bringing Gin back to life, though it had been shortened to only two weeks under Atsuko and only six months no power. Gin had resumed his role as Captain of the Third squad due to Rose's death. Renji was now captain of squad Eight, and Rukia had just attained the captaincy of squad Thirteen after working tirelessly with Byakuya to gain and get the hang of her bankai.

Aizen now lived for the most part in the living world, but was given a jewel that allowed him to visit the Beasts realm where he and several others, mainly the rest of the arrancar, could go and visit with Stark and play with the animals there. Aizen had been unsure why he had been extended this offer but found that now that the Hogyoku was purified he could control it a bit better and used the power to help Clair and the others maintain and boost their respective barriers. He also found that he did quite enjoy a few of the animals as well, some being quite intelligent and loved mind games.

Nnoitora, and Ulquiorra had somehow managed to survive despite all odds saying they should have disappeared. They put it down to what Grimmjow did and left it at that. Nel had Nnoitora happily wrapped around her finger a fact he would deny most adamantly. And Ulquiorra had stayed with Orihime. Both men opening up and becoming much more human over the past years. Uryuu had gotten over his crush on Orihime and had traveled to Europe to start his own clothing line having graduated a year early, but had come back to visit.

Yue and Ryu had gotten married six months after the war and already had their first child, a little boy they named Kise. Clair and Grimmjow got married the following year. Phoenix to this day teased him about how horrible the proposal had been. Grimmjow had been so nervous even though he knew he shouldn't be that he could barely talk kept tripping and even dropped the ring. The suave flirt of fanfictions he was not, but Clair had found it all to be adorable and had of course said yes. Grimmjow worked at the Café in the kitchen having come to love cooking. Phoenix and Yoruichi were in the late planning stages of their wedding, the wedding itself was set to be in three months. The only two left not engaged or married were Tora and Ichigo but he had a plan.

They were all at the dinner Atsuko being his cheery self and prancing around making them all laugh. They had all gotten quite close since the war and pretty much all grudges had been dropped and were only brought up in a teasing manner. Aizen was testing Karin who he had found had quite the love of riddles by throwing one after the other at her. Her spiritual powers had gotten much stronger and he was also one of the ones helping her to train along with Urahara and Ichigo. Toshiro complained about his head hurting from all of the constant riddles as he sat next to Karin. He had finally had a growth spurt and no longer looked like he was in elementary but still seemed no older then fourteen. Ulquiorra, Urahara, Isshin, and Ryu were discussing some documentary they had seen. Renji and Rukia who had just gotten engaged were talking with Hallibel and Orihime. The tres besta as always were in an argument till Nnoitora got tired of listening to them and told them they weren't allowed to sit next to each other anymore and split them up.

Stark had gained more energy to stay awake due to being able to safely interact with people thanks to Aizen and Urahara creating a gigai that could contain him and was having a conversation with Uryuu, and Gin. Rangiku and Nel were chatting away about a store Nel really liked. Yue and Tora were talking with Clair and Yoruichi about the wedding plans. Yuzu and Lilli were talking animatedly about a TV show they both loved. Lilli still excited to have people with like interests to be around even after three years. Byakuya was speaking with Phoenix about different cultural traditions for this and that due to a comment about how different things are in America as Phoenix and Clair had just returned from visiting family. Introducing Grimmjow to them was a fun adventure, all Grimmjow had to say was 'It must be genetic.'* In reference to the way they all act so much like Phoenix and Clair.

Grimmjow was helping Ichigo get ready. He had just graduated college with both his writing and music degrees and had made his plan on how to propose. Like Clair he had started volunteering at the café to sing or play his guitar. He planned to use it to his advantage with an English song Tora really liked that Yue had helped him translate to Japanese. "Ok I think it's all set, so first we have our annual 'here's what's going on in my life' information share, that we managed to start. And then I sing a song or two and finish with that one." He said running his hand through his hair for the twentieth time in the past three minutes.

"Scared?" Grimmjow chuckled sympathetically completely understanding his nerves.

"I think I'd rather be fighting Aizen right now." He joked. Grimmjow smirked and they took their seats. Yue decided to start off by announcing they were having another baby. Rangiku and Gin followed up by saying they were officially engaged as well. Clair spoke up next.

"So most of you know that my manga has been going really well right? Well I just got an offer for it to become an anime!" she beamed very proud of herself but she wasn't done and silenced the applause with, "Also!" Grimmjow blinked having only known of that. "I'm pregnant." His eyes went huge and a high pitched what came out of his mouth "I missed last month so I checked, and tada!" she grinned as he scooped her out of her chair into his lap kissing her.

"Wow it's hard to imagine not only my sister but prudish Grimmjow… yesh…" Phoenix teased.

"I'm not a prude you pervert!" They all laughed. And shared some more news before Ichigo took the stage singing two random songs he had picked and then started playing the cords for Endlessly making Tora jump in her seat as he began singing the lyrics. She glanced at Isshin who had stood and was holding his phone up to no doubt record a grin on his face as he watched.

There's a shop down the street, Where they sell plastic rings
For a quarter a piece, I swear it
Yeah, I know that it's cheap, Not like gold in your dreams
But I hope that you'll still wear it

Yeah, the ink may stain my skin, And my jeans may all be ripped
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you

And there's no guarantee, That this will be easy
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need, you need me

There's a house on the hill
With a view of the town
And I know how you adore it
So I'll work everyday
Through the sun, and the rain
Until I can afford it

Tora couldn't do anything but cover her mouth and stare as he looked at her while he sang. She was so close to crying but managed to hold back.

Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you

And there's no guarantee, That this will be easy
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need, you need me

You need me, I know you need me
You need me, I know you need me
You need me, I know you need me
You need me, I know you need me

Ink may stain my skin, And my jeans may all be ripped
I'm not perfect, but I swear
I'm perfect for you

And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy (this will be easy)
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me (won't you believe me?)
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need, you need me (you know you need me)

You need me (I know you need me), you need me (I know you need me)
You need me (I know you need me), you need me (I know you need me)

He set his guitar down as he continued to sing and got off the stage kneeling in front of her, as he sang the last few lines he very cheesily brought out one of the plastic balls you get from the little toy machines. And she lost it as he smiled. "it better be a spider ring." She joke trying to save face.

There's a shop down the street
Where they sell plastic rings
For a quarter a piece, I swear it
Yeah, I know that it's cheap
Not like gold in your dreams
But I hope that you'll still wear it

However upon opening it he revealed a real ring made of white gold with yellow topaz and a small diamond. "I hope you'll still wear it, even though its not a spider ring." He says cheekily and she glomps him saying yes over and over again as everyone in the café cheered. Isshin made sure he had recorded all of it before joining in with clapping. "Sorry for making you wait so long, trying to save up enough money for the down payment was proving difficult, and then I just wasn't sure how to ask and you told me about this song. So Yue helped me translate it, and then Grimmjow and Urahara helped me get everyone to start coming together like this so all the time so you would never get suspicious."

"I don't care what anyone says, You are a clever boy." Tora says wiping the tears from her eyes as he slides the ring on her finger. "I love you."

"And to think, all this started with Grimmjow getting sent flying through my window." Clair chuckles still in his lap arms around his neck. "You landed right on top of me, yes you did." He blushed saying it wasn't his fault. "So much has happened since then, and yet it feels like it's been no time at all, but here we all sit." She looks at everyone "I'm happy, to have all of you here, friends and family both."

"Honestly after everything we've all been through." Grimmjow said looking at them all, and everyone turning their attention to him "I only see family, and I am very ok with that." The smiles that appeared showed everyone's agreement, they were indeed one big, slightly crazy, family.


Nine months later Clair gave birth to a little girl, and they named her Willow.


And that's it… that's the end. Five years and two months and it's all over now. I do apologize to those that managed to stick with me from the very beginning how long these last few chapters took and I truly hope it was worth it. I am so very proud of this story and the fact that I got all the way to the finish even if it took me awhile. Considering it really did start with nothing more then the thought of Grimmjow flying through the window, what it has become still blows me away. I never imagined id go past five chapters let alone get to thrity-Five.

I wonder if you caught all my little call backs? The name of their baby girl is meant to be in honor of Grimmjow's dead niece if you remember back to him telling the story of his life.

I did reworks of all my characters (just get rid of the spaces)

CLAIR wishsayer. deviantart art/Yellow-Dragon-of-the-Center-Redo-514645418

wishsayer. deviantart art/Clair-Kereana-Battle-form-and-Spirit-form-rework-707442303

(bonus) wishsayer. deviantart art/The-Final-Battle-707442197

PHOENIX wishsayer. deviantart art/Pheonix-Battle-form-and-Spirit-form-rework-707442261

wishsayer. deviantart art/Vermilian-Bird-Of-The-South-Redo-707449088

TORA wishsayer. deviantart art/Tora-Battle-form-and-Spirit-form-Redo-721438572

wishsayer. deviantart art/White-Tiger-of-the-West-Redo-707449842

YUE wishsayer. deviantart art/Yue-Battle-form-and-Spirit-form-redo-721758878

wishsayer. deviantart art/Black-Tortoise-of-the-North-Redo-720526602

RYU wishsayer. deviantart art/Ryu-Battle-form-Spirit-form-Redo-721760562

wishsayer. deviantart art/Blue-Dragon-Redo-721760531

The * by the names of the dead were to mark the ones that killed me to kill. But I knew I couldn't just get rid of people I didn't like, or Omaeda would be on that list to. I had to get rid of a few I liked, I also went with some of the deaths I knew happen in the vanderwhich arc, cause internet spoils everything (I still haven't read it) I think the hardest one out of all of them though was Yumichika, just because I had to leave Ikkaku behind and I wasn't originally going to do it because I couldn't bare separating them but….. that's war…. So I pushed past it and put his name on the list of the dead. Writing out the reactions to those that passed was just as if not more horrible then writing that they had actually died.

The * by the phrase 'its genetic' is actually an in joke with my own family. My Dad upon meeting my mom's family, well that was his reaction. 'Oh my god it's genetic.' That's the full real quote but you get it. My family is wacky and I love them.

Finishing this was like a weight off my chest, it's the first time I've ever finished a story before. And as I said I'm very proud for how far I came and feel like I learned a lot for writing this. Both in the way of writing but also by it helping me come to several conclusions. Such as the one about clichés. I was really torn over actually doing what I did with the whole 'just believe in us and we will win'. But I realized the only reason things like that become cliché is because we've let them be. Things like hope and trying to help others find hope should never be something to roll your eyes at. Too often now do we hear the words, 'that's so cliché' and you know what I say to that now? GOOD! Cause cliché is cliché and there is no reason to try and avoid that which is called so.

Long note here, sorry about that. But once more Thank you, so much for staying with me if you have, and for those only just finding it, thank you for reading. And I hope everyone enjoyed it all the ups and the downs. I will still probably go back and fix chapters five through like ten or something as those chapters were made before I had a solid grasp on the story direction but for now.