Reviews for No Longer Imaginary
The Faithful Editor chapter 34 . 1/22/2016
Thanks for the new chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
I thought I might draw Ulqi-bat in the form you've put him in.
The Faithful Editor chapter 33 . 1/10/2016
Hey, great job on the chapter!

Maybe though, since it has been awhile from the last major fight, could there be another fight chapter? Ooh! Maybe you could do the Fight Ring one that was coming up!

An idea if you have writers block, maybe have the corrupted soul challenge Clair, they fight, Clair is nearly beaten, Grimm comes in to help, Atsuko joins in, he drags the soul to Hell, and Rukia and Renji help clean up with those memory-forgetting things. I think it's a good idea. Your choice though :)

Scaehime chapter 33 . 7/13/2015
You have something planned involving Ulquiorra, don't you?
Besides the swear words, I like how Clair told off the paparazzi.
Looking forward to more.
God bless!
DarkistheKnight chapter 33 . 7/12/2015
Are the bats with green eyes meant to symbolize ulquiorra?
Guest chapter 31 . 4/7/2015
I finally managed to make time to reread what led up to this chapter. Yay!
As for the "issue", it really isn't, not for me. I'm a Christian, too, and believe what's written in the Bible, but, like you said, this is a Bleach fic, not reality.
As for bringing Gin back, he's kinda like Snape, pretending to turn traitor in order to help the good guys. And now I want to go looking for fics where Snape comes back after the end.
On to the next chapter for me.
God bless!
Scaehime chapter 32 . 4/7/2015
Kareen reminds me of a hyperactive kid. She might be good for comic relief in future chapters.
When Phoenix said he didn't want to be stuck with Atsuko, I knew it. I doubt I ever would have guessed beforehand, but it was an easy deduction from the clues given. When I got to that line, though, I stopped and stared at it for at least a couple seconds.
And the light born from darkness thing, I'm guessing refers to Grimmjow.
Is Shiro going to show up at the fight ring again?
An odd thought crossed my mind: I wonder how well Shiro and Pantera would get along.
I wonder if Grimmjow has any connection to the human the Center fell in love with.
God bless!
The Faithful Editor chapter 32 . 3/13/2015
THIS IS SO AWESOME! I can't believe my name is posted in this fic! Thanks for using my idea!
I NEVER would have guessed that Atsuko was the devil. It fits like a piece of a puzzle! But what about the guy Atsuko works with?
Is the bad soul the Ninth Note? Or is it the former Sixth? Please tell me! Or update soon, that works too.
Maybe after a few Chapters the story could return to Lilli and Stark as they meditate on the Hogyoku. How about while Stark is working on the Hogyoku, Lilli is bored and askes about the stories in the Center's art room. How about the time they were brought into the world? You don't have to use this idea.
The Faithful Editor chapter 31 . 2/19/2015
Hey. If you still have writers block, I got an idea. Why not have a Chapter of just Stark and Lillinette in the Center's home. Then the next Chapter you could have a 'meanwhile', or vice versa. (I just wanna know more about the element beasts like Maple ;)
So far, so AWESOME. Can't wait for the next one.
The Faithful Editor chapter 2 . 2/19/2015
Wow! This was amazing! Can't wait for future Chapters (new or edited)! I hope you can update again soon!
Scaehime chapter 30 . 1/14/2015
You really should get someone to take a look at your chapters before you post them. Usually I would give up on a story with so many issues, but you have such an interesting story line that I've stuck with it. Let me know if you want my help as a beta reader. Speaking of which, I should probably update my beta profile to mention the editing class I'm in this semester.
I like that Starrk was able to come back, if only because I don't like good guys being lonely, and Lillinette counts as a good guy in this fic.
God bless!
Scaehime chapter 29 . 1/10/2015
What Grimmjow said to Yammy reminds me of what Harry said to Voldemort in the fight at the Ministry. "You'll never know love" and "I pity you" and such. That's cool, though, 'cause I rather like that speech.
God bless!
The Faithful Editor chapter 29 . 1/7/2015
Please continue! Loved it! Although, please work on your grammar. Some of the sentences were rather long, with no commas for pauses, and some should be split by full stops. Just something for you to improve. Please update soon!
PirateNinjaV chapter 28 . 12/26/2014
I started reading this story about a year ago, and I've been hooked since the beginning XD
Some characters are indeed a little OOC, but I honestly couldn't care less, because your writing is refreshing and hilarious and wonderful and just... different, in a good way :D
I'm still pretty young, but I've a lot of books and stories and I can honestly say that this story is one of the few that actually has me laughing out loud (especially Phoenix, God I love him XD). And Grimm is so cute in his cluelessness about stuff 3
Urgh, I could go on for a while, like how awesome the Fight Ring was and how I love Clair's smartassness 3
Yeah, well... that...
Oh! And Byakuya, holy sh*t, YOU BROKE BYAKUYA. I was on the train and all these people were looking at me like I was some maniac, I laughed so hard XD
But, I'm off to re-read it, again 3
Scaehime chapter 28 . 12/17/2014
I like Phoenix's lines. 'Oooh, marshmallows,' indeed. More commentary from Urahaizen please! Or does Uraharaizen sound better? XD
God bless!
Scaehime chapter 27 . 8/10/2014
You still have me!
I noticed a couple typos this time. It's Kaiba, not kiba, and Seireitei, not Seratai. Also, I was confused by 'Shadow link' until I realized you were referring to Link from Legend of Zelda.
What's a dooby? From context, I'm guessing either a servant type figure, or an alternate word for boyfriend...
God bless!
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