A/N: Yay another chapter! This one was kind of fun. xD Hehe.
Harry chewed on a thumb nail as he sat in the dojo waiting on Touga. He was debating whether or not he should tell Sesshoumaru that his mother had started her attempts to try and kill him. Knowing Sesshoumaru, once he found out he would limit what time Harry had to himself. He had learned first-hand how possessive dog demons could be.
It was for that reason that he hadn't told Sesshoumaru yet; he didn't appreciate being told what he could or couldn't do.
Harry turned his attention to the door when he noticed Touga walk in; he was dressed in a simple haori and hakama, just as Harry was. Harry stood up and bowed shorty as was common for proper sparring etiquette. Touga just grinned and grabbed Harry's shoulder in greeting.
"Don't be so formal with me, just call me Papa."
Harry glared at him with a slight blush on his face before shrugging the hand off of his shoulder. As if he'd ever call him Papa, that would be way too embarrassing! Touga blinked before rubbing his chin and staring at the spot on Harry's neck.
"Were you cut recently?"
Damn, him and his nose. And I thought I had scrubbed it enough.
"I was sparring with Inuyasha."
Touga's eyebrows raised and he crossed his arms. He had a smirk on his face.
"Now Harry, you know I can smell lies. Though I admit, that was a nice way of omitting the truth."
Harry grumbled.
"Fine, but you better not tell Sesshoumaru."
"Someone tried to assassinate me. Almost did…"
Harry watched as Touga's face changed from devious to serious in a second flat. It was pretty impressive actually.
"It was Kimi wasn't it?"
Harry shrugged and walked over to the weapon rack on the wall. He picked up a bokken before giving it a few experimental swings. Seemed about right.
"I'm pretty sure it was her, but there's no way I can pin her with the blame."
"Tch. I'll have a talk with her."
Harry just shrugged before getting into a ready position.
"I doubt that'll do much, but thanks anyway."
Touga nodded seriously before his face changed back into a goofy grin. He twirled his own bokken around before charging.
"Be prepared kid!"
Harry parried the swing from Touga before sliding the sword along his own and pushed off of it, trying to swing around for another hit. Touga was faster though and was waiting for him with his own swing. Their swords hit and clashed against each other for a few seconds before Touga twirled his sword around his own and swiped the bokken from his grip. Harry watched with a pout as the sword flew across the room before clattering against the wall.
"Why do I even try with you? You're just going to beat me anyway."
Touga laughed as he tapped his own wooden sword against his shoulder.
"Why so you can lose in every imaginable way possible of course! That way you can learn from your mistakes."
He walked over and tapped Harry's sword hand with his finger.
"You loosened up your grip again and I took advantage of that."
Harry retrieved his sword and they went at it again.
It was actually pretty funny that it was Harry this time that had been avoiding Sesshoumaru for most of the day. He had no doubt that if Sesshoumaru wanted to find him that Harry wouldn't be able to avoid him, but his mother had been keeping him pretty occupied. No doubt so she could have more chances to kill him. And to try and throw Yoshino at him; if he was a dog he would be growling. But he was a bird (kind of), so he settled for glaring.
There was no avoiding it now though. Everyone gathered together for the evening meal, it was a tradition among the dog clan. When he walked in he noticed that the spot next to Sesshoumaru was empty. Yoshino hadn't arrived yet. Hell yes!
Harry wasted no time in diving into the cushion besides Sesshoumaru, ignoring the way he glared at him and how Kimi (who was actually on the other side of him) tensed up. He sent a taunting smile in her direction before turning his full attention to the sexy demon besides him.
"Hey baby."
He distantly heard Inuyasha choke on his food on the other side of the table, but paid no attention to it. Sesshoumaru glared at him with his burning golden gaze before his eyes lowered to his neck and his eyes narrowed. He saw how Sesshoumaru glanced at Kimi and Harry knew he had already drawn his own conclusions.
Kimi kept her eyes closed in disinterest as she fanned herself lazily.
"Yes, no-good son of mine?"
"Do not tempt me."
The fan snapped closed and almost identical golden eyes looked over at Sesshoumaru with haughtiness. Harry was actually starting to regret sitting between the two. He looked to the others for help, but found them silent and trying desperately to ignore the tension. Touga even looked like he was trying to hold back laughter.
Harry cleared his throat to distract the two when another nuisance made itself known.
"What is that human doing in my seat?!"
A smirk grew on Harry's face and he looked over his shoulder at Yoshino.
"Your seat? Why, I don't see your name on it?"
The way she fumed was greatly satisfying. He had trouble holding back the laugh that wanted to escape at the murderous look on her face. To incite her wrath even further he turned his back completely on her and took a bite of his food, humming in satisfaction to tick her off even more.
"Now, now Yoshino; do not stoop to his level. Take your seat on the other side of the table."
Harry heard Yoshino growl before she stomped to the spot between Miroku and Kagome. It was amusing to see how Miroku lit up at having the beautiful demon beside him. And even more amusing when Sango hit him over the head. He took another bite of his food before frowning.
What is hot in here?
Harry loosened his haori to try and get some cool air onto his skin but it wasn't helping any. He set his chopsticks down before leaning back on his cushion and shaking his haori to try and get some air in. He blinked lazily when he noticed his mind start to go fuzzy as well as a feeling of liquid magma coursing through his veins. It kind of tickled…in a good way.
A hand settled on his shoulder and he was turned towards the beauty of a man that was Sesshoumaru. He blinked again before smiling and leering at him.
"Harry, are you alright?"
"…you're pretty…"
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes before shooting his mother a look. Touga took a piece of food from Harry's plate before chewing and savoring it slowly.
"Poison; colorless and odorless. Kimi dear, would you like to tell us something?"
Her fan snapped as she snorted.
"Now Touga dear, how could you ever accuse me of such? I certainly did not poison the human's food."
"No, but your little spies certainly could have."
She remained silent.
Everyone at the table went wide eyed when Harry threw himself on Sesshoumaru and pushed him down to the ground. Sesshoumaru growled but the hands that held his arms didn't budge when he struggled. In fact he noticed that the nails had turned into claws. His eyes narrowed and he sent his mother another glare.
"Antidote. Now."
Harry chuckled as he straddled Sesshoumaru; along with his now clawed hands, his eyes were changing into slitted pupils, flashing with an eerie green light. His head dropped down to Sesshoumaru's shoulder and he practically purred as he licked at the flesh there. Sesshoumaru jerked and doubled his efforts to escape.
Inuyasha was laughing on his side of the table, making no move to help release his brother from the wizards hold.
"H-Holy shit, this is priceless! Quick K-Kagome…that…that picture thingy…the picture thingy!"
Touga hummed as he watched his eldest son get molested in front of everyone.
"Funny, that poison should be slowly killing him, not making him delirious with arousal."
Kimi snorted before throwing a murderous look in Harry's direction.
"Don't…don't just stand there! Someone stop that human!"
"Sesshoumaru…let's do iiiit…come on…I…" He moaned in pleasure as he rocked his hips against Sesshoumarus. "…I neeeed yooouuuu…"
Sesshoumaru froze and had to fight the red from taking over his gaze. Those three words flicked a switch somewhere in him. His gaze was hot and intense as he stared up at Harry. Then he lent forward and whispered in his ear.
"Release me and we will retire to my quarters."
Harry just moaned before switching his grip from Sesshoumaru's wrists to around his neck. Sesshoumaru's arms wrapped around him and he lifted them up with little effort, Harry's legs coming to wrap around his waist. He ignored the annoying screeching of Yoshino before leaving the room in a flash.
Touga chuckled before going back to his food.
"Dammit Kagome! You were too slow!"
Kagome growled as she sat back down in her seat, camera resting in her lap.
"Well you could have run and got it yourself!"
Then she pouted.
"…I was this close to getting real life yaoi pictures too…"
Inuyasha didn't know what that meant exactly, but he scooted away from her all the same.
A/N: If your confused about how Harry isn't being killed by the poison, I reasoned that the basilisk venom and phoenix tears were still in his blood. And the poison Kimi used is a demon poison, so it's still pretty strong, hence why it still affected him, but in a different way. Oh and Touga could eat the poison like no one's business because they like own poison. It's their clans signature skill.